Glass Onion (2022) Poster


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Slow start, exciting middle and childish end...
mazbutt-1604123 November 2022
I really enjoyed Knives Out and was looking forward to the sequel with much anticipation ever since it was announced. I was, however, disappointed.

With Glass Onion, director and writer Rian Johnson shows once again that he can carefully craft an intriguing story with brilliant direction. But with a bigger budget comes many challenges and unfortunately the movie fails when it is trying too be too extravagant and a spectacle for the viewers.

The core story is very interesting and after a dull start, the middle of the film really hits it's stride with Johnson moving his playing pieces about with ease and wonderment. That was when i most enjoyed the movie.

But the ending was ultimately disappointing. Childish humour and some sequences that were clearly for spectacle which i can only describe as 'throwing a tantrum' ruined this movie for me.

I had some fun with this but was left feeling robbed as there was definitely a compelling enough story here for this to be another great movie. I do feel the more intimate character/story driven moments in this film are where it shines and not in the big budget set pieces.

Watch this if you enjoy the genre, but please lower your expectations before doing so!
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Fun, but not as good as the first one.
Top_Dawg_Critic26 December 2022
The casting and performances by all were outstanding, especially Bautista and Norton, and I really liked the setting in Greece, but I feel the ending ruined what could've been a better sequel. There certainly was some creative ideas in the narrative, and even though the start was slow and tedious, it did get better when Benoit Blanc started to unravel the mystery. However, the unravelling was too as-a-matter-of-factly and too convenient in its set-up. And normally I'd be fine with that, because the few twists were a nice touch, but then right after the mystery was solved, the ridiculous antics just became too unbelievable and quite frankly, unnecessary. Still, and enjoyable one-time watch, especially if you enjoyed the first one.
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Just Okay
jwomnimedia28 December 2022
A lot of great actors, and the film is well-shot, but ultimately the whole affair is just too cartoonish to enjoy on anything but a superficial level. Every character (with the possible exception of Janelle Monae's) is so broadly drawn and overacted that you can't invest in them or care what happens to them. Particularly Daniel Craig's lead. He felt like an eccentric, but brilliant, detective in Knives Out, but here he just comes off as silly. His complete inaction toward the end seems to exist only to set up the ridiculous, over-the-top ending. Also, Kathryn Hahn and Leslie Odom. Jr. Are so wasted that I don't know why they even signed on for this. Glass Onion was an okay distraction for a Netflix movie, but I would have been annoyed if I'd paid to see this in a theater.
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I really wanted to like this
wd-823 November 2022
I really wanted to like this, but the direction was lacklustre. When you have a very complicated plot, then editing, pacing and direction are critical. This is not nearly as much fun as the first Knives Out, and the dialogue is strained. The players try very hard, but it's all a jumble of dialogue and information with no time to enjoy the puzzle. It might be better second time around, so I will watch on tv in a couple of months.

In particular, Daniel Craig's southern gentleman detective is far too noisy, bumbling, and silly. Most of the other characters are almost clichés. The whole movie looks rushed into production, a desperate attempt to make up for losses during COVID.

Too bad. Perhaps a "directors cut" might be better.
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This is not Knives Out
collinjamescontact28 December 2022
My absolute favorite thing about all these reviews is that they all state in some way ," compared to Knives Out it's not good." This movie isn't trying to be Knives Out, it's a different story. A self contained story and I absolutely loved it. It brings us more depth to who Blanc is and what he stands for. The allure that I think drew people in the first time was that he's some mystery detective who just showed up. This time we know who he is and how he ticks. The cast all have fun with their parts and play them well. The script is written well and keeps you guessing and second guessing until the end of the film. It may exist in the same universe as the first Knives Out but it is far from a sequel or a pale comparison to the other, it is it's own film. Even without seeing the first movie you could jump into this one and not skip a beat. It's a fun whodunnit with a wonderfully fun cast, setting, and script. I am extremely excited to see what else is in store for Blanc.
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Entertaining but loses momentum
davidallenxyz26 November 2022
Watching on the big screen, at its best this would be a solid 8+/10 movie, but there are a few areas that let it down.

