Woman's World (1954)
30 May 2014
WOMAN'S WORLD has finally made it to DVD. Bout' time...It's released thru Fox Archive. Glad it isn't panned and scanned, but wish it were in full scope instead of scaled down. By that I mean it's letter-boxed the way it was filmed, but formatted for a square screen. Who has square screens nowadays? The plot is interesting centering on which one of three men will be promoted to General Manager of an automobile company. The three men and their wives are invited to New York to be 'looked' over for the job. The wives would play an important role when it comes to the final choice. Good acting by the three couples and Clifton Webb is perfect as the head honcho. Who will get the job. Interesting how it turns out. There are nice shots of old New York as second unit as I don't think anyone left the 20th Century Fox lot. Rear projection is a problem here. Anyway, this is a must see if one likes good old stars, good story and especially a nice plush musical score. This is a MUST SEE. As someone stated before, it would have been great to cast MM in the Arlene Dahl role. Guess what? This is a very entertaining movie without one single car crash, no buildings blown up, no violence, no nudity and No F...words!! Amazing isn't it? Could just imagine how it would be if there would be a remake in todays market.
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