Morbius (2022) Poster


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Simple start...
Thanos_Alfie31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Morbius" is an Action - Adventure movie in which we watch Dr. Michael Morbius, a biochemist trying to find the cure behind an extremely rare blood disease. He infects himself and he is completely changed by it.

I have to admit that I do not understand the reason behind the low rating of this movie. I am not saying that it's a masterpiece and it does not have any flaws but it does not also worth that low rating. I can understand that it's small duration didn't help the main character to evolve and I believe that there was not enough time for the end of it. The interpretations of both Jared Leto who played as Dr. Michael Morbius and Matt Smith who played as Milo were good and their combination worked very well. To sum up, I have to say that "Morbius" is a nice, entertaining action movie and I recommend you to watch it because I am sure you will enjoy it and I advise you to lower your standards before watching it otherwise you will be disappointed.
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Overdone CGI and editing aside- I enjoyed this one
aidanratesmovies31 March 2022
Entertaining and very atmospheric, Morbius manages to serve up yet another helping of campy superhero indulgence despite many little flaws. I'll start off with the problems I had with this film- that mainly being its blatant editing and CGI. I know many people say this about a lot of superhero films, but coming from a horror lovers perspective- as well as fitting the atmospheric and tone Life director Daniel Espinosa seemed to pair within it- this movie really should have been rated R. It feels like Sony really did censor and edit this one as much as they could have, with the blood and violence being as limited as possible. It takes away from the experience as a whole, one moment in particular where a man acts like his throat is cut open but there is LITERALLY NOTHING THERE. Unsurprisingly, as with the case with a lot of films like this, the CGI can be a bit overused at times. For the most part I liked the look of vampire blood hungry Morbius taken on by Jared Leto- but other similar CGI and at times that CGI itself can feel a bit too ugly and forced for comfort. The fight scenes towards the end in particular are also overdone with CGI, and I just really wish Sony would have let the people working on this film give some life to the project instead of worrying about its box office gross. I know i've complained a lot so far, but in terms of a film- I oddly did enjoy this one for the most part. Sure it's messy, Matt Smith's character is a bit over the top and it has some formulaic moments- but it is a very entertaining film. Leto and Arjona give their all to their performances and it has a lot of cool ideas and concepts that are interesting to see fleshed out on screen- particularly with Morbius in particular as he begins to learn how to control himself. There's a lot of humanity hidden beneath the surface in this film though, even with some formulaic moments, there's a lot of depth and heart put into the titular character and it really allows you to empathize both with the film's story as well as Leto on screen. In the end, I enjoyed Morbius- it is far from perfect but it was a solid superhero endeavor and I'm curious to see what they may do with this character next.

My Rating: 6.3/10.
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JoBloTheMovieCritic2 April 2022
6/10 - I don't know what all the fuss is about with this one when the quality matches that of either Venom movie and while I didn't love the visual design of the vampires, I thought the cinematography, VFX, sound design, and Adria Arjona (who is now on my "Actors to Watch" list) really elevated the relatively weak story.
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I'm BEGGING you, please make Rated R movies
FeastMode31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Movies like Venom and Morbius need to be Rated R. They would be significantly better if they weren't restrained. And we've now seen multiple highly successful Rated R superhero movies (Deadpool, Logan). I'm BEGGING the movie studios to have the courage to go all out.

But that's far from the only reason this movie failed for me. Venom was still awesome as a PG-13 movie. So why didn't I love this? I love superhero movies. I love vampire stuff. This should have been a layup for me. It didn't even have to be good. Entertaining and cool would have been enough.

Unfortunately this movie is a complete mess. It's poorly made in most aspects. The story is disjointed, the dialogue is basic, the character depth is barely there, the relationships are superficial. But all of this could be forgiven if you just give me awesome, entertaining action scenes. My friend put it best: "The action was gibberish." You couldn't see anything.

