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An unusually mediocre thriller
15 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film expecting a generic thriller, yet another novel to film adaptation executed with half the merit of its source material, only to be be lost in the bottomless pit of mediocrity. Is this what I got? Not exactly. Let me explain.

The earthquake bird does try to deliver on its unique premise and is somewhat competently made with attention to cinematography and style but still remains quite hollow. Why is this?

This got me thinking, aside from a 'slow burn' progression of plot, which didn't exactly bother me as it might have the majority of viewers. I personally felt the story was appropriately paced, it assisted in creating tension and made me hungry for answers. Heres the thing, the answers ..... once we got them or most of them at least, left me feeling underwhelmed, not by its reveal but how the creators handled it. Which is a real shame, because the underlining theme (Guilt) specifically how it correlates with character and story was really interesting. If only the first two acts alluded to this with a little bit more importance, it had the potential to really hit home and had they developed this (theme) on a deeper level, it would have made for a satisfying conclusion.

In terms of narrative structure it does stumble a bit, its too busy trying to seduce audiences into thinking one thing then teasing us with another. Which can be effective if we were fully engaged in the story and invested in these characters, but the loose thread of events leading up to the twists don't hold much significance until the final act and by then its too late. And all but our protagonist happen to be uninteresting one dimensional characters with no real lasting impression. Especially the archetypical creepy photographer boyfriend who didn't have much contribution to the film as a whole, when the film was purposely leading you to believe he was behind this convoluted mystery. How misleading, quite frustrating in fact.

To balance out my criticism, the film does a lot of things right. First and foremost, the acting was believable, Alicia Vikander played the role for what she was asked of, really well, her commitment to interchanging between languages was refreshing and realistic given the setting of the film. It was clear she knew the character really well and she did give it her best. The authenticity of Japanese culture and setting was well preserved and the technical aspects as a whole was serviceable. Might i note the soundtrack was nostalgic and the music was utilised effectively in regards to reflecting the total emotional effect. The actual point of the film, which might be hidden under the apprehensive build up was actually interesting. I wish they expanded on this and refined certain plot elements to make this all clear. My biggest issue was the delivery, execution and style was present although not fully appreciated. Earthquake bird was an unusually mediocre film, hence my motivation to write this review.
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Vivarium (2019)
Vivarium, the perfect title
6 April 2020
A high-concept surrealist thriller with a sci-fi bent. Vivarium is a strange yet compelling story about a couple who are lured into a labyrinth like neighbourhood of identical houses by an odd real estate agent with otherworldly motives. What lies beneath this wildly uneasy premise is a pessimistic allegory on the suburban life cycle. The downright bizarre nature of the films narrative does inevitably spawn complications in terms of plot, and the conscious decision to not reveal answers towards the resolution has the potential to alienate its viewers. However, the film does invite audiences to engage in conversation and to speculate theories on what it all meant. I love how the film trusts our imagination to fill in the gaps while still feeling complete for what it was trying to achieve.

What really stands out is the world in which the film creates. The uniquely mundane production design and attention to diegetic reality assists in creating a dread inducing atmosphere. The mind bending dream logic adds to the feeling of hopelessness and isolation. This is also accomplished through the Stylistic choices in editing and cinematography.

I found the role of Jesse Eisenberg's character to be a somewhat refreshing detour from his usual annoying antics and Imogen Poots really steals the show with her gut wrenching performance. I have read reviews criticising the concept to be in the likes of black mirror or a twilight episode and is much rather suited for a 30 minute short, which is fair enough but a 30 minute duration just wound't do the film justice. I preferred the slow building of tension and unraveling of plot. Most importantly I was invested throughout the entire runtime.

