Unbreakable (2000)
Brilliantly Illustrated
30 June 2001
Once again M.Night pulls it off. He wanted to do a comic book type film, but with a lot realism, more so than Singer's X-men. Both main characters (Price & Dunn) though hero/villain comic types, reach into your very soul. The photography was excellent, and the script magnificent. The DVD is a worth while attainment, which includes a cut from M.Night's first fight scene he ever film, it's classic...

In my opinion, Night will go down as one the premiere film makers of this era, should he continue to do films like this one & The Sixth Sense. Unbreakable appears to "break" some new ground in comic book type films. It is also noteworthy that ending opens the door to the possibility of a sequel.

I watched this movie twice in a span of 24 hours, and just like with Sixth Sense, you get something different each time. The line that nailed it for me was "Real life doesn't fit into the little boxes that were drawn for it".
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