Will keep you laughing the whole time
19 July 2003
Prior to seeing this show I had not heard of either Ron White or Larry the Cable Guy but enjoyed their humor nonetheless. I have been a long standing fan of both Foxworthy and Engvall and they did not fail to please. Many of the jokes in the tour were old ones for those of us familiar with the two but kept me laughing hard anyway. Keep this in mind though because if you are looking for a lot of new lines than this is NOT the show for you. Much of Larry's humor is somewhat crass but there are definitely a few good ones in his act too. Each act is separated by shots of the four comedians doing things around town and just generally having fun. It is obvious that the four of them have long been friends and enjoy each others company and a few good laughs at each others expense. Although I loved the clips and each comic's routine, the best part is at the end. All four come out together for the finale and tell some stories to the audience and once again enjoy poking a little fun at each other. The even take their hand at using each other's trademark items ("You Might Be a Redneck" and "Here's Your Sign"). Once again it was the interaction between the four of them that made it all that much funnier. All said and done it was a very funny and enjoyable show and I'd rate it a 7.5 out of 10.
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