The Greasy Strangler (2016) Poster

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Completely Bizarre And Disgusting
HorrorOverEverything16 October 2016
This is one of those movies that if I sat down and explained the whole thing from start to finish you would either say "Eww that sounds terrible" or "I need to see that now because I can't believe a movie like that exists." Everything about "Greasy Strangler" is just so strange and stupid, but at the same time it's hard to look away and throughout the movie I was pretty interested in seeing what would happen next. It's kind of like if Troma and the guys behind "Napoleon Dynamite" teamed up and made a movie.

There is tons of graphic nudity, over the top violence, and buckets upon buckets of grease. By the time the credits rolled I felt like I needed to take a shower, the movie has such a dirty/uncomfortable tone to it, but honestly that didn't prevent me from being entertained and intrigued by it. It's a film that needs to be seen to be believed. The gore/crudeness isn't exactly on the same level as a troma film or some hardcore underground horror films, but I still found myself slightly shocked at some of the stuff that they brought to the table.

Greasy Strangler is so odd and out there that it's almost like an anti movie. It doesn't follow any guidelines or strive to be like any other movie, it just simply does whatever it wants which makes it really hard to know what to expect next. The dialogue, crude humor, and strange characters will likely turn a lot of people away, but those willing to look past the gross exterior of the movie may find themselves laughing a lot.

I liked "The Greasy Strangler", it is completely stupid but it is also original and oddly interesting. Definitely not for everybody, but for those who know what to expect and aren't turned off by the idea of over the top disgusting humor this could be a movie experience that you won't forget.
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Absolutely weird.
overvelde11 October 2017
I tried describing this film to a friend. It's labeled a horror comedy, but I didn't find it scary or funny. The latter is not meant to be an insult, because there's a definite unique style that would work for some people.

The most apt analogy I can make is that it's a live action Beavis and Butthead world done by the cast of Shameless.

Characters that would be considered as a weird outlier in any other work seems to be par for the course here. Everything is weird, awkward, and unsettling but not in a creepy way.

I rate it a 6 because after I was done watching all I could really say was "Yup. I watched that." but it's very easily either the best film you'll ever see, or one of the worst, depending on what you want from it.
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Greased Lightning
sol-12 August 2017
A middle-aged social misfit is forced to confront the possibility that his abusive father is the local serial killer in this outlandish black comedy. This is not the easiest film to warm to with deliberately over-the-top performances, repetitive dialogue and the two male leads constantly wandering around nude, however, the pure wackiness on display has a certain charm. There are also several very funny moments as Michael St. Michaels keeps complaining "you probably think I'm the greasy strangler!" when everyone from hotdog vendors to his own son refuses to put more grease on his food, and as he dons bizarre outfits without giving a second thought to how he looks. Not all of the jokes work, with far too much toilet humour in the mix, but it is an amusing film from start to finish with all its weirdness. What's more, the film even spins an at-times touching tale of father and son coming to understand and appreciate one another in the backdrop. This is certainly not a movie for all tastes, but in between the pitch perfect electro funk music score, the imaginative costumes and the surprisingly decent makeup effects, there is a lot here to like. The film admittedly goes a little off the deep end towards the end and gets a little too weird for its own good, but this might otherwise be the most refreshingly unusual horror-comedy since 'Otto; or Up with Dead People'.
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Very greasy
datorsiers21 October 2017
Definitely a very weird movie, most people will absolutely hate it and turn it off in the first couple of minutes. Is it great? Not really, but it is something very bizarre and has some shock value to it.

Nowadays it is extremely hard to surprise the audience with something incredibly grose, bizarre and just flat out obscene. This movie achieves that perfectly, it is insanely weird and paired with the funky over the top weird music this movie has an incredibly awkward and disturbing vibe. I will give this film props for creating a feeling of this sort for me as it is usually impossible to surprise me anymore.