Ultimately Vivarium is a very creative experiment on the human condition and does provoke thought with its outlandish ideas. Its difficult to express my opinion without spoiling the movie, I will recommend movie-goers to go into the film blind and refrain from watching the trailer or reading into the synopsis. It will for sure divide audiences and is by no means for everyone.
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Everest (2015)
A Mountain With No Climax
8 November 2015
Everest could have been the next epic inspirational survival thriller, could have been that is. It's a biography which I understand, but it's rather bland. I found it difficult to identify the protagonist or simply follow the characters due to its location. The first act is aimed to soften up the characters, well their attempt at creating character development, the 2nd act was a slow paced, tedious journey to the top of the mountain, which felt like an eternity to reach its climax, until the last act where I was blinded by a snow storm and deafened by the howling wind. I see that's the point but at least I want to experience the characters rather than the environment. Despite its slow and distracting pace there were infrequent intense moments but very few and very far apart. The 3D wasn't utilized very well, it focused more on the depth, but my eyes easily adjusted to their norm. Again this could have been a character driven, emotional drama thriller, with intense disastrous sequences, I am aware there are a few snow storm survival thrillers but with a great cast and a capable director they could have done it right, loss of potential in my eyes anyhow.
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Turbo Kid (2015)
A Live Action Graphic Novel
18 September 2015
A feature length remake of the short (T for Turbo) which was made as an entrant for the competition to fill the T slot of ABCs of Death (2012). That short never made it, but this film did.

Turbo Kid is directed among three different people all independent film makers with such potential talent. The story revolves around a futuristic post-apocalyptic alternative universe where we follow a young kid on a journey to defeat the tyrannical overlord. A throwback to 70s and 80s action films, with cheesy and excessive graphic violence throughout. But the film does not rely on the gore its produced with care, from three-dimensional characters that feel real, an easy to follow story and a phenomenal music score that pumps excitement through my veins. Truly an alive picture, a colorful experience almost like an acid trip, or like cinematic ecstasy as they say. The Beauty about this film is it works as a selection of genres, from a drama to a comedy or an action/sci- fi/horror, its also designed like a children's super hero movie but in fact it is not afraid to hold back on the extreme comedic blood and gore ultimately targeted for adults. Truly an exceptional B- grade sci-fi flick, recommend with a passion.
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A Massive Pile Of Sh*t (Pun Intended)
23 May 2015
This Film is a violation to cinema. Director Tom Six presents the third installment to the repulsive franchise (The human Centipede) fingers crossed it truly is the "final sequence". It's offensive at all measures, unforgivably insane and transparently foolish. This film rebelliously dismisses the boundaries of film-making and goes overboard purely for shock factor. Dieter Laser's performance was unnecessarily over the top and gave me a headache, however his insults were priceless. There were no character developments resulting to thin emotional attachment towards the leads, but that's obviously Mr. Six' intent as he only cares about its obnoxious content which still lacked fluency and substance.

The cinematography was descent but seemed like it was heavily inspired by Robert Rodriguez' style. The practical effects were extremely realistic and the lighting really set the tone which promoted the environment. With these few excuses of my 3/10 rating out of the way, what annoyed me most about this film besides its shameful acting, and crummy direction. Is the fact that Tom six proves to me how cocky a film-maker can become, he plays himself in this excuse of a film and there are literally scenes where characters praise his previous movies and asks for his autograph, like SERIOUSLY?

This film is like a bad hangover, it leaves an unforgettable after taste of discomfort and dread. The unintentionally hilarious dialog is its saving grace but at the same time it's no way near forgivable for its constipated plot and pacing. This film takes everything the previous films left out and gives them laxatives and then splatters them onto the screen, is this what you call art Mr. Six, take a good hard look at your career and tell me if you're proud to put this on your resume? After my viewing I brushed my teeth twice and had a long shower. A terrible movie in terms of entertainment and quality, at all costs stay away.

