The Sequel/Follow-Up to the Documentary-Film "Meet the Raisins [1988]"
5 October 2003
I remember vividly one day, finding this film -for the first time- at a local video store, circa 1990. Until this time I thought the "California Raisins" were almost forgotten [defunct] from the Will Vinton 'Claymation' commercial adds and mass marketing campaigns of the mid-late 1980's.

And I also remember that following the success of Documentary-Short Film: "Meet the Raisins," the film-spinned off a cartoon series continuing the adventures of the Raisin characters from the film.

Then a year or two later, the Second-Short Film: "Raisins Sold-Out: The California Raisins II" debuted. The film picks-up "almost" exactly where "Meet the Raisins" leaves off. It tries to fill in the time-gap between the 'Ed Suquatash Show'- at the ending [conclusion] of the "Meet the Raisins" and the over the top success -skyrocketing fame -the Raisins achieved following their phenomenal performance.

Before appearing in all the magazine covers, front-pages of multiple newspapers, top-album sales. Before releasing hit after hit records.

I highly recommend this film to all the hard-core 'Raisins' Fans out there; and encourage viewing of this short-film for what it is. "One of those great" cherished Will Vinton 'Claymation' films, similar to the ones most of us grew up watching during the Holidays.

One of the things I enjoyed the most out this film and its predeccesor was watching the Motown sounds the "California Raisins" performed on-stage. I wish they'd bring them back one of these days.
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