Do not watch this if you expect any clever plot twists or anything of that sort. This film does not have any of that, in fact it has no premise at all and next to no plot. Watch this if you want to something unseen, unique and totally screwed up. The movie showcases the most bizarrely awkward father - son relationship you will ever see in your life, guaranteed.
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Strange yet enjoyable flick
jackmeat13 December 2016
My quick rating - 5,4/10. This is either a love it or hate it movie. Even though I lean towards the enjoyed it part, I can't just say it was good. The "so dumb it is funny" is plastered throughout this flick. Completely off the wall sex scenes, cartoon like kills and more inside jokes than can possibly be kept up with. But don't worry, those jokes will get repeated and drawn out way too long so you'll get them anyway. This coupled with a truly annoying soundtrack that will just get stuck in your head. The makers of this movie have to idolize Troma films (I know I do) since this just smells like it came from Lloyd Kaufman himself. If you want to see plenty of full frontal nudity, male included (huge prosthetic penises btw) then this is your movie. I could reveal more but let me just say, if a fan of movies, this is one of those you should see just because you have to. You may not like it but like I am right now, you will still be shaking your head wondering just what in the hell you just watched.
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Charmingly Bizarre
cddesigns21 October 2018
Imagine if Napoleon Dynamite and Junji Ito's Glyceride somehow had a baby - the offspring would be The Greasy Strangler.

In this un-thriller, a thoroughly unattractive father and son navigate their strained relationship while dealing with a rash of murders in their town that have been committed by a not-so-mysterious killer who carries out said murders while coated in a thick layer of sopping, crusted grease. Don't worry about gory effects making you feel ill during this film, those are hilarious. The copious amounts of K-Y jelly and other unidentifiable greasy substances throughout the film do a fine job of squicking the viewer out instead. Despite the stomach-churning visuals, the script, delivery and several sight gags contain enough surreal humor to make this film enjoyable for those who are partial to that kind of thing.

If you have a weak stomach, I do not recommend eating snacks like pizza or anything with a lot of olive oil during the course of this film.
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A throwback to a more disgusting time in cinema.
pjhook19727 December 2016
There was a time when John Waters revelled in making the most vile, disgusting, and thoroughly unpleasant films ever put to celluloid. While they could never be mistaken for high art, these films had a charm and sincerity which would elevate them above other gross out movies and grant them an instant and lasting cult appeal.

This noxious maelstrom is something a throwback to those films, a toilet where all semblance of good taste is flushed away in a swirl of feces and grease...lots of grease. Add in some Troma-esque special effects, and you get something that balances a precarious line between making you puke your guts out, and split your sides with laughter.

It may not be as provocative or inflammatory as Pink Flamingos, but its goals are also not so lofty. Where John Waters once sought to eradicate the boundaries of quality and good taste, Jim Hosking simply wishes to disgust and entertain. A simpler purpose and one where he succeeds magnificently. (Plus, in the realm of shock cinema, it's tough to top a drag queen who literally eats sh*t.)

So is this movie any good? I guess it depends on the viewer, their individual tastes, and their interpretation of what defines a "good" film. It is vulgar, vile, and disgusting. Both The acting and dialogue are extremely stilted and awkward. The pacing is erratic and you'll probably feel like taking a shower when its over. However, since this is all intentional, it's very difficult to consider it anything but a success.

In short, this is the movie that Trash Humpers wishes it could be.
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A Wild Comedy/Horror Film
Reviews_of_the_Dead8 July 2021
This was a movie that when I started to get into podcasts, the name would pop up. I knew this was more of a movie that non-mainstream horror fans watched. It went on a list of movies to check out, but hadn't gotten around to it. All I knew was that it was outrageous. I finally gave it a viewing as part of the Summer Challenge Series for the 2010s over on the Podcast Under the Stairs. The synopsis here is Ronnie (Michael St. Michaels) runs a disco walking tour with his son, Brayden (Sky Elobar). When a sexy woman takes the tour, it begins a competition between father and son for her love. It also signals the arrival of an oily strangler who stalks the streets at night.

Now I'm going to start stating that this is a weird movie. We are following mostly the father and son duo of Big Ronnie and Big Brayden. Brayden wakes up his dad with coffee and Ronnie states that no one takes their coffee oily. This grosses out Brayden and Ronnie states that his son probably thinks he's the greasy strangler. As it sounds, this is a serial killer that prowls the streets at night, covered in lard and choking his victims to death. This causes Brayden to think his father is joking.

