Almost Heroes (1998)
Not brilliant - but unfairly blasted
22 December 2000
I don't think that this film got a release in the UK, and I don't remember even seeing it available to rent on video. I've read the reviews given and I gather it took a bit of a caning from the US critics, but from the reviews provided by the general public it seems more to be a 'love it or hate it' type movie and the fact that a fair few seem to love it, touting it as the worst movie ever made seems a bit harsh.

I got to see this movie recently (on digital satellite in the UK), and I found it to be quite amusing. Its by no means a classic and is unlikely to ever be presented in a Top 100 Comedies list, but there's enough here to warrant a viewing at least. As a Brit I have absolutely no idea who Lewis and Clark were (although I can make an assumption having watched this movie) so the historical aspect is lost on me but I don't think that's particularly important or hinders the enjoyment of the film. In basic terms this film follows an expedition to be the first to reach the Pacific side of America.

The characters are sufficiently different to each other and the cast play their roles as well as can be expected. Perry's style is most definitely based on visual and facial expressions and he uses it well as the foppish Leslie Edwards. Farley plays the over-the-top lout with no graces which forms the basis of most of his roles and he provides a suitable complement to Perry's character. The leading lady (Lisa Barbuscia) is absolutely stunning although she isn't used a great deal. The rest of the supporting cast do their jobs well, providing an alternative target for the humour. The humour presented here is not particularly sophisticated, but the film has some funny moments while the rest is at least amusing enough to raise a smile and keep you watching - if you like this kind of humour that is. Its mainly slapstick and the dialogue is a poor-man's Blazing Saddles.

The first 15 minutes of the film gives you a reasonable idea of what is to follow, and if you hated it up to that point you probably are not going to enjoy the rest. Its one of those films that either strikes a chord with you or falls flat - if you are in the latter camp you will hate it, but that does not necessarily make it a terrible film.
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