
640 Reviews
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The Resort (2021)
It was almost enjoyable, but then it wasn't!
17 May 2024
The Resort was a really weird experience. I knew the score was bad before I pressed the play button, but I just wanted a mindless hour and a half of horror and figured 'What The Hell!'

Despite the pretty terrible acting and the corny dialogue, I found myself enjoying it once they reached the Island. I guessed it would entertain me the way that bad films sometimes do!

My brief glimmer of enjoyment soon faded away though. The plot unravelled and the horror moments shown in the trailer came and went, without expanding on the horror much at all.

Then the film ended, It didn't really seem like it was finished, but in came the credits anyway.

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The Retreat (2021)
Not a bad horror flick
17 May 2024
I can't disagree completely with the darkness comments. Large parts of the film were definitely darker than they could have been.

Other than that, The Retreat was a well told horror tale with good acting and a decent sense of tension throughout.

There isn't much originality here, this story has been told many times before, but unlike some of the others; the retreat didn't appear to be trying too hard! A mistake that is often made in this genre.

Overall it was a good watch, the acting and dialogue were on point and the story was entertaining enough. The darkness does take the score down a notch, but it's worth a watch.

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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Jessica Gunning was outstanding!!!
22 April 2024
Baby Reindeer is dark and gritty from the start. Jessica Gunning takes the role of the stalker to truly sinister levels and plays the part superbly well. The story is compelling and the less you know about it the better. You'll wonder how this is all real, but the events that occur probably wouldn't occur the same way in fiction. But life isn't fiction and that is what makes this series so powerful.

Richard Gadd plays the lead role after living these events in his life. It is brave of him to have written and to star in his own true story, particularly a story with such horror and heartache.

It's a riveting watch!

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Fallout (2024– )
Disjointed and bland with a terrible soundtrack!
17 April 2024
I have never played the games, but I heard a lot of raving about how great this series was so figured it was worth a shot.

There were some okay scenes, but throughout the opening episode we are bashed over the head with far too much awful music that distracts from what could have been more entertaining.

It never really gripped my attention, despite a few nice ideas. But the main issue I had was the lack of clarity behind what was going on. Of course, there was nuclear fallout, but why were some living in bunkers and others in the outside world? Why was one from the bunker so confident to venture outside when it had already been stated that it wouldn't be safe for at least another generation. I reached the point where I just didn't care enough about any of the characters to carry on watching any further episodes.

Maybe fans of the games can see more than I did, but I can't be bothered carrying on with this series.
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Cobweb (2023)
The less you know going into to this, the better!
16 April 2024
Cobweb is not winning any awards and it is pretty farcical at times. But it's creepy, dark and good fun to watch.

The cast are all good, especially given the oddities of their characters. The parents start weird and quickly turn creepy, adding to the tension and the mystery during the first hour of the movie.

I liked that the movie opened several possibilities regarding where the story would take us. Over-imaginative kid acting up? Parents from hell? Murdered girl seeking revenge? Supernatural or some kind of monster? The opening hour of the film certainly sets a dark tone and keeps us guessing.

The final act (which seems to be heavily criticised) worked well in my opinion. It's flawed for sure, but it was tense and creepy with some good horror moments. I've certainly seen far sloppier endings in the horror genre, and I did feel satisfied enough when the movie ended.

Worth a watch 6/10.
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Lacklustre and mostly boring!
2 April 2024
Expectations were high following my enjoyment of afterlife and seeing in the trailer that the old crew were back.

Frozen Empire took itself too seriously, it lacked the humour and the Ghostbusters vibe that made the franchise a hit in the first place. The fan service moments were the only thing that saved it from being completely awful!

Best moment by far comes at the end when the original music kicks in and the Ghostbusters ride off to do some Ghostbusting. Should have had more of that in the movie rather than just ambling through a simplistic and weak plot to a mediocre ending.

There were some good performances and a couple of laughs, but overall it was just dull!

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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
I just thought it was average
8 March 2024
Billed as a romantic comedy without really being either romantic or very funny.

There is a dark humour that made me smile a few times and the female lead was absolutely brilliant. Her character, who is already unstable, continues to descend into her depression as she quests for happiness.

I enjoyed the movie, but it didn't feel very fresh or original. The time travel elements got pretty muddled at times and ended up feeling quite unsatisfying.

Meet Cute is not a bad film, and the drama of the story is good viewing. I just wanted more substance than is ultimately delivered here.

It's worth a watch 5/10.
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Unintentionally hilarious look at people wanting to be big fish in a small pond
5 March 2024
I found this documentary to be really interesting and eye-opening!