As the synopsis states, these two have a walking tour where Ronnie tells those that partake about the history of different buildings and disco legends that have a connection to them. The first tour we get to see doesn't go well. Ronnie is temperamental. When an Indian tourist, played by Sam Dissanayake, asks about free drinks they saw in the brochure. This upsets Ronnie. A Senegalese and Scandinavian tourist who are also with them join in a chant for free drinks. These other two are Abdoulaye NGom and Holland MacFallister. Ronnie ends the tour early in anger. There is another member, Janet (Elizabeth De Razzo), and Brayden apologizes to her.

Later that day, Brayden relays that he is going on a date with her. Ronnie doesn't believe it and thinks that she is going to break his heart. He tries to convince his son not to go, but it doesn't work. Ronnie decides he will try to steal her away from his son instead. This creates an odd competition between the two.

Ronnie is also the greasy strangler. The first victims we see him attack are the foreign guests on the tour. Ronnie is covered in lard and he uses a local carwash to clean himself after he's done. It is run by a friend of his that he used to go to disco clubs with by the name of Big Paul (Gil Gex). I should point out that he's blind.

When Brayden's best friend of Oinker (Joe David Walters) is murdered by the greasy strangler, he decides to solve the case of who this serial killer is. Ronnie tries to break his spirits by seeing Janet and he also poses as a detective to dissuade him. Brayden will find a part of himself he didn't now he had and possible lose his humanity to solve this mystery.

Now I'll be honest, it feels like I'm deepening this movie more than what it really is with that recap. This movie just has an odd, surreal feel to it. It really is more of a comedy with some really horrific aspects to it. The interactions between Ronnie and Brayden are odd with the dialogue they are reciting and how they're reciting it. While chatting with Jake while doing Side Quest Podcast about this movie, which was partially what they were going for. They are repeating the same dialogue over and over to make it feel almost as mundane as every day conversation. I'm going to warn you here, this movie isn't for everyone and to take it farther, I think most might not enjoy this.

With that established, this is absurd. The tour this father and son do doesn't seem like it would make money. They claim history of all of these buildings and there really is nothing to back it up. This is partially what upsets Ronnie when challenged by the Indian tourist. I actually don't believe a lot of what he's saying. He tells Janet at one point he had a wild night with Michael Jackson. Brayden informs her it was really a Michael look-a-like that was a male prostitute. Ronnie is full of it in my opinion and just feeds lines to everyone.

Delving more into Ronnie, he's also a horrible father. I do believe that he had Brayden a bit younger and had to give up things in life. I think he resents him. Since Ronnie thinks more of himself than what he should, that is why he goes after Janet for validation. Even though a lot of things he says and does are funny, it is pretty sad to see what he says to as well as does to Brayden. There is some serious mental abuse that is going on here. I can see why Brayden has the low self-esteem.

Shifting from here, I do want to go to this serial killer of the greasy strangler. It is absurd, but the concept makes sense. When I told Jaime, she looked at me funny. What I thought about first was the serial killer from Stephen King's The Dead Zone. The lard that is on him would make it harder to fight. It also might make it harder to keep your grip when choking someone to death. Regardless, it is a wild idea and I kind of just enjoy it for that.

Since I've talked a lot about the characters, I'll go next to the acting. St. Michaels is wild. I know him originally from The Video Dead. It is fun to see that he's back into acting. Elobar is weirdly odd as his son. De Razzo and Gex are also pretty solid. What I should point out here is that no one is good. They're not playing characters that are normal. This is by design. What I'm going to say is that they work for what was needed. I can't fault them if they're supposed to play it awkward as that works.

Going along with how weird things are, I want to go to the effects. You can tell that St. Michaels is wearing a suit of sorts when he's the greasy strangler. I'm fine with that personally as it would be difficult to grease him up for long stretches. It works for me. They do go odd at times with the effects as well, like when someone's eye balls pop out. They're going over the top with it which fits the tone of the movie. What I do want to give credit for is the cinematography. I think they add character there and it was really well done.