First is the excessive lockdown/mask/Zoom scenes at the start of the film. This was never good comedic or dramatic material in the first place, and has already aged badly.

Second is a somewhat over-the-top finale which aims for spectacular but ends up a bit silly - and that isn't where a murder-mystery should be. Less is more.

But the greatest problem is the decision to re-tell the whole story from a different perspective half-way through. After carefully building the tension so that darkness falls with a murderer on the loose... the audience is taken back to the start again. It completely ruins the momentum of the film. Granted, this does allow the reveal to be even more complicated, but it also greatly reduces the wow-factor of Benoit Blanc's deduction. The genius detective solving the case is the fulcrum of this kind of movie and shouldn't be diminished.

Production values are high, and the supporting cast are good, although some have fairly slender roles. Kate Hudson is superb as Birdie.

In conclusion, I'm pleased to see Blanc back. Daniel Craig brought more eccentricity to the character this time around, but I liked it. A modern-day Poirot. I'd happily see a series of his adventures on the big screen. Just return to a more traditional murder-mystery structure (please).
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It's a satire
dumsumdumfai27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Laugh out loud one at that. The whole billionaire high tech genius thing is a slight at the times. E. Musk, S. Jobs, M. Zukerburg, E. Holms..... Anyone? So is the social media, creator, disruptor speech. As the same with the has been singer/fashionista (who do you have that fits on your mind?) and her assistant; the braun gun touting Baustista ; the backwards compatible politician with a non green agenda.; the frustrated IT tech guy (lone purpose and joke) whose concern for QA is always thrown out the window.

The disdain in the dialogue and characterization cuts hard a knief !!! It cuts on the fake facades, fake personalities, fake convience, reverence and rationalization of our modern, online, followers life. Right down to the Serena Williams gag.

Case in point is the invitation box. It is decorated by an array of childish presentation glitter that grandma can solve. When a sensible person would see through the self grandiosing.... with an hammer. Was it also pointing at Hollywood itself?

The movie is not really a whodunit but how to get your revenge against a rich dumbass who think he is smart. Might as well cause a viewer might easily guess the culprit anyhow.

Yes there are some useless characters like the 2 assistants but the stranger on the island is a contrarian gag, I guess. You can say all the characters are 2 dimensional and they only services the plot. But isn't that the point? The set is impeccable as well as probably just another joke.

It's very enjoyable.
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not as good as its previous one
saru20206 January 2023
The genre/plot is almost like the old one with a little bit of gameplay sprinkled on top of it.

There were some aha moments & some thrilling ones as well but we just feel like keep comparing it to its previous one and maybe that's why it wasn't enjoyable to me personally to the level where the first one was.

It is still notable that with the same kinda investigative plot, the movie still keeps you hooked till the very end, of course only if you like watching movies of this genre.

And the best part of this installment is that you get to see a lot of different places, just more pleasing to the eyes when compared to its previous one, although the whole movie happens on just one single island.

