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The Jackie Gleason Show: Move Uptown (1954)
Season 2, Episode 27
24 April 2024
Hilarious Honeymooners Episode is filled with all kinds of classic slapstick "three stories style" comedy... Ralph tries to get out of his lease in order to move to nicer apartment uptown. This leads to his scheme to get thrown out of apartment he's now living in. Watch him try to come up with all the crazy ways he can think of to make noise at 2 o'clock in the morning. The landlady keeps a strict eye on him to make sure he doesn't try to move out in the dark of night without subletting the apartment first. Much of this fun filled episode was also used in a similar episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy did the same thing to Fred and Ethyl.
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Mary & George (2024)
πŸ‘‘ Masterful Storytelling
14 April 2024
πŸ‘‘ Ignore ALL those reviewers that claim this 7 hour miniseries isn't excellent.. Because it most definitely IS. Those viewers are just "morality-entertainment police" who allow their moral judgment to paint their views on superb cinematic art. They obviously HATE the Fact that this historical miniseries is based on the King James who we know as the man behind the King James Version of the Bible that most modern Christians use as their most prized edition. Given that King James was historically a well known extreme homosexual who surrounded himself with handsome younger men to fulfill his sexual needs daily. This theatrical quality level 7 hour film shows what we already know, that royalty over the centuries is filled with Betrayal, Corruption, Cruelty, Murder, Ambition, Sex, Manipulations, and Lust For Power at Any Cost. But, what this movie has to offer is Superb Performances by a very professional cast led by Julianne Moore in a very juicy diabolical lead role. Also, a very enigmatic performance by Nicholas Galitzine as her son who is a pawn in his mother's chess game for power and wealth. The production is very detailed and wonderfully written. Locations, Sets, Costumes are historically accurate. You can't go wrong with this handsome production and its not an accident that it's been critically acclaimed around the world at every Film Festival it played in. Don't Miss It (and forget about those morality police)
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Supersex (2024– )
6 April 2024
🌟 SUPERSEX is Much More Than I Ever Imagined It Would Be... It is like a 7-Hour Theatrical Quality Film that could easily be THE GREATEST : Written, Acted, Photographed, Edited, and Directed story of Of A REAL Life Porn Star EVER MADE. A curious person may tune into watching SUPERSEX just for its Controversial highly graphic sex scenes that have been written about all over the internet. But, the real surprise is the Emotionally Powerful and Psychologically Deep story that is so compelling that you can't stop watching. After a while you forget about the porn industry that the miniseries is about. You almost become immune to the graphic scenes and are totally immersed in the tragic story of the life of a small town boy who grows up to become one of the most famous porn stars in the entire world. It is an UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEY that you are not likely to forget. Every level of this production is equal to the finest of any Hollywood movie this year. I predict this will win several awards at the next Golden Globes and Emmy Awards. I just can't say enough about this. It's like THE GODFATHER OF PORN BIOGRAPHIES πŸ†
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πŸŽ… Brilliant Xmas Episode
26 December 2023
πŸ† The BEST Christmas Episode of the ROSEANNE series. A truly outstanding guest cast adds weight to this story about the family separated at Christmas time because of the terrible weather. Shelley Winters and Estelle Parsons as Roseanne's mom and grandma are hilarious. Scenes in the snowbound diner are very real and played for both laughs and drama. Guest actress Sally Kellerman is superb as villian style prostitute mom of David. While over at the house ultra conservative Dan is there with lesbian couple talking about wanting to conceive their own baby (While a scene with basting the Christmas turkey πŸ¦ƒ is a wildly funny moment) ALL IN ALL... TELEVISION CHRISTMAS SERIES DON'T GET BETTER THAN THIS πŸŽ„
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Bewitched: Hansel and Gretel in Samanthaland (1971)
Season 8, Episode 10
8 October 2023
