The Four: Battle for Stardom (TV Series 2018) Poster

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The Four: Battle for Stardom (Season 1) Review
rolandjordaan215 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So as exactly two people read my 'The Four: Battle for Stardom (Season 2)' review, this apparently was enough inspiration for me to do something completely masochistic and see where this 'brilliant' show got its origins...that's right, I have now seen 'The Four' season 1...just give me a moment to take that reality in again...okay...I'm just going say it - this is a million times worse than season 2, I'm going to repeat that statement: THIS IS A MILLION TIMES WORSE THAN SEASON 2! That's a sentence I just wrote, and I, honest to God, did not think that could ever be possible, because watching Season 2 felt like watching the Jersey Shore version of American Idol, it made me sad for television, it made me sad for humanity and it made me sad for my brain cells. Where the hell do I even start with this...? (insert curse word). Now, even though I left this out of my Season 2 review, there was one thing about it I actually really did like, and that was that everyone, even the contestants that didn't get to challenge, were all pretty good singers; this gave the show some credibility, as it's not those laughable American Idol idiots being rejected here, these were all arguably decent singers and by the judges rejecting them, we at least knew the bar was set pretty high here. That's not quite the case with season 1...oh don't get me wrong, the panel claims it is, but no, most these contestant are pretty subpar, if even that. We open with the titular 'Four' doing a sing along of a children's song; here we're reminded that these four were hand picked by the panel of experts, while I was silently making a list of unused kitchen utensils that I felt could probably challenge any of them; I'm not even going to bother introducing them this time, because - big surprise - they're all eliminated before the end of the second episode. Really there are only two contestants at all worth mentioning from this season, the first is 16 year old Zhavia; the first contestant to challenge and dethrone one of the original Four...I did not care for Zhavia; as a singer she was just okay and as a contestant she was unlikable, apparently the panel couldn't see this though, as they immediately start treating her like the reincarnated version of Marie Antoinette, even asking her (and only her) to weigh in with her opinion on new contestants (wtf DJ Kahled); it reaches the point where, not even subtly, they are, on screen, using it as a discussion point that they don't want to say yes to new contestants, out of fear that those contestants will be able to eliminate Zhavia - uhm judges, here's a thought, if you've already chosen your winner 30 minutes into the pilot, maybe just give her a damn record deal and don't make us sit through another 5 episodes of this. I also love how by episode 3 they are constantly referring to her as a survivor and how she's been the longest surviving contestant in the history of the show...even though at that point she had literally only sang one song; it gets so bad that new contestants debate whether to even bother challenging her, considering how long she has already survived...again, one song, she has survived one challenge. The other contestant I want to mention is Jason Warrior (yes, that is apparently his real name); this little turd single handedly starts the craze that every contestant needs to have a sad story and then use it as a selling point for the rest of the show; in retrospect, his story is nowhere near as tragic as he seems to think it is, but he goes all out with it, even going so far as yelling at new contestants about how his hard life has made him an artist and no-one can compete with him - let's just call it Kanye Sydrome. This does lead to one of my favourite scenes though, after he is finally eliminated in episode 5, he creepily confronts Meghan Trainor and then proceeds to sing to her, her own song 'Like I'm Gonna Lose you'; it's one of those TV moments that has to be seen to understand, but this is about as uncomfortable as it can possibly get, and he is ultimately removed by security. Another point worth mentioning, is that 'The Four' actually starts with Four judges, that's right, the first four episodes includes, ex-President of Republic Records, Charlie Walk - the one guy, who, when compared to, makes me want to be BFFs with Diddy. This guy, by far, is the worst part of the entire season. He has no on-screen presence, no likeability, no chemistry with the other judges and even his opinion is highly questionable; something Diddy agrees with and actually calls him out on, on bloody public television; uhm guys, if your panel of experts are accusing each other of not being well enough informed on certain music genres to be judging it, maybe they should sort that out off screen and not have your judges openly announce to the entire world just how badly put together this show is. So, like in Season 2, all judges need to approve a contestant for him/her to progress, so this is basically the first episode: Diddy, Meghan and Khaled loves a contestant, Charlie hates him, contestant is rejected, Diddy, Meghan and Khaled hates a contestant, Charlie loves him, contestant is rejected...the only way anyone eventually starts getting past the judges is when Khaled starts threatening to walk off if certain contestants are rejected. Then the best part: in episode 5, Charlie is suddenly gone, no acknowledgement, no explanation, he has just vanished, the rules have been adapted to make it work for just three judges and they go on like there were never four judges to begin with. For if you're wondering, Charlie had been accused of sexual harassment and was not only fired from the show, but also as the president of Republic Records; good riddance, whether he was guilty or not. The last point I want to touch on, and I feel almost unfair mentioning this, because they did rectify it in season 2, but still, here it's just hilarious - in season 2 'The Comeback Episode' was just that, 8 popular contestants that were eliminated, are brought back to battle it out and try and regain their seats. Here though, that's only the second half of the episode, with only four contestants brought back; the first half is still bringing in new contestants, two of which actually win their challenges and places in the finale and one that actually wins the show - that's right, the winner of 'The Four' Season 1, was only introduced in the semi finals, meaning we had only heard her perform once before the finale. Diddy, I'm going to talk slowly so that even a self proclaimed genius like you can follow; I get that you're trying to find the next super star, but this is still a television show and in order for the viewers to feel any kind of excitement over the announcement of the winner - we need to feel some sort of connection with that winner, we cannot do that in only one and a half episodes - yes I know, it's getting heated in here, you can take your shirt off again. I think I can sum this whole season up with one final thought, the winner of this season actually appeared multiple times in season 2 and her name was mentioned in almost every episode - and yet this had left so little of an impact, that I still had zero recollection about who that winner was, until her name was actually at the least, I guess it can keep it's surprise factor for multiple viewings. Go back to rapping Diddy, your show sucks.
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Everything that is wrong with television today
Fuggit111 February 2018
I have seen every single episode of the first season, so I can say that I've experienced sufficient content to make a very informed decision.

