Thumb up for the pioneers of the Chinese educators in WWII.
23 February 2004
The literal translation of the title of this movie is: University in Exile.

This movie paints an honest picture of how Chinese educators struggled to keep the university open during World War II when the university, along with its staff/professors/students was forced moved from place to place to escape enemy and war. However, the reason why this movie deserves a thumb up is not because its honest depiction of history which gives the proper credit to World War II era Chinese educators, but the premiering of the movie itself in the post revolutionary China:

Previously, this part of history was willfully ignored and furthermore, those World War II era educators who contributed greatly to the Chinese education were brutally persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, many met tragic death. The allowing of such movie to be made and premiered by the Chinese government is far important than the content of the movie and its contribution, because such move mean the Chinese government finally had begun to acknowledge and face the history honestly, despite the fact that such move was far too late for many.
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