Stargirl (2020) Poster


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Beautifully Crafted with lightning music
It started as a light, very light movie. However, ended with a cute little message, not more cute than the movie itself. Truthfully, the story was below average. It had very few tent poles, didn't really have negative characters although they tried them. Disney did a wonderful job with the lights they presented it with. Also, it was wonderfully edited and shot. It's quite musical too. The cast were amazing. If truth be told, our own Los Pollos Hermanos aka Gus Fring aka Giancarlo Espacito wasn't really needed in this simple sweet adorable movie. It seemed quite a waste of his stupendous abilities. Also, the Doctor from The Last Ship wasn't really required either. The movie is quite average, one time watch, however, should give a watch to experience it. I really enjoyed the experience of watching this beautifully crafted movie although it wasn't profoundly artistic. It is amazing to see how Disney created a good movie despite a below average story. It could make a few early teens cry too.

Don't shy away from the message.
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A Perfectly Fine "Be Who You Are" Movie
Neon_Gold6 July 2020
I hadn't really heard much about this movie so I didn't know what to expect.

Since it was in Disney Plus I wasn't sure if it was going to be a Disney channel original or like a cinema release type of movie.

I think it falls in the middle. It has the squeaky cleanness of a DCOM but the production is more a cinematic release.

It was perfectly fine and isn't as bad as say a Netflix teen movie. It was a bit cheesey at parts but it had a lot more heart. And I think that is this movies strongest asset, that it has heart in buckets full.

I love a outcast "weirdo" story and I appreciate that for people who feel the same way it can help them feel validated but I found this characterisation a little too caricature at Times not to say the lead was bad I thought she was really good. It was more the screenplay that made the character do like cartoony actions that I just don't think ring true.

I also think the movie should have focused more on Stargirl and not on the male lead. This should have been her movie but we only follow her through the eyes of him. He could still be in the movie but it should have been focused on her and her life and have her be our main character.

It's perfectly fine so if you have Disney plus you could watch it but i wouldn't buy it solely to watch this.
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Written about the co-star before she was even born!
Every so often there comes a film or film franchise where people say they can't imagine anyone else in the role, or it's as if the role was meant for them. You know who I'm referring to: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt, Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow... the list goes on.

Well, in the midst of the exuberant young career helmed by one Grace VanderWaal (who became an overnight sensation from a talent show with her uplifting lyrics, raw vocal talent and a wooden ukulele), in comes a film whose screenplay is adapted from a 20-year-old novel that hearkens closely to the livelihood of a then 15-year-old girl.

Grace, much like Stargirl (and hereon out I can simply use the pronoun "she" to interchangeably refer to both), has a magic touch: in she comes, out she goes, and everyone is positively affected by her presence and actions. Always humbled, the cogwheels in her head turn differently where she sees light as the spark and answer to all of life's secrets, even if it means that normalcy falls into the wayside of obscurity. She lives in the moment, for the moment. She is never seeking instant gratification, and although she yearns for acceptance, she will not allow herself to be ill-fated by what others deem to groom her to be.

And yet, this film is not even about Stargirl. We see the film through the lens of the other co-star named Leo, who spends the early parts of the film settling for what small role he can blend into in his small school in a small town, all of which are notorious for accomplishing next to nothing. Stargirl's arrival is something of a stroke of magic to some, yet thematically we can all agree that she merely taps the potential that every character instills inside of them.

As far as the movie itself goes, it's pretty decent. It held my attention, and even though it works through minimalistic plot development, it is meant to serve the characters more than anything else. Unfortunately, I think some of the character structure was a bit off with the pacing, and I think the best thing that would have saved it is if this went the way of a TV series instead. I'm fine with it being a film so long as I can feel the passage of time within a few minutes span and fill in any gaps, but otherwise this had some weird off-beat moments.

Anyway, Grace really starts to disappear as Stargirl. When I first heard she was cast for the role, I thought for a while this would be one of those cutesy "Aww, look at little Grace doing her thing in a movie!" moments. Nope, instead she played a character (who could sing and play the uke, but that's okay) and she played it quite strongly. I was proud to see that, and would love to see her in other roles again. They don't always have to be leads and they don't have to involve music, and I would most certainly like to check it out for myself.