The whole show feels extremely forced and not organic. Sure, these type of shows have a decent amount of scripted and unoriginal content, but this show takes the cake. For example Diddy introduces an excruciatingly forced catchphrase "Eat!", but took it on himself to make it a catchphrase instead of letting it actually become one. And Khalid, please put down the air horn!

The judges and Fergie are really not very likable. I went in really liking Meghan Trainor, but she exposed a very important flaw of the show - the fact that the judges are extremely able to manipulate the competition. That being said, she didn't deserve the Jason Warrior set-down. I knew that guy was a manipulative slimeball the first moment I saw him.

Aaaaannd then there's the whole auto-tune issue. This show is definitely auto-tuned. Sadly, this is a HUGE problem. People become fans thinking that these people are more talented than they actually are.

Honestly I wasn't going to write a review, then I found out that this was renewed for a second season. Wow. Did the executives only look at the viewership without actually looking at the content?
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The Four: Battle for Stardom (Season 2) - Review
rolandjordaan215 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know what you're thinking and the answer is no, I'm not planning on replacing my movie reviews with long winded breakdowns of reality TV shows, but last week, while fan boying the somewhat infamous, Rebecca Black, I came upon her auditioning for a show called 'The Four'...a show that constantly refers to itself as the biggest show on television, yet not a single person I've spoken to claims to have ever heard of this. Now just a fair warning, for any of you who are actually watching, or planning to watch this show - I'm going to spoil the living hell out of this thing, so don't say I didn't warn you. So 'The Four' is rapper, Diddy's, take on the American Idol genre - thereby ticking off another box on South Park's claim that there literally is nothing Diddy hasn't done. Diddy is the Simon Cowel of the judging panel, minus the wit or charisma, he's joined by Randy and Paula rip-offs, DJ Khaled and Meghan Trainor - and I'm not joking when I say this panel is ripping off the first season of American Idol: Diddy is the powerhouse, titan of the music industry, who always thinks he's right and is usually harder to contestants than they deserve, DJ Khaled is the fat, funny judge, whose always ready with a one liner or some quip of never giving up on your dreams, that everyone only take half seriously, and Meghan is the oh so nice girl, that she borderlines on coming off condescending. The show is hosted by Black Eyed Peas star Fergie - but she's mostly just there to wear sexy outfits and explain the rules of the show at least 5 times in every episode. And then lastly we have the titular 'Four' - four upcoming stars, handpicked by the panel of judges, who will have to battle it out with a group of challengers, to win a record label and become the new music sensation. So this season starts off with, James - you know he's important, because I actually remember his name, angry black girl that you know will leave first (she literally falls out in the first 10 minutes), possibly the sexiest woman alive, Latina girl, and lastly: Sharaya H...another angry black contestant, but this one we know will stick, because in addition to the fight of "keeping her seat" she is also fighting cancer. I hate that I say that so nonchalantly, I really do, but want to know why? Because EVERY damn new contestant on this show has a tragic back story; I'm not kidding, you know how on American Idol they occasionally introduce contestants who have gone through some personal trials to get there and you just know that contestant is going to be important? Here it is literally every contestant - and if they don't have one (like James), they'll try and create one for him later in the show. I started skipping through these introductions at, I think episode 5, when they introduced the (and I'm not making this up): homosexual/shunned by his community/escaped from an abusive relationship/struggled through drug problems/struggled through alcoholism and was diagnosed with HIV...I didn't see the point in hearing the other people's stories after that, no-one was going to top that. The irony though, that guy didn't even make it through! That's right, we're forced to learn the history of every single person that tries out, only for most of them to simply fall out on their first try...thanks for that, Diddy. Those who do stick though, wow are those stories used to garner sympathy votes - I challenge anyone to find a single interview with Sharaya that does not focus on her cancer; hell they hardly even discuss her music, they always get back to that. I guess I would feel worse for this contestant, was it not for the mother of all timing, where it is suddenly announced in the last 5 minutes of the season finale - that her cancer has disappeared. And yes, for in case you couldn't gather, I just revealed that she makes it to the end, and this brings me to my biggest gripe with this show, the audience votes basically mean nothing. So how it works: in the first 6 episodes, new contestants are brought in, they audition for the judges, if all three judges give them 'the blue ring' then they get to challenge one of 'The Four', the audience then votes and whoever gets the highest vote takes a seat as a member of 'The Four'. Then comes episode 7, 'The comeback episode' where contestants who fell out throughout the course of the show, get to battle it out again and this time