A classic screwball comedy
14 September 2008
This splendid comedy is the one about the wife 'who comes back from the dead' only to find her husband, just that morning, remarried. Of course, she was never dead in the first place but stranded on a desert island with a hunky athlete as her only companion. The resulting complications are the stuff of a classic screwball farce and when the husband is Cary Grant and the wife is Irene Dunne and the writers are Sam and Bella Spewack you know you have a winner on your hands.

Bits of this movie have found their way into homages to the genre over the years and the whole thing was remade in 1963 as a vehicle for Doris Day and with considerably less zing. Leo McCarey, who directed Grant and Dunne in "The Awful Truth", (and won an Oscar for doing so), acts as producer here, leaving the direction to Garson Kanin who makes a very fine job of it. The supporting cast are pretty top-notch as well, with terrific cameos from Donald Mc Bride as an hotel clerk and Granville Bates as a somewhat bewildered judge. Even the children can act in this one and aren't in the least obnoxious in the way of most American moppets of the period.
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