It's genuinely astounding how believers in a flat Earth form their belief system with no evidence whatsoever to support their theories.

The makers of the documentary try really hard to allow the flat Earth believers to make their case. There is zero interference or mockery levelled at them. And still the outcome comes off as a mockumentary that is hilarious to watch.

The flat Earth believers undertake several experiments that clearly prove the globe Earth, only to deny their own results and hide them from their indoctrinated followers.

The psychology behind the flat Earth condition is what fascinated me the most. Clearly these people realise that they can feel important while they peddle their conspiracy. Loudly claiming that all non-believers are too blind and too brainwashed to see the truth. But in reality the stars of this documentary are the creators of the real conspiracy because it makes them feel like big fish in a small pond.

I watched Mark Sargent (Portrayed as the leader in this documentary) appear on 'This morning' (UK TV Show) to discuss his flat Earth theories some more. He tried desperately to baffle with a speedy delivery of some of the most nonsensical garbage I have heard in my life. Discrediting reputable scientists and astronauts in the process. I am not even sure that he realised the presenters were mocking him by the end.

I got the feeling that after the making of 'Behind the Curve' the power went to his head a little. He seems to have fallen from leadership since then, but the believers are still out there following a different fish!

I loved it! 8/10

In a way it is quite scary!
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The Loft (2014)
It's a decent Mystery Thriller with poor characters
23 February 2024
If you are looking for an intriguing, well-crafted thriller, then The Loft delivers. It has a good plot, plenty of mystery, and lots of twists and turns. The direction is good and the story is pieced together quite cleverly to keep the viewer guessing right until the end. For these elements I applaud the movie and would definitely recommend it.


The lead characters are all horrible people, fighting amongst themselves to see who is the most horrible. Then they are all surprised when they find these bad things had also been done to them, behind their backs.

The wives of these horrible people were not fleshed out with any depth and as a result they appeared bland.

The casual lovers were the more serious victims of these stupid games that the horrible lead characters were playing.

I had no issues at all with any of the acting, I think that everyone did a great job in their respective roles. I just didn't like any characters in this movie and frankly wanted all the guys to end up losing everything.

As a thriller is was worth a watch.

6/10, but this would have been higher if some of the main characters had made me care about them.
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Nothing wrong with it, but could have been better.
21 February 2024
Absolutely Anything is a good fun movie that never gets heavy or involved. It just entertains, and it entertains easily.

However, I couldn't help feeling like it should have been better. I don't even know how exactly. It's crazy, funny, well cast and has a good story. It just seems to miss hitting the heights that could have made it great.

The concept is very similar to Bruce Almighty, although this is done with more reckless abandon and madcappery, "yes I just made up that word" Bruce Almighty is probably a better movie, but if you liked that, you'll probably like this too.

Recommended for an easy watch when you can't be bothered to think too hard. 6/10.
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Bigger, Louder, Dumber!
21 February 2024
I loved Independence Day for what it was, and for never pretending to be anything else. It was big, loud and dumb, but it was great fun served with lashings of cheese!

Independence Day: Resurgence uses the same formula, but just isn't as good in any way. Will Smith is a huge miss, despite many of the original cast finding themselves back in Alien battle and most still donning their plot armour.

This is definitely bigger and louder, but the originality and quality of plot and the dialogue just isn't there this time around. ID4 was pretty dumb, but often funny and with its tongue firmly in its cheek. Resurgence just comes off as dumb.

I still enjoyed it. As a popcorn flick it's perfectly ok and has many great action sequences and a some stunning visuals. The cast all work and plot is good enough if you don't start picking holes in it.

Worth a watch if you fancy a dumb action movie. 6/10.
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The Ledge (2022)
I probably enjoyed this more than my score suggests
19 February 2024
Right from the off I had to suspend my disbelief, and I mean within the first 10 minutes! The characters actions are just so brainless. Not to mention that the acting of the lead male is really bad (laughably bad at times)

The story is actually pretty good and given a decent script and more thought into the characters, this could have been great.

The action and tension comes thick and fast and there are some really nicely done scenes in this movie, even on the very low budget they had to work with.

Sadly, the brainless decision making and the rationalising of different plans throughout the film just make it very hard to take seriously. (They are supposed to be trying to get away with these crimes and pretending they are all accidents!)

Having said all that, I did kind of enjoy the ride and definitely don't regret watching it.

4/10 is the highest I can go though.
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Puppy Love (II) (2023)
Really Good Doggy Rom-Com
16 February 2024
I am not actually sure if being a dog person helps with this movie, but I am and I loved it.

