Review of Screw Loose

Screw Loose (1999)
Greggio humor with Brooks along for the ride...
2 January 2001
Written and starring Ezio Greggio, Mel Brooks as his sidekick in off-target comedy. If you've seen "Silence of the Hams", this Greggio movie is only a step higher on the laugh meter. Like the aforementioned picture, most of Greggio's jokes are recycled (some even from the Brooks arsenal) and the gags therefore get to be very predictable. The highlight of this film is Brooks himself, and (although his trademark, hilarious brand of humor is missing from this picture) it is an interesting vehicle in that he fills shoes under someone else's pen. It's refreshing to see Brooks in a newer picture, being that his most recent film was 1995's "Dracula: Dead & Loving It". But if you are looking for another hilarious Brooks satire, this is not the film to see. However, it is worth a look, and possibly a near-laugh or two.
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