I really tried to like this movie. I tried forgiving the poor quality in hopes of some mindless entertainment. But it never came. And the climax/conclusion has zero impact.

The only things that stood out to me as positives are one early action scene, and the visuals during the action scenes. The action itself is terrible, but the effects during some of the slow-mo shots are visually appealing.

After a fantastic start with Venom (8 stars) and Spider-verse (8 stars), the Sony Marvel side universe has faltered with Venom Carnage (5 stars) and failed with Morbius. Please do better. I know you are capable of making great movies. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 3/31/2022)

SPOILERS (also for Spider-Man: No Way Home)

The mid-credits scenes are... puzzling. They show the sky-splitting effects from No Way Home, and the Vulture transfers to the Sony Marvel universe. I can't come up with any logical reason this would happen. In No Way Home, they sent everyone back to their universe of origin. But for the Vulture, that's the MCU. So why would he switch?

On top of that, they have this super weak Sinister Six setup. And it doesn't flow with where the character Morbius is at the end of this movie. He seems to be "a good guy," but now he wants to join a villain gang? I guess you could argue that they're not know to be a villain gang at this point, but as a viewer it doesn't feel right.

1) The post credit scene in Venom Carnage teases us with the possibility of beast Tom Hardy as Venom vs MCU Spider-Man.

2) Immediately followed by a middle finger to the fans when No Way Home cancels that possibility by sending Venom home.

3) Now this Morbius mid-credit scene debacle.

I have to ask, what were they thinking?
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Better than the reviews lead you to believe
Shellybub33 April 2022
Maybe I'm easily pleased but I enjoyed Morbius, it's not the best Marvel film out there but still very watchable and I never got bored at any time. Don't go in expecting an Oscar winner film, it's just a good action film. It definitely doesn't warrant some of the terrible reviews, everyone thinks they are filmmakers these days.
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Far better than expected
hifiman-622708 November 2022
I expected Howard the duck such was the hate for this movie. Instead I got a short, dark sometimes quite violent slice of entertainment. Not the usual overcomplicated. Overlong marvel stuff that all end up being the same. Matt Smith and Jared Leno gave excellent performances and the special effects for a medium budget movie were very different but still very good. It's a simple origins story and to me I think Jared Leno may be the cause of bad reviews..maybe because he wasn't the Joker of choice and that's a problem for some people. But reviews suggesting this is some kind of disaster turkey are absolutely wrong.
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An absolute mess
ethanbresnett8 April 2022
Morbius is one of those rare films that pretty much gets everything wrong.

The story, the character development, the action... everything about it felt very dated and messy, with practically no redeeming qualities to be found anywhere.

There was no depth to any of the characters which made it so hard to get invested in what was going on. In truth I don't think any of the performances were bad per se, but they were all so bland.

It didn't help the characters that the writing was so poor. They had no faith in the audience at all, spoon feeding us exposition in the most clunky ways imaginable.

The action was truly dreadful. It was either in super slow-mo which exposed the poor CGI, or it was at super speed to the point you were just watching blurs.

The story was so basic and formulaic. I hate to say it but I was actually bored watching it. The pacing also felt very off, as the film came to a very abrupt end, before subjecting us to some bonkers credits scenes.

I can forgive bad writing. I can forgive bad action. I can forgive a weak plot. But there is one thing in a film I can't forgive and that is when it leaves me bored. As a result Morbius scores a measly 3/10.
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Turned out to be rather enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen10 April 2022
I have to admit that I had really been looking forward to watching "Morbius" ever since I saw the first trailer. And having been reading the comic books, I will say that Michael Morbius is one of my favorite Marvel characters, so it was nice that the character was finally brought to the big screen.

But then the movie was delayed and delayed again, and once finally out a lot of bad reviews were swarming the movie, so I was actually somewhat reluctant and hesitant about actually sitting down to watch it. But I decided to ignore the bad reviews and go see how the movie would treat the comic book character.

