
34 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Could Have Been Better
25 May 2024
From the previews alone, I thought this would be an exceptional science fiction movie, showcasing impressive CGI effects and an action-packed storyline. Unfortunately, it fell short due to a weak plot and poor acting. It took only 15 minutes to realize that this film would be a disappointment. Adding to the frustration, I watched this immediately after seeing "Madam Web," a recent box office flop, which now seems better in comparison. Despite the promising visuals and initial excitement, the film ultimately failed to deliver a compelling or enjoyable experience. This was a letdown, especially considering the high expectations set by its marketing. Overall, it was a frustrating watch that underscored the importance of a strong story and good acting in making a movie truly engaging.
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Goosebumps (2023– )
Why So Dark?
20 October 2023
I can't honestly say that I "watched" Goosebumps since everything was shot so dark. I started wondering if the production bothered bringing lights to the set or it was shot during northern winters with short days. It's become an annoying trend that movies and tv series have started that I wish would stop. It used to be when someone entered a dark room all they needed was a single match or lighter to light up everything, pretty funny and unconvincing but at least we saw what was going on.

We spend our good money on High Definition TVs and pay outrageous prices on streaming and satellite services only to be sent back to radio days before television and we just had to imagine what was going on from sound effects. Lack of lighting must save having expensive CG graphics when all you see is a black screen and hear sound. At least our pricey multi channel theater surround systems are used but I'd sure like use my tv set every now and then.
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Family Guy: Be Careful What You Fish For (2012)
Season 10, Episode 14
Finally an episode worse than James Woods
13 July 2023
Once again, I don't know what notion, fever, demon possession or drugs made the writers use a more annoying character than the ones featuring the very uncool and unfunny James Woods. The dolphin wasn't bad for the first minute or two and should have just been a cutaway but not waste an entire episode. At least the other characters felt he was just as annoying as probably the viewers. Perhaps there were times when the writers hit a major writing block or Seth MacFarlane was in between one of his many other projects to reconsider releasing this stink bomb on their fans. It's sad when that when the animation got better the writing got worse. I guess we can't have everything.
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Family Guy: Tom Tucker: The Man and His Dream (2012)
Season 10, Episode 13
Enough with James Woods!
13 July 2023
Why do they ruin perfectly good episodes with James Woods? He's a creep and he's annoying. It's not just from recent events that's turned me against Woods, I never, at any point in his career, thought he was a good actor or good looking since the 80s. What possessed the writers to add him in so many episodes? His star power? Unfunny sense of humor? His ability to be even creepier than Herbert and Quagmire combined? To say Sean Young went as far as stalking this goon says a lot about her sanity, taste in men and eyesight. If the writers wanted to use him so bad, they should do an episode where his scarred up pizza face catches fire and it's put out with a chain large freighter chain or barbed wire. I wished they'd remove or destroy all James Woods' episodes and bury every copy as far down into the earth as possible or toss them into live volcanoes. I'd say toss the real guy but they wouldn't stop the endless reruns that's scarred society like Woods himself. So happy he retired and left Hollywood, I can assure him he's not missed.
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Family Guy: You Can't Handle the Booth (2019)
Season 17, Episode 16
The absolute worst!
4 June 2023
It's been said over and over already so Im not breaking new grounds with my review but neither did this episode break any new grounds either. I'm a huge fan of Family Guy but this one ranks as even worse than the early seasons of badly drawn episodes, all the ones with James Woods, the stupid dolphin or the one of Donald Trump. It felt like 2 hours and a waste of their talented resources. I've tried watching it more than once and it gets worse and still make no sense. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea and they should have saved this for the dvd release, for the fans who enjoy commentary and behind the scenes dialog or commentary.
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Family Guy: Excellence in Broadcasting (2010)
Season 9, Episode 2
Worst Episode So Far
26 July 2022
Whoever thought this was a good idea for a Family Guy episode was terribly mistaken. Rush Limbaugh and Republicans? Really? I'm a huge Family Guy fan but this is the one episode I have to switch or turn off, along with most James Woods' guest appearances. Showing Rush Limbaugh as some hero or nice person is just too unbelievable, even for an animated program.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Waste of Time
20 July 2021
I love Nicholas Cage, I respect him as an actor but lately he's made some bad career choices, so when I read the good reviews for Pig I was very happy for him. Not only does it star Nicholas Cage but the up and coming Alex Wolff and well respected Adam Arkin. Unfortunately, Pig didn't do it for me or my wife. There just isn't enough dialog or storyline to keep this movie afloat. It's boring, dark (poor lighting) and depressing. I don't understand the rave reviews and maybe I missed something but it was very hard staying awake through this one.
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Boring, Slow and Cheap
13 November 2020
Deadbeat was a good name they chose. Very "no budget" wannabe gang movie with awful acting, no story, poor fight scenes and the fakest blood ever used. Looks like most of it was shot between a graveyard and deserted, run down part of town. It might be a cult classic to some and maybe it was from the laughs for being so bad, which made it watchable. All that was missing was old video tape noise and distortion to set the mood. This needs to be buried deep in the ground as far as it can go or crush every copy going into that trash compactor shown.
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Boring On So Many Levels
13 November 2020
It builds itself into something that it isn't. It has that oh too familiar low, low budget look, that you just know is going to be nothing else but a stink bomb. Unknown awful actors making up a plot as they go and it goes nowhere fast. Very boring garbage that's more torture than entertaining. Some people go to bed with the TV on to help them sleep, so they turn on anything besides informercials, this would be one of those shows.
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Dreadfully Boring
5 September 2020
I would try to explain what I wasted over two hours of my life and time watching but that might only confuse you even more. With a good cast, especially the up and coming Jessie Buckley, I thought it would be something worthwhile watching, but I was so wrong. This isn't a Thriller at all but a nonsensical Drama/Musical. Don't bother with this one!
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The Reliant (2019)
Christian movie in disguise
1 July 2020
There's not much to add that hasn't already been said. It's low budget, poorly acted and awfully written. Even top billed Eric Roberts has only a cameo. It's a post apocalyptic family survival movie with a Christian message, for gun activists. If that's your type it's your choice to watch but it didn't work for me.
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Low Budget Nonsense
26 June 2020
Looks like a home movie, sounds like a home movie, performed by amateurs. Awful plot that'll take time from your life that you'll never get back. Not even on your most boring days, during a pandemic lockdown is it worth watching this over paint drying. I've seen better infomercials and zoo cams of caged animals than this garbage. Stay away at all costs, even if it's free.
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Low Budget And It Shows
19 January 2020
Looks like most of the budget was spent on the movie poster. I found the movie very, very boring and it had a weak plot. Maybe if it was a short it could have been passable but there's no way you should make a movie with such a dull cast and story.
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
Removed From Recording
30 September 2018
I can't add any more than what's already been said, it's boring, a dud, more subtitles than a foreign movie and the only thing it has in common with 'Sons Of Anarchy" are motorbikes. I thought having Emilio Rivera from 'Sons' would help but he's only a background ornament, the other characters are uninteresting and unlikable. After two terribly written and acted first episodes it's canceled from our viewing schedule. Adios and good riddance.
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Nothing Much To Add About Its Awfulness
9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As many have already said, the concept of a group going to the woods for some peace, quiet and inspiration isn't a terrible basis for a movie but when there's more music than anything else it gets pretty nerve wracking. It's like a wannabe band trying to use the movie for exposure to get a record deal, but all they're showing is just how bad their music is.