Overall, it's a good one-time if you haven't watched the first part.
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More Knives Out
spongeycamelblaze28 December 2022
To start, it is not as good as the first knives out. I highly doubt that movie can be topped. But contrary to most of these reviews, this movie had a lot to like and it very much reminded me of the original. Im not sure what was so confusing about the plot to everyone, everything made perfect sense to me. It gave information in an interesting way and it had some very good payoffs. I liked the ending, unlike many people, as I thought it was a very satisfying conclusion to the story. However, most of the characters in this movie are purposefully unlikeable (and happen to be conservative), which is why I do believe some negative reviews stem from certain biases of the audience. I very much enjoyed this movie, but it might not be for everyone.
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Don't expect it to be as good as knives out
lalehmanouchehri1 January 2023
I'm not gonna say this movie was rubbish but I get why so many people were disappointed now that I've finally seen the movie myself. First of all, I have to say I was a big fan of a knives out, i really like its subtle humor and i believe it's one of the best movies in that genre. I decided to watch glass onion expecting it to be at the same level. The movie overall was entertaining even though at first it takes a bit to create momentum. However, I have to say that the ending was kinda illogical, silly, and not as clever as I expected it to be. I was let down at the end of the movie but still enjoyed it. Well, I guess I will be waiting for the 3rd one.
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Wild and woolly, and really entertaining
gcsman31 December 2022
Given that it's the same director (Rian Johnson) as the first Knives Out (2019), I thought Glass Onion would follow the same very successful formula as the first one. But it doesn't. It's a lot wilder and less obviously structured. The plotline and the dialog go all over the place, and Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig, excellent as always) seems to be almost a different character entirely than he was before. But it's totally entertaining. My advice is to forget all about the first one and just treat Glass Onion as a standalone. Let the mystery unwrap itself, layer after layer, and enjoy the crazy mix of characters. And the first hour-plus is essentially just a prelude to the last hour that is even wilder but somehow brings everything to a logical conclusion. Following good dramatic practice, everything introduced in the first half gets used in the second half.

I'm sure a third Knives Out will be coming, but what's it going to do to top this? And what sort of person will the chameleon-like Benoit Blanc be?

Now a mild spoiler alert: if you haven't seen it, don't read on!

First fun item: toward the end, it suddenly struck me that the sisters both played by Janelle Monae are named Cassandra ("Andi") and Helen. Those are the names of the two most prominent princesses of Troy: Cassandra was the prophet who was never believed but always right, and Helen was the outsider over whom the Trojan war was fought. Those kind of map on to their roles in the movie. I haven't seen anyone else mention that, but it doesn't seem like it can be a coincidence.

There's a second fun historical connection. Back in Dante's time, there were apparently uber-rich people who would hold big parties at which they would burn up part of their wealth just to show off how wealthy they were. Dante wrote those people into The inferno, putting them into one of the circles of hell. In Glass Onion, Miles Bron (played by Edward Norton) is just like one of those, but here it's his guests who set the blaze going for him, and they don't stop at just part of it. Karma bites.
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More 'paint by numbers' than a glass onion
Nagitokomeda23 November 2022
The long-awaited sequel to Knives Out is here, and although it's still a good time, it feels like a let down overall.

The first film told such a unique and superb mystery that wrapped layers upon layers on top of each other. Meanwhile, Glass Onion tells a story that feels incredibly basic in comparison.

The main problem with this film is that although it's a mystery film, it doesn't give you the tools to solve the mystery. Instead the film walks through the plot and witholds infomation to have big reveals, rather than giving you the clues to work it out yourself.

Daniel Craig was fun the the cast was good overall, with Ed Norton being a big standout. Some characters felt wasted sadly.

Overall, a fun but underwhelming time.
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A Step Back
Tweetienator2 January 2023
I liked the first Knives Out a lot because it felt like a warm homage to all those Agatha Christie novels that I like (books and movies): it got an interesting case and setting, a well playing cast, a fine production. Glass Onion is a little different - the story/crime is for sure not that interesting or complex and there is a far stronger emphasis on comedy. One could dare to say that Glass Onion is more of a parody than a "real" crime case. The first movie got a straight 8, this one, did entertain me too (despite some lengthy parts) - but compared to the first movie, Glass Onion is for sure a big step in the wrong direction (for my taste) - it reminds me a lot of those mediocre attempts of Kenneth Brannagh's to revive Hercule Poirot. Also I do not like the ending at all, too a certain degree it is just a stupid one. Hopefully, the next one focuses again more on a complex crime case and its build up and last but not least, a real interesting and surprising ending like the first one got.
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Fun but predictable
jackdremel28 December 2022
I enjoyed this movie and there's nothing really wrong with it. It just isn't all that great. By the end of the movie I had a feeling who the killer was, which ended up being true. I was waiting for another twist but nope, that was it. I understand he's supposed to be the worlds greatest detective, but it just seemed too easy for him to put together.