the judges get to decide who stays. Ali beat out Whitney earlier in the season, judges did not like that, so they let them challenge each other again and this time the judges keep Whitney and kick Ali out, making the audience participation...completely pointless. Fan favourite, James, who dramatically fell out, right at the end of the new contestant phase, is also cleverly brought back here and - spoiler alert - he wins the show, ultimately kicking out out Sharaya in the final battle...even though she had won every single audience vote from the very first episode. And then there's the show itself, the reason I hate this so much and simultaneously, the reason I can't stop watching...I suggested we create a 'The Four' drinking game - drink every time a judge says "this is season 2", drink every time someone says "I'm hungry" or "I'm ready to eat", drink every time Fergie says in an annoying voice "we have a challllenge", every time Diddy mentions "his legacy"...this list could have gone on forever, until I realised that agreeing to play this drinking game, will also be agreeing to a suicide pact, because no-one would survive the first 10 minutes, that's how repetitive this show is. I actually swear this show re-used certain takes and just spliced them into different scenes, because there is no way people can repeat themselves this often. Well, actually, considering what I'm estimating to be the joint IQs of everyone involved in this show, I guess it is possible - I actually made it all the way through episode 1, believing this to be a parody of American Idol, and even now, it still hurts me emotionally to accept that this show is real. And now for the kicker - I recommend the hell out of this show, it's freaking hilarious and, be it unintentionally, is the perfect example of everything that is wrong with our generation, labelled by big stars telling us that acting like morons is the way to make millions...thanks again Diddy.
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What a JOKE!
teach-195 January 2018
I did not like this show at all. That is saying a lot because I like most singing shows. This one does not connect with me at all. The show opens with the four contestants already in their chairs, so I don't care about them from the beginning because I don't know them. When the judges don't choose the singer who want to challenge one of the four, it is a piss off to us watching because we just enjoyed them and want to see what the four have to offer. The viewer really doesn't care what these judges think of the four. We want to judge them for ourselves. I did not like the judges at all except for Mehgan. There really is no connection to the contestants. Idol, Xfactor, Voice are shows which get the viewer invested. This show did the total opposite.
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Hate this show already
naturallyrockin15 January 2018
There were two main things I came away with from the first episode: 1) It was completely unfair to the first 4 chosen, because they didn't even get to do an initial performance for the audience before getting challenged. So, they were 'unknowns' and the challenger got to sing twice, whereas the audience then only heard the original member once. That stinks right off the bat. 2) This show is like the polar opposite of The Voice, which I love. The Voice is constructive, and positive, and uplifting, and honors each contestant. The Four is rude, negative, petty, non-constructive, and just plain mean. But, the fate of one individual was still on the line, going into the second episode, so I decided to watch. You know a real star when you see one. You also know a real star when you hear one. This person made the grade on both accounts. So, to have a real star knocked off because of a hyped-up crowd who, again, got to hear the challenger twice, was the final nail in the coffin of the show for me. Supposedly this show is supposed to be about finding stars, but instead they are just throwing stars away for the sensationalist mechanics of the show. I hope this show tanks right away - it's just a horrible representation for a talent search.
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Not Good
girliegirl-534436 January 2018
Between Diddy's temper tantrums and Walk trying too hard to be the "Simon" truth speaker of the show, the show was just weird. There really wasn't anything constructive said to any of the contestants; the only comments from Diddy was either you blew it or I like it. Fergie was ok as a host, but not great. Megan and Khalid were ok to watch but still not much advice for anyone and Walk seemed to be acting out a scripted role. I just don't see how this show can last.
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junkmailvenice5 January 2018
Despite telling us how different this show is from the others, The Four is just a rip-off of all the other singing shows, despite what might seem like an intriguing premise. It has very polished contestants like The Voice, but, unlike The Voice, the judges are unlikable (except for Meagan) and they have no chemistry. Diddy is a downright D-bag. He thinks he's channeling Simon Cowell, but he's just a poor man's dick head. The major problem with the show is that it's disjointed, and you can't get invested in the contestants, especially "The Four" that start out in the coveted seats. We are constantly told how great they are, but frankly, we just don't see/hear it for ourselves. The show is bad enough on its own, but Diddy makes it unwatchable.
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Best music show on the market.
wakeuphater-8975428 July 2018