The only hope to get out of your suffering from the God-awful music is the fact that it touts itself as horror so someone responsible gets hacked and finally shuts the hell up. Never have I wanted a cast to be killed off so bad. Even while their getting hacked with everyone around them dying off someone still picks up a guitar and starts singing. Even those getting hacked continue to sing.

Take everyone's advise on this one and save yourself time of your precious life and avoid this disgrace of a movie with sucky songs and terrible acting with a plot that should have been set fire to before it was conceived.
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Germ (2013)
Bad Acting, Awful Story, Rotten Movie!
23 March 2014
I don't know how anyone who wasn't paid off had anything honestly positive to say about this movie. Supposedly there's a Forest fire started from a satellite that was shot down for what reason, I don't know. You never see a fire, only smoke that looks like a barbecue nearby. Using the old stand by over used plot, the crashed satellite unleashes a germ turning people into you guessed it, flesh eating zombies!

Before you even consider wasting your time, take my word and put on anything else, even a plain old light bulb or perhaps find quality entertainment looking up at the ceiling and counting specks. I've found the back of my eyelids would have been a better alternative.

Thanks to the success of "The Walking Dead" a slew of cheap rip-off zombie movies are coming out quicker than zombies out of Atlanta's woods. This is about at the very low end of that bunch. It's not exciting, scary or interesting, only annoying because it lures you in thinking maybe, just maybe you might see something different. Well, you don't.
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One Of the Best Comedies Ever!
3 March 2013
Before we got introduced to movies with the brand of humor like "Blazing Saddles" or "Airplane!" there was "Take The Money and Run." As reviewed by others in documentary style it follows the bumbling life of "Virgil Stalkwell," played flawlessly by Woody Allen. I absolutely love this movie and it has always been a favorite. It has so many funny scenes that you really have to watch it a few times to catch everything as you're not done laughing at one thing before they throw something else at you.

