Private Parts (1997)
Shamelessly entertaining
15 April 2002
"Private Parts" makes no apologies for whom or what Howard Stern is, but it never denies the fact that much of his work is in poor taste. Let's face it, it's what he's best at. Someone famously stated that you can never overestimate the taste of the American public. Judging from Stern's ratings, he was absolutely correct. However, few will deny that his act is fascinating and often hilarious. As the film points out, even his detractors can't stop listening to him, since what he says is so damn outrageous they just have to hear what the hell he'll have to say next. I laughed several times, despite my better judgment.

Stern himself has a strong screen presence. I don't foresee an Oscar in his future (the gag at the end notwithstanding), but when the credits were rolling, I felt like I knew him better. Even if you don't like what he says, you can't help but root for him. Despite his shortcomings (at times even he admits to faulty judgment calls), he displays a strong sense of loyalty and a genuine love for his family. I was also fascinated by the look at his early life. It's hard to believe he was such a dorky nerd, but even someone like Stern has contradictions. He wasn't always such a wise guy, but was seriously hampered by his own insecurities and lack of direction. It was only by happy accident that he finally found his voice. One could only wish that everyone could do the same.

The moral: never judge a man based upon his radio show.

*** (out of ****)

Released by Paramount Pictures
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