Sit back and enjoy this one, but don't expect the world of it. Just let it happen. That's exactly how Grace would want you to watch it, too.
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Grace is great, movie is ok
spaulagain14 March 2020
Almost like the story itself, Grace (Stargirl) is a spark of character and wonder surrounded by average characters and directing.

I've met people like Stargirl in the real world, and it is amazing how much one person can transform everyone around them. And when they're gone, the magic escapes. This film tried to portray that but sometimes dumbed it down to be a little too literal. It also made a couple character leaps, especially in the second act that just didn't sit right, they were poorly timed or portrayed.

Overall, solid effort. And great start for Grace in an acting career.
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One of the great ironies
A_Different_Drummer15 March 2020
One of the great ironies of this film is that the choreography was done by Mandy Moore who, not so long ago, would herself have been starring in this "vehicle." That said, VanderWaal, a legit child phenom if ever there was, acquits herself well in an under-stated performance, doing most of her numbers almost acapella. The film starts slow with no gimmicks and builds nicely. VanderWaal does indeed have a future in film. If she wants one.
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Beautiful concept but not beautifully executed
adavi-8324914 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The character development in this movie is outstanding. You really fall in love with each character. Try not smiling when Kevin smiles- you can't. Grace vanderwall was absolute perfection in this role.

I loved the concept of everyone coexisting in high school regardless of what activity you're in but some of it didn't make sense. Some girl comes out in the middle of half time and sings a song and everyone loves it without even pausing to realize how really random and weird that is. The school accepts and loves her so easily and then hates her so easily. Also, that whole, we know hate stargirl thing wasn't exactly clear in the beginning. You hear how the school isn't happen and then you see pure hate. People really wouldn't care that much.
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A book about uniqueness made into an insultingly generic movie
thegirl-watchingthis28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't a huge fan of the Stargirl book, but that is not why I disliked the movie. In fact, I found myself missing the book as I watched. My hate of the movie stemmed from its fatal flaw: its overreliance on the generic plot structure that all movies "must have." To fit this mold, the components of the book were melted down and reshaped until the movie becomes a strange string of events with little rhyme, reason, or emotional impact. But before I go into that, the positives. I liked the lighting, the use of color, and the lovely desert vistas. The set design was pretty good, especially in the scenes with the Hot Seat and the dance. The editing was also fine for the most part. Most of the acting and singing was decent. The issues are in writing and characterization. The book had 2 character arcs and the writers seemed to think that the movie could only focus on one. In the book, Stargirl starts as an outcast at school, but she gradually gains popularity despite, or even because of, her strangeness with the strength of her charming personality. She became a cheerleader, won the speech contest, and started a ukulele-themed club (which is startlingly absent in the movie). Instead of that, the writers chose the comparatively weaker arc where Leo learns from Stargirl the values of individuality. The writers again and again fell into the sundew trap of "love interest is what sells" to the detriment of everything else. In the beginning of the movie, the writers decided to ignore Stargirl's arc in favor of, I assume, "promoting being yourself." So, even though Leo was bullied for being different, Stargirl became an instant star (pun intended. She was the center of her solar system and the entire school orbited her) with mind-boggling speed. A good portion of the book was zipped through at lightning speed within the first 20 minutes, leaving me confused about how the rest of the movie would be filled with (as it turns out, it would be filled with football scenes). Stargirl becomes a Mary Sue, a godlike figure, the controller of a high-school-sized hive mind. Throughout the movie, the behavior and mindset of the non-Leo-and-Stargirl high school population changes, not to behave like believable humans of real life, but rather to service The Holy Plot Structure. Stargirl needs to be popular as The Plot demands? Now their entire identity starts and ends with football. And Stargirl now has the power to influence the outcome of the game, as The Plot demands. "Lucky charm" they say, but it reads more like she determines the flow of mana throughout the world, using her influence to skew the game in her side's favor. (I am aware that she was "cheering them on." But that doesn't mean she is the load-bearing pillar that the football team leans on) On to the love story (what is apparently more important than good characterization). Love is taken for granted in a lot of movies, not just this one. Why sell a good romance? Why sell each character, giving reasons for them to like each other, showing them interact organically? Those are not important. The Plot demands a love story, so they are in love. You know they are in love because they always fall in love in these movies. You also know that they will break up and get back together again, because that is how these movies go. See the irony of a book about uniqueness making a movie so generic? A long portion of the movie is devoted to love scenes and football with little narrative flow or context. Almost none of the precious screen time goes to characterization. We are supposed to take it for granted that Stargirl is unique and quirky, but it is not shown well in the movie. While her character annoyed me in the book, I