I have a confession to make.
6 September 2001
I must confess. I am an adult "Digimon" fan.

I don't know how it happened. I watched a few episodes and got hooked. Now we're on Series Three in America and I figured I might as well rent the movie so I'm not completely lost.

I will now reiterate something I said way back in my "My Little Pony: the Movie" review. This movie was marketed to a *very* specialized audience. Probably, anyone who was meant to see a "Digimon" movie has already seen it, rendering this review pretty pointless. Oh well.

So what was the deal with all the "plugs" for (enter name of car company that sounds a little like "Mars, duh")? Overall, this movie was enjoyable if very episodic. Part Two holds together the best.
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