πŸ† ONE of the BEST Bewitched episodes in Season 8... Tabitha zaps Hansel & Gretel out of the story book and goes in the book to ask their parents if they can spend the night at her house.. Unfortunately, Tabitha forgets that there is a mean old witch that likes to kidnap kids and eat them in this story. Old witch captures Tabitha and starts to fatten her up.. Samantha discovers what happened from Hansel and goes into story to reduce her daughter. Samantha Meets The Witch (in a brilliant piece of casting, legendary BILLIE HAYES who played Witchiepoo in H. R. Puffenstuff plays the witch here) She totally steals the show with her over-the-top witch performance.. This episode is clever, energetic, comical, and a delight from start to finish. Don't Miss It πŸ†
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1 October 2023
Bargain Basement Maniac Director ANDY MILLIGAN was famous for making homemade 16mm films from scratch. He wrote, directed, photographed, edited, lit, set designed, and even sewed every costume himself for all his films... TORTURE DUNGEON (1970) is one of them. To say they are the product of a deranged mind is an understatement (especially if you were lucky enough to read his biography, as I was) His movies were like high school plays (if it was a high school in another universe of lunacy) The characters are all different levels of perverts, depraved mental patients, imbeciles, and creeps. It's amazing to watch this amateur cast of new york actors (some are just actors-in-training) put together this historical nonsense on pennies for budget. Milligan directs with total seriousness making it even funnier. The sets are inside Milligan's own Long Island house covered with material and drapes everywhere. Outside scenes are around a backyard muddy pond where a few nude "actors" probably caught ringworm from being forced by Milligan to wade in it. The story is incomprehensible and continuity non-existent BUT you just keep watching to see what Milligan will dream up for next scene. Like when the Duke gets his servant hunchback to join him and the princess in bed for a freak threesome.. Or when the slobbering half-wit royal brother is led step by step to impregnate his new bride. A few old pros like the actress playing the old one-eyed mom is as campy as a crazed Shakespearean Performer and Hal Borske as the half wit is really funny. A real time capsule movie and if you can get through it with the right frame of mind.. Can be alot of fun πŸ‘
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3 September 2023
I am NOT a regular fan of MST3000 because sometimes the robots are so annoying with non-stop chatter leaving one to not be able to hear one word of the movie's dialogue.. But on Rare Times (like this one) they get it just right 😊 TEENAGE STRANGLER is a grade Z movie filled with amateur acting, direction, photography and writing... However, with the help of the MST3000 crew it becomes Hilarious!! So many moments especially added dialogue make it light up πŸ’‘ Then we get a very funny break sketch where robots invent a pair of nerd glasses πŸ‘“ that will make whoever wears them turn into one of the movie's most obnoxious characters (Little bro Mikey who is constantly sniffling and cry talking through the entire movie πŸ˜†) That break sketch is EXTREMELY FUNNY and quite possibly one of the best moments of the MST3000 series. If you only see ONE EPISODE of MST3000 then let it be this one πŸ†
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1 September 2023
Regardless of what some anti-Semitic reviewers claim.. DON RICKLES always saves a late night talk show from sheer boredom. Stars come out and basically have one thought on their mind.. To plug some new movie, tv show, or concert. Most of their other stories are so boring. In the case of David Jansen VERY BORING... and as usual Frank sounds like an egomaniac most of the time. Then DON RICKLES comes out and STIRS THE SHOW UP with ad libs and cut downs and throws everyone off their "pre-planned" goal. The show livens up and becomes unpredictable and an adventure. If Don's gonna be on a talk show then it's time to tune in and see what chaos he brings. It's always fun to watch. (On a side note, Olivia already had a list of great hit songs, why on earth did she, or her managers choose that one to sing on Johnny's show is a mystery because it was NOT one of her better songs. It was one of her few flops)
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Bewitched: Samantha on the Keyboard (1968)
Season 5, Episode 3
29 July 2023