did have a good feel of who she was. She was different in a good way, to quote High School Musical. In the movie, her personality was nonexistent. And hark! The Plot Structure, in its holy authority, demands that at this point in the movie there must be a breakup and everyone must lose faith in the main character! To fulfill this, the writers decided that Stargirl will have a character arc after all. The story, like lightning jumping to a metal rod, finds the quickest way to follow this holy injunction, even if the characters act strangely because of it. Like a switch being flipped, the hearts and minds of the high school crowd abruptly change as The Plot demands. Leo himself is the worst, as he flipflops more than a Floridian at Walmart. Then he acts so teenager-y and moody that he makes me ashamed of being a teenager. And what causes this paradigm shift in the school? Nothing less than football, of course! And so, like the unbelieving Romans that crucified the morally just and empathetic Jesus. The football-headed high schoolers turned their love for Stargirl into hate for the grievous crime of... "making the team lose" by not being there the whole time? Believe it or not, but high school football players actually do care about their injured comrades and we aren't... that stupid. I hope we aren't that stupid. The Plot Structure makes the movie so predictable. When Stargirl texts "susan ;)" we already know what is going to happen. The only question is how long it will take until she's "Stargirl" again. (It isn't long at all. The writers wanted to hit the beats as quickly as they can so they can get to the part with the singing.) The story beats are hit so quickly, in fact, that they feel unbelievable and inhuman. This section of the review is devoted to Stargirl's oddly prize-winning speech. She really thinks she's on to something, but she's only on my nerves. Her argument was unscripted, off-the-cuff, unstructured. "Argument" is a generous term. Even though it seemed like a debate competition(?), she had no thesis or anything that would make a good argument. There is this idea that a speech thought up on the spot is inherently better, which I disagree with. The only topic that would benefit from an impromptu shoe-less speech would be uniqueness. For example, she could have made a speech about how she overcame society's natural urge to conform and her fight for acceptance against a school of uniformity. See the problem with that, though? She DIDN'T struggle with those things! There is nothing inspiring about her. All of those things were cut out of the movie to make room for more singing. The only thing with promise is her empathy, which was written with all the subtlety of a car wreck (so unsubtle I compared her to Jesus earlier!). She has two big traits: her "deepness" and her anvilicious empathy. They make her annoying but not memorable, a horrific combination for a main character. On to my final grievance (and it's a big 'un): the ending. For me, the ending was the most memorable part of the book. Stargirl disappeared. Leo, and by extension the rest if the school, wonder at her. She made an impact, like with her ukulele club that still endures. And yet, it feels almost as if they imagined her. As if they dreamed her up, because no real girl could be so unique and such a force of nature. And the book had such an atmosphere of loss, wonder, awe, and a bit of nostalgia. The ending was the feeling of reminiscing put into words. The movie attempted to do that ending, with the narration saying some of the things in the above paragraph. It doesn't ring true; doesn't feel earned in the movie, because her character was not really the focus of the movie. She was a force of nature, but not in the "storm rolling through a town, unstoppable and all-encompassing" way. It was more of a "Mary Sue" kind of way. We didn't see Stargirl's journey from outcast to beloved icon of Mica. Her "journey" was the "inspiring" tale of how a ukulele-toting girl mind-controlled a school with her football (and marching band, which angered me as a marcher) enhancing presence, insta-courted a boy, temporarily assumed the form of a mere mortal, then was beloved again, then disappeared. The ending failed not just because there was no feeling of the passage of time (not even words on the screen that say "One Year Later" or something) but because of bad characterization. In the book, while I didn't like Stargirl, I understood why Leo did, why she became the schools darling oddball, how she could make an impact on her town. In the movie there was none of that. I didn't miss her when she was gone. "Good riddance!"
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dewinbarnette17 March 2020
I have to disagree heartily with most of the reviews previously posted. This movie is a quiet testament to what adolescents all face every single day- the simple, and extremely complex, daily tug of war between being whom you truly are and whom others want to see. I am a HUGE fan of the books, and, while a lot of things were changed for the movie, I felt the necessity of the changes. The movie offers a quiet, simple space for contemplation of who the viewer truly is. A question more adolescents-and adults-need to be asking themselves. Beautifully done.
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worth a look
aldri-3957614 March 2020
I very much enjoyed this movie, but I never read the book, so I have no idea how true it is to the original. Anyway, some are already complaining Stargirl here is not quirky enough. Others are saying the whole quirkiness thing is old. You can't win. In reality, it seemed a lot of the stuff that was in the book - Stargirls quirky tendencies and the students reactions to it, was simply left out. Maybe you don't like that, but it seemed to make for a less cliched movie to me, one not obsessed with typical teen bullying, mocking the outcasts, etc. Both Stargirl and everyone else were given mostly normal personalities. I expected Hillari Kimbell to be like a typical bully, for example. She absolutely was not, and there was so much dignity to her character. Are Hollywood's bully tropes changing?