Besides that, some of the characters are forgettable. If you compare this to a movie like Clue, where every character was interesting and brought something to the table, this falls short. Craig and Norton are excellent. I don't know why people are riding Craig for his accent. I thought it was good.

I didn't understand the whole mask pandemic thing. It's only in the beginning of the movie. I just kept thinking that it was stupid and probably won't age well. Didn't affect the plot at all so why put that in there?

Overall it's a fun movie and worth watching but don't expect too much out of it. Had a cool vibe though and enough interesting twists to keep me entertained. Not every movie has to be a masterpiece.
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The actors clearly had fun...and so did I
cliftonofun25 December 2022
It seems like many people want to debate whether this movie was better than it's predecessor. It is an interesting discussion, I suppose. You know what there is no debate about, though? Both of them are wildly entertaining. Usually, movie franchises depress me. I don't need 15 different versions of the same thing. I don't need brilliant directors forced to paint by numbers. I don't need every movie to look the same. But if Netflix wants to let Rian Johnson keep making Knives Out movies? Sign me up, baby. The mysteries and misdirection are fun enough on their own, but it is the wit and social satire that make me excited for whatever comes next. Everyone making this movie seemed to have a great time...but I had a better time watching it.
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To say this is better than the first one would be lunacy
boodle-7288623 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To make it clear, I didn't hate this movie. It had an interesting setup, some good twists, and decent humour. That being said, as a die hard fan of Knives Out, Glass Onion truly disappointed me. Whereas Knives Out was a fresh take on the classic murder mystery format, Glass Onion was over the top and completely departed from the genre. During the promo for the movie I was excited for the remote setting because of the potential for Agatha Christie vibes, but the whole thing just didn't feel grounded in reality with all the unrealistic James Bond supervillain-esque technology. Certain aspects of the movie felt more like an action film than a murder mystery, which was a true loss for me because the perfect use of the murder mystery genre was one of my favourite things about the original movie.

To look on the bright side, Janelle Monae was very engaging, and her character definitely took on Marta's role. Daniel Craig did a good job as Benoit Blanc once again and had some funny lines, though I would personally say this movie was much less funny than the first one overall. As the first one did, Glass Onion contained a lot of social commentary, specifically related to class (perhaps less subtly than in the first one), which is always valuable. The concept behind this movie was very fun, I just think they took it too far a lot of the time.

Overall Glass Onion was a fine film, though if you're a big fan of the first one I would lower your expectations. Maybe I'll appreciate this movie more upon rewatch, but for now I'm disappointed. In a world where franchise movies dominate the box office, Knives Out felt like a breath of fresh air when it was first released, so it upsets me to think that the series might be becoming the exact thing it first stood out against. Though it has it's moments, Glass Onion certainly does nothing to disprove the stereotype that a sequel will never be as good as the original.
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Southern accents
tinaterescsik28 December 2022
I love a good murder mystery and this one did not disappoint. After a slow start, or perhaps I was just slow to warm up to it due to that southern accent, I got really into it and started tracking motives and such.

The slow motion parts were BEAUTIFULLY choreographed. Every location and room just screamed wealth and as a fan of escapism, I was here for it. Kate Hudsons outfits were half the fun for me, as well as the outfits the character of Andi wears. Loved everything the costume designer chose.

Even though the person I watched this with has an entirely different opinion of the movie, I had a great time and would recommend.
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Decent Start, Interesting Middle, Baffling Ending, Another "Netflix Movie"
MamadNobari9724 December 2022
So let me start by saying that I really enjoyed watching this movie until that ending happened. The movie is 2 hours and 20 minutes and not one minute of it is boring, so it's enjoyable - nearly - through and through.

