47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) Poster

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Look out! Blind cave sharks who are also apparently deaf.
bbretall-127 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot is a group of teenage girls go diving in a submerged Aztec city only to find it is infested with giant blind cave sharks (note the white eye on the shark on the poster). The sharks must also be deaf because they fail to home in on the noisy teens on multiple occasions. This is basically a "last girl" slasher film with all the jump scares and stupidity, but the slasher is replaced with sharks. They have full face mask scuba gear with radios so we can hear them whimper, cry, and scream throughout the last 2/3rds of the movie. The characters die in a fairly predictable order and nothing particularly surprising happens until near the end when they amp up the crazy stuff in an attempt to add to the tension. The very end was pretty ridiculous.... I almost wish they had ditched the "Hollywood ending" and gone with what would have happened to the characters had the final action events really occurred. Had the filmmakers just taken a step back and decided to not make the movie so formulaic with a bit more attention to not being so unrealistic as to break the suspension of disbelief it would have been a far better movie.
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It's fun in small doses, but generally disappointing.
Sleepin_Dragon2 April 2020
If like me, you were lured in by the trailer, which to be fair for those of us that like shark movies, even though they're nearly all terrible, you can be forgiven for thinking this one would be different....

.....It wasn't unfortunately.

On the plus side, as is so often the case it is a nice idea, I love the idea of those cave sharks, blind, relying on sound, great, only they looked a little like Jaws III at times, and were a little on the dim side. The characters were such, that you didn't care if they got eaten or not, and apart from the quite brilliant scene used in the trailer (you can see why) it didn't really deliver many scares.

I won't say it was atrocious, because it wasn't, it is more what I'd class as a fun movie.

How long before a dive into the waters of The Arctic, and divers get terrified by Greenland sharks? One day.

Mehh, 4/10.
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underwater thriller
SnoopyStyle6 November 2019
Grant (John Corbett) has brought his family down to Mexico for his cave diving business. His daughter Mia (Sophie Nélisse) gets bullied at school. His step-daughter Sasha (Corinne Foxx) is not happy with her new family either. The students are set to leave on a glass-bottom boat tour. Sasha convinces Mia to join her friends for an outing of their own. Mia leads the girls in a dive of a submerged Mayan ruin. All goes to hell with they are confronted by a cave shark.

