an improvement over Unleashed...
26 August 2004
This prequel entertained me, so that instantly makes it miles better than the horrible Unleashed. Still not a good movie by any means. Whose bright idea was it to have the sisters speak in modern day english, complete with modern slang and teen "whatever"-isms? Acting all-around is decent at best, and in most cases poor. Nonetheless, there is some fun to be had, it's bloody and the werewolf FX (save for the young boy) aren't too bad.

There is one thing that stands out really strongly as a glaring oversight. Near the beginning a wolf breaks into the fort by breaking a hole in the wall.... we see the hole get one board hammered over it and then the sisters use it to escape later. Who in a standoff situation with werewolves would leave a hole like that open the whole time? They deserved death!
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