An awfully bad movie.
9 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS AHEAD The story: We see two stereotype (unpopular in highschool) blondes (and the best looking of all, yeah right) being made fun of by the popular broads. One of these is clearly the bossy type, the others of course do not dislike our main characters so much but want to fit in and play along. Have we seen this before, yes a million times or more. Next we see them -unchanged ???- but 10 years later, thinking of how they will 'do' in the high school reunion. Bore bore. Okay. They make up the story: we're business-women who invented the 3m post-its, we'll be so admired, yawn. Loan a neat car and go. Argue about who of them did invent the post-its and split up before they enter the reunion. Then one dreams of how the event goes - o unhappy end, they fight even when they're 80. Pop - wakes up! At the reunion both tell they invented the post-it. A third girl (gets her lover in the end too)spoils the joke by telling who did actually invent it. O you naughty girls lied, oooohhh. Laughing stock. So then they (have to) stick together again, it is not important to be successful, it's about being yourself. And everybody but bossy-bitch now likes them and their cool outfits. @#%@^^@%!!!!!!! And the real turn off is the end. Of course the most successful guy (and still himself of course, NOT) gets the girl, and the two girls become... themselves? Well that too, but above all:SUCCESSFUL in their business. And the bad girl is dumped by all.

In a nutshell. Seen it, been there done that disliked it... Why do American comedies always pretend to esteem showing your true personality higher than success and without exception end with all 'good' people being successful ???? It is beyond me. Are we 'like' idiots ?

Trash instantly. Forget this one. No rent, no watch on telly no nothing. Too bad Pheebs is in it, I like her 'like' sooo in Friends. And Romy is a nice chick allright. But no actress.
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