My Bodyguard (1980)
Still Holds Up
29 December 2001
Maybe it's just because I saw it in the theater when I was ten when it first came out, but it was one of those movies that affected me in a big way. Those of you actually BORN in 1980 can look at it as some relic, but I say it will stand the test of time like Fast Times at Ridgmont High and Over the Edge. This is a movie from a time when kids attempted to brush their hair, wore terry-cloth OP's and listened to Led Zeppelin. Video games pretty much meant Asteroids and Pong. Oh, the dark ages!!! What would all these new fresh-faced movie-goers do without their Nintendo Play-station Cubes and Matrix kung-fu digital effects? Back then we had Star Wars, and believe me, it was practically enough. I say practically because we begged for and demanded sequels and thats how all this crap got started in the first place. But back to my main point--- this movie rules and were all better off for it. It launched alot of careers (though unfortunately not Mr. Makepeace's) and was crucial to the generation it was tailored for as far as teaching us about life after elementary school. By the way, the fight scene may not be Crouching Tiger, but it's how it really works when you ACTUALLY have to fight. Oh, and bullies DID hang out in bathrooms all day, and a can of soda cost 25 cents. And for the record you will see the last recorded moment when someone flipped someone off by extending ONLY the middle finger. All that and Ruth Gordon, no less. Yeah!!!
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