Then finally I want to go into the soundtrack. I'm going to be honest with you, I love it. It is probably my favorite part of this movie. It helps the vibe they're going for. The music just hits a spot for me that has love for 1970's films. I don't necessarily think it falls in that same category, but my love for weird music from this era is probably why it works. This will a soundtrack I seek out for sure.

So then in conclusion here, I will reiterate this movie won't be for everyone. It isn't played straight. This is an odd comedy that is horrific in some of its nature. Not all of the comedy works for me, but I will admit, I did legit laugh out loud at some things. This is just a different type of movie. The acting is odd, but that is what they were going for. The effects aren't great, but much like the soundtrack, it fits. I can't recommend it to everyone. If you like schlocky films, I think you can really appreciate this one. I'm not the biggest fan that they set out to make a movie like that, but I can respect what they're doing here. This is just over average for me though.
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Lovekrafft21 November 2016
It dawned on me, about ten minutes in, that the script was either written by ten-year-olds or the writer imagined him/herself as a young boy. Painful to watch unless you look at it this way, so maybe there is a meaning behind it - to juxtapose the adults speaking like adolescents.

Everything reflects a moronic, crass effort, with the odd chuckle here and there. Like Napoleon Dynamite-level acting, with very little of the charm.

Perhaps it will end up as a cult favorite, loved by the bong-hitting college students and artsy types who find it cool to like garbage.
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Nauseating and Humorless Attempt at Camp
chicagopoetry15 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Eh, this is really nothing original. If you grew up in the seventies and eighties you've already seen this with the work of John Waters and Troma, among countless other forced attempts at camp by horror movies such as Dead Alive or Street Trash. I knew what I was getting into from the start because I saw the trailer which seemed pretty quirky and funny. But the trailer was only a minute or two long. Dragging this one joke out for ninety minutes proved to be a really excruciating experience. I honestly can't say I laughed once during the entire thing, but I do admit that it made me nauseous. The Napoleon Dynamite type of nerdy characters and dialogue might have worked in a film set in reality, but in this nonsense world it just made the film all the more irritating, along with a musical score involving nothing but someone banging on an organ. This is the stuff of a twenty minute short, not a full length feature.
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Nothing out there quite like this
mark-270515 October 2016
Weirdest movie i have ever seen. Cannot be recommended but i cannot not recommend it either. I don't condemn anybody who gives it a rating of 1 out of 10 but i can see how it could get a 10 out of 10 too. From the bat**it crazy soundtrack to the gratuitous full on male nudity that peppers the entire movie you are in for an experience if nothing else. Do not go into this without being warned, you will hate it and love it (delete as applicable) It's a horror movie with some weird gross out scenes, a love story with some weird gross out sex scenes and a comedy movie with some weird gross out scenes. It's funny in a kind of "never seen that before" way - you will tell your buddies about it. Watch it because you'll be glad you had, even if you hate it, if that makes sense.
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Michael St.Michaels' ass.
Foreverisacastironmess12327 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my...Jesus! Was this made by lunatics because it actually made me shout out loud what everyone always says, it made me shout "What am I watching!?" So I'd heard something of a buzz about this movie lately and I thought I'd check it out for myself, well it did make me laugh a lot and it certainly had an atmosphere and characters that were genuinely grimy, nauseating, and all-round unpleasant to look at and listen to, the "Big Ronnie" character, who really for better or worse made this a worthwhile picture, was one of the most vile and disgusting slabs of sweet humanity ever committed to celluloid. He loved his food to be composed of more choking grease than food and he treated his poor infantile son like complete garbage, he was such an unrepentant asshole, but damn if he wasn't a sincere asshole! At points it really did have me laughing hard, like when the Indian guy keeps saying "potatoe" in that messed-up way, but then it had way overdone moments like when Big Ronnie and the fat chick keep chanting "Hooty-tootie disco cutie" like demented maniacs forever, which was just a level of idiocy that I find childish and beyond the pale and is really just too much for me to find funny. So anyway, pretty much this movie to me is...bad, and that's good as it's clearly an attempt at a so-bad-it's-good type picture, and it has its moments, but to me it was still totally charmless and just not very good. I'm not sure how much of the randomness was due to original intent and how much was because they were making it up as they went along. It's crude, offensive, shoddily put together, but it is called "The Greasy Strangler", and you don't pick up a movie with a title like that expecting Shakespeare. This is a movie based around shock value and campy stupid fun, and in those areas it succeeded, but that is a bit of a double-edged sword. While this is the kind of movie you can sit down with a group of friends and have a good laugh with, just be careful you don't lose a few of them in the process! Ignoring the intentionally low brow juvenile humour and offensive material, when it comes to the basic balance and pace this movie leaves a hell of a lot to be desired, its overall effect isn't terrible but it is lopsided and fails to live up to its full potential. Too much loony toilet humour, with the last twenty minutes in particular feeling so chaotic and patchy it feels like they're just wasting time to make up the length of the feature! So overall I think it's an unapologetically flawed mess of a movie with nothing really holding it together beyond shock value, titties, and gratuitous shots of old man ass. But you could still do worse believe it or not, and you can tell that the very brave actors were having some fun with it. I enjoyed it enough I guess, it was a decent effort, it felt very true to the spirit of the period of film making long passed that spat out such bizarre and grotesque splatter flicks, and it was nice to see that tried these days. It tries its best to genuinely offend the viewer and it succeeds as a general great big f**k you to conventional barriers of good taste and political correctness.
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One of the most pathetic attempts at comedy I have seen in years
mjsreg7 November 2016
No doubt when the original idea for this film was pitched at financial backers it seemed like a quirky and unusual change - something a bit oddball and fun for audiences to watch.

