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Takes an Acquired taste
12 August 2018
It takes an acquired taste to appreciate this film. The novelty of a western taking place in the northwest during an oncoming blizzard was a welcome sight, compared to the usual 'out west' westerns. Among my beefs was the dialogue 'chewed' up by Beatty, with the usual cigareen. or whatever you called it, in his mouth. I barely could make out what he was saying. As for the so called romance between him and Christie, had about as much depth to it as him gulping down his 'egg nog' drinks, and for the little time she had on the screen compared to the town, she was nominated for an academy award?The scene with the oversexed cowboy and the wannabee gunslinger was too predictable. Now, if that cowboy had beat the guy to the draw, that would have liven the movie for me..but no, we had to show compassion to the innocent young man, that meant no harm. As for the fire in the church...did anyone ever go into it? Yet, that scene was made bigger than it deserved. It look like it was completely deserted with a lot of rubbish.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Like watching a Video game
29 July 2018
Actually, all these 'comic' movies are like watching a video game. The industry has gotten caught up with CGI, that they won't consider doing anything else. I could see kids might enjoy this type of fluff, and even childlike ( and there are many of those ) adults, enjoying it too. I was looking at the list of all the movies that have been made on comic heroe's, and left out my one time favorite as a kid. "Captain Marvel", the shazam wonder, but i read recently that Ann Bening signed on, I guess as C. M.'s mother for the debut of this character hero. Lord help us. I guess, we will never see the likes of a "Casablanca" again.
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Ella Raines, is Gene Tierney's look alike
24 June 2018
At this time of Wayne's career, every studio 'wanted a piece of him', he was getting so popular. Fortunately, after a long contract with Republic Studios, they gave him free rein, which he appreciated by always going back to this same small studio, that gave him his break. He never lost loyalty towards them and whenever they asked for his services, he was at their beck and call, which resulted in his last film with them, the academy award winner, "The Quiet MAn". As for this film, it was the typical Wayne movie, and always a tough acting female co-star, such as Maureen O' Hara type. This movie most likely set the tone for Maureen in future Wayne films, there were quite a few, that she copied Ella Raines type from this film. Ella, never made it big as far as stardom goes, though she was not a bad actress, and certainly her looking like Gene Tierney, didn't hurt. As for this film, I have to say that I find Gabby Hayes characters are a bit obnoxious with is toothless mouth gibberish. A little of him would have been sufficed.
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Get the DVD, there is more in it
21 June 2018
This is a wonderful documentary about the woman of the century..As an Imigrant, citizen later ( 1953 ) she contributed so much to this country, especially during the war years. Selling war bonds more than any other person at that time, invented a frequency hopping product to sink German U-boats during WW2., plus used during the '60's Cuban crisis, when we almost went to war with Russia. Because of her outstanding beauty, she was more admired for it, than her brains, so she wasn't taken seriously even with a patent on her invention. Susam Sarandon, co-producer said in an interview, that her story really should be made into a major motion picture, for what she did, and went through, while living in Europe during her younger years. In the DVD version, there are extras, with more in depth info from Mel Brooks, who was asked why he used her name as the butt of a joke in his movie, "Blazing Saddles". ..and more interviews. I was so taken by the DVD, that when it was shown for the first time on PBS's, "American Masters", I had to watch it again. Of course, you do not get to see any extra's as on the DVD. Till this day, I do not see why this woman hasn't even been put on a US postage stamp icon...but, you do see on occasions, other less accomplished celebs, and even Mickey Mouse .
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Timeless: Hollywoodland (2018)
Season 2, Episode 3
Nice eposode, but somewhat inaccurate
26 March 2018
They meet the gorgeous movie star and inventor, Hedy Lamarr in the year 1941. During the show, Hedy's invention is mentioned in the present tense, though the patent she submitted to the government was done in 1942. At the end of this show, Rufus mentions that he had heard that Hedy's invention was accepted and paid 30 Billion dollars. It is on record that she never received a dime from the government. Don't they do the research before they write a script?
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Undisputed 4: Boyka (2016 Video)
OK, for a First timer viewer
11 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really didin't know what to expect, but was taken merely by the fight scenes. The say that they were carefully choregraphed, but to me they were realistic. Even so, how they managed not to hurt each other, is a miracle. This movie had echo's of "Rocky"...for me. Just when you think he is done, a slight look at the woman he came to ask for forgiveness is in trouble, he gains all his strength back, icluding a bad back and wins...again. The acting was about par for this type of action, but very inaudible to my ears. Occasionally, I would hear an English word spoken and the worse part was the ending..I could not know what they were saying to each other during her visit to prison. The dvd from Netflix had no subtitles. BTW, he was arrested, presumably cause he killed the leader. Never mentions if he gets life or least not to my ears.