Writers Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless managed to put together a fair enough storyline. I will say that it was aimed more at an audience fully and wholly unfamiliar with the Michael Morbius character. And I can understand that approach to the first movie with the character, as to introduce a whole new audience of viewers to the character, and not go in on the deep end and do fan service to us whom have been reading the comic books for years.

Personally I had hoped for a bit more in terms of story, but it was actually adequate enough in terms of entertainment. An origin story for a character new to the cinema screen is in its place, I suppose.

I was also somewhat hesitant about it being Jared Leto to don the mantle of the living vampire, given the swing and miss performance of Joker in the 2016 "Suicide Squad", but then again he was amazing in the 2000 movie "Requiem for a Dream". Thankfully, then his performance as Michael Morbius was quite good and actually was suitable for the character from the comic books.

Visually then you are in for quite a treat, given the fact that this is a Marvel movie. The CGI and special effects are quite impressive in the movie, as they are in all Marvel movies. So if you enjoy flashy CGI and special effects, then "Morbius" doesn't disappoint.

All in all, then I will say that I was more than adequately entertained by the 2022 movie "Morbius", though I had hoped for a bit more in the story department. But hopefully the future will add more layers to the character and his story.

My rating of director Daniel Espinosa's 2022 movie lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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It is not morbin time
brodie-256868 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie waiting for Jarod Leto to say the iconic line "it's morbin time" unfortunately maybe my local cinema cut the line as they were already losing morbillions of dollars after every movie was made obsolete by these masterpiece. I really need to see a real copy of this excellent piece of kino if anyone can find out where I can watch it let me know.
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Not amazing but entertaining
ironfreak-077271 April 2022
I almost didn't see this after hearing so many negative reviews. I'm glad I did. It was as actually pretty good. I left the movie theater feeling entertained and that's what I go to the movies for. Leto did a fantastic job as Morbius. I'm looking forward to the addition of the unique character to the Marvel universe and how he will tie in with everyone else. Will the movie blow you away? No. Will it entertain you for a couple of hours? Yes.
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A profoundly bad movie. Sony is 100% guilty of false advertising. Early review.
Nixon_Carmichael31 March 2022
This is an early review. There are no plot details (spoilers) here, however if you want to go in completely clean, then skip the rest of this review. Not that there is anything to reveal.

The basic set up as depicted in the trailers and advertising is that Michael Morbius is a doctor in the Marvel Universe who is afflicted by a rare and gruesome blood disease. Setting out to find a cure for himself and others of his ilk, he winds up becoming a vampire and proceeds to go head first into adventures in the same vicinity of Spider-Man. This is all in the marketing material that has appeared over the past two years.

Speaking of the trailer, there is zero connection to other Marvel movies nor the MCU in this film. Essentially everything you saw in the trailers does not exist in this movie. Like at all. This is studio executive meddling and false advertising at its pinnacle.

In terms of technical filmmaking, this is a mess. The action is a disaster. It harkens back to the disastrous comic book entries from the days of yore, a la the horrific Fan4stic, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Thor2 and Green Lantern. It's just one messy CGI PG13 cut scene after another. I don't know if the director, Daniel Espinosa or the studio are to blame, however, given the fact that Tom Rothman, the Perpetrator in Chief of Sony, was also head of 20th Century Fox back when they were churning horrific movies, my money is that the disastrous production that is Morbius is to be blamed on Tom Rothman and his henchman suits at Sony.
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Truly One of the Movies of All Time
OfficialBenis15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went to my local Regal Theater to watch the hit movie "Morbius" under the assumption that he would say "IT'S MORBIN TIME" at some point in the runtime. I was severely disappointed as they did not include this line I will have to throw away my Jared Leto Joker poster because of this travesty.
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People need to learn to enjoy movies without comparing them
DeadMansTrousers1 April 2022
This is not your favourite huge budget Marvel movie like No Way Home, this is a introductory film of a somewhat niche character and if you compare any comic film to something like No Way Home it will fall flat. I went into this with an open mind and I had an enjoyable time. It's a different type of Marvel film with dark humour and I enjoyed myself while watching it. I am familiar with the character and have read the comics and I was not disappointed with what Leto and Smith respectively brought to their roles. I think if you are able to enjoy a film without nitpicking at it then you'll have fun with this.
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Watch it for the sake of MCU
viantyara3 April 2022
Morbius is an interesting choice of a character to add to the MCU or Sony Spider-Man Universe, especially to have a stand-alone movie. Unlike Venom, which has more recognition in general audience.

