Shattered Spirits (1986 TV Movie)
One of the best TV movies ever!
15 January 2002
I saw this movie while in a high school health class. The instructor thought so highly of it he said he would show it to all his classes no matter how dated it was, I see why! I haven't seen "Shattered Spirits" since 1995 on cable, but I remember it well. With the huge success of "The West Wing" and the reissue of "Apocalypse Now" perhaps Martin Sheen's star will get this movie back in the arena. This movie is about a hard working, reliable family man who has only one problem-drinking. It deals with the issue in a totally believable way. Sheen's 'family' consists of Melinda Dillion (the mom from "A Christmas Story"), Matthew Laborteaux (Albert from "Little House on the Prarie"), and Lukas Haas ("Witness"). Although it does reek of the mid 1980's, that won't matter. If you can find this on video, or if it ever shows up on TV somewhere...SEE IT! You won't regret it.

Final rating: 9/10 "A classic. No flaws or complaints from me, just doesn't have that 'special magic' to give it a full 10."
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