The underwater thriller has some appeal but also a lot of difficulties. Despite a big mask, it is often tough to differentiate between each character. It's not quite jumping the shark but it's in the ballpark. It's highly unlikely that sharks could grow to such sizes with only food found in the caves. It would be more reasonable to have an ocean going shark get accidentally trapped underground. The final ending is pre-determined by the movie setup. It ends exactly as I expected. The details are somewhat problematic. Instead of a flare, she needs to get a spear gun. The slow motion needs to be eliminated. There is no way that people are getting chomped and still walk away.
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The masks
hegeolsen26 October 2019
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This destroyed the movie for me: they had diving masks on, and they talked to eachother throughout the movie. BUT, the ears were outside the masks and NO ear plugs. How is it possible to hear anything then? And don't get me started on the underwater music!
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jtkirk16117 August 2019
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A blind shark that evolved in a few hundred years? Woman with no scuba experience go cave diving? People survive direct shark attacks? They used 80 % of their air on the way in but thought they stood a chance swimming back out the same way? This would be a flop on Scfi.
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Interminable underwater scenes
Leofwine_draca20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't particularly impressed by the first 47 METERS DOWN but this sequel, UNCAGED, is the real pits (no pun intended). There's no cage diving this time around, just an all-female group of annoyances who decide to go diving in a remote beauty spot only to discover that a number of sinister sharks are intent on having them for breakfast, lunch and tea. The idea has potential, as do most monster flisks, but it's the shoddy execution that really lets this one down. The viewer sits through the boring set-up with the block-headed protagonists (Stallone's daughter among them), only to then have to put up with an hour of interminable underwater shaky-cam scenes which boil down to jump scares and little else.
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I like it
wonkru9 July 2020
Those who have high expectations are wrong here. But if you know what you will be getting involved with for the next 1,5 hours, then this movie is not bad at all, also the ending.
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The only review you need to read!!!!!!!
j_duffill18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the original 47 Metres Down, I had high hopes for this film and buckled down for a thrilling night of sharky goodness with the wife. It started pretty well, with me hating one of the cast off the bat so I was looking forward to her being fish food a little later on. Que my disappointment when I soon find out this girl was not to be taking a dip into the shark infested waters, leaving me wondering which of the 4 teens was gunna be starters for Mr Shark. My money was on the Asian girl, the wife thought it would be the Blondy. Both of us were 100% it wouldn't be either of the other 2, one being the star and the other for undisclosed reasons. So far so good. So, we come to the 1st glimpse of the shark and shock horror, he/she is BLIND!!! Easy to avoid then? You would think so wouldn't you. Apparently not. 4 very very very very, extremely, very screamy teenage girls have figured out Mr Shark is blind, but not that he probably relies on sound to hunt. Arghhhhh, at least my bet is sure to come in soon. Now you may knock me for this, but I'm just being honest.....in comes a random teenage boy, (because you're always bumping into random people in undiscovered underwater Mayan tombs, obviously). At this point I knew I was going to be robbed of my bet as he wasn't gunna last more than a few seconds. I was right, he gets munched right up and my sure bet is done for. Anyway, all is not lost. Me and the wife agree that we discount this ridiculous appearance and I'm still confident of being a few quid better off very shortly. This is where the film takes a bit of a turn for me. The 4 screamy teenage girls, become even more screamy and Mr Shark must be thinking Shark Xmas has come early. I get mega annoyed, because it's bloody ridiculous they haven't figured this out and all of a sudden I stop caring about the bet and start routing for Sharky Wonder, hoping this painful experience will end very soon and put us all out of our misery. It doesn't take long until a big smile creeps across my face, when I realise that there are 2 visually challenged sharks knocking about in the underwater maze, because they are bound to finish off the annoyingly screamy teens who may as well have set up band practice whilst strapping shark snacks to their feet, singing, 'I'm over here Mr Shark, I'm over here!!'. Well, for the next 40 minutes, 2 other randomers get f@*%ed up including the dad and then the 2 untouchables (we were right all along 😩😩) manage to escape, but not without having the equivalent of a western shoot out with a different Great White (this one with fantastic vision though) using a flare gun and then they drive off in a boat all depressed. Good movie, I'd recommend it.
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These girls were less stupid than the ones in the first film at least.
Aaron13752 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this sequel was a bit better than the first film. A bit more action, lots more chomping and the girls were not as stupid. I mean, the first film, they purposely go in a rusty cage amid great white sharks. Here, they go to what is almost a lake with not a shark in sight, so they kind of got caught off guard more. Don't get me wrong, they were still stupid, just not as much so. With the budget they had, they did a fairly decent job too and the film actually turned a decent profit so I would not be surprised if they made a third, though not sure what they could do next.

The story in this one has two teens that are sisters by marriage and one of the girls seems to be ostracized at school. The dad wants the two to get along better, so he arranges for them to ride a glass bottom boat to see great whites, but two other girls show up and they say there are going to take them to a place no one knows about. Heard that one before, and when it is uttered in a film it usually means a fight for your life. Well, the place turns out to be a nice place and if the girls had stuck to just swimming we would not have a movie. No, the girls do not stick to swimming and go diving into the underwater city where they soon find out that there are blind highly aggressive great whites in the water.

The film is not without its flaws, first and foremost the sharks. If a shark has been in the city for a long time, they not only would be blind, but also have adapted so they do not need all that much food to survive so they would not go after someone to the point of causing the city to collapse. Then there is the collapsing, the place they are in has been around a long time, but when one of the girls bumps into something it causes things to come tumbling down! Seriously? That is as silly as when Chevy Chase knocked over Stonehenge with a car, more silly since it was a girl with very little weight.

So the film had its moments of tension and its moments of absurdity, made for a nice distracting viewing. It could have used a bit more believable plot or less believable such as mutant sharks or something. The film also showcases something seen in previous shark films, and that is the motivational speech. Do not make one in a shark movie, ever! Also, when swimming towards a boat, make sure it isn't a chum boat. Seriously, so many shark attacks in the last few minutes I was waiting for a Meglodon to show up and attack the boat at the end!
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Intellectually insulting
shawneil-3608422 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I sat down to watch this movie with unbiased Hope's as I do with any shark movie lover. It started off bland and I was bombarded with cheesy and vague character development. The old cliche highschool bully story and the sister or friends that stand up for the victim. The foreshadowing was the most obvious thing. Straight shot to let's sneak behind peoples backs and go cave diving all the while telling 0 people where we are going. That's not even all of it. Sharks that can somehow live in a cave so long that they evolve but didnt make it out? Yet they can literally swim backwards and are blind. The real kicker is the fact that they go off hearing instead of the pores on their snout. Oh and get this they decide to add in a few cheap jump scares to add suspense and kill off the people you were rooting for except for get this - the sisters- big surprise. The list goes on and on but I'm getting infuriated just attempting to type this review. Save your 10 dollars and go buy a cheap pair of swimming goggles if you want some real entertainment.
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Turn off your brain, and it's actually a good movie
rstearns5417 August 2019
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If you go into this movie looking for anything other than dumb, popcorn entertainment. Turn off your brain and don't think about the plot holes. I did, and I ended up really enjoying it. It was actually one of the scariest movies that I've seen in a long time. Let me start off by saying that I'm mildly claustrophobic and just the premise of being trapped in an underwater cave with the entrance blocked had me my skin crawling. But the jump scares were effective, too. And they didn't try to justify the silliness with science or anything else. They just leaned into it. I would suggest anyone seeing this movie do the same.
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A fun watch with decent scares.
My nephews 9 and 16 loved it. I liked it a lot and would probably watch it again. It's one that is best in a theater like setting like the first one in my opinion. The scares are more effective in a theater setting due to that it does rely on a decent amount of jump scares. But and it's a big but... they are placed well and aren't cheap jumps. You jump for a reason and not just a noise so they're done right and effectively in my opinion. But it has plenty of scary moments and situations that aren't cheap jump scares. You can't call the jumps like you can in other movies and that's what makes it refreshing.