This is not a bad movie. Mediocre at its best. Fun action sequences, good atmosphere for its genre and characters, but again, it's very... basic.

The conflict is very predictable and overused. Somehow the runtime is too long for what the storyline trying to tell, with that being said, weirdly some moments still felt rushed.

No actual character development, no memorable hero moments. The cinematography is done well, Jared Leto's acting is great, I just hope it was written better, both the dialogue and storyline.

But then again, with Morbius has a possible appearance in future Marvel Movie, especially in MCU, I'm still intrigued and excited.
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Better Than Expected
rjgrund-123-6034389 September 2022
From all the bad press and reviews I suspect that people were looking for more then it intended to be. Seeing it for free on Netflix might have dampened the pain. This is not an MCU movie. It's trying to be one in the Underworld flair. Maybe too much Underworld. One of the problems is that Jared Leto cannot carry a movie. He needs a stronger lead to work off of. When he has that he's more than enough. The subtlety of the effects works for me. The bad guy Milo was a little too one dimensional and flat. Predictable. Weak writing in that regard. Not enough character development. I can see Morbius working in an ensemble MCU cast. Hopefully he will be given that chance.
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One of the worst movies I watched
sigler-275436 May 2023
I don't understand how any human being can rate this movie 10/10 stars. Even if it's the first movie you ever watched, and can't compare it to any other movie, how can you think it's excellent movie?! The acting is terrible, the animations are amateurish, the plot is predictable and boring, and some of it also makes no sense. It was a complete waste of my time. I was amaze to discover that the movie as a connection to marvel and to spiderman world.

I hope for the good of all humanity they don't make a sequel. I will support World War III just to prevent it. Everyone associated with the film should feel embarrassed.
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Not as bad as they say, worth a watch
ranjsidhukicker1 April 2022
Going into this movie I was expecting it to be bad, borderline unbearable, largely due to the critic reviews. Oh boy did they get it wrong. This movie is far from as bad as they say, but I also would not describe it as anything spectacular. I feel that people are comparing it to other Marvel properties such as No Way Home and that is why reviews are so bad. That is unfair to compare it to such other films as Morbius is a fresh take on Marvel it feels. It is obvious that the delays ended up holding back what this movie could have been, perhaps what it truly should have been. It was enjoyable to watch from start to end. Loved the action sequences and CGI was beautiful. Takes a little bit to get through the more monotonous beginnings, but once you get to sink your teeth into the good parts, oh boy does it deliver. Some characters needed more development and the story what is a bit disjointed. Jared Leto is finally in a role that suits him, Morbius and Leto will only get better with more appearances. I rated it a 7/10 because a 7/10 to me means that it was an enjoyable movie regardless of whatever may be wrong with it, and I would gladly watch again. It is clear it would have been better suited as a rated R film, but with its current restrictions down to PG-13 I would say it is worth a watch at least. Don't expect to be blown away, except maybe by some of the action and CGI. I can see ratings from 5/10 to 7/10 being a fair range as everyones taste are different, but some of these other reviews I see are just taking it too far because it is not what Marvel is used to pushing.
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FlashCallahan10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble.

While at first it seems to be a radical success, a darkness inside him is unleashed.

Will Morbius succumb to his mysterious new urges.....

