A differing opinion (i.e. This movie is great!)
20 September 2003
After reading the opinions of other users I thought it a good idea to express my own.

Plot: Soft-core filmmakers take nubile young women to a remote house under the pretense of "advancing" their careers. Too bad for them a maniac in the form of a demon with a large penis is stalking and killing them.

There is a ton of soft-core sex (including demon sex), a beheading, a disemboweling, severed hand masturbation....well, these are things already mentioned in previous comments so let's get to the point of why I enjoyed this movie.

Its sleazy, trashy, a bit gory, and a whole helluva lot of fun. This movie does things that were completely shocking and unexpected and had me, more than once, laughing and crying out, "OMG!". If you're like me you've seen just about every piece of exploitative filth made in the US and Europe, but this film tops them all. And it has an ending which left me gape-mouthed and wanting more.

As far as the optical censoring mentioned in other posts, yes, its true. Now to clarify this. The Japanese do not allow below the waist nudity, period. Optical fogging is a fact even in porn. To the user who hopes Synapse would correct this, they won't. Check out their website and you can find an old news piece that talks about how the actress' wore small pieces of white tape over their genitalia. So, even if the fogging is removed, you won't see anything. But don't let this stand in the way.

If you are a fan of Asian exploitation, horror, or manga I can't imagine you wouldn't enjoy this movie. In fact, that's what it reminded me of; a live action manga. So, check it out.
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