For what it is it did an amazing job and you should give it a chance. I think you'll like it. They might be pushing it with another one but this can stand alone as a decent creature feature that isn't boring in the slightest. The only reason it's getting a seven and not an eight is the horribly done word changes. I caught two moments where they changed what they said. I'm assuming for the rating since it was a crap in place of a cuss word and another that I can't remember off the top of my head but it was a cuss word. I wasn't happy with this. I'm tired of over censorship and I think this is one of those cases. A bunch of young girls are gonna cuss it's not surprising. Watch it and you'll most likely enjoy it. That's the only thing I didn't like about it.
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Blind sharks!!!
kevxzara27 October 2019
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Blind sharks give me a break if they evolved like this they would of been dead years ago due to no food supply as I only see 2 fish down in the tomb. 2 girls get bit in the rib cage and survive get real that's just so far fetched. This movie is so far fetched it breaks all knowledge of sharks and turns it into a sharknado movie. To far fetched for me by far, and just stupid and silly.
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Telepathy and a shark
Vanessydelg28 October 2019
Apparently, these braindead girls are gifted with Telepathy since they can speak to each other and hear and listen to one another without earpods, or any significant gear for such action. I suppose that if you decide to overlook this " minor" detail and a few other insults to the intellect, meaning if you shut you brain off, you might enjoy the scares and, of course, root for the shark.
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hilariously awful... watch if you enjoy laughing at bad movies
FeastMode8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a hilariocity (shout out to stuckmann). 8/10 on the hilariocity scale. I had a pretty great time with the movie. I went in planning on giving it a legit chance. I was laughing within the first 5 minutes.

The acting, dialogue, and logic in this movie are all laughable. So many cliches. Even the opening title looked like it was from 1995. So many omg moments. I predicted SO MANY things that ended up happening. Unless you've only watched 8 movies in your life, you will see everything that's coming a mile away.

The jump scares O.... M.... G.... dying laughing at how stupid they were. So many scenes where you couldn't tell what was happening at all. I couldn't tell who was who half the time, i would have to wait until the next scene to figure it out. The audio dubbing was so obvious. The physics made no sense... like how they could hear each other lmao, or how fish can scream rofl rofl rofl.

This movie is amazing (1 viewing, 4/6/2020)


an underwater tornado? Are you for-realing me? That can't be a real thing, can it? And the final scene lmao. You get bit, i save you, now i get bit, now i save me. We all get bit. Hooray! Shark bites only take 20% of your HP, you should be fine.
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Bad Underwater Scenes
ymyuseda28 August 2019
Rating 4.0/10 The first time i've seen the trailer i thought the movie would be amazing and full of thrilling scenes, unfortunetly i was wrong. The acting in it are mediocre and falls short of satisfaction. Not only that, the storyline not as good as i hoped. Truly bad shark movie.
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I mean.......what more do you want?
patsulli9917 August 2019
I didn't expect this movie to be good. In fact I went and saw it specifically to see a bad, entertaining movie but I was pleasantly surprised. Don't get me wrong this isn't a good movie but for what it is, can you really ask for more?

The beginning is just lazy. There's little to no character development and when the four girls enter the cave you genuinely do not care about any of them. (I cant even really blame the actors for this cause the dialogue was just not given any effort whatsoever.)

But then the good part starts. The lazy direction and cinematography of the beginning goes away and there are actually some really cool shots and scenes. For a shark movie it's actually scary and the jump scares were actually well done for once.