Final Rating (Popcorn Metre) 9%
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Poltergeist (2015)
Spoofs The Original
22 May 2015
This remake of the infamous masterpiece Poltergeist (1982) is a tedious snooze fest for the majority of the runtime. From the producers of the grudge (2004) my expectations were high, boy was I in for a disappointment. It consists of terrible CGI and was pointlessly shot in 3D as a gimmick. If you've seen the trailer you've witnessed the highlights, and the highlights are the alterations of the originals highlights, but executed rather poorly. The lighting was epileptic and the cinematography was amateur, along with its fruitless screenplay. I wasn't invested in the majority of the characters as the film provided very limited emotional development. Sam Rockwell's performance was nothing more than satisfactory, as it felt he was desperate for a pay check. I don't think the unrealistic and lazy dialogue helped either. His oldest daughter was forgettable along with his wife even though decently acted by Rosemarie DeWitt her screen time was restricted.

The film did not deliver any suspense due to its weak atmosphere. And if there was tension building up, it was quickly deflated with piercing music jolts supporting a cheap jump scare. The shallow narrative was rushed but still remained tiresome thanks to Gil Kenan's attempts. However there was one or two effective scenes I recall being genuinely scared, this was carried through the somewhat intense final act, the technically advanced adaptation of "the other side" was quite interesting. Along with Jared Harris' casting, although prolific in character, that's what he does best after all. Some creative updates were thrown in but for the most Poltergeist (2015) lacks intelligent scares, interesting characters and imagination. I strongly advise you to watch the original if you have not yet. Overall an insult to the original but mediocre in terms of remakes.

5.0/10 45% - Mouldy Milk
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It Follows (2014)
A Modern Horror Classic
19 April 2015
Inspired by 70's and 80's horror, it follows is a refreshing psychological horror film with a simple premise and a chilling concept. The cinematography is electrifying, every shot is beautiful and the score holds brilliance, it carries a very obvious John Carpenter vibe to it. The tension is raw, avoiding cheap jump scares and relies on music. Its eerie atmosphere is extremely effective keeping you inches above your seat for the majority of the runtime. The characters are interesting, providing depth and emotional attachment, most modern horror films seem to forget the importance of character development, its nice to see the genre hasn't completely lost it yet. There are several jumps scares, but they work, as they are not carried with unnecessary piecing music jolts but with the use of disturbing and sudden imagery.

The only errors I could detect were the unconventional editing style, the transitions were a little dodgy lacking fluency, this left the film to appear choppy at times but this flaw can be easily forgiven. Its outstanding cinematography and soundtrack make up for this. The film leaves a daunting stain of disturbing after effects that follow you for a long while, with a constant reminder to always check behind your back. An exceptional low budget indie horror film, strongly recommend.
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Zinda (2006)
HOLY SH*T .......... I Have Encountered Satan's Porno !!!!
25 February 2015
Zinda has psychologically poisoned me. Words refuse to escape my mouth as I am beyond speechless, what this world is capable of ..... looking at you "Bollywood". For Starters Oldboy is my all time favourite piece of cinema, a masterful art work, that I truly respect and admire. Zinda uses Oldboy and devours its reputation and spoofs it presumptuously. I've never witnessed something so putrid, this film is simply a crime. Zinda is an unforgivable sin.

The cinematography was chaotic, the acting was horrific and the experience as a whole was intolerable. The producers should feel ashamed and beg for their dignity back. Zinda is humiliating to the point were I can't even comprehend. While my brain was decomposing as I tortured my self to sit through an hour and fifty minutes of utter garbage. This movie is one of a kind, nothing has made me seriously doubt the existence of life like this ever before. My lord what have I gotten myself into my brain thinks to itself for the millionth time in the first 30 minutes. WARNING this film cannot be unwatched so be careful and I mean it. I apologise on behalf of Bollywood for all the true Oldboy fans or even the people who just appreciate film. Because for some reason I feel guilty this *beeping* film exists.
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The Loft (2014)
A Big Game Of Cluedo
21 February 2015
The Loft is a murder mystery, directed by Erik Van Looy who also happened to direct the original Belgium film (loft) 2008. This remake follows the same story of five uncommitted husbands who struggle to sustain a relationship and to keep it in their pants. They are conveniently given access to a secret love dungeon where they can seek their mistresses and cheat on their wives. Shortly after somebody is "murdered" in the loft, the five begin to suspect each other and from there on the over complex CSI episode arises.

