8 August 2002
1996's "Box of Moonlight" is the very best motion picture I have ever seen in my life. It is a highly symbolic, extraordinary masterpiece of a film. Viewing it is a pure magical experience, and the unique thing is that for every viewing, I have found something I didn't find before. Always something great. (Maybe this is the reason it is so underrated, because there is so much to discover about this film that actually requires a second, or even third viewing). Tom Dicillo's follow up to "Living in Oblivion" has Turturro playing Al Fountain, a strict by the books engineer who, as one character says, "goes through life like a robot". He doesn't know how to enjoy life, and is lost in a world of clockwork. But everything is about to change when he meets a free-spirit named Bucky (AKA Kid) played by Sam Rockwell who gives the performance of his career. They learn from each other and discover, before, unseen elements of life. It succeeds on many levels, but most importantly has such a rich, multi-layered character study. This includes its characters': sprititual growth (maybe even without finding God yet as the film suggests)self discovery, and setting loose of life's boundaries and morals. There are excellent performances all around (notably Rockwell and Turturro, and Katherine Keener). Not to mention Dicillo's brilliant writing/direction, and outstanding cinematography and music.
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