By the time it ended I'd begun to actually vaguely care about the characters and I guess I just wanted some well directed shark kills with a storyline that gets more interesting and just better as it goes on.

All in all It's just dumb fun, nothing to dislike really. Sure it's not great but what more to do you want? It's a shark movie called 47 Meters Down Uncaged.
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Literally the worst movie I've ever seen
kws-807892 March 2020
Complete trash. I created this account just to say this movie was garbage. I couldn't rate it directly on amazon so it brought me here. I then had to create an IMDB account and verify my email just to write this review. It is bad. Don't watch it. I want 91 minutes of my life back.
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Better than the first one
vgilmore-6825817 August 2019
So I really enjoy these types of movies. And I always go into them knowing well enough that it is fictional, unlikely, and unrealistic. But that's what makes a MOVIE. If you are trying to be a critic and point out all of the flaws and have realistic expectations then you should stick to National Geographic or animal planet.

Now for those of you who enjoy movies and have an open mind, I recommend this movie. If you saw the first one then you kind of know the synopsis of what happens. I thought this one was a lot scarier and had more to it to keep you engaged. There were a few jump scenes some were predictable and some were very shocking. There are some parts of the movie that reminded me a lot of first one, like running out of air, sister bonding, and of course the sharks. If you haven't seen the first one it's OK it won't affect this movie at all. I probably wouldn't see it again only because this is one of those movies that is better in theater and it won't be as good a second time knowing what happens. But all in all I'm giving it an eight because it was rather enjoyable, had me on the edge of my seat, and had me rooting for the main character.

And the sharks were great, A+ for scary & toothy smiles.
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This movie was plain awful
ebonyenigma-5754824 August 2019
The plot was okay but the acting was down right awful. I saw the first one on Netflix and I was surprised at how good it was but this mess here was terrible for something that was promoted in theaters. Perhaps they would've gotten better reviews if they skipped the box office and went straight to Redox or Netflix. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone!
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A combination of Descent and Crawl, absent the character depth, but delivers on relentless suspense and scares
pal0505200316 October 2019
47 Meters Down : Uncaged is like a mix between the Descent and Crawl. Like Descent, we have several women exploring caves, get trapped, and meet a killer creature, however, it lacks the character depth that makes Descent more impactful. As for Crawl, this movie involves flooded enclosed spaces, and near brushes with killer creature. Also similar to Crawl, the characters progress through different set pieces until the very ending. Despite the lack of character depth, the movie delivers more than it is supposed to. The underwater cave scenes are very claustrophobic. The shots are immersive and makes you hold your breathe even when there are no sharks around. The sharks are eerily frightening. They are huge, realistic, and since they are cave sharks, their unique look make them even more frightening. The movie also uses sound and light strobes to generate discomfort. Such as the scenes with flashlights (it is an underwater cave after all, so no spoilers there), and sound. It also wastes no time to set the scene for the story. Once the action begins, the pacing is relentless. In fact, this movie keeps you on edge till the very last minute. The claustrophic camera shots accentuate the danger, making you feel that danger can lurk any corner, and we are as clueless as the characters on where to find safety. While the ending may be a bit far fetched but it shows that even in the final moments of the movie, the danger does not let up. I really recommend this movie.
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Way Better Than it Has Any Right to Be
ThomasDrufke25 August 2019
I truly had no interest in seeing this film, with little marketing and a first film that by no means was deserving a sequel. However, with a fresh new cast and not much else out in theaters this past weekend, I thought I might as well give it a shot. Following in the footsteps of many other blockbuster style films this summer, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged is a harmlessly thrilling sequel that cares much more about its scares than it does in developing characters, but that's not really what you go to these movies looking for. Paced out well with tension that never seems to end, I couldn't help but be entertained by this sequel. Heck, I'll take another few of these. Shark movies always seem to have a great deal of appeal.

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How was this movie funded!!
viperbmws5 September 2019
Who funded this movie that should be in jail. Not to mention the writer.
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kosmasp12 February 2020
They really went far out to make something, to build a world, to really have something underground. Though once the mayhem starts nothing much is left of that. Still I would do a tour of the set if I ever was going to do deep diving (minus the sharks obviously).

Having said that, this is pretty bog standard and there is nothing special to it. Horror, blood and terror, you know all the ingredients you need - but not cooked to a degree that would make this special in any way
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Zero common sense
billybacktown18 August 2019
It's a shark movie. Can't expect much. That said tried really hard just letting this movie be what it was but it's just so stupid. I said "pfffffffff" no less than 15 times. The decision making from the writers that lead to the chain of events throughout the film is laughable. Wouldn't recommend.
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