monday nights more fun
26 May 2003
of course comparisons between rove [live] and micallef tonite are going to come up but all i can say is that the latter is the clear winner.

are people not sick of rove yet? his won his gold logie, i guess he has done his job. he doesnt seem to be able to get over the fact that he actually WON... which makes his show so lame at times.

Micallef is, in my opinion very orignial. i never watched his ABC show so i cant really compare his ABC humour to his channel 9 humour. I love his special guests such as (i think it was in the first show) the chicken parmisiana, because he couldnt get any of the performers from the casino... and just from tonights opening remarks: "I dont know what you made of the news this week, but this is what i made of it..." then goes to a shot of a paper mache like life-sized model of a man. i could not stop laughing.

this is what makes micallef so good. he is silly, stupid, embarrassed at himself, and seems to be extremely unprofessional. and he pulls it off, unlike rove who doesnt seem genuine.

micallef tonight makes me look forward to my monday night tv lineup and i hope that it lasts.
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