This movie is the worst representation of Romanian culture I've ever seen.
3 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This. movie. is. horrible.

Shia's performance was great (and the score was pretty cool-props to Beck and Deadmono), but the 'hollywood-esque' portrayal of Romanian culture is so far away from the truth it makes me barf. Romania is not just filled with gangs, drugs, and gypsies. In fact, it's everything BUT that. Romania is a country that has a rich history and a beautiful culture steeped in old traditions. It isn't some gang banging country...and it sure as hell isn't this 'openly James-Bond-esque' corrupt. It is beautiful. The people behind this film made it out to be some kind of horrible hell-hole. And it's not.

Oh, and another thing that makes this movie so bad: the only Romanian guy in this whole movie dies within the 1st 2 minutes, and the 'Romanian Beauty' lead ISN'T EVEN FREAKING ROMANIAN.

It's not like they could've, oh I don't know, HIRED A ROMANIAN ACTRESS TO PLAY A ROMANIAN? No...that'd be too hard wouldn't it? It's not like Romania is filled with competent people who can act just as well as any American or Brit. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE???

I sincerely wish Romania got a better representation in Hollywood...but it's because of people like these that everybody has a negative connotation to it. What a shame...the country is so beautiful.

Oh and also, P.S., Evan Rachel Wood should've gotten a hand double for the cello. I know her playing was only in one scene but it was noticeable that she didn't know how to play. At all.
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