Ill start off praising the positives, since the film did have potential. The cinematography is miraculous. The unique sense of direction makes every shot look great. The script is somewhat lethargic but thankfully the "majority" of the cast pull it off. Each character was evenly distributed and explored, creating fairly interesting protagonists and slight emotional attachment. The score raised tension when necessary and kept me guessing on the edge of my seat. But after the 100th twist, the suspense and fascination quickly dissolved. The loft has simply out smarted itself, a simple, yet at times intriguing plot desperately seeks for every twist and turn it can find and uses them, I don't even think M. Night Shyamalan could've handled it. Things started to drag and seem all over the place. It is one big puzzle with one too many pieces. Overall a fun, entertaining sexual thriller. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Mortdecai (2015)
Pink Panther + Johnny English + Dogshit = Mortdecai
31 January 2015
Going into a cinema, expecting something so bad its funny is fine. Laughing "at" the movie, having a good time with a few friends is fun. But mortdecai is below low, making fun of it would be complimenting it. Its an insult to film and johnny Depp's career. Mortdecai is your average spy comedy with countless cliché's and a mixture of pink panther and Johnny English, except it is so poorly written and acted. Johnny Depp's character was exceedingly nauseating and repulsive. All the respect he has gained form previous films are thrown out of the window thanks to this movie. I have literally lost count of how many times my palm physically came into contact with my face.

The slap stick humour and general jokes were imprudent and repetitive. But despite the tiresome jokes the audience in my cinema were actually laughing, which made me quite suspicious, at one point I honestly thought they were paid actors to make the film look good. During the end of the film it turned into a Scooby-doo episode, all the plot holes were revealed but they were so stupid, they weren't predictable they were just completely irrelevant and contributed nothing to the movie. I must admit this film had potential a great cast and infrequent times were I did laugh, but the cast failed miserably and the potential was never made. I demand a refund.
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Selma (2014)
I Have A Dream The One Day An African Americanized Film Does Not Win Best Picture
15 January 2015
Every year there is at least one (African Americanized) motion picture that steals the Oscar. Most are fantastic, but certainly not Oscar worthy. Even Selma was a noble movie with strong performances, is it going to be nominated for best picture? probably. Does it deserve it? No not really. Don't get me wrong I actually really enjoy sensitive movies with racism as one of the topics. But sometimes the Academy Awards have to move out of their comfort zones.

But setting all that aside, as a film Selma was executed very nicely and portrays the chronicle of Martin Luther king Jr quite well. Historically inaccurate at times but it still flowed thanks to its beautiful cinematography and precise direction. At first I was shaking my head to the dreadful miscast but somehow they were quite memorable. Especially on David Oyelowo's behalf, who delivered a stunning performance and an admirable portrayal on Martin Luther King Jr. The film was luminously written and the script holds brilliance. The only thing bringing it down was its excruciatingly slow pacing. The story was brilliant but the film was unnecessarily slow. Almost tedious at times during the first and second act but thankfully manages to balance things out with some incredible stand out scenes and the final speech. Not all the characters were developed to their full potential which made some seem weak and impossible to be emotionally attached to as an audience. Overall Selma was a stand out biography but defiantly not an Oscar contender for sure.
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John Wick (2014)
Don't Set Him Off .......
14 January 2015
John Wick was an explosive, action packed thrill ride. Highly entertaining for the majority of the runtime thanks to the heart pounding music, breath taking stunts and Keanu Reeves himself. The cinematography used in this film is extraordinary especially during the night club scene where I have never witnessed Keanu Reeves kick that much ass since the matrix. There were stirring hand to hand combat scenes and verbal responses to the death scenes as I sat in my chair feeling the adrenaline throbbing in my insides. As for the performances, the acting was satisfying enough for an action flick, except for Willem Dafoe he was excellent, but c'mon he's always excellent.