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Samson (2018)
Hedy's Deliaha and Victor's Samson, still the best combo.
15 February 2018
They were the epitome of the couple of Bibical times....They did not have the advantage of CGI, and yet was very well done for its time, and the acting as well and the music score, ant the Tecnicolor at its best.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Story line getting stale
8 November 2017
I haven't missed any of its shows since it started. I liked the camaraderie of the 2 detectives. The cast is likable and attractive. In fact I enjoyed this show, more than the movie version. But, I am starting to get bored with the over the top character of Riggs, blaming his childhood with his drunken, abusive Father and of course the murder of his wife. If this show continues to be renewed for a third or fourth season, is the Riggs character ever going to mature?
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Doubt (2017– )
Transgender affair
23 July 2017
I was curious about the Transgender aspect of this show. Watching Laverne, I still see some signs of a masculine nature..and her walk, seems like a forced one, a bit exaggerated. I was wondering how they were going to handle the affair Laverne will have with the doctor, Billy. I know he must know that 'she' is a transgender person, and in one scene he kisses her and she tells him that she is ready for sex. I don't know of this actor ( never heard of him ) if he is transgender himself, I know he is acting...but somehow it made me feel a bit uneasy watching the scene. Aside from that, the court scenes were not bad, nor the actors, but for me the transgender theme overshadowed the court scenes and that may be its misfortune.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Depressing, dragged out show
12 April 2017
Its starting to take its toll with me. Unfortunately, this is typical with all long playing shows. The writers and the network get all caught up with the earlier rave reviews, so it seems that they like to drag it out. They should quit while they were ahead. It no longer has the suspense that I had felt at the beginning. The only thing left is to wonder what the writers have in store for the two leads. Do they turn turncoat, or are they arrested. I read that the fifth season would be the last and i hope that is true. The two leads are showing remorse over killing an innocent man who was only doing good for the entire world. Where were their remorse in the earlier shows when they were killing innocent people cause they were 'their' enemy...period.
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Photography A+, Story B- minus
17 March 2017
The photography at times were overwhelming, and at other times seemed to be trying to be too arty. The scene when they show the couple flying and being seen outside as the camera withdraws, is like a scene I have never seen before in any movie. It was an actual airplane, not a prop,and i couldn't see that another plane was flying alongside it just to make that scene. See for yourself what I am talking about. Now for the story itself. Terrorism as performed by some of the so-called Islamic group, was not pleasant to watch, but effective. The actors are very good, especially by Jordi who surprised me with the way he acted as a paraplegic. I actually believed that he was a paraplegic. I spent attention to the scene where his wife was rubbing his bare legs as he was in pain and had to take his medication. I did not see any quick 'stand in' during that scene. I do not know how they did it. I thought Keitel was miscast, regardless weather he was good or not in the role. As for Murray Abraham, he was a bit over the top, in a brief role, thank goodness. I could not feel any sympathy for the actress, although her acting was very good. What she saw in kietel is mystifying..although i suspect any man at any time meeting and flirted with her, had a good chance for some action. True, she was married to a 'half man' as Jordi said in a couple of scenes. The story line had its flaws, not a great film, but worth watching, especially the ending with the paraplegic trying to escape from the 2 terrorist that came to kill him. Interesting scene with all those pipes below the ceiling. Better than the usual car chasing scenes for a change.
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Typical Republic Wanye movie
15 December 2015
You gotta hand it to the Duke...his loyalty to the small Republic studios was admirable. They were the one that gave him his start in the movies and he never forgotten that as his movie star status grew and grew. It finally paid off when they both made "The Quiet Man" with a few Oscars no less in 1949-50. This movie was a prelude to that, and no Maureen O'Hara at that. Seriously, I loved Maureen, but towards the latter years of his career, she seemed to be in everyone of his pictures, including the aforementioned "Quiet Man". Joseph Schildkraut was a notable enemy, which he has performed in past movies. A, Dvorak pretty, and never acquired big star status, but most likely, one that the Republic studio could afford and Virginia Grey, Clark Gable's girl friend for many years." I Love Lucy"'s landlord has a comic turn here. One thing I noticed, where was Ward Bond? Another familiar face in the Duke's movies..