This show is incredible if you understand music. The talent they bring every week is above any other show. Diddy and Khaled are hysterical together and Meagan is adorable. The judges keep it real and dont sugar coat it to appease their fans.
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haris-sirah12 February 2018
Everyone is hating on this show but honestly, I think it's good, better than a lot of other competitions out their. All the current one just feel so boring and old, this brought a new flavour to the mix, which I loved. I would give it a chance because unlike other competitions, there are people who can actually sing and perform right from the start.
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karenbay5 January 2018
I agree with junkmailvenice. No way to get invested with The Four after a short group performance. Audiences like to judge for themselves. This show won't last. The judges are okay with the exception of Diddy. He comes off as a jerk.
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Unique. Funny. Captivating.
bearboolaura4 July 2018
This show is very well done and the concept is simple, yet so unique. Judges (who all have great chemistry today, especially Diddy and DJ Khalid) decide if a performer has what it takes to challenge one of "the four" (the people currently holding the chairs). If they all say yes, there's a singing battle and then the audience members vote on who was their favorite performance (at the end of the day the fans make someone famous). While some reviews have said that it's "hard to get invested," I do not agree. You really start to route for someone and there's a lot of emotions when they battle someone else that's really good and might lose their seat. I truly believe this is the next big talent-finding show! Hey, just give it a shot!
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I don't get all the hate..
rakhel_059 August 2020
I'm one of those people who checks the rating before watching anything, but for some reason I started watching this show without checking, and it was only at the end of Season 1 that out of curiosity I came here to have a look.. And boy was I surprised! How can there be so much hate for this show? We all have to understand that whoever wins the show is getting sign by the record label that all those judges are part of, so at the end of the day it's fair that they are the ones who truly decide the faith of the show. I like that it's not left to the audience to decide, so it really doesn't matter how many friends you have there. This is a great chance for all these talented people to be seen and heard, and even if they are unable to dethron their opponent, there are still important music people watching this that will reach out to them (like it happened to 90% of them). In this show you have the great vs the greatest! Do like I did and search on Spotify or Apple Music the name of any of the contests and you will see they are all signed to some record label and all have albums now! I really enjoyed these 2 seasons, true the judges (mostly Khaled) add very little input/knowledge, but it's entertaining.. I want "another one" 😉
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I made an IMDB just so I could rate this crapfest
foreverfalling20 January 2018
I keep trying to give this show a chance but all of these manufactured fights are so annoying. The judges are annoying and give absolutely 0 actual criticism. They have so obviously chosen who they want to win. It's all just so fake and you get barely any actual singing. The set up is just bad. You don't get to care about any of the contestants because they just leave.
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Promising concept with an awful execution
DystopianTruth21 January 2018
As a talent/singing show fanatic, the moment I heard of this show I was excited to say the least. I thought the concept was good, despite a couple of flaws such as the unfairness towards the contestants who start early. However, that definitely wasn't the worst part. Where should I start? The horrible judges, the horrible contestants, the drama or just everything in-between? P. Diddy is an awful judge, he doesn't see talent even if it was shoved in his face. It's so infuriating to see him let go good artists just for the sake of the worse ones sitting on one of those chairs. He tries too hard to be Simon Cowell, yet it just isn't working. Meghan Trainor is even a worse judge. I don't think she does anything at all, to be honest. She just sits there, looks at them, claps or cries. That's literally all that she does, no exaggeration. Now I had no idea who Charlie Walk was. However, he was nearly the only sane person on the table of the judges. He's the only one that knows when someone is a bad singer, the other judges are oblivious. DJ Khaled adds humor and entertainment to the show. Although he doesn't make such a great judge, he still is quite entertaining to watch. On the other hand, the contestants are absolutely horrendous themself. They are average AT BEST. As a reviewer said, they wouldn't last 1 second in another singing show. I thought the crowd would be smarter than the judges. Yet, the crowd decision half of the time is bad. This show is an absolute joke.
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drdebh21 January 2018
This show is unbearable to watch. It's just so awful; everything and everyone on it is just worst than the next.
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Puke worthy, ghetto trash tv, not a singing competition
dlevitin9 January 2018
Where to start? The original 4 all suck. None of them would be in the top 100 on The Voice, or American Idol.