The acting is decent but there's not really much given to the actors to work with, unlike the first movie. The music is good too and it's a good-looking movie visually, though the cinematography, editing, and direction lack in my opinion, and don't really shine and aren't that memorable.

The direction is ok, but the writing and the lack of editing the way the first movie had, make this movie, at least to me, feel like it was one of those sequels to a lucky successful original movie made by a good and experienced director that the studio orders and gives it to a lesser and worse director.

And this might seem like a dumb complaint, but it affects the experience of watching the movie anyway; I did not like the bigger aspect ratio and the color grading at all. It makes me feel like I'm watching an episode of a tv show or a tv movie or a reality show, especially the fact that they're on a private island. The black bars at the top and bottom of movies with the aspect ratio of 1920x800 make every "video" feel more cinematic and make you feel like you're watching a movie. It's standard in every video game that you see the aspect ratio change when they cut or transition to a cutscene and the black bars appear.

Now I don't have a problem with IMAX movies and of course, they're cool-looking and have better quality, though I'm not sure if this was filmed on IMAX which I highly doubt. But IMAX is only used in some parts of movies like Mission Impossible and Top Gun Maverick's huge action scenes. But I don't really care for a whole movie like that. Though it obviously works in tv shows and some other movies, it didn't really work for this movie for me at least, and I would've preferred the standard aspect ratio.

The other thing is the color grading which if I recall correctly, the first movie had a warmer and more saturated color grading that was perfect for that movie and also made it more cinematic. But this movie has a cooler (colder) color grading and also makes it look less like high production cinematic movie and more like an episode of a tv show.

There just wasn't anything significant or remarkable about the editing, cinematography, and direction that would make me think it was made by an experienced and skilled director, let alone the same guy who wrote and made Knives Out.

Now I know that all of this was intentional and Rian Johnson said in the YouTube interview that he wanted these sequels to be completely different from the first one and each other in all aspects, different story, completely different actors and characters (save for 007 of course), and a different tone and feel. But after watching this movie I don't think that was a good thing if it meant that it's gonna be inferior in every aspect compared to the first movie. It's a good thing that he wants to do different movies with a different tone and feel and look for the sequels and not do the same thing over and over, but unfortunately, I would've preferred if this movie was more like the first one or at least on the same level.

So technical and visual stuff aside, the script was obviously, as most reviews have already said, nowhere near as good as Knives Out's. I think Rian had all this time and money on his hand and he should've at least consulted other writers and worked more on the script, especially on the ending.

The ending just seems weird, childish, and not a satisfying conclusion at all, if you can even call it a conclusion. I kept waiting for something clever to happen with the Mona Lisa, but the exact opposite of clever happens with it just to have the protagonist recite a line that was said earlier so everything can come together and have a payoff and a gotcha moment with the villain. Literally a "bro think he Walter White💀" meme happens as the climax of the movie and you know what I'm talking about if you've watched the movie. There's just really no payoff to the whole "whodunnit" aspect of the story and the ending immediately made the movie so forgettable that if someone mentions Knives Out, my mind won't even go to this sequel and I'm gonna forget it in a couple of days.

The movie obviously has a lot of setups and payoffs and the second act's flashbacks connect all the loose ends, but honestly, they're not really that interesting (they are at the time you're watching them) because the story and the characters and the writing are not that interesting and certainly not as interesting or good as Knives Out's.

There are some cringey lines and jokes here and there too and many pop culture references, cringey ones, that make you go, "yup, this is a modern movie alright".

The script also feels like it was written by someone who feels they're really clever, but ultimately, they're really not and the script isn't that interesting. So I understand why people would give this movie a 5 or even a 4 especially when you expected something at least on the same level as Knives Out, but I'll give it a 6 since I enjoyed most of it and it's honestly not really as bad the negative reviews might make it out to be, but it's definitely not as good as all the 10s, 9s, and the 8s reviews say it is.

