Review of Deus Ex

Deus Ex (2000 Video Game)
Far and away one of the best games written.
19 June 2001
To play Deus Ex is to delve into a complex world of detail and intricate moods. The plot seems simple enough to begin with, but at the end you see how it is one of the best written story-lines ever made in a game, vastly superior to the excellent stories of Half-Life, or Homeworld.

Even ignoring that, praise must be given to the system of gameplay, which mixes RPG elements (skills, upgrades to special abilities, branching storylines and multiple outcomes) and Action (First person, multiple weapons, quite violent)

The graphics engine is superb. Though not top of the line as far as engines do go, the amount of objects and detail allowed on a single screen while allowing good frame rate is astounding. A good example comes just on the first level, which requires a climb to the tourist center on what is left of the Statue of Liberty, to look down on the magnificent view.

Then there is the diversity of locations, from New York to Pasadena to Paris to Hong Kong and beyond. And at very few times does it ever seem that this kind of plot could never happen, because it could.

The social commentary is also excellent, as characters give speeches to eachother that are obviously aimed at government and corrupt practices of today.

Deus Ex is not to be missed.
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