The feedback for the artists is non-existent, lots of yelling, jumping up and down, waving arms, trash talking. WTF is this, cause it is not a singing competition.

This load of garbage should be taken out back burned.
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Show is terrible!
ddrevenko4 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First review on IMDB. I honestly had to review the show because it is that terrible. First, the judges are terrible. Meghan started crying because the fans voted off Zhavia, her favorite. Then the judges created an episode so they could bring back all their choices after being kicked out of the Four. I will never watch this show again.
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Everyone loves to hate this raw gem
kaitronious2 February 2018
I wasn't expecting much from this show, and it didn't disappoint! This hits my guilty pleasure bone, it's addictive.

It is kind of odd how the challenger gets to pick from any of "The Four", it seemed that some were just a better choice although they were already locked in and therefore off limits.

I really appreciate the way the judges give their raw opinions, I can't stand listening to the people on "The Voice" who didn't turn their chairs but still give a bunch of vague positive and irrelevant feedback. Trying to save your own face and not look like a jerk, doesn't help a loser onto the right track!

I'm excited that they are going to have some of the previous Four back, because I wasn't happy with all of the final votes!

Not to mention the songs at the beginning are so awesome, it sounds amazing in my sound system!

But if anyone asked me in public, I would deny watching it, lol! I have a list of those kind of shows, and I know it's not just me. So hate all you want, I know the show is super lame! It's also extremely entertaining, and doesn't require brain function. A definite plus here in America.
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A Must Watch for Music and Music Culture Lovers!
bkmotive14 February 2018
With DJ Khaled, P Diddy, Meghan Trainor as Judges, and Fergie from The Black Eyed Pea's as the host.. How could you go wrong? You also have record executive Charlie Walk (who?) who adds his own interesting, yet sometimes harsh perspective to the show.

The concept of the show is quite unique in the sense that contestants can take a spot on one of the four seats on the show by competing against the previous seat holder in a battle based on talent. To be eligible to compete against one of the four seat holders, a contestant must first showcase their own talent by performing for the judges who decide whether they are ready to challenge a seat holding contestant ie: one of "The Four".

The competition gets fierce as contestants call out the prestigious seat holders who have fought for their seats and fought to keep their seats episode after episode.