The action sequences were handled very nicely every shot was sharp and precise unlike recent action films that use shaky cam techniques, where you can't even identify whose fighting who. Which makes this a very refreshing action film, and highly satisfying for any one who wants Neo back on the big screen. I would highly recommend this film for any action lovers or any Keanu Reeves fan *(and Willem Dafoe). Hands down best 2014 Action flick and a successful resurrection for Kenau's career.
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Taken 3 (2014)
The Fugitive Without Harrison Ford ???
12 January 2015
The fugitive ..... I mean Taken 3 was a messy and lazy action film with a cast simply desperate for money. The embarrassing action sequences were horribly handled and even the stunt double was noticeable, they were all over the place. The antagonist was very typical and the protagonist was invincible, numerous certain death experiences where the protagonist somehow survives without a single scratch. The first taken film was fantastic, intelligent, tense and intriguing. Taken 3 lacks all elements and comes off almost humorous thanks to its flimsy direction and pathetic villains. I mean no one was even taken in this movie. The runtime felt excessively long and the predictable loop holes never worked. I mean for god's sakes there is a sequel implied, the franchise should of ended long ago.
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Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash Just Might Be One Of The Greats
10 January 2015
This film does not drag nor rush, it was perfectly in line with the tempo and nearly every aspect of the film was flawless. I'm going to start off praising the electrifying performances because I have never experienced that much tension and fear through the use of dialogue. J.K Simmons was fantastic, taking on a psychotic temper-mental music instructor who comes off beyond intimidating and all the more blood- curdling. Miles Teller delivers a surprising career flipping performance and handles the role perfectly, as he is driven to succeed and dedicated to excel at his admission, the intensity put into his character is overwhelming. The film takes many unexpected twists and turns, and overall comes off a very powerful and intriguing experience, all thanks to the unique style of direction and striking cinematography. The film offers moving characters and hidden life values throughout, despite its fairly basic plot you will be surprised with what this film is capable of. Whiplash was sharply written and precisely acted. No characters were miscast, no scenes bored me. It's easily one of the best 2014 movies so far, and without a doubt an Oscar nomination is well deserved.
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Watching This Film Is An Easy Way To Get Anally Probed
8 January 2015
Now before I start I am a huge fan of alien conspiracy horror flicks and after my first viewing of (grave encounters) 2011 I had high expectation from the "vicious brothers". This film is directed and edited by them and I was seeking for some effective scares. The first act was very formulaic, a group of teenagers decide to spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods now already I am disappointed. The dialogue was moronic along with the characters it is impossible to describe their stupidity as they continue to make poor choices within the situations. It got to the point where I became angry and annoyed but that eventually cooled off after the second act where the exceptional character development finally kicked in, I must agree there were a few cool scenes here and there but the film fails to provide any scares or intelligence within the plot. But during the third act the film explores inside of the spaceship and extends a little on the experimentations the aliens perform on the humans, which is exactly what any alien fan wanted to see, although there were a few scenes that left me confused weather to think this film is a horror or a comedy. After I gave this film a chance it started dosing off to a romantic thriller with the characters apologising and showing affection for each other again, and from that moment the whole film managed to collapse. My expectations were destroyed and the film itself remains a mystery since nothing really makes much sense. I would of appreciated more of an appearance of the aliens and a functioning plot, likable characters and classic "vicious brothers" scares. I will recommend this film to anyone who will watch with an open mind because watching this and expecting it to be the next alien will leave you vastly dissatisfied.
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A New Fashion Found Footage Film With Old Fashion Horror Does It Work ???
6 January 2015