So in short, this is unfortunately another Netflix movie that you already know it's not gonna be good when you see the red logo on the poster. Lackluster writing, unremarkable editing, and direction, uninteresting story and characters, could've had a better color grading and aspect ratio, Benoit doesn't do much especially in the end, the story and the twists and turns, like Benoit said it himself in the movie, aren't as complex and satisfying as Knives Out's, the ending not satisfying and is baffling, weird, and subpar instead.

I just hope Rian Johnson works more on the script of the next sequel and also gets another good writer to help him with it, because these movies are whodunnits and are more about the writing and the dialogue, and this just wasn't it.

I am also noticing a pattern with the twists of these movies about who actually did it and I hope it's not the same with the third movie because I already can guess who the actual murderer of the third one is before they even announce the cast.
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Loved it
marabohde28 December 2022
I have to say, I´m a little surprised by all the negative reviews here. I watched glass onion in the cinema with low expectations, because I have grown pretty weary of sequels, but i left thoroughly entertained and hoping for a third movie.

If i had to find problems with it, I´d say that the first 15-20 minutes seem a little indulgent, but then it really builds up a nice pace.

And I mean, listen: I understand that people see Knifes Out as the perfect whodunnit. It was flawlessly dense, perfectly structured and had a great look, while effortlessly switching genres multiple times with its narrative twists - it was a masterpiece.

Glass Onion knows it cant succeed in recreating that experience, so it doesnt try to. It has a new look, a new kind of plot twist and a very different ensemble cast, but in my mind its still fits perfectly into the Benoit Blanc universe.

Once again I am absolutely loving Daniel Craigs character (and boy is he having fun with it) and one again i am very happy that he doesnt dominate the movie, but takes you along for the ride. Blanc is not the protagonist, he is a tour guide through the mystery and gives the other characters enough space to shine.

Also, I´ve read multiple times that the current pop-cultural references annoy people, and personally i agree that it was somewhat overdone this time, but part of Rian Johnsons genius is that he manages to breathe fresh life into an old genre. The elements that tie this story to our modern world are partly what makes the whole thing so compelling - not because "hamilton is cool lol", but because the political messages only hit home when we realize that, yes, this movie has something to say about the world we are currently living in. Many muder mysteries deal with social issues we can comfortably disconnect from, because they feel outdated or nostalgic. Glass Onion puts its finger on a very current issue which concerns us all. Both movies, in my opinion, manage to be perfectly entertaining and clever while also having relevant political punchlines. Yes i want to have brilliant costumes and genre-typical settings and glamour and fun plot-twists but i also want the story to be meaningful and current and smart. Rian Johnson hasnt disappointed me so far and i am very much looking forward to other additions to the franchise.
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Meh at best
ravichok3 January 2023
Not sure why this movie has such a high score story was mediocre, ending was completely dissatisfying and acting by most characters was wooden and emotionless

Daniel Craig's makes his character Benoit Blanc entertaining enough to watch for a short time, but due to poor writing and the characters lack of personality we are never truly rooting for him.

He presents as a shoddy watered down version of Hercule Poirot - clearly the source of inspiration for this detective.

Even more surprised by how lackluster Edward Norton's acting in this movie is, given his acting chops.

Reading the reviews raving about this movie makes me very sad, as I feel there is no motivation to make better sequels.
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Entertaining but not as good as the 1st
talking_about_movies26 December 2022
"I'm terrible at dumb things" - Benoit Blanc

The sequel to Knives Out doesn't live up to its predecessor, but it's still a very entertaining watch. Unlike the first one its much slower and it takes its time to get going. The first half feels very uneventful and it's a certain point in the middle where it shows you what's actually going on, when this movie takes off. Afterwards there's a lot of information thrown at you quickly and that's when this movie really starts to entertain.