Yeah, so the movie Stargirl focuses more on visuals and music rather than on encounters between Stargirl and students. In fact, Stargirl has almost no interaction at all with any students outside of Leo. Be prepared for this as I wasn't. What this means is that Stargirl's popularity and then fall from grace is expressed somewhat obliquely, through football cheers, high fives, or through Leo only. The other students are pretty much invisible as supporters or detractors (save Hillari).

OK, but now on to the love story which dominated the film more than I expected. Leo's backstory was a bit cheesy, but maybe I'm not a porcupine tie kind of guy. Thats OK - otherwise, I very much appreciated his character and how he was grounded in reality unlike Stargirl who's idealism made her prone to making occasional errors in judgement. And Stargirl - this was singer songwriter Grace VanderWaal's film debut - she was wonderful. The vast majority of her time on screen she is engaging, smart, buoyant and childlike in her joy, or just plain mesmerizing. And somehow her pet rat Cinnamon comes to embody her adorable qualities as you will see in one particular early scene. Later, she changes somewhat and you see her sadness and loneliness, as well as stubborn insistence on being herself. At times, it was compelling. Overall, the love story blossomed nicely (after an improbable start (a little too much of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl coming out of nowhere) and both Leo and Stargirl are given plenty of screen time. This was a touching first romance.

Finally, the movie for me peaks midway through as we delve more deeply into Stargirls character and her vulnerabilities are exposed. She tries to conform, but never really shows she knows how to make friends (showing her actually trying to do this might have been good, BTW), something she says she wanted to do. That was sad - I know the experience. It is actually a trait common in autistic people, and possibly Stargirl might have been on the spectrum. So, but this is what made the ending appropriate but also a bit unsatisfying, because she never really got to know any of the people she was dancing with so gleefully. I guess they saw her as a somewhat mystical power rather than a friend. And Leo's ending song just seemed a little of out of character for him. We do not really know what his hopes and dreams were in life other than to reclaim part of his childhood. And as the more grounded character in the relationship, are we as interested in his growth as we are in Stargirls?

Overall, in conclusion much of this movie I didn't expect, but in a good way. In talking about it, I bring up the occasional negatives, but in reality i loved most of it. It was beautiful - visually, musically, and with an unexpected amount of emotional impact. And what are the lasting effects likely to be on Stargirl after her experience at Mica? I doubt she will remember anyone there besides Leo, and what did she take away from that relationship? Hopefully we will find out in a sequel. But I think Leo did teach her a little about the benefits of conforming - it makes the world go a little smoother at times. Its funny, because the movie is suppose to be all about being yourself, but does Stargirl FEAR conforming as it would cause her to lose herself in other people? Would that scare her? These questions and themes were never really explored and they might have been also. Its food for thought.

Oh yeah - I almost forgot - I'm all for cell phones and social media, but is the future of movies going to involve actors and actresses spending a lot of time staring down at their devices??? Help!!
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Exactly what I expected
briancham19945 June 2021
This film is exactly what you'd expect from a screen adaptation of the Stargirl novel made by Disney and starring Grace Vanderwaal.