But all this has turned out to be is some narcissistic self-indulgent tripe which will appeal to luvvies and 'those' types who think they know about art, and are quite happy to waste public money which could be better spent.

Perhaps the fact that it didn't do well in cinemas and has made it's way to the bargain basement of many online streaming services tells us all we need to know.

A childish and pathetic attempt at oddball humour.
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I need a shower
Drawertv11 July 2016
OK what can i say about that really WEIRD movie ?

Actually it's a quite good movie similar to a Quentin Dupieux Movie with a lot of absurd comedy but very transgressive. The character's are out of time and very funny if you can manage the third degree of sense of humor, maybe 4th (have to be with you).

It's a movie to watch with some friends to laugh a lot, a good midnight movie.

The story is very stupid, it's about a killer who strangle people wearing a lot of grease, that killer is a very old man who have a huge freaky c*ck. OK very hard to explain actually but very simple in fact. 2 characters fall in love of 1 girl... nah that film is nasty and hilarious. I loved the music, very repetitive like Mr Oizo (Dupieux yeah again) and that stay in your head. Image and music stay in your head, and will never leave you. Be brave my friend !
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Contrived Garbage.
mslamg-0198018 October 2018
This movie try's way too hard to be funny. These positive ratings may make you think 'hmm maybe there's something here that I am missing.' Trust me there's not. People just want to be in on some secret as badly as this movie wants to be unique.

I'm the type of person that watches all the way through even the worst movies looking for something redeeming. Absolutely nothing to be found. I was so angry about wasting my time that I felt it was my duty to save others from it.
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Weird Movie
I wouldn't call this a good movie, but I think I can attribute that to personal taste. The acting is purposefully terrible, and there is an overabundance of gross-out humor, if that sounds like your wheelhouse you'll probably laugh a lot. I personally though, don't like that type of thing so I didn't have a good time with this film. I didn't like the CGI used when people were murdered, really took me out of the movie. I like weird films, but only if they are weird for a reason, this movie is just being weird for weirdness's sake alone, and while it's admirable I can't really recommend it to others.
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John Waters inspired trash.
davelynch164 January 2017
It's a long time since I saw something this original, strange, good and bad in equal measures, and downright quirky. A difficult movie to pidgin-hole as it is described as a comedy horror. It is neither funny enough to be outright comedy or frighting enough to be considered horror. It is however a throwback to the John Waters underground movies of the 1970s, which made you smile and open mouthed OMG's as to what, and indeed why you are watching this.