The Chemistry between the two leads was excellent. Their relationship was somewhat strained, but evolved very naturally to become something quite beautiful. I thought the character depth and portrayal was superb.

With some really quite mad moments and plenty of good laughs, Puppy Love, is definitely more comedy than romance, but the romance is very realistic and complex so it worked like a charm.

The doggie situations were actually used more sparingly than the title of the film suggests, but they never fail to be heart-warming, funny, or both.

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Love Hard (2021)
I Loved this one!
14 February 2024
I loved the cast in this film, the two leads were both great and I felt their chemistry grew with the film and the story. It made it feel more real in a way.

The story was good, I've not seen the catfish scenario used quite like this before so it seemed quite fresh. There is the typical amount of seasonal laughs and goofy situations that all work well. And the whole movie had that feel good vibe that we all want from a Christmas Rom-Com.

I won't pretend that this is the greatest movie of its type, but I was more than happy that we chose to give it a go, and it was great fun to watch.

Good Fun 7/10.
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Clinical (2017)
Not the best, but not the worst either
14 February 2024
Clinical sits firmly between horror and thriller, but the horror elements were the better parts.

The opening scene is a good intro to the movie. It sets a horror narrative and is a little creepy. For a while after the film slows right down and at times suffers from some ropey acting and pacing issues.

That said, the lead actress is consistently good throughout.

There are some interesting scenes and a few creepy moments that just about keep the movie from becoming boring, and then comes the twist which I didn't see coming. I really liked it, It was a genuine surprise and a good horror moment with a clever reveal.

Sadly, the movie then stays in horror mode and becomes a bit predictable and generic.

It's definitely not a bad film, but it fails at too many things to be really good.

Just Average 5/10.
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Nocebo (II) (2022)
Ended up pretty strong after a weird start
13 February 2024
Nocebo was different, almost jarring at first. It felt really weird at the start and my wife and I both looked at each other in wonder, both of us unsure whether to keep going or quit early doors.

I am glad we stuck with it, the story seeps through in flashbacks and the movie just keeps getting better and more sinister as the layers unfold.

The cast were all brilliant and the underlying horror just bubbles along nicely before it fully comes to light. I didn't find the story too difficult to figure out as each piece of it became clearer, but it didn't matter that the foreshadowing made it easier to see coming. It worked really well.

Certainly worth a watch 7/10.
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The Lost City (2022)
It's an Action/Rom-Com, an enjoyable one.
13 February 2024
The Lost City doesn't pretend to be anything special, and it's cheesy and silly in parts. But it has heart and plenty of laughs.

Nothing particularly new or original, but everything was done well and always with its tongue in its cheek.

Bullock and Tatum had good chemistry throughout and I liked the slight twist on the characters reactions in dicey situations.

It's never winning any major awards nor is it the best in the genre, but it is definitely entertaining and that is the whole point of a movie like this.

Strong cast, decent script, plenty of laughs and a simple but solid story. What's not to like?

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Everest (2015)
Nicely Done
13 February 2024
As a recreation of real events, this movie is both dramatic and faithful. Nothing seems to be overplayed for added effect and the realism is refreshing.

It was surprising to see how the events unfolded and the decisions taken in such extreme circumstances. The portrayal of each character was great and the camerawork and effects were brilliant. They captured the beauty and the power of nature, placing the viewer in the thick of the disaster.

Drama and tension combine to make this movie and harrowing, yet satisfying experience.

So well done, it's hard to believe that it really happened!

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Intriguing until it wasn't
13 February 2024
Dangerous lies sets up nicely. Interesting characters and well paced story telling spin a web of intrigue that kept me engaged, wanting to unravel the mystery.

The intrigue turned to disbelief as events unfolded and really bad things started to happen. The character reactions were too far off real life. I get that they had started digging a hole and once in it to their necks it becomes hard to come clean. But some sense of desperation or panic is needed to sell the gravity of their plight.

The ending felt flat and disappointing, again reactions to the events were well off and the final camera shot was just plain silly.

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Surprisingly Good!
12 February 2024
I have played Pokemon but it was many years ago now. I had desperately low expectations for this movie, but my son insisted and there was no way my wife was taking him to see it.

It's actually good! It's a kids movie, but it more than caters for the adults. Ryan Reynolds waters down his Dead Pool persona and injects hilarity into the Detective Pikachu character. Even the story is good, it's intriguing without being over complex and it holds the mystery till the end pretty well.

The Pokemon living among the people is done well and is pretty funny at times. But overall the movie is just harmless fun.