What's great about this show that other user reviews fail to realize is... The show is not about the judges like American Idol, X Factor, The Voice.. The show is about the talent.. and the judges just add to it because of their prestige in the industry as well as their over the top personalities.. such as DJ Khaled... A blast to watch!

This show has all the elements of a hit show and it's no wonder Fox picked it up for a 2nd season!

**Note: some of the other user reviews that were voted for their "Helpfulness" are terribly un-insightful and super opinionated.. I'm guessing some of these people have tons of complaints on yelp based on subjective reasoning.
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Terrible Show - Waste of Time
tonyavellana24 January 2018
Gave this show a chance but was very disappointed in the results.

Judges rant and rave and are very disconnected with one another - looks like they use their commentary as more of a platform for to enhance their egos rather than truly being constructive to the singer and his/her adaptation of the song.

Moreover, in a recent episode it also seemed like the singer who had more confidence and can argue their point of why they're there can ultimately receive the audience vote, rather than how well they sing, their tonality and expression in singing the song and engage the audience and finally how they interpret the song in making it their own. The audience voting is only within that studio while they're taping so who's to say some takes 200 of their "best friends" in and they vote for them... it's a flawed workflow.

Weak Vocalists/Performances + Weak Judges/Judging + Weak Show Concept = Very Weak Show.

Not worth my time. Should be canceled soon and not wait for the end of the season.
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Pure garbage and it's wonderful!
bearbumd5 February 2018
I think these people are missing the point of the show. Would you like to see DJ Khaled at his most DJ Khaledness and Puff Daddy inebriated on a seemingly different substance each week have the most beautiful bromance of all time. How about a fish out of water story where Megan Trainer takes this more seriously when not one other person around her will. How about we throw in the whitest music producer caricature who is obviously is there to "check out the tail." Also Fergie, who is surprisingly better spoken than you would think, twirls almost as much as a Whitney Huston video. Some where in this hot mess there is a singing compaction to the worst arrangements you've ever heard. Can you say appropriation and exploitation FOX can with with a giant middle finger to the masses. The competition is so intense a contestant had a mental break right in-front of every one and FOX left every awkward second in. The Four this show is pure trash in the best way.
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Love the singers but the process is weird.
cburch-5001014 August 2018
Just finished watching season one. I like it but then the set up irks me. Its not clear how the original four are selected but they are the starting benchmark as to who the judges believe is worthy of a recording deal, then subsequent singers hopes the judges thinks they are good enough or better than those who are seated so that they can do a sing off for the live audience to select which takes the seat. Constructive feed back started picking up towards the finale but it doesnt hold much water because most contestants dont survive long enough to apply it as the seat holders changed weekly. It isnt as if the finalist survived several rounds of challengers to be deemed the best or winner. What irks me the most was they kept saying that because they were on week 3 or 4 it gets harder but how? They dont define the standards for both that week's newbies n the seat holders from the previous week. Does it mean that previous winners are at a lower expectation than their upcoming challengers?
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Horrible and drama!
adammarks-0028227 January 2018
I feel like I'm watching Jerry Springer. I can't keep watching it, diddy is a jerk and just mean. There is confidence then there is over confidence that turns into being a bully. Everything is me me me not about the contestants. Ugh. So disappointed. Eat? I don't want to hear who wants to eat. I want to hear people sing. I only have it a one because I had to.
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Just bad, period...
opojjojojojojoj21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What makes this show different from the rest is how awful it is. The "judges" are 2-dimensional with comments like "I loved it!" or "You wasted this chance to be a star". The "elite" four that we are supposed to look up to have a turnover rate of a least two per show at this point. Also the 10/10 review who praised the show for having talent like "Dionne Warwick's granddaughter", guess what happened to her, booted off on the next episode, just like every other member of the four thus far. I think on the last episode they said they would be brining back people to challenge the four again, the ONLY reason this is happening is because of how fast the four get booted off of their seat. At this point the winner of the show will be the most hyped challenger from the previous week's episode. I just feel this show needs to be wrapped up as quick as possible because it's getting worse every week.
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Walk your path with stupid
jcgirgenti20 July 2018
Bunch of no talents judging no talents. What a disaster. Fergie has no hosting ability just screams. Diddy was never talented. Not sure who the fat guy is. Worth watching like driving by a train wreck.
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