Review of Deus Ex

Deus Ex (2000 Video Game)
Like a living movie
5 May 2002
What a fantastic, incredible game ! What a pity that Half-Life stole all the glory back when this was released, because this game blows HL away in terms of depth, gameplay and re-playability.

Imagine a World where your actions have consequences on the World you inhabit.

Switch sides and join the "terrorists" ? Or be a good company man and hunt them down like dogs ?

All characters in the game, from the scantily clad prostitutes to the Triad members, seem to have personalities and a purprose to their life and help to add to the atmosphere. Of course, you can execute them for no reason with a bullet between the eyes for no reason other than to steal their stuff, and sometimes this is necessary when your short on something. But if you do then you're going to have to answer to the police.

You can upgrade your nanotech abilities with the help of a Medibot, via hard to find canisters, infinite combinations of abilities to try out which affect your style of play.

Also you get lockpicks, electronic equipment to bypass security, and the abilities to hack computer systems too.

Weapons are also upgraded in a similar way, you find upgrades for range, recoil, accuracy, scope, lasersights, and many more - which can all be attached to different weapons in your arsenal.

Weapons ? Well this is a game where the pistol and sniper rifle are king. You want to use the plasma cannon and rocket launcher then your apt to set yourself on fire in the process (-: Plenty of silent weps too, throwing knives, swords, stun guns, tranquiliser darts, riot batons, tear gas, pepper spray etc etc

The enemies are not stupid. Let's get this straight, this is NOT a traditional FPS, it has SNEAK elements like theif and Metal Gear Solid. So often sneaking around in the shadows is a good bet. The enemies will hear your footsteps and react together, calling for support, setting off the alarms, and working as a team.

Also, when you sneak up on them they are often engaged in private conversation, maybe about their families or their work, so you do feel a twinge of guilt as you let them have it in the head with your laser sighted pistol (-:

If anything though, the gameplay is too hard, and you often find yourself switching "God Mode" on just to progess.

It beggars belief the little details the programmers have put into this game, almost EVERYTHING is interactive and can be picked up, switched on, smashed or used. Rats, cats and dogs roam the streets, pigeons peck at the ground and take off when you approach, little things like this are what makes this game such a novel experience.

The levels are massive ! I was used to Half Life with its small levels, so it is incredible that they managed to create such huge and detailed levels. Drawback for this is that it is often the case that you have to cross from one "level" to another, and the loading times are around 15 seconds which can be quite annoying.

For less than 10 pounds/10 dollars you will not find a better bargain.

So go on, want a game where you can execute anyone at will AND pay the consequences then this is for you.
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