I've read some negative reviews here but the majority are like me and think it's a Woody Allen classic. You have to like Woody Allen to appreciate the movie to its fullest. Personally, I think it's his best, before he got stuck in New York, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Made with a storyline like prison classics of "Cool Hand Luke" it's a must-see side-splitter about a bumbling wannabe famous criminal who's sent to prison, but the whole movie doesn't stay there. Don't expect some deep plotted movie that follows any rules, it's made for laughs and that's what you get plenty of. It's great to have comedies that stay comedies.

It's still played well by the entire cast and I love the music, especially the theme by Marvin Hamlisch. So take a break and enjoy a funny movie that puts you in a good mood. You don't have to be a hardcore Allen fan but if you are one (as I am) you'll love it even more.
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Disturbing, Violent and Gross But Very Interesting!
2 March 2013
There's nothing I could say or any review here that could prepare you for the wild ride documentary of this man's life. Not being a fan, I couldn't appreciate nor see any talent as maybe his admirers would, still though, this is very intriguing. If you want to see a man who lived his life to the very edge of extremity and brink of insanity, I present G.G. Allin. Punk Rock, Death Metal, Satanic or White Supremicist Rock Groups all look like a PBS program for pre-schoolers compared to this man. I suppose the one question we ask ourselves while watching this, as you realize you actually are watching is, "shouldn't this guy be institutionalized?" There's some very deserving folks locked away for lesser reasons, yet because he was classified (by some) as a performer, he was free to be exposed (and expose himself) to the general population and even entertain. Like Lenny Bruce, G. G. Allin doesn't apologize for its shock value. This is serious stuff, not for the weak and yes, you will be disturbed with its content. As a documentary it does pull you in and well presents G. G. to a point where you understand his point of view and in some odd way sympathize with his way of thinking and living. He lived a harsh life and it was his way of expressing outrage and coping in society with equal disgust. Like an animal on display at a zoo, you wonder what the animal thinks of you might better describe his act. If you ever wanted a taste of the wild side this is as close as you'll get without being there and might appreciate your quiet life more once seeing it. It's more than a documentary, it's an experience, one that will haunt and disturb you long after. So before you dismiss this as just a story of an insane and sickening man claiming to be an entertainer, watch it with an open mind and a good stomach, you'll definitely need it, and be happy you survived. This is as gritty as you'll see outside a snuff film.
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Meant to Be (2012)
Religious overtone
21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What would happen if all of the souls of the aborted lived on in a place between Heaven and Earth? What if for a brief time they could vision what life would have been like and visit the parents who made the choice to terminate them? Are they regretfully ridden with guilt and curious what might have been?

Meant To Be shows one man's journey to find his mother or who could have been. You don't know he's not really present until his story unfolds through the help of a new friend and hotel maid.

It gives the impression of being a story about the return of a mysterious traveler wandering into town. And while the general idea is good, the movie is not so well thought out or acted. It's actually pretty bland and while you're half way through it realize, "it's one of those Christian movies in disguise!" Not that there's anything wrong with that but subtle hints soon give it away and you feel like you've been tricked.

It's basically a pro-life story packaged into what seems like a thriller. Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what the movie tries to convey, you just wish you'd known ahead of time that you're stuck in a sermon. If someone is faced with that choice, the movie shows a logical and spiritually approved alternative well worth considering.

The main star, who is also the writer and director gives a lackluster performance and is not a very good actor and after awhile, you're so bored that you just want the thing over. All in all a good idea poorly executed and predictable.
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See It For Yourself!
30 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Netflix, I almost didn't as it was only rated 2 and a half stars, then it averaged just 4 here. The plot seemed interesting with two respected lead actors. Maybe the plot was done before, either natural or in supernatural form. There are a lot of movies using that voyeuristic home video look comprised mainly from the watcher's cameras point of views.

This one was different, being something that could very well happen in real life showing how easily lives can be unraveled by a total stranger. Just seeing how possible it is made it way scarier than the "paranormal" or "crime footage" attempts done to death. As others have mentioned, it's the unknown that makes this movie scary and interesting.

Oh yes, done before but what hasn't? It's not a recycled comic strip or classic movie remade, therefore for those reasons alone it contains an original advantage over re-boots. It also proves that a movie doesn't need extreme gore or violence to grab your attention just as much. There's also no nudity or unnecessary language. Perhaps that could very well be the reason for the low marks as some people may have expected that. There are no out of sync scenes, production gimmicks or flashbacks; it starts and ends in order.

