another good entry
25 January 2004
Charlie Chan In Egypt is an entry that stands out for a few reasons.. It features very young Rita Hayworth {billed as Rita Cansino} It also has what probably would be a somewhat "racist" performance by Stepin Fetchit. Fetchit's character "Snowshoes" literally seems like he's on heroin throughout the film, yet is a pleasant source of "comedy relief" such as was Mantan Moreland in the later Monogram entrys..The story has a sort of horror flavor to it {Ala The Mummy} with an old egyptian tomb, death gas, lots of old relics, and all the trimmings that make for a great old "pyramid mystery".

Far from my favorite entry, It's still pretty darn good. Unfortunatly It's never been made commercially availible..so unless Fox decides to liscense It out for dvd distribution You'll have a somewhat hard time obtaining a copy..but if you can It's worth a watch!!
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