πŸ† HILARIOUS...BEWITCHED EPISODE!.. Because this cast of ULTRA FUNNY COMICS is the Best There Is... First, you have guest actor JONATHAN HARRIS (Dr. Smith from Lost In Space) playing a neurotic piano teacher, who is giving Samantha piano lessons because Darrin has challenged her to learn to play "the mortal way"... Harris is hilariously funny as always, and when in scenes with pros like Agnes Moorehead and Elizabeth Montgomery the three of them are a comic force to be reckoned with ☺ And if that's not enough.. Then you have another comic genius join the group... FRITZ FIELD (who had worked opposite Harris in several episodes of Lost In Space before).. FIELD plays a famous concert master who comes to hear 4 yr old Tabitha play like a child prodigy (Endora had temporarily turned her into a virtuoso) πŸ˜† When the Master hears Tabitha (no longer able to play with witchcraft) pound on the piano like any 4 yr old.. it becomes hysterically funny.. All 4 actors (Montgomery, York, Harris and Field) are fantastic.. Their timing is so on target that when Field does his famous Hand-Pop sound.. Watch the other 3 actors instinctively jump as though they were all startled in unison 😊 This is the kind of episode where everything works perfectly and why Bewitched after all these years is still as fresh and funny as the day it was first seen. CLASSIC COMEDY WITH SUPER PROS BEHIND THE WHEEL πŸ†
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23 July 2023
πŸ† ONE OF THE BEST BEWITCHED EPISODES OF ALL TIME!!.... This 2-part episode is CONSTANTLY CREATIVE... CONSTANTLY FUNNY... BRILLIANTLY PERFORMED BY THE CAST IN THEIR TOP FORM... THE DIRECTION IS SUPERB..AND more than that... The Monkey 🐡 Gives One Of The Best Performances In Animal TV History... If they gave Emmy's for Best Animal Performance In A TV Series... This monkey would win hands down, no contest!.. Elizabeth Montgomery is even better than her usual excellent comedy style.. She gives an inspired double performance as Herself and Serena who is being her mischievous best.. The entire cast is FIRST RATE and with a tremendous star-turn as Cleo Veneta, guest actress NANCY KOVAK (who in earlier seasons played Darrin's ex with black hair) here plays the Italian snob millionaire client of Darrins company... JUST A WILDLY FUNNY RIDE FROM START TO FINISH... (and that monkey is Guaranteed to make you laugh and smile constantly) 🐡 πŸ˜ƒ
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PROOF : That A Great Director Can Do No Wrong
22 July 2023
πŸ† If you need proof that a talented director Can Do No Wrong (even when he goes into a project and admits that it's just for the money because it's a ridiculous script)... DEVIL DOG : HOUND OF HELL is that proof. Director CURTIS HARRINGTON who is an extremely talented director of many superbly created thrillers... Was here under contract to make a movie he admitted he had no desire to make... But even so.. He manages to make one of the most entertaining and provocative Made for TV thrillers you can imagine for CBS BROADCAST Television during the 8 pm "FAMILY HOUR" in the 1970's... His talent is evident in scene after scene.. The Dog star is mighty cute too, and you can't hate him no matter what evil he does πŸ• Oddly, Director Harrington comes up with a weird twist where the dog "influences" the kids to do Evil acts.. Coincidentally, 40 years later "SINISTER" used the same idea, only instead of the dog doing it... It was a demonic boogeyman.. One wonders if as a teen maybe Sinister's director Derrikson saw this movie and gave it a little different twist.. It seems possible. Give this little cult movie a try, it's a real surprise on many levels 😈 πŸ•
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Twins of Evil (1971)
πŸ† Vampire Movies Don't Get Any Better!
24 June 2023
πŸ† VAMPIRE MOVIES CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS ONE... Superb Performances, Stunning Location Photography, and a truly surprisingly written story... Combine to make one of the BEST vampire movies of all time. The story of how EVIL (Dracula thru the power of Satan) and Religious Fanaticism (which can be just as evil) compete to make WE THE VIEWERS not know who we are rooting for. Both sides are equally horrible. (Which in and of itself, is a VERY complicated before-its-time concept) The two real life twin actresses give excellent performances, while legend PETER CUSHING is superb in an unusually villainous role as a depraved man of God who chooses innocent women to burn at the stake nightly and all in God's name. This movie is a vampire film that is groundbreaking in many ways.. And ever level of its production is FIRST CLASS. DON'T MISS IT!!!
