Frank Skinner Live (1992 Video)
Frank Skinner the most important Comic talent during the last decade
9 July 2001
I first heard Frank Skinner on the Radio 1 Friday night show 'Loose Talk' (1991) where he was a regular guest. You could tell a Frank Skinner joke even on radio because of his unique accent and the fact he was being rude like a school child, but with an added intelligence. I saw him in Stockton at the Dovecot Art Centre in a small smoky room where he went through all the best jokes that are contained here on this video. It was the first comedy video I'd ever bought (I usually taped them from TV or radio). There were others coming through at this time such as Eddy Izzard, Jack Dee, Mark Thomas, 'Parrot', Lee Hurst etc. But it seems Frank Skinner with his delivery of material that he has often repeated has sold again and again. it has a quality to it that doesn't seem to bore as quickly as perhaps the equally talented Ben Elton. I think many males think Frank is amusing, because gentlemen themselves enjoy relaxing in the company of purile offensive jokes (not always, but when they do, they like to be amused by a real entertainer).

The jokes are about disabilities, toilet humor, detailed sexual encounters and everything in between lavished at no extra cost with colourful adjective swear words thrown in for good measure. Frank is relaxed on stage as if he were sat in a pub next to you. His humor here on this video is all the jokes he'd been storing away to springboard himself into fame and fortune. It's his 'first novel' - throwing everything (all his best ideas) into this routine. There's little vision to where he may be heading with Fantasy Football. There is no uneasy Baddiel sitting next to him. He is in his own element telling his audience his favorite stories which he's finely tuned to get the best response. All videos after this fall far from the bench mark. He has achieved further success from his honest observations (unlike Jack Dee - there was hardly any substance in follow ups to his first video) and with that ability to relate to the 'average man on the street', he will always be able to bring a smile to us. My very favorite joke that Frank has done will be the punch line to his 'Elephant Man' sketch when he makes the noise....

A great video - which I'd let you borrow but I don't think you'd return it.
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