A good effort, but could have been better
19 August 2003
In adapting their superb series for the cinema, Mike and the Bots chose the obvious way of straightforwardly repeating their proven formula while slightly upping the quality of their sets and cannon fodder, for which they selected Universal's minor science fiction classic This Island Earth.

While the result is indeed consistently funny, as well as frequently hilarious, one can certainly hypothesize how it could have been severely improved if they'd taken the time and effort to innovate. Alas, any kind of character development (yes, the original show DID develop their characters) is rendered impossible by the curiously short running time of 75 minutes, far less than an average episode.

Said time restriction also caused them to essentially cut This Island Earth, of which little over 50 minutes remain, to shreds. Then again, the much-beloved classic was hardly the perfect choice for the MST3K treatment anyway; I'd have picked something like Irving Allen's The Swarm – great to look at, simple to trim to a manageable length, and full of hilarious ridiculousness, both in dialogue, plot and effects. Along with some more host segments (perhaps even an actual plot?) it could have made a true MST3K epic.

But there should be no crying over a lost opportunity, as the final result is indeed very entertaining and a fantastic introduction to the show. Definitely recommended.
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