One Way Ticket (1997 TV Movie)
Interesting but Miscast Movie
13 March 2004
Rachel Blakely is a lovely and talented actress and I can understand her wanting to stretch, doing more than glamour roles, but her casting in this movie was a mistake. For one thing, I found it incredibly difficult to believe this woman would fall for someone like the scum-manipulator-prisoner in this film. Perhaps it's because Blakely tends to act in roles that have her empowered and this role just made her seem like a silly, weak woman that decides to do something really stupid like have an affair with a jailbird then break him out of prison. If Blakely was remotely unbeautiful it might have worked, she's that good an actress, but she's just too lovely and confident and the man she's supposedly fallen for in this movie is as transparent as Scotch Tape.

After all, it's not like her lover is ... William Snow, who stars with Blakely in THE LOST WORLD. Now, there's a man I can see her character getting excited about.

All in all, ONE WAY TICKET is an interesting movie but needed different actors. Or, at least, actors that have chemistry.
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