Review of Pilot

The Lyon's Den: Pilot (2003)
Season 1, Episode 1
Boring & Predictable
28 September 2003
Just finished watching "The Lyon's Den" with Rob Lowe. Well we have another show about the "Idealistic" do-gooder trying to save man from himself. This show has a great deal in common with another one, namely, "Mr. Sterling", that failed miserably last spring, and yes it was on NBC too. When will these Hollywood writers ever write something meaty and interesting instead of the usual "crap"? Once again we have a young, idealistic lawyer trying to save the world, or his little corner of it. The naivete of this character, Jack Turner, is unbelievable. We are supposed to swallow the fact that this guy is the purest of the pure, then we find out his Father is a very powerful U.S. Senator. Even more amazing, the Managing Partner of one of the most powerful law firms in Washington D.C., either committed suicide or was murdered and they are going to turn to this so called naive pro bono, trust fund baby who has no real experience and make him the Managing Partner. Please! The absolute suspension of disbelief is too much in this show and I can see all we will be served here is the usual Left-Wing philosophical drivel we have seen before. I predict this show want last long. If it did not have the lead in of Law & Order: Criminal Intent it would not last two episodes. So I will give maybe four before it is canceled. Terrible show and too much sugar coated idealistic claptrap!!!!!!!!!!
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