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Homicidal (1961)
πŸ† ONE of the BEST HORROR films of the year 1961
24 February 2023
πŸ† ONE of the BEST, if not THE VERY BEST horror film of the year 1961 πŸ† "HOMICIDAL" is undoubtedly Director WILLIAM CASTLE'S FINEST MOTION PICTURE OF HIS CAREER... IT is filled with creepy characters, eerie houses, sinister story twists, cruelty, exceptional performances, and for 1961 some extraordinary violence which must have been pretty shocking at that time.. JOAN MARSHALL gives the best performance of her small career in lead role... Russian elderly actress plays mute paralyzed old woman brilliantly.. The story is very twisted for 1961 too... All in All this movie is a BIG SURPRISE for that year in horror where movies were still so tame and mild.. DON'T MISS SEEING IT and pretend you are in 1961 In a theater watching it... What would go through YOUR MIND?
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
*MIX 1 part "Stepford Wives 1975" with a touch of Matrix & Rosemarys Baby
22 February 2023
Extremely muddled and confused thriller which is basically a mix of THE STEPFORD WIVES (1975) and MATRIX, and ROSEMARYS BABY. Beautifully photographed, great classic vintage music, acceptable performances (With Florence Pugh being a standout) and some nice locations ALL come together for what might have been a thrilling thriller... BUT a Terrible muddled screenplay and confused direction by WILDE totally sink the ship! By the end of this movie you simply don't care anymore and probably have a headache from the quasi-abstract final 20 mins... If this movie had been just 1/10th as clear and suspenseful as the previous mentioned film classics above ☝ this could have been a success.. But unfortunately it wasn't put together nearly as good as those films.
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The Morning Blend (2016– )
A Fake News Show With Guests Who Are Paid Sponsors
21 February 2023
This MORNING BLEND news show is one of those Deceptive Fake Morning News Shows that have a variety of "guests" who are actually paid sponsors... It's like a big fake news show that is actually a masked Infomercial... Problem with shows like this is that they intentionally DECEIVE THE VIEWER into thinking they are an extension of morning news shows like "Good Morning America" and "The Today Show".. But they are just big long commercials by paid advertisers who pretend to be guests on the show.. I believe shows like this can be made, BUT WITH ACTUAL BREAKS FOR COMMERCIALS and REAL GUESTS that are not paying to be there.
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Smile (V) (2022)
πŸ† SUPERB *cover For "IT FOLLOWS"
19 February 2023
πŸ† Every now and then a song *cover Comes Out so Good that it practically matches or surpasses the Original song... Such is the case with the brilliantly directed 2022 film "SMILE" 😊 The movie comes brilliantly near to the horror masterpiece it borrows from "IT FOLLOWS"... but director PARKER FINN (in his theatrical film debut) shows that he is such an excellent student of great horror movies and of the work that the great horror master directors have made over the decades... That he creates his own little masterpiece with "SMILE" while at the same time borrowing bits and pieces of other great films, most notably "IT FOLLOWS" and "THE RING"... but also superbly puts in musical compositions that worked so wonderfully in other little masterpieces like "SINISTER" and stunning cinematography from directors like Stanley Kubrick's "THE SHINING" and twisted images and scares from WES CRAVEN and JOHN CARPENTER... add to this mix SOME TRULY GREAT PERFORMANCES FROM HIS CAST, most notably SOSIE BACON who gives a FANTASTIC PERFORMANCE worthy of her father Kevin's best work... Everything about "SMILE" is first rate.. Making it one of the best, if not the very best horror movie of 2022!!.. When you are a director skilled enough to mix a recipe of the VERY BEST INGREDIENTS of the VERY BEST FILMS, and you yourself are an EXCELLENT COOK TO START WITH... How can you not make a delicious dish... And "SMILE" is a truly delicious horror movie dish... It's near perfect πŸ†
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Bewitched: Serena's Richcraft (1972)
Season 8, Episode 17
🌟GREAT Episode for late season 8 🌟
18 February 2023
IGNORE all the nitpickers who love to make more out of simple 30 min entertainment than needed... This season 8 episode is alot of FUN... Elizabeth plays Serena who has lost her power due to a powerful witch (niece of the Queen of the Witches called Countess Piranha) who drained her of her power for having an affair with one of her lovers... Serena now is stuck at Samanthas house powerless, and is thinking that if she doesn't have powers, at least she can catch herself a RICH MAN. So she flirts with one of Darrins rich clients and hooks him... Samantha now is pressured by Darrin to find a way to end the relationship between Serena and Rich Client (played by Peter Lawford)... As usual Montgomery does a great job playing kooky Serena and Lawford seems to be enjoying his little comic romp... One of the much better episodes presented during the not always successful final Bewitched season.
