Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (Video 2015) Poster

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An enjoyable movie with several distracting plot holes.
ewf10008 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Be warned: spoilers lie ahead.

This movie has plenty of action, the animation is good, and the voice acting is topnotch. I enjoyed it, but almost throughout the whole time I was viewing it, I kept getting distracted by annoying plot holes that could have easily been covered by the creators with a little forethought and additional movie time.

First, there was the confusion as to which ocean holds the Marianas Trench. Then, when Cyborg goes to the bottom of the Trench to investigate the disappearance of a sub, he has no protective gear except a small breathing mask that leaves most of his face exposed. Sure, his cybernetic components could withstand the pressure at that depth, but at least a quarter of his face is simple human flesh. That part of his head should have been crushed.

The mistake is repeated when Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Flash visit Atlantis. Without protective gear, Batman and the Flash should have been crushed by the pressure. And while I could buy that Superman and Wonder Woman would be invulnerable to the pressure, they are still air-breathing beings without gills. Yet, they breathe and talk underwater like Aquaman.

Even more jarring is the fact that none of the Justice League members seemed to learn from or remember their fight against Darkseid in the previous movie. In the first film, the team realizes that each member taking on Darkseid singlehandedly was a losing strategy, and that their best chance of winning lay in taking him on as a team. They did that and won. Here, they fall right back into each team member attacking Orm individually and getting their butts soundly kicked. If eight superheroes are taking on one super villain, wouldn't at least one of the heroes suggest that they all jump him together? That is the advantage in having numbers on your side, after all.

Also, the team seems to have gotten substantially weaker since Justice League: War. Darkseid is one of the most powerful beings in the DC pantheon, yet the League bounced back from his attacks and kept fighting. Here, Orm slaps them down one by one, and they stay down. Even Superman and Wonder Woman are left helpless after taking just one or two blows. This is completely out of character.

Finally, it's a bit odd that Aquaman is the supposed ruler of the seas, yet throughout the movie, he is completely outclassed by Mera (Meara?) in battle. And when a sea monster tries to make a snack out of the team, Aquaman hides behind Superman, letting him subdue the creature.

Again, overall, I enjoyed this movie. And I'm looking forward to the next Justice League animated adventure. But I hope the next movie pays a little more attention to detail than this one did.
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Incredibly entertaining!
crimson_knight_721 January 2015
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, directed by Ethan Spaulding, written by Heath Corson as well as Geoff Johnson was an exciting and entertaining animated film. Though Aquaman has made many appearances in the Justice League Animated Series, this was the first time he stared in his own animated feature film that was full of Shakespearian twists.

Not too long after the events in Justice League: War, directed by Jay Oliva, Metropolis faces a new aquatic threat as the Ocean Master Orm attempts to persuade Queen Atlanna, of Atlantis, to fight the surface dwellers in an all-out war for the death of their king. Meanwhile, a young man named Author Curry, who will be later dubbed Aquaman, is thrown headfirst into the fray. After learning his true identity as a royal son of Atlantis, an Atlantian named Mera, at the request of her queen, retrieves Author so that he could fulfill his destiny as the new king of Atlantis. However, unlike Queen Atlanna's desire to use her son Author as a beacon that would bridge everlasting peace between Atlantis and the surface dwellers, Orm, also known as Author Curry's half-brother, yearns for the annihilation of the surface dwellers by using the destructive militaristic might of Atlantis. Through the aid of the Super 7, which will later be crowned the Justice League, Author Curry must accept his destiny as the future king of Atlantis and prevent a war that could destroy both worlds.

Unlike most Warner Brother DC Animated Films, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis focuses more on a monarchial power struggle which was quite refreshing as it had a classical approach. Be that as it may, there were still plenty of realistic action scenes as Author Curry and the Super 7 fight an abundance of foes. Furthermore, the animation was absolutely stunning! While some might complain about the level of graphic violence, I personally believe this level of carnage creates a convincing atmosphere which has made DC animated films more enjoyable to watch.

In the end, this animated feature film was an exceptional addition to the Justice League Animated Movie Series and will make any DC fan an enthusiast of the legendary Atlantian King, Aquaman. A definite 7.
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I Actually Like Aquaman In This Movie!
xgray-0387328 April 2017
I still don't get why people actually think that Arthur Curry (Aquaman) is such a joke, these days. I mean, I just finished watching this movie and I thought he was awesome. Not to mention that his backstory is a lot more interesting to watch than seeing Batman or Spider-Man's origin stories, for the like the billionth time nowadays. We get it! It sucks that you lost your parents when you were 8 years old, Wayne and yeah we get it..."With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!" We've seen this like a billion times now. We already know your origin stories, now move on. But anyways, back to this movie, I do admit that this actually a nice set-up and introduction to Aquaman's character being part of the Justice League as a part-time member. But, my only issue is the forced pairing between Superman and Wonder Woman in this movie. I mean, I get that they're power-houses and all, but seriously, DC and Warner Bros.?! You're trying to make Superman and Wonder Woman's pairing feel even more out of left field than Black Widow and the Incredible Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron?! I don't get it. And it doesn't seem to even work a lot more in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, in my opinion.

