Marked Woman (1937)
A Trite Hollywood "Chick Flick" From Yesteryear
27 August 2016
(*Most annoyingly over-used movie-quote of all*) - "Gee! You're swell.".... (uttered about umpteen times throughout the course of the story)

Now, I wouldn't exactly say that this 1937 Bette Davis/Humphrey Bogart vehicle was terrible - But, believe me, it came pretty damn close.

Yes. With "Marked Woman" now being 80 years old - I really did try to keep that point in mind and cut it some slack - But, let me tell ya - It was (without a doubt) actress, Bette Davis (and her irksome, bug-eyed histrionics) that just about ruined this vintage crime/thriller for me.

And, I ask you - (With her totally unconvincing and truly nauseating performance as Mary Wright, the clip joint hostess "snitch") - Was Davis really considered to be one of the Hollywood "greats" of her generation?... Was she!?.... 'Cause in this picture - She was downright awful. She really was.

And, even though Davis was playing a character who the audience was expected to care about and root for - I absolutely loathed her like I haven't loathed an actress in many a moon..... Sorry. But that's the way i feel.
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