A terrible combination of three good movies.
20 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, Hollywood. Land of greed and bandwagons. Anyway, whoever decided to put three Digimon movies together and release it as one big movie should be arrested on crimes against humanity. I'm a Digimon fan, and I hated this. I guess I should explain why, at least.

First off, in order to fit it in at a normal "American" time limit, tons of plot had to go. This is especially evident in movie 3, where *SPOILER* a good subplot with six of the original Digidestined were turned into toddlers */SPOILER* was cut off, and as a result, later parts make very little sense. Also, they added plot elements from the other movies into parts of this in order to give it a more sequential feel. In the original, Diaboramon was only in movie 2, Wallace was only in movie 3, and as far as I can tell, in the grand scheme of things, movie 1 had NOTHING to do with movie 2 and 3.

Take it from me, this thing is a disaster. I'd rather have a hundred simultaneous root canals than watch this disaster again. However, the original three movies were good, so I reccomend hunting them down somehow. Don't settle for the worst thing ever piped out of a bandwagon; namely, this movie.

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