The taking of Deborah Logan is a very typical found footage style horror movie with a fairly basic plot. There were numerous found footage films recently released and they are slowly gaining a negative reputation for themselves and sadly this film barely stands out. Although it contains a few disturbing elements that were quite unsettling, the shaky camera work threw me off. The progression of the story was rather smooth, a motivating orientation with an intriguing explanation of the sickness Alzheimer's which the film revolve around frequently as the protagonist suffers from this very sickness. The film picks up on this and gradually increases the scares and tension, the jump scares were predictable lazy and cheap, but the film's scare factor often worked best in silence but sadly the tension was released by yet another obvious up coming jump scare. And after the fifth time I told myself this film isn't going anywhere. The last 20 mins was creepy and effective which kept a little old fashioned horror movie elements to it. Although there were some disturbing imagery that still floats around my head at night, But again that was ruined because the very end was unnecessary and overall so was the movie. Found footage has been dead since the second instalment of the paranormal activity franchise. Hollywood time to get creative stop making found footage films !!!
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The Transformers Franchise Is Extinct
4 January 2015
Transformers Age Of Extinction is purely a brainless action blockbuster with minimal elements of entertainment. Now where do I even start, since the film drags on for an outrageous runtime of 2 hours and 45 minutes that I can find many flaws I can easily tear apart. But I refuse to do so since to be honest I enjoyed some aspects of the film, the transformers were ridiculous, the protagonist wasn't interesting and the antagonist (decepticons) were the least bit intimidating, they actually came of quite hilarious. The Stupid puns were unnecessary and quite frankly annoying. But putting all that aside some action sequences impressed me some we have seen all before and there were a few really funny character's that made me want to reconsider my thoughts on this film...... but of course I was let down by the overall stupidity of the scenes and the typical action movie clichés and generally Michael Bay's style of filming with the excessive lens flares ans slow motion fight scenes. Before my viewing I gave Michael Bay a chance to redeem his reputation of expensive visual effects and unnecessary explosions. I was very disappointed but all the more not surprised. It's time to end the transformers franchise, but the more I think about it they should have left it alone after the second instalment.
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The Babadook (2014)
The Horror Genre Has Just Been Resurrected
22 December 2014
The Babadook had psychologically traumatized me on several levels. The film sustained an eerie, disturbing atmosphere throughout the runtime leaving me on the edge of my seat that even provided ghastly after effects. This was all thanks to the beautifully directed metaphorical structure of the plot and Essie Davis's explosive performance, who portrayed an extremely convincing transformative character from innocent to psychotic. The film does not contain cheap jump scares that release the tension the film delivers, instead Mr. Babadook is not seen for this very reason, to leave the audience speculating. But this film is clearly not flawless it does have a few errors when it comes to the past events that occurred in the character's life that were a little obscure and questionable. And the unresolved sub plots especially the strange and vague ending that left me confused, but wanting for more. Other than that the film was handled perfectly and the horror genre was tackled tremendously. What an improvement on the recent horror films the Babadook makes those look like dog sh*t.
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The Ultimate Rich People Simulator
8 December 2014
Wolf of Wall street was not only easily one of the best films of the year but an accomplish in cinema also. Here's why. Leonardo Dicaprio, one of the most underrated actor in our generation fails yet again to win an Oscar who happens to deliver one of the strongest performances in his entire career. Not once during this film the audience should consider recognising Dicaprio but his convincing character (Jordan Belfort). His performance was intense and impacting, along with Jonah hills improving attempts. The direction of this film was memorising frame buy frame, not one scene was lazy or tedious despite its outrageous runtime, the film successfully sustains focus and confidence. The editing was extraordinary and the films script holds pure brilliance. The film explores the lives of beyond rich stock brokers in wall street during the 80's and their consequences when their obsessions get out of hand this films plot is limited but surprisingly intriguing. Now because this film is directed so magnificently well, I had literally transported myself into the skin of Jordan Belfort and when the film had ended I returned back to my average home feeling the need to blend into the environment of not being rich. The only down side was there were a few unresolved sub plots and not enough character development for the side characters, which made me feel that Jordan Belfort was the absolute centre of attention which is fine but this resulted into the other characters to look like they're worth jack sh*t.