The mystery isn't as great as in the 1st movie, but it's still good enough. But this movie is still pretty funny. In fact the last 30 minutes or so were hilarious. Daniel Craig is just brilliant once again. After this movie, I like Benoit Blanc's character even more. I love how even though how smart he is, he never holds back on his emotions and really gets involved in these cases. Edward Norton was brilliant too. But as long as characters and acting goes, that's about it because you don't really feel the presence of other characters. That's a step down from the previous movie because that movie was a great ensemble of cast and almost every actor owned the screen in the little screentime they got. Rian Johnson is a great director and once again he did a great job here. The movie also has a little theme connecting Benoit Blanc and this particular mystery and that I thought was hilarious and pretty clever too.

The final 10 minutes though go a little out of hand because they went a bit too much for drama instead of logic there. And the "Who did it part" was again pretty standard. But it was more about the entertaining way the movie uses to reveal it.

Overall, I don't think its near as good as the 1st but it's still entertaining and feels a bit different from its predecessor.
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Breaking cliches yet again
westleyceilim28 December 2022
Rian Johnson has done it again this is one of the best murder mystery films out to screen, excellently crafted with a twist which while hilarious caught me off guard completely, Daniel Craig is just an incredible actor, his performance as blanc is immensely entertaining, he is my favorite on screen detective to appear on screen, the movie just like it's predecessor breaks down the murder mystery genre while staying faithful to the films that came before it's an homage to those earlier films in the genre while breaking down the cliches that have plagued the genre for a few years now, this is what a modern murder mystery looks like, miles above murder on the orient express and murder on the Nile which is full of said Cliches, Glads onion is a must watch.
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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was disappointed
goodriddance_9223 December 2022
What happened?!

I am so bitterly confused!

I was looking forward to this film so much after Knives Out instantly becoming one of my all time favourites.

Did I overhype it? Were my expectations too high? Did I watch the same film as the critics?

By all means, I'm not saying this is a bad film but compared to the original, it misses rather hard. What an absolute let down.

I have no complaints about the cast, the score, the cinematography, the direction etc. It's the writing. Did Rian Johnson just forget what sort of film he was writing or something? It certainly showed a lot of promise in the first act, it definitely had me intruiged. The middle act had it's moments of twists and revelations I suppose. But the last act - what happened? What a mess. There was no pay off. It was such an unsatisfying conclusion. Honestly, it felt like they may as well have just said; "It was all a dream". It was so much off the mark which really hurts.

I'm glad to see that I guess a lot of people enjoyed it and maybe the next installment will be better. One can only hope.
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Nothing spectacular but still a bit of fun
ryanconduit28 December 2022
So the start of the film was a bit slow and there was not alot to get invested in at the beginning but as the movie rolls on I think it would be unfair to say it didn't peak some interest and enjoyment. This flick continues on to the end with not alot of originality and I guess some pretty obvious outcomes but does that mean this was a flop?

Glass Onion: A Knifes Out Mystery, while not being a movie that blew it out of the water it definitely didn't really dissapoint either. I think it definitely falls in the category of something to watch with a few friends at home.

The soundtrack was pretty good and I guess fitting to what was on display.

The cast was good to see, can't say they all did a great job but the bunch definitely had a little bit of synergy which did a good job as far as the pace is concerned.
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Lives up to the first!
lightningstorm-2402930 December 2022
I really enjoyed this movie. The story was fun and took you through some twists and turns, but was also simple enough to understand. I feel it kept in line with the first movies atomoshpere and wasn't just a repeat of same story.

Benoit Blanc was perfect in this one as well. They seemed to dive just a little deeper into his life, just enough to keep you wanting more! I enjoyed the stop in the middle of the movie to retell another view, it was unique and a fun twist. I'd guessed the true villain at the start, but didn't expect the motive or anything behind it, so I was still pleasantly sureprised. It was a fun movie and I hope to see more in the future!
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