1 January 2003
Ohhhkkaaaaayy. This is a comedy?! I admit I chuckled about twice, but other than that it wasn't even remotely funny! I saw several attempts at humor, but saw none circumstantially evident.

This story is similar to "It's a Wonderful Life" except there George Bailey gets to see what the world would be like if he was never born. In The Family Man Jack Campbell (Nicolas Cage) gets to see what his life would be like if he had decided to stay in the US and marry his long time girlfriend Kate, apposed to going to England for some internship that later lands him a big job at a huge corporation on Wall Street.

The dialogue in this is stupid, the only line I appreciated was Annie saying, "I knew you'd come back," the only some-what funny was when Cash (Don Cheadle) convinced Jack to get out of the car, and it's predictable. The character of Kate is single-handedly the most obnoxious one I have ever seen in a movie (she blew Jar-Jar Binks from Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace out of the water!), or in real life for that matter. And on top of that the "acting" job by Tea Leoni is horrendous, by far the worst I have ever seen. And maybe I'm just not old enough but I did NOT find the story line heart-warming at all.
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