A Hugely Amusing Novel translates into a Great Movie
9 September 2002
I must confess that before buying Jô Soares' novel on which this film is based I knew him only as a first-rank humourist, mostly on tv. The novel was quite a revelation, even if at some points slightly herectic to this Absolute Sherlock Holmes fan and unofficial Baker Street Irregular (^-^)

But soon I was swept over in the tropical overwhelming style - and I must say much the same happened with this Brazil/Portugal co-production. I'm not trying to swing things my way, but Porto seemed altogheter more convincing than Rio as a XIXth century scenario for Holmes adventures. Joaquim de Almeida is competent as a Holmes set loose in near-tropicalia, but I have to give my highest kudos to Maria de Medeiros' impeccable play of Sarah Bernhardt! Do you know a greater challenge for an actress? All in All - An extremely entertaining film. And a great hope for closer contacts between Brasileiro & Português talento in the field of Cinema!
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