Camelot (1967)
17 February 2003
There are not many perfect movies but CAMELOT is one of them. I have seen CAMELOT many many times and it only gets better with age. I first saw it in 1967 when it was released. It was the first film to make me cry. I'm a guy so that's tough to admit. When King Arthur (Richard Harris) sings the line "Each evening from December to December before you sleep upon your cot think back on all the tales that you remember of Camelot.." there was just no holding back. I sobbed like a baby. Of course it is pure fantasy but that's the point. For "one brief shining moment" maybe there was a perfect world somewhere before it all came crashing down. And this is such a beautiful looking movie with such beautiful music and beautiful people I'll never understand why it wasn't a smash hit. The people that don't like this film must not have any kind of heart. In fact I wonder if they are even alive. I would call CAMELOT the ultimate movie experience. If there is a better movie that is as splendid escapism as this one I haven't found it. CAMELOT makes me appreciate my life. It makes me realize somehow that it is life itself that is joy and we need to enjoy every little tiny part of it because tomorrow may bring it to an end. You simply MUST see CAMELOT. It will enlighten you. It will make you cry but you will be smiling at the same time.
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