Staggeringly inept!
31 March 2004
Having seen this film I can now say that my life is complete. The complex, and indeed entirely pointless storyline and character arcs of the subjects are displayed to the audience in such a way as to almost be called Brechtian! In no way did the shakey under developed sets and complete lack of acting destroy my brains ability to be completely fried by the storyline's staggering ineptitude.

I cried whilst watching this film, not from the emotion conveyed to me by the actors, but by the fact that clever, intelligent people who never meant any harm to anybody invented the technology that this has been preserved upon, for all time. Though rather like many other inventions over the past two hundred years, it hasn't taken somebody very long to come up with something horrifically awful to do with it.

I believe that this film will soon be available to buy on DVD in stores up and down the land. I've seen a preview copy and would recommend that you do not throw away your money this way instead do something more useful with it, like buying a litre of used engine oil and drinking it whilst watching Last of the Summer Wine and listening to Elton John's Candle in the Wind, again and again.

I said at the beginning of this review that my life was complete after watching this film and indeed it is. Now I can go through a back catalogue of films that I thought were poor, but now I am able to watch them in a new light. Thank you Chris Atkins, now where did I put Remo Williams: Unarmed and Dangerous.
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