My true score is about 5.5/10 but it's a kids film so I'm giving it a 7/10 I reckon that's fair.
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M3GAN (2022)
I liked it, but definitely wanted more!
12 February 2024
Megan was one of those movies that I couldn't wait to see. I loved the idea and the trailer looked amazing.

Now, there's nothing really wrong with this movie. All the elements are solid and the cast were great. Megan herself is very cool and definitely creepy. I just wanted more horror. Not necessarily violence or gore, just more full on chills and nastiness.

I felt this was a missed opportunity to really use the idea to inject some real fear in to the viewer. Megan could have been so much more menacing than she ended up becoming.

That said, I still enjoyed the film, and I will watch the sequel without doubt. Maybe they will ramp up the horror for part 2.

7/10 but could have been more.
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Suspenseful gory horror. Great Fun!
12 February 2024
The slasher has a prerequisite that the characters will make dumb choices and the bad guys will generally lack intelligible motives. (There are some exceptions)

Haunt ticked these prerequisites of the list shamelessly and the movie worked a treat.

The characters were all well portrayed well and were plunged into a nightmare that they could not have foreseen coming. The sets were great and provided some great horror scenes that never felt over the top. The tension was palatable throughout and little happened exactly the way it was foreshadowed.

Haunt is gritty and brutal. A seriously good slasher. Better than most in recent years.

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My teenage son liked it, for me it was a bit Meh!
12 February 2024
I will admit, I am not a fan of the games, my son however, is a big fan!

He was keen to watch this movie and I have to say the trailer looked ok so we did, and my expectations were not high.

Five Nights at Freddy's sets up quite well, the characters were interesting enough and the visuals are nice and gritty.

It didn't take long to wonder how the movie rated as a 15 though. It is like they started to tone it down to make it a 12, but couldn't quite sneak it under the threshold. It was disappointing, the creepiness wasn't creepy, the horror wasn't horrific, the violence was timid. The whole thing felt as though it was made for a younger audience.

I can't give it more than 5/10 Not because it's bad, but because it missed the chance to be far better.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
I'm actually ashamed to have watched this rubbish!
12 February 2024
When it was announced that Barbie was to be made as a live action movie I cringed and pretty much forget about it. Then the hype erupted, and you couldn't get away from the frenzy surrounding this movie. I had to see the trailer; my intrigue got the better of me.

Wow! It actually looked good! Parody, satire, an interesting premise.

Now, I wasn't prepared to just take the plunge, I still had my doubts and didn't want to be paying Cinema or home premier prices. So, I waited, but remained strangely eager to enjoy this guilty pleasure and hopefully have a great laugh in the process. After all, the reviews and buzz around Barbie never seemed to die down too much.

£1.99 on Prime was the clincher. I am a middle-aged man, and I persuaded my wife and teenage son to watch it with me. The Trailer sold it to them easily.

Instant smiles when kids began smashing their dolls, mimicking the apes in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The next 15 minutes was sickly but set the scene and bridged to the premise teased so much in the trailers.

The next hour was ok, but never really reached my expectations. It had some humorous moments, little else.

The final 30 minutes was just awful! Terrible songs and relentless bashing over the head with their big message. It was insulting how the movie makers forced this down the viewers throats as if we were all completely dumb and wouldn't understand it if it wasn't repeated over and over again!

It wasn't the message that ruined the movie, the message is valid and strong, I couldn't agree with it more! Sadly, the movie is largely boring and dull. This formula framed in a sickly Barbie world as it is, just doesn't convey the message well at all.

Great ad campaign, and obviously the movie is appealing to some, just not to me or my family.

A generous 3/10 My wife gave it 0/10

My advice if you feel the urge to watch, as I did. Give it 30 minutes. If you aren't seeing what you came for by then, it isn't for you.
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Should be required viewing for all dog owners
9 February 2024
Besides the fact that this is a very entertaining program, it is clear that Graeme Hall knows his stuff when it comes to dogs!

We started watching this show just after we lost our beautiful Border Collie of 14 years. We could see all the mistakes that we'd made throughout his life that had made him quite reactive to traffic and bikes, etc. We never realised that we could have trained this out of him so easily. Don't get me wrong, he was a brilliant dog.

Anyway, we now have a beautiful Lurcher puppy and have learned many lessons from this show about how to train her so that she is a very well behaved and well mannered 13 month old beauty. No trouble in the car, crowds, on walks, off-lead, in the house, at meal times, bed times, she is just perfect.

Graeme Hall - Good boy!

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