I found the characters refreshing as there are no pretty or handsome people in this movie, Just 'Normal looking' people with quirky characteristics. The story if you can call it that makes no sense, but I guess it's not meant too.

The 'music' is unlike anything else but works perfectly. It's the kind of movie that many will dismiss as utter garbage and give it 1/10 and many will admire it's boldness and utter uniqueness and give it 10/10 I am leaning towards the latter. It's in my top 10 movies of 2016 purely because there has been nothing quite like this in many years and it's a vile, crazy, greasy change from the norm.

It deserves more than 5.7
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Trying too hard to be weird.
steveoboyle18 August 2018
Apparently the guy who made this movie was heavily influenced by "The Young Ones" and David Lynch. This was neither as funny as the former and much less weird than the latter. Exactly what it was trying to achieve I am unsure, but it did leave me feeling a little queasy, if that was the director's mission. I was left thinking how, as a horror, gross-out movie or comedy, it really failed to be any of those things. It's like it was trying too hard to shock, yet completely forgot to entertain. A Troma rip- off that fails to deliver.
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The 1/10 review is correct, there is no reason for this movie to exist...
nater300021 August 2016
But I am so, so glad it does exist. It's a very oddball, just plain weird story that can't be explained without spoiling the plot, of which there is little. If you dare to see this film, expect a very awkward experience with lots of full frontal male and female nudity (the male are prosthetics and the woman has an enormous bush) and the most bizarre sense of humor since Napoleon Dynamite and They Came Together. You probably won't like this movie, unless you're willing to just suffer through a barrage of awkward pauses, repeated lines, and just stupid sex scenes that should have you in stitches. If you think this is really a horror, you're not expecting the right thing at all.
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This movie was so revolting i liked it
tjstato18 September 2021
I heard Elijah Wood mention this movie in his recent Hot Ones interview. He said something to the effect of it being one of the movies he is most proud of but warned that it is very polarizing. Now that I have seen it, I understand why. I watched it with my boyfriend and I loved it and he felt like it was a waste of time. (In all fairness, the only thing he had a problem with was also the issue I have, which I will talk about later.) If you are the type that doesn't only want to watch movies for entertainment, but watches and judges movies based on the experience they provide, you might like this. I love the idea of seeing people who aren't conventionally attractive in leading roles. I also loved the disgusting settings. This movie does an excellent job at making you feel grimy. There was a part where one character was eating cheese puffs and I told my boyfriend that I would never eat if I were any of these characters or even on the set. It's a nice change of pace from the movies starring all of Hollywood's most beautiful actors, and seeing them engaged in behavior equally as disgusting as the setting is also such an interesting subversion to me. That's the best way I can articulate how I feel about this movie at the moment. Over all, I enjoyed it. My only issue was the issue I share with my boyfriend which is the reliance on repetition in their jokes. There are three different scenes that feel a lot like the "Would you like a. Lollipop?' 'Would I?' 'Would you?' 'Would I?" joke from Chowder except it goes on for like three minutes which is not funny. Just annoying.
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What the Hell Did I Just Watch?
dcarsonhagy10 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You know...sometimes I need MY head examined. I do not know what possessed me to try this POS, but let's just say it amounts to $6.99 I'll never get back, 93 minutes of time I'll never get back, and is one of the worst movie ever made.

"Greasy Strangler" is awful. Actually, it goes beyond awful. The story of a father and son (the son obviously a victim of Risperdal) who offer a "disco walking tour" (whatever the hell that is), love, nauseatingly distasteful scenes, and gratuitous shots of "old man wiener," this steaming pile of s**t needs to be burned.

I won't bore you with any more details. Unrated AND unwatchable.
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Definitely greasy enough
kosmasp18 May 2017
This movie is actually really bad. Like I should be rating it a 1 or 2 out of 10. The acting is despicable and annoying if you want to be nice. But it's all part of a master plan. Well maybe not master plan, but at least a plan. A plan that is pretty greasy. Almost as greasy as the movie and the Strangler himself.