It carries over all the issues I have with the novel - the eponymous Stargirl is a supernaturally perfect "manic pixie dream girl" who is too good for this Earth. She exists only to inspire all the students to become quirky and aspirational non-conformists, almost like some sort of religious prophet. Her character is a little toned down from the novel, where she is actively disruptive and does things like saying "United Turtles of America" in the American Pledge of Allegiance. This adjustment makes the film a little more bearable to watch, but it also removes anything genuinely interesting or entertaining about her. Now the only thing that sets her apart is that she has a strange name and wears colourful clothes, which makes me wonder why anyone notices her.

Another issue of the adaptation is the acting and characterisation. Leo has been reduced to a stammering mannequin. Stargirl is just a mannequin. No offense to Grace Vanderwaal; she is a great performer but seemed perpetually dazed when acting. Maybe this is her way of showing how carefree and otherworldly Stargirl is, but to me it just seemed like she was constantly dissociating. Everyone's personality is toned down to the point of one-dimensional blandness.

The Disney production has shaped this movie into a strange style where the plot is constantly contrived and cheesy, yet it is shot as if we are supposed to take it seriously. There are many unrealistic moments that serve only to hit pre-defined plot beats without much of a compelling reason or build-up. Examples include Stargirl's sudden popularity/infamy, many spontaneous musical performances, obligatory romantic focus on protagonist Leo and inexplicable success in the speech competition. In a usual Disney sitcom this would be presented in a stylised comedic way, but here it is imbued with so much lingering pathos that it presents an identity crisis for the very film itself. Do you want to be a deep teen drama with relatable issues or a quirky comedy with over the top characters and events? Make up your mind.

If there's anything good about the film, it's the production values. The cinematography showed the scenery in gorgeous deep tones, the choreography was skillful (if misplaced) and the sets felt like the book's settings come to life with character. It's a shame that this skill was wasted on such an indecisive and contrived adaptation though.
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Amazing movie that encourages you to be yourself and not let anyone tell you who to be
rannynm19 March 2020
Stargirl is an amazing movie that encourages you to be yourself and not let anyone tell you who else to be. This movie could make a great impact on the world and it has such a powerful and positive message with the ability to inspire many people.

Stargirl is about a boy named Leo Borlock (Graham Verchere) and a girl, Stargirl (Grace VanderWaal) who, after many years of being homeschooled, decides to attend a regular school and the two of them begin a connection. When Stargirl shows up at the school, positive things start happening, like the football team winning games, which it hadn't for YEARS)! But, when Stargirl makes a choice that causes the school to lose the championship football game, everyone turns on her and it's up to Leo to save Stargirl and win back everyone's love for her.

One of my favorite parts is when Stargirl sings Happy Birthday to Leo at the beginning of the movie, because that's when he starts noticing that this girl is different and wonders what she knows about him. What a surprise to have a complete stranger serenade you on your birthday, in front of the whole school! I also love the moment when Stargirl runs out of her house as Leo is leaving and kisses him. She's like, "Oh no, what do I do now?" and runs back into her house. I think that's so cute and funny and I love that he gets so giggly and happy about it. It is so adorable.

The message of this film is simple enough - be true to yourself and never let anybody tell you who to be or what to do, because you'll be unhappy with yourself in the end.

I love Stargirl and give it 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend it for ages 10 to 18. If you're in high school you'll be able to relate to at least one of the many likeable characters in this movie. And, Disney fans, as well as adults will LOVE this movie too. There's something for the whole family in this film. Make sure to have a box of tissues near by when you watch it. You just may need it for both the heartwarming and joyful moments. This movie is streaming on Disney+ beginning March 13, 2020.

Reviewed by Lindalee R., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic. For more reviews by tweens and teens, visit kidsfirst dot org
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sincere Disney
SnoopyStyle5 April 2020
Leo Borlock moves to a small Arizona town with his mother after his father's death. His new school is a place lacking in hope which is highlighted by the school's empty trophy case. He joins the marching band and has his group of nerdy friends. One day, homeschooler Stargirl Caraway (Grace VanderWaal) joins his class. He falls for her immediately and her quirky hopefulness infects the entire school.

