Simply and truly appalling! A must-see!
1 June 2003
That a film this poorly written, poorly shot, poorly directed,

and poorly acted was even brought to the screen is stupefying! I had the album when it came out, but the movie never played anywhere near me. For the past 29 years I have longed to see this film, and in spite of all its faults, it was extremely fun to watch. Most of it is pretty predictable. Vampire prince is set to inherit the throne of the netherworld. Vampire meets human girl. Vampire turns human. Vampire, now human, keeps girl. Harry Nilsson's musical score is brilliant - some of his best songs, but the settings for them are contrived, and in the case of the climax scene, downright goofy. There is a brief period of a few minutes toward the end of the film that are really quite good - from the end of the operation to the end of the movie. I'd have to rate it a must-see for Nilsson fans or for fans of that weird immediately-pre-disco period of the early/mid- 70s. I would not, however, classify it as one of those films you watch over and over.
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