It's not a big mystery who the title character is, you'll find out soon enough. So it's not about mystery, it's not about quality either. It's about being as crazy and ridiculous as possible. There is a faux tourist service, there is a father and son duo who seem to have the lowest IQ one can imagine. Then you meet other people and kind of realize there is not much thinking going on. There also seems not be a real investigation into the murders. But why should there be? This is gross and insulting. Also very unique and enjoyable in the right state of mind ...
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Exactly what you think it is.
MonsterVision994 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Greasy Strangler its obviously trying its hardest to be the new bizarre cult film, it takes inspiration from every film that has filthiness, most notably John Waters films, but The Greasy Strangler manages to feel like its own thing.

The film its heavy on the filth department, giving us some of the craziest scenes in recent weird film history, but its not really all that gory or exploitative in nature, its grossness comes from its characters and their surroundings, it isn't necessarily gross but they way they act makes it gross.

The film may bore some audiences with some of its anti-humor, or even its grossness but I found it to be mostly entertaining and riveting. The film uses its absurdity in a way that makes you laugh at points were there isn't something funny going on, it may not be for everyone.

The music its fantastic, it helps to create the atmosphere that the film tries to evoke. The special effects are really good for this kind of film, at first I believed that they will be cheap and cheesy, like in a Troma film, but the effects turned out to be decent for this kind of film.

Overall, its definitely not a film for everyone but for those who seek for a bizarre gross film that may even make them want to vomit, if that's the case this film its for you, its very decently made and it has a value to it.
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Wretched awful, terribly utterly repulsive. You can't unsee this.
seancurtisenigmatic16 October 2016
Awful, simply dreadful, completely utterly repulsive. If you're looking for a film that mortifies the very fiber of your being, this is the film for you. Morbidly obese women greased up and ready for 72 year old's to strangle them is what awaits you if you watch this wretched excuse for a grade C film. Not to mention a buttered greased up naked fat man running around with his small flaccid genitalia flailing of which you cannot unsee. No where in this film did any of the concepts tie together to form a plausible even remotely distinguishable resolution.

The acting is simply terrible. The choices made by the actors are conflicting and confusing. The hygiene of the actors is extraordinarily unacceptable and visually disturbing. The story line is confusing and hastily thrown together and what seems to be poor choices concerning free association with any form of a plot line making sense whatsoever. If you enjoy a collage of hastily pieced together unexplainable acts with mortifying choices made from where nightmares have arisen this is the film for you. I think I would've rather washed my dishes than viewed this disaster. Have fun!
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Then Grease Me Up - OK B-Movie style comedy horror
ninjaalexs26 January 2022
There's been a trend starting in the 00s to make films in the style of exploitation films from the 70s and 80s that were popular on VHS; titles including Nude Nuns With Guns, Hobo With A Shotgun and even Hollywood getting in on the act with Deathproof and remakes of The Hills Have Eyes and I Spit On Your Grave. The Greasy Strangler is one such film in the "straight to VHS" mould, using a lurid colour palette and a deliberately soft print.

A misfit father and son team do tours of disco hotspots in an unnamed American town. Their relationship is compromised when son, Brayden falls for Janet, a patron on one of the disco tours. In the meantime a greasy strangler is murdering locals.

The first 20 minutes are hilarious. I was laughing a lot. The film reminded me of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show and South Park. It uses gross out humour, scatological references and nudity featuring prosthetic penises. There's also a ton of overly camp murder scenes with purposely bad special effects. Sadly my enjoyment was soured by the endless repetition of the few good jokes and lines. It would have worked beautifully as a 30 minute TV pilot, but crass for crass sake soon wears thin. I have a strong stomach and watch many exploitation and horror films, but even I found this film disgusting.

I honestly believe British director, Jim Hosking is one to watch in the future as he has crafted something slightly derivative, but also it stands out in an oversaturated, engineered B-Movie market. It probably just needed a slightly higher budget and maybe an additional writer to tidy it up and we could have had a great black comedy. Don't believe the hyperbole about this being one of the best films of the last decade or a cult classic, it's purposely designed to appeal to people who love Troma and/or the hardcore horror film festival crowd. For me while enjoyable it fell quite a bit short.
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