I have to admit that I thought this has something to do with the DC character. That went away quickly as I watched the movie. Then I hoped that this has something to do with Starman. That would have been interesting but not to be the case. So we march on. This is a rather standard coming-of-age teen movie with a rather standard manic pixie dream girl. It is not something to be hated. The kids are adorable. I don't know anything about Grace VanderWaal. I watched a couple of America's Got Talent episodes but not her's. She has a sincerity which is very endearing in a manic pixie dream girl and her singing has the same sincerity. The boy is equally endearing. They make this movie endearing. I do have to say that the drama isn't that well written. I do not like that the whole school turned on her over leaving the game. It needs setting up. It needs magic. It needs fantasy. The whole school needs to be under her spell. It comes late to the game. Flowers need to be sprouting under her feet. Song birds need to be dressing her in the morning. That turn needs help and also it needs to be shown not told. On the other hand, I like the bike idea and that's an easier concept to make the dramatic turn. It is more internal and more about her character. It is grounded and it doesn't need the big setup. It does need the little brother. Quite frankly, it fits. It fits the birthday ties. It fits her and it doesn't need fantasy. I'm not going to claim that this is breaking any new ground. VanderWaal could have an interesting career although I don't know if she is going to breakout. This is a nice Disney movie for the whole family.
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I remember the book being good... but the movie?
TeeJay199214 March 2020
I read Stargirl in school as a class in eighth grade and loved it. The characters and story were so good. Apparently from this movie though, the narrator was a boy named Leo. I didn't know that. This movie though... If Grace VanderWaal isn't playing the uke and singing while the camera is spinning around her, then the movie is just... okay. I didn't really care for Leo. Stargirl was the only character I liked. I liked how Stargirl finished her fight with the "mean girl" at the dance in the book better than the movie. I don't feel like watching the whole thing again but I would watch the scenes where Grace plays her uke with the cheerleading squad.
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Just Medicore. Has some merits
iamkeysersoze-1322826 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Disney+ has giving us 5 original movies so far which were Noelle, Lady and the Tramp, Togo, Timmy Failure and Stargirl. None of them are terrible movies but asides from Togo. Disney+ has giving us much which stands out yet. Stargirl is a perfectly fine and enjoyable film and nothing more. It tell us a story we have seen many times before but it does try to stand out at times even if it doesn't always work. Grace Vanderwaal delivers her first performance and it isn't actually that bad, she does do a decent job. She is talented as a singer and the film uses that to advantage. Those scenes are usually the best moments. Graham Verchere is also really really good and they both work well together. However there is a cliche in the film to do with their relationship which really annoyed me.

Even if the movie is cliche and very unrealistic. It has some sweet moments and a nice message even if it is very surface level. The ending wasn't that great though, it just feels out of place even though I understand its intentions. Overall it's worth watching but don't expect anything that extraordinary. It's a Disney+ film which would mainly appeal to young teens.
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Literally that movie was like...what?
kaitlinebagby24 March 2020
It was cute, but it was a little slow. I'm confused on what message the movie was trying to get across.
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Dull and dim
kermitkid30 March 2020
I didn't read the book, so maybe it's better, but I found this film dull. There's no character development, the plot isn't all that interesting, and the acting is only slightly better than a Disney Channel movie, which I wouldn't be surprised to learn this is what it was originally going to be. The main problem is there's no conflict. There's no gravitas. It happens in the last 30 minutes, but it's too little, too late. Grade: D 6/10 2/5 stars
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Meaningful message but short on plot.
cruise0130 March 2020
Stargirl 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The plot is decent about a coming of age story. Involving a teenage boy who is struggling from a loss. Who meets this open and down to earth girl. Which he falls for.

It has a good message about being yourself. And never be afraid of who you are.