I think this movie well deserves a fair watch but the real surprise to me was its classic way of still giving you chills and maybe forcing you to leave (or not leave) a light on after you see it.

Nick Stahl is fantastic and is one of the most underrated actors out there and I have no idea what the complaints are about. It's very well acted and is portrayed as realistic as anyone in his character's situation. Basically the movie focuses on Stahl's character, not so much the villain or victim, because he is just as much the victim and the one psychologically tortured to the breaking point.

SPOILER----> I would have liked a better ending but that too adds to the movie's realism of something very possible in real life going on under our noses, in our own neighborhoods and towns.
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Hunger (I) (2009)
Surprisingly Good!
18 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Even though it's been done in different forms in other movies, this one actually presented more human behavior than gore. Of course the first movies comes to mind are the "Saw" series but there wasn't the challenges or choices, simply survival and human nature. While the people were all abducted by an obviously disturbed person, it could have as easily been about people stranded or trapped from natural causes or by accident. It did of course include the option of cannibalism and how long one could sustain from going that far, if indeed one would have to. It could have been way more gory and graphic but that wasn't the movie's intension. The acting wasn't bad and it didn't look low budget. The best part is that the story ended and didn't leave any opening for endless sequels or prequels, you have to give it credit for just that.
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Silo Killer (2002 Video)
No Stars (Rating or Actors)
20 August 2012
This is the time when I'd like to see IMDb have a 0 rating system. I can understand the producers (if you can call them that) making something due to a low budget, but this must have been a no budget. It's neither funny or scary, just cheap and gross with the worst of the worst cast. I understand that it wasn't intended to be or look like a movie with an actual budget but I see absolutely nothing worth watching about this film. I've seen better videos on YouTube that was shot with a cell phone or webcams of animals. The worst part is that they "try" to be funny and no one is the least bit. There are a lot of watchable and slightly entertaining comedy-horror movies but this is plain stupid, kiddish and boring. I'd be embarrassed to put my name or even my dog's name on this junk pile much less my real name. It's just horribly unwatchable because you won't laugh, you won't jump but you might get a headache from rolling your eyes and being annoyed. If Elvis were alive he wouldn't just shoot out the TV, he'd burn down Graceland or pull the trigger on himself.
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Done To Death
23 April 2012
Even good actors can waste their talent in mediocre movies. There's nothing new here that hasn't already been done. The typical New York City backdrop with wall to wall happy music and phony characters no one can relate to in the real world. I'm not even a writer and I could slap together this plot every day. It's kind of like the movie you settle for when the one you really wanted to see is either sold or rented out or being shown at the wrong time. To me the real star is New York as presented via Hollywood style and to draw in tourists. But polished sets and happy music doesn't prevent you from getting bored, uninterested and hoping for a sudden power outage. Maybe it's time we give these movies a well-deserved break and try something really new and not just an update of the New York City skyline set to a romance comedy. Glad I waited for an on-line service to show it, even then I wanted to walk out.
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Worse Than Awful...Much Worse
1 March 2012
How can anyone insane or in their right mind conceive such a rotten pile of garbage as this movie? From the very beginning, excruciatingly to the end this movie stinks through and through. There are bad movies that manage to entertain for some comedic value but others (like this) that are so terrible they're just plain annoying. This movie isn't scary, frightening or funny in any way, shape or form. I've seen more entertainment in mildewing bread and I'd be ashamed and embarrassed to associate myself with a big stink-bomb much less pose next to the poster. Whatever you do, don't, under any circumstances, boredom or temptation watch this junk!
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Eegah (1962)
Awful yet somehow entertaining
17 June 2007
While I have to admit, like all 50's and 60's B movies no one ever expects anything good and with this one it was no surprise either. They can't all be "I Married A Monster From Outer Space", a really good film despite its name. Being so awful you find humor in the low budget effects, rotten plots and bad acting.

I always heard "Plan 9 From Outer Space" was voted the worst movie ever made but thanks to movies like this I'm seeing there are worse. much worse. I'm always on the lookout for "worser" movies than Plan 9 and my list seems to be growing. I found it funny that some people took the time to document goofs in this film, there were so many I found many more and lost count.

Anyway, I was born in the 60's and despite the decade's poor movies that were based either about the beach, aliens/monsters or rock & roll or sometimes all three there's nostalgia that I can appreciate. The other night my brother and I saw this one and had a great laugh, for that alone these old clunkers have meaning and memories I miss and enjoy watching every chance I get.
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