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ROMERO'S "MARTIN" or This Film.. Which Was First??
18 January 2023
THIS MOVIE "LEGEND OF THE WOLF WOMAN" (1976) probably came before George Romero's "MARTIN" (1977) but the similarities are very much obvious... A Woman, who is obviously mentally disturbed, is 100% convinced that she becomes a werewolf and kills men like animals with her teeth... The reason is because she #1 Had an ancestor she reads may have been a lycanthrope... #2 She was gang raped as a younger woman and still lives thru that trauma... This movie is very unusual, and very adult for a 1976 movie.. Very Graphic scenes of nudity, sex, violence and rape... It probably couldn't have been released in the USA uncut... This movie came BEFORE "MARTIN" and "I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE"... yet you can see elements of this Italian movie in both those later classics (who really ever knows if American directors caught a view of this foreign film before they made theirs)... Regardless, this movie is very unknown, very low budgeted, but we'll performed and very raw... Should be seen by Euro Horror Fans and they won't be bored with all the unsusal twists and unpleasant scenes... SEE IT.
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10 January 2023
πŸ† A MUST-SEE RELIGIOUS THRILLER... Forget what you've read anywhere else.. This 1974 Italian Thriller is very EXCITING, BRILLIANTLY ACTED (with a stunning lead performance by CARLA GRAVINA as the wheelchair bound lady being possessed by her late ancestor who was burned as a witch centuries ago) For the year 1974 it's VERY SHOCKING and far more adult then THE EXORCIST which it's always compared to... But other than the last 15 mins of obligatory exorcism... The films are miles apart... This movie is about a handicapped woman's sexual frustrations, her desperate need for male companionship, her fury at her beloved dad's relationship with other women now that her mom is dead... And most of all about a religious woman's Break With Her Faith.. So many scenes in this movie will leave your jaw hanging open 😨 so many scenes could not possibly be shown in 1974 in the United States (and so when it was released here over 30 mins were cut out by the American Distributors... Thankfully the brand new Kino Lorber blue ray has added back all the cut scenes) Emnio Marricone composed one of his most haunting musical scores for this film... Turn up the volume and be stunned by the magnificent composition... Once again, if Oscars for Best Actress of the year were handed out in Italy... CARLA GRAVINA would have won hand-down... πŸ†
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The Twilight Zone: Stopover in a Quiet Town (1964)
Season 5, Episode 30
πŸ† Another Twilight Zone Super Classic
1 January 2023
πŸ† STOPOVER IN A QUIET TOWN is another GREAT TZ EPISODE... With what later was hinted at in Spielberg's CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND and possibly Irwin Allen's Sci Fi TV show LAND OF THE GIANTS.. This creepy and very well performed thriller is a real mind blowing journey.. Everything Everywhere is ARTIFICIAL, And the couple desperately try to come up with excuse after excuse to explain it..as their panic accelerates! It's more surprising when you think that when this TZ EPISODE was made, none of those movies and TV shows previously mentioned above, had ever existed.. Making this TZ episode even more original and creative.
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The Twilight Zone: The Hitch-Hiker (1960)
Season 1, Episode 16
1 January 2023
πŸ† THE HITCHHIKER is one of the BEST of all the Twilight Zone classic episodes... (It was so good that it is VERY POSSIBLE that the later made cult classic horror movie THE CARNIVAL OF SOULS was based on it... Uncredited of course, like so many other films who took Twilight Zone stories and tweaked them a bit for camouflage) A woman keeps seeing a hitchhiker no matter where she goes and how fast she gets there... He's always ahead of her waiting...waiting... Her desperation and fear increases by the minute... Tension mounts and she can't get away.. Even a sailor from the Navy can't scare her and she gives the stranger a ride rather than drive alone to the next stop. This is Twilight Zone at its most macabre.