The cast is decent. The main girl did a great job with stargirl.
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Wanted to love the movie like I love the book
mnmgessel14 March 2020
I read this book several times with students and really enjoyed the fun upbeat characters. Loved the story. Loved the coming of age tale. The movie cut short the story to the point that the characters had little appeal. Stargirl is a tough person to cast. The casting was good but the feel of Stargirl was not there. The audio had some weird things going on, the editing was choppy and had a feel of throwing things together over a weekend. Love the book, wanted to love the movie.
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Very Enjoyable , lots of heart
john-9844414 March 2020
A beautiful movie, full of little moments. Grace was a joy to watch. Timeless it is.
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A Decent Jukebox Musical
TheMysteriousReviewer13 February 2021
Stargirl is a very decent movie. It can have some issues like a generic school story from the first half. And the characters need to work a little more on their development. But the movie can be redeemable with some moments that are touching, especially the relationship of Leo and Stargirl. I really liked how Stargirl helped Leo get through his senior year. The editing is nice even with the costume making Stargirl look colorful. And the soundtrack is enjoyable to listen to, especially when we gotten to the finale. As for my recommendation, this is a movie about a magic girl forming a friendship with a normal student. If this sounds good for you, this can be worth a watch. If not, you won't be missing much. This isn't a great movie, but I guess this is pretty decent.
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aevaughn-7730525 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The main character (Stargirl/Susan Callaway) was great in her role! Her voice is beautiful. But this whole movie seemed like it was written by a 60yr old who enjoys reading, watching, and writing teen "fanfare". It was awkward. Tell me what high school let's a girl who randomly shows up on the football field - sing her heart out, and they all just JOIN IN? OR she just becomes an honorary cheerleader that everyone adores - until they don't?! Or how many school dances has any teen been to where they run out into a nearby field to dance, hop around, and twirl? Nope...I've never seen any of this crap in real life. 😂. And Stargirl came across as just...ok I'll say it...freaking weird. Not cute quirky, not just slightly diff but endearing, just flat out WEIRD. And because of that, all the kids fawning over her and that ukulele - was just fake and corny.
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A Movie About Redemption
rlp-2327214 March 2020
Stargirl is not perfect; some scenes are perfect, and they are the ones with Grace in centerscreen or with Graham. But there were some where her novice acting ability was apparent. Those are few and far between. For those scenes I fault the director - I wish Ms. Hart would have used a different take on those occasions.

I'm glad the movie doesn't follow the book exactly. The book was much darker, nastier, and meaner than the movie. I did miss the pebble wagon though. I thought that was an integral part of Stargirl's thought process and how she lived her life. The essence of the story remains, however.

I don't understand some of the negative reviews; although the supporting characters are necessary and provide much-needed distraction, I don't feel it necessary to give them any more airtime than they got. Karan Arjun did a great job as Graham's antagonist and comes off as the better actor; that's likely due to more experience in front of the camera. The 2000 vs. 2020 comparison is sort of meaningless if you understand the true theme of the movie.

Which, in my opinion, is redemption. Without giving too much of the plot away, the penultimate scene at the Winter Ball was subtle yet historic. I can't recall any other film that expresses the love of one person for another as what Stargirl does for Leo. This was not in the book; Ms. Hart did take some liberty here but it's well worth the difference.
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Adorable teen romance
wrxsti541 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
16 year old Leo Borlock (Graham Verchere) is a shy, slightly nerdy member of the high school band. He and his mother Gloria (Darby Stanchfield) moved to the fictional small town of Mina Arizona 6 years earlier after the sudden death of his father. Leo is bullied in school but is befriended by an Asian Indian boy called Kevin (Karan Brar) but once in high school, Leo keeps a low profile.

Into the maelstrom of teenage life in the small Mina High steps a quirky hippy-like new girl called Stargirl (Grace VanderVaal). Not only is Leo intrigued and develops a crush on her, mildly stalking her, but she also attracts immediate attention with her flamboyant hairstyle, hats and clothes and her gentle kind nature. She is kind to the withdrawn Leo and they begin to form a strong bond. Mina High's football team has not won a game in years but one Friday night, Stargirl steps on the field with her ukulele and sings a toe tapping song of inspiration and happiness that lifts the whole team, cheerleaders and band to an unlikely victory.

Stargirl's positivity rubs off on the whole school and she acts like a kind of a lucky talisman pushing the school atmosphere to a happier level and repeated success on the football field. Leo becomes popular because of the popularity of his new girlfriend. He has to cope with something he's never had to before, how to manage his friendships with his male friends and discussions with his mother with whom he is close whilst being in love for the first time. Stargirl's unique intensity helps draw Leo out of the self-imposed emotional hibernation that he's been in since the death of his father.

Things take a dramatic turn when, during the regional football final, an opposition player is injured and Stargirl goes over to him, holds his hand on the field and actually travels in the ambulance with him to the hospital. The absence of her ebullient personality leaves the team and the crowd flat and they end up losing the final. Sentiment in the school turns very sour against Stargirl and Leo is caught up in that.