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Susan playing second fiddle to Ava?
6 December 2015
First, I found this movie, like most here, boring. Mainly a Susan fan, but i found her role was almost secondary to Ava's. I think Ava's part was more complex. I could not imagine why Susan chose to be in this one at all, until I read somewhere that she only accepted this role, cause Hedy Lamarr, her pal, was to play the Ava role, but Hedy turned it down, mainly cause of salary dispute. Hedy was in demand at that time because of her big comeback in "Samson And Delilah". Unfortunately, Susan had to go through her commitment. Aside from that, I felt that the flashbacks were intrusive to the story line, and so I got lost along the way. BTW, Peck looked bored as well.
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Sidney and Fred reunited in a 1980's sitcom
24 August 2015
Only yesterday i was watching an old sitcom "My 3 Sons' starring Fred. I noticed that the teacher's role was played by Sidney...and right away I made the connection to this film, when my big sister took me to the movies. It was my first viewing of a Technicolor movie and as a kid I was anxious to see "Spanky". It was too grown up for me at 8 years old to absorb the story line. I was more taken with the color, Spanky and the song they kept playing throughout. I liked the song and recall, the theater showed a Popeye comedy which was in color also, and the hit song that was played in it was "Did You ever see a Dream Walking, well I did"...I also noticed that my sister and her boyfriend were smooching on sneaks...LOL
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Tut (2015)
Despite the second 'act' which was slow, not a bad mini series
22 July 2015
It was photographed in Morocco and the cast of thousands without the aid of CGI, was very impressive. Think of the work that had to be done to 'dress' that cast. The acting was very good to just fair..some overacting on a couple of the characters. It had its flaws and would have been better had they not stretched it out to 3 'acts". The young actor whom I never heard of was very impressive to me and took the acting honors in my eyes. His sister,Queen in a difficult role was good at times and overacted in others. One of the flaws that stood out to me, was when Tut's true love had written a note that she wanted delivered to the King and the way it was set it up. Not expecting a visit from the young lad who was smittem by her, she handed him the note to do the delivery. Now, she had no friends, with the possibly exception of him and yet she was not expecting a visit, so who else was she going to trust to deliver that note? The other fault was the fight between her and the Queen who eventually kills was not believable. I was disappointed in Kingsley's contained performance. But it beats whatever else on TV during these Summer doldrums of TV.
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"We both Rather forget This"
30 January 2014
I recall listening to Cummings on the radio late evening show in the '60's as he was standing in for Jack Paar. His guest's were Vincent Price, Patricia Morrison ( Kiss Me Kate Broadway fame ) and Hedy Lamarr. The conversation went something like this as their movie came up..."We both rather forget this " and so will I. They laughed it off. HEDY said at the time that she was in the mood for a comedy and though Cummings could play dramatic roles, he also was good in comedies. Unfortunately this role was laboriously done. She also was fond of appearing with a fellow European, Anna Sten, who at one time was being considered as the next Garbo by Samuel GOLDWYN, head of United Artist studios.
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Diabolique (1955)
The Shoes
8 April 2013
Spoiler? maybe...

This is more of a goof on the director, then a spoiler..

When the victim is on the bed, he asks his wife to remove his shoes, and we see that she does. Then Simone, as she is running the water in the bathtub, asks the wife to remove his shoes, as she is preparing to carry him into the tub. This time we don't see her doing this. When they carried him into the tub, you can see him still with the shoes on. Other than that goof, a well made suspenseful movie, that outshines Hitchcock. I think there was an American remake which fell far short of this masterpiece.
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Spellbound (1945)
Phony SKI scene
8 April 2013
First, the music background was outstanding. I thought Ingrid's character as Constance unbelievable on a couple of occasions...her falling in love with the patient...and the scene where she is confronting the real murderer as nonchantly as having tea with a visitor. She showed no fear as she was accusing him of murder. Why didn't she call the police and accuse him in front of them, for safety sake. Not Ingrid's fault, bad written script. Now, for that Ski was so badly photographed with her suspecting glances at Peck as they supposedly going at fast speed. Nothing was ever mentioned in their previous skiing experiences. Phony as that scene was to me, they looked like Pros..if that was their first time on Ski's.
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