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The Twilight Zone: Walking Distance (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
πŸ† A MASTERPIECE... plain and simple
1 January 2023
πŸ†"WALKING DISTANCE" is far more than just an episode of The Twilight Zone.. It is a piece of pure art. The performances blend with the melancholy story and haunting musical score is an extra bonus... To make This one of the Emotionally Powerful episodes in the entire series.. A story about time travel, or just happy memories, either way, it's a stunning piece of work.. Man goes back to his childhood to finally appreciate a time he never realized at the time was the best times of his life. Now he's old enough to see how every moment was gold, only at that age couldn't understand or appreciate it... As you watch, you begin to think back to a happier, simpler time in your own life, where you wished you had also appreciated it more... But Now it's too late, for him, and for you.
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The Twilight Zone: Perchance to Dream (1959)
Season 1, Episode 9
1 January 2023
πŸ† THIS is the TWILIGHT ZONE episode where director WES CRAVEN got his idea for his extremely successful NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET film franchise.. No doubt about it!! (Like so so many 30 min Twilight Zone episodes which were later used uncredited by so many film ideas... More than you can count.. Unless you buy the entire Twilight Zone series and slowly watch every episode in order... Then you go realizing how many movies took that story over the last 60 years) Here we have a man AFRAID TO GO TO SLEEP because he keeps saying a character in his dream wants to kill him... He dreams in sequence and each dream furthers the evil character from his Nightmare.

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The Honeymooners (1977 TV Special)
ABYSMAL is the only way to describe Xmas special
24 December 2022
πŸ‘Ž The WORST of all the reunion Honeymooners Specials... DIRECTOR Jackie Gleason SHOULD HAVE STAYED AS AN ACTOR ONLY because his direction of this special looks like the work of a drunk behind the camera (and from reports, that may have indeed been the case) EVEN THE CHRISTMAS TREE πŸŽ„ AT THE BEGINING OF THIS "CHRISTMAS SPECIAL" SEEMS TO VANISH like if no one even noticed... The performances are all absolutely terrible... Only Art Carney and at times Audrey Meadows seem to even remember how to play their characters... GLEASON (who had already started playing brilliantly Sherrif Buford T Justice in Smokey and the Bandit movies by this time, seems totally confused as how to play Ralph Kramden and his timing is atrocious) There is NOTHING even slightly "christmasy" about this holiday special... It is just plain BAD and an insult to the great series that The Honeymooners always was... This special should have remained LOST for the sake of all involved... Especially GLEASON.
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Lost in Space: Two Weeks in Space (1967)
Season 3, Episode 13
20 December 2022
πŸ‘Ή FUN EPISODE OF LOST IN SPACE... "TWO WEEKS IN SPACE" is an entertaining goofy and absurd episode of LIS that is a great deal of fun... (So much fun in fact, that practically the entire plot was lifted by the hit series "THE GOLDEN GIRLS" where Sophia rents our Dorothy and Blanch's rooms and turns their house into a tourist hotel).. Here, Dr. Smith does it while John, Maureen, Judy & Don are away building a weather station on the other side of the planet... Smith turns the practically empty Jupiter 2 into a hotel and makes Will and the Robot bellboy, and complete Hotel staff πŸ€–.. A CAST of kooky characters show up as guests... Sex star EDY WILLIAMS (Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls) as one of two alien females in disguise, and two male aliens doing the same thing... They are all actually alien werewolves trying to escape from the galactic police for bank robbery... The hilarious FRITZ FIELD makes his 3rd LIS appearance as Zumdish... 2/3 rds of this episode is pure fun and comedy.. The last 1/3 gets a little serious when the family return and the male aliens want to kill Maureen, Judy and Penny.. ALL THINGS CONSIDERED this Lost in Space episode is an entertaining hour.
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