Review of USA High

USA High (1997–1999)
"USA Low"
8 October 2000
I see then IMDB did not print my first review of this show.Why not?It is only USA High,as bad enough as it is.

In short this is a recycled Peter Engle teen show,with the Saved By The Bell mode used for the show,which is bad enough as it is.

You have Thomas Magiar and Josh Holland playing the two studs.You have Elisa Lyons and Kristen Miller playing the two hotties.You have Marquita Terry playing the token black girl,who has too much of Stuart Scott disease in her.Plus you have James Madio playing the Screech role only that he is short,not dumb or ugly but he is the odd man out here anyway.

There you have it.Pure Saved By The Bell redux.Same old plots,same old bad writing,same old format,same old bad acting,same old Peter Engle making money again.

Considering it is the same as SBTB,Califoria Dreams,Running The Halls,Hang Time,One World,and City Guys.USA High is something one can say safely,"I have passes this way before".

Right.A dull sitcom without cute actors to make you forget the lack of entertainment you see on the show.A Peter Engle show can be anything more can it?
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