'Once Upon a Time in Mexico'
23 April 2004
A scene-stealing Johnny Depp, can't save this bad excuse for a movie. The sexy and superb Salma Hayek, blown-up and showcased on the movie poster, has a screen time of only about seven minutes, which makes a really good case of false advertising in the Hollywood film industry. Antonio Banderas, way past his prime, once again plays the Mariachi. The Mariachi joins Sands, a CIA Agent, on a mission to foil an assassination attempt on the Mexican president.

In a world where filmmakers are content on releasing poor sequels in order to cash in, 'Mexico' is no exception. The plot seems to lack any real sense. It feels like something that Robert Rodriguez wrote in his sleep. The direction is uneven and consequently the movie proves to be more ridiculously lame than stylish.

Rating: (4/10)
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