You know when a studio knows that a film may be in trouble, when they plaster the Marvel name everywhere on the poster, just in case nobody knows who Möbius is. And this film is a lot of trouble.

It's nowhere near as bad as a lot of reviewers have said, but its the same as saying a hammer to the foot is better than the hand. It's clunky, unfunny, and worse of all, boring.

Leto looks so uninterested with his character, and lacks the oomph that Möbius needs. Yes, whilst he is in vampire form, it's undeniably pretty cool to look at, but its all CGI and only took a green screen and Leto wearing a few ping pong balls. So Leto is a major problem, he's a good actor, and has been in some fascinating films, but this is him just phoning it in.

The rest of the cast are okay, Smith is really chewing the scenery with his Milo, and whereas in other films he would grate like Ruby Rhod, he brings some much needed life to the film when he's ever in it.

The nods to the MCU are so in your face, that it makes you wonder if the studio thought the audience would forget it's in the MCU. There is a daily bugle, and then the end credit sequences that are only there just to reiterate to the audience that they are watching another MCU film.

The boat is named the Murnau a nod to Nosferatu, Möbius uses his lab like a gym, a reference to The fly. This just makes you want to watch those films, because they are infinitely better.

And if the slow motion was taken out of this film, it would only be fifteen minutes long, there is that much in this film.

It's too dark to be camp, too self-absorbed to be funny, and this is what the film desperately needs.

It's one of those films that you will go back to again and again, just for the 'what the' factor.

It's not the poorest comic book movie ever made, the remake of Fantastic Four holds that crown, but it's on a par with Superman 4 and Batman & Robin, rubbish, but for some reason you can't help but watch it every once in a while.
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Morbius is my religion now
zezinhomene9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a simple movie, is an experience, an experience that will change your vision of life. After I watched Morbius, every movie looks blame, every scene looks awful. Now I only love Morbius and Jared Leto. When he says "It's Morbin Time" ... I felt a mix of emotions that i can't describe. The ultimate cinema experience. Go watch Morbius now and do it at least 5 times every day. Now it's time to Morb everyone.
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Not Bad
kokokiladze1 April 2022
Solid 6. Will be better if they make Rated R but not bad, leto was good.
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Venom doesn't seem too bad now
AdrenalinDragon31 March 2022
No surprises this was awful. Jared Leto is terrible and Matt Smith was annoying. CGI was laughingly bad and the slow-mo action and wonky editing made things borderline unwatchable. Writing was all over the place too with some terrible dialogue. There's little fun and it took itself way too seriously. Honestly, this made Venom seem alright in comparison.

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lopezlindsay5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
IT'S THE MORBEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Best part was when he morbed everyone. And the fact it had the script of all time! I recommend this movie for all the morbers out there. Especially that it had a actors in it. That was very morbtastic.
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This movie does not deserve a 4.8
stormbailey1 April 2022
This movie is definitely not as bad as the critics have rated it. It's nothing amazing but it's not horrible either. Storyline was very predictable but far better then most cheesy crap that comes out. I'd give it a 6.5 nothing amazing but slightly better then average.
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No blood?
juanquaglia4 April 2022
A vampire film without blood. That says it all. And it clearly shows that the film has been poorly thought since the start. Not to mention that the character is probably one of the most unknown and uninteresting comic book characters.
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Morbius is a well-made film, that has an abrupt ending and lacks wow factor.
viswalahiri1 April 2022
Morbius is a well made film. Unlike the reviews which completely put down the movie, I believe that it was enjoyable. I am not a Marvel Fan, and have never read the comics.

I enjoyed the good graphics, face design, and design of Morbius's powers and how they are visualised.

The film had no negatives, but lacked a wow factor that would make it 8+.

I have noticed though, that the story felt like it had an abrupt ending. The goal of the main protagonist doesn't appear to be realised, it's just that a fight has been won.

It felt like given 40 minutes more of screentime, the story could have been taken to a better place.
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