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Critics Bashed this Movie To The Ground I Understand Why
1 December 2014
Only god forgives is a very mysterious movie containing unresolved metaphors and silence throughout but I like to think that this movie is so powerful it speaks for itself. I can assure you this is not a straight forward film, and this is why I enjoyed it. The film has a captivating score and jaw dropping cinematography, this creates a memorable atmosphere and beautiful visuals. This film is a strange and obscure interpretation of vengeance very similar to Nicolas Winding Refn's previous films, and that is where the critics have gone wrong and the audience to an extent. Because they were expecting some sequel to drive. Of course the film has flaws, there was limited character development on Ryan Gosling's character's (Julian) behalf this results to no emotional attachment to the character. There were also scenes where the film took violence to the next level which I felt were overdone and unnecessary but putting all that aside I would strongly recommend a second viewing to analyze and recognize the appreciation this work of art deserves.
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Catwoman (2004)
It Was Like Watching A Video Game
28 November 2014
This movie was horrendous, on so many levels. The effortless CGI was not only awful but overused. The unnecessary action sequences were forced and beyond unrealistic, the directing was so over the top it resulted into various skits of epileptic stop motion animation. Halle Berry's performance was weak and so was the chemistry between her character and Tom Lone. The Plot was ridiculous, full of predictable lines and scenes. The only reason this film deserves a 4 is the laughable fight scenes, i must give it credit for its embarrassing visual effects definitely worth it since the movie's budget was only approximately $100 000 000. After all this film is one of my biggest guilty pleasures. Great film to watch and criticize with friends.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
The Movie Hits 70% For Me
25 November 2014
Ever after the trailers came out I was pumped, this film looked like it had potential, despite the fact it was a complete rip off of Limitless (2011). And somehow it lived up to my standards. I hate to admit I was highly entertained for the majority of the runtime, even though the movie seemed irrational at times for its scientifically inaccurate plot, I must give it credibility for its creative hypothesis. The Action sequences were impressive and the visual effects were stunning but I would of appreciated more of an appearance by Min-Sik Choi as he is my all time favourite actor. The film itself was beautifully directed, decently written and a convincing performance by Scarlett Johansson, Although the film struggles to conclude, the ending felt rushed and crammed up during the last 20 minutes resulting in an obscure resolution.
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An Atrocious Anthology
18 November 2014
Where do i even start? Since the film itself never starts let alone finishes. Abc's of death 2 attempts to avoid all horror film cliché's but somehow manages to create new ones. The film is disgusting, a series of events that are so poorly executed by its lazy filming techniques and its embarrassingly low budget. The acting is horrific there were literally no effort put into this film which leaves me confused on how it eve made it to the big screen. Although i do have to admit it made slight improvements compared to the first film, which is one of my all time hated movies. The film was made for its shock factor as if it was a competition on which skit was capable of creating the most disgusting. You might as well stick to the human centipede franchise.
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Getaway (I) (2013)
no joke just getaway
15 November 2013
this movie was sad, depressing and spent an over-budget on the unnecessary stunts that can only impressive 6 year old children. i was not only rolling around in pain laughing at the unrealistic scenes but the movie doesn't even make sense. Ethan Hawke stars a pro race driver with a wife that has been kidnapped and this old hag decides to make him bash into everything he sees to make the movie action packed. but just makes it messy the directing was obviously directed by a person picked off the street. its a terrible cheap copy of taken. not only the movie cast,s Justin Beiber's girlfriend with the only line (sh*t) during the whole movie. i will not recommend anybody over the age of 12 to watch this a waste of 80 mins and popcorn.
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