Stargirl at first reacts by trying to conform (she changes her hair, she wears more regular teenage girl clothes, she finally succumbs and gets a smart phone and reverts to her real name of Susan). When she wins a regional speech competition, she is still shunned at school even after appearing on Kevin's famous Hotseat show. Eventually she reverts back to being Stargirl and feels comfortable being her quirky self and it's a great journey of discovery for the both of them, Leo encouraging her to be true to herself and Stargirl bringing out hidden talents in Leo that become evident when she invites him up on stage at the Winter Formal to sing Just What I Needed by The Cars that he used to sing in the car with his dad as a child. The movie ends abruptly when Stargirl and her mother suddenly leave town right after the formal leaving Leo somewhat perplexed and a little bereft. Leo goes on to a successful completion of high school and begins college all the while treasuring the memories of his brief time spent close to this extraordinary girl.

The movie is made by the star casting of the young couple, the most dramatic being VanderVaal for whom this was her acting debut at the age of only 14. Her performance is simply stunning and she exudes the kind of quirky, powerful, beautiful charisma complete with natural singing and dancing skills that conveys the kind of lucky talisman infectiousness that permeates the whole school. That's not an easy task for a early teenage girl. The casting of 16-year-old Graham Verchere was perfect. He's an extremely authentic teen actor with great vulnerability and sensitivity and conveyed Leo's journey of emotional flowering with nuance and believability. There is an air of childhood magic about the show but it still remains grounded accurately in the modern teenage world to make it believable. It's a happy and heartwarming movie.
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An awkward, badly made film
grynai14 March 2020
I'm a big fan of Grace, and I watched the film because of her. I also think Karan might have a good future career. So, I even found and read the book on which the film is based. The book was ok, although I don't understand its popularity - there are much, much better books for children and teens, that have more substance, more depth and less cliches. Perhaps young teens who haven't been exposed to any better literature enjoy it, and that's fine.

But no matter how much I wanted Grace's debut to be a success, I can't lie to myself or others - it's a really, really badly made film. Being a filmmaker myself, it almost makes me angry that someone actually got paid for directing and producing it. I mean, for someone who has all these resources to produce a result like this is mind-boggling. If I hadn't read the book, I don't think I'd even fully understand what was going on.

It's like they completely disregarded all of the emotional impact of the events in the book, all of the buildup, and just skimmed though a series of events for the sake of putting them on screen. Aside from her meticulously designed colorful outfits, you get zero sense of how quirky Stargirl is (the most important trait of her character), how involved the guys are in the talk show that they're hosting, and basically anything else that's supposed to matter. It's like they weren't even trying to create an emotional connection to any of the characters, because not one of them is even remotely interesting.

Another huge problem with the film is the sound design. I'm not sure why it is like it is, but it's bad. It's flat, the actor's lines are mumbled, and there are very little atmosphere sounds. This makes for very awkward viewing.

Lastly, I doubt that young people will like the film, except for maybe very young teens or children (but even they probably won't have the patience to watch it till the end because it's so emotionally flat). This is because no teens are the way they are portrayed in the film. It feels like a really old person's vague idea of how teenagers talk and behave. There's one place in particular that made me snort loudly, it was when Leo asked Archie "is she magic?" It was so completely random and silly, mostly because, like I mentioned before, there was zero sense of Stargirl's quirkiness or the profound impact she'd made on everyone. It's not completely unrealistic that a 16 year-old guy would as a question like this, but there should be a really, really good reason for it and a serious buildup to the moment where he asks it. Here, it was like: wait, what?

Lastly, for anyone who's looking for a film on a similar topic, I suggest to skip Stargirl and watch "Bridge to Terabithia" (2007) instead. Very similar story, but a much, much more engaging film that will be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
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Doesn't make sense
caseylane-2079015 March 2020
The movie took a good book and removed all the important plot points so it's just a collection of sunsets and singing and weirdly out of place emotional outbursts. The characters lack a depth that seems to have been replaced by quirky outfits, and the movie is insulting to the intelligence of youth using a vernacular that is obviously fabricated by adults. And of course in typical Disney fashion, the movie stars white people set against a backdrop of people of color in a brashly obvious act of tokenization.
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