But, aside from that, I actually enjoyed this movie. Even better than Justice League War. I highly recommend it for new-comers and Aquaman fans in general.
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Occasionally exciting and genuinely tense, it falls short in its third act and has some other strange issues.
Pjtaylor-96-13804411 July 2018
Essentially acting as an origin story for 'Aquaman', 'Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis (2015)' has some exciting and genuinely tense set-pieces which weave together a political-intrigue plot with a more conventional 'superhero' story. It usually balances its 'beat 'em up's with its character development pretty nicely and it even manages to throw a few emotionally affecting surprises in the mix for good measure. When all is said and done, though, it ultimately falls back on a more traditional third act that feels ever-so-slightly third-rate, even if it is well animated and entertaining to a decent extent. The flick also has a number of strange issues, such as the occasional blatantly unnecessary line of blatant exposition and some supporting voice-work that isn't really up to par. In the end, it's an entertaining animation that includes some well-realised, if slightly generic, interpretations of its characters but falls short in a few key areas. 6/10
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I don't talk to fish.....but I do speak Lobster
xamtaro25 January 2015
Continuing the DC New 52 shared universe initiated by JUSTICE LEAGUE: WAR, we have the long awaited Aquaman origin story in JUSTICE LEAGUE: THRONE OF ATLANTIS. This movie, loosely adapts the second major arc of Geoff John's critically acclaimed "Justice League" comic run. Like its predecessor, THRONE OF ATLANTIS does some major changes to the story to fit the animation medium. The most drastic change would be Aquaman's hero's journey from a lost wanderer finding his true calling in the world.

As the newly christened "Justice League" investigate a mysterious attack against a nuclear submarine, we get glimpse into the life of one Arthur Curry. Grieving the loss of his father, the directionless Arthur has turned to drowning his sorrows and talking to lobsters. Just another drunken bum wandering the harbour. Or is he? As a fight with some thugs show, Arthur is more than human, boasting incredible strength, invulnerability, and able to mentally communicate with ocean life. Destiny, it seems, is not without a sense of convenience.

It seems that Arthur is the heir to the throne of Atlantis, the legendary underwater city, and the death of Atlantis' king (as shown in Justice League: War) forces Arthur to realise his birthright. While some see him as the solution to peace between two worlds, his half brother Orm desires only vengeance against the surface world. As tensions mount, a coup from within sparks all out war; a war that only the Justice League can stop.

I've said it before that DC and WB Animation's latest line of movies feel like Justice League in the tone of Marvel's Avengers. THRONE OF ATLANTIS continues that but starts to carve out its own identity. The forced humour is toned down a lot but the show still keeps its upbeat sense of superhero fun. The chemistry among the cast is impeccable thanks to the voice direction of veteran Andrea Romero.

Some of the more questionable voices from the previous movie (Alan Tudyk as Superman, Justin Kirk as Green Lantern) are replaced with better sounding actors. Nathan Fillon is definitely a welcome choice to reprise his Green Lantern role and Jerry "Sliders" O'Connell takes over as Superman. On the antagonist side is Prince Orm, voiced by Sam "Starkiller" Witwer, who may be the most deliciously over-the-top villain in animation since the 90s Street Fighter cartoon's M Bison played by Richard Newman.

For all the natural sounding dialogue and spot on acting, THRONE OF ATLANTIS feels a bit too bloated with too much plot in too little time. As a result, the central character of Arthur Curry is criminally underdeveloped. His story takes some cues from the live action MAN OF STEEL movie but due to a lack of focus, you never really get into his head or his personality. He goes from a man whose life is in a mess, without direction or resolve, to a natural born leader with strength of character and charisma. Also within a single day.

Take away the opening and closing credits and this movie has just over an hour worth of content; Underdeveloped content, but beautifully drawn and animated content. Both artwork and animation takes a step up from the last instalment. The art is decently detailed even in the tightest action scenes.

Director Ethan Spaulding add some nice stylistic touches to the footage giving underwater scenes a slightly off-focused blurred looked and doing some marvellous work on lighting and shadows. Character designs are less exaggerated than before (Superman shaved off a few pounds) and hew quite closely to Jim Lee's New 52 look.

THRONE OF ATLANTIS earns its right to be called a movie thanks to the exceedingly smooth animation of Moi Studios in Korea. Every fight is fully choreographed and animated without short cuts. The part with Aquaman and Mera facing off against the savage "Trenchers" before the Justice League arrive is just spectacular to behold.

It isn't perfect though and some animation errors do creep in. There is a scene in a bar where Arthur orders another drink. He raises his hand and freezes there with his mouth wide open but the dialogue carries on. Then there is the attack on the lighthouse where the Atlantean lasers are clearly not hitting where they are aiming at. And I just have to mention the aftermath of the torpedo attack against Atlantis where the smoke and debris are so badly composited on the background that they look like long floating turds.

But hey, I am nitpicking here. And it would not be fair to penalise the whole show for a few visual oversights. That being said, JUSTICE LEAGUE THRONE OF ATLANTIS may have been a more enjoyable experience had it been more focused on Aquaman and his origin story. His is an intriguing tale to tell but it ends up being rushed through.

At least DC has succeeded in bringing the Aquaman character out of the public opinion rut he has experienced since his days in Superfriends. I want to see more of Arthur Curry, and not relegated to a supporting role in the Justice League. Here's hoping that the character gets the solo movie that fans like me are dying to see.
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nogodnomasters28 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The title is the film's own plot spoiler. This feature introduces Aquaman. I am a bit confused of the Superman/Diana relationship being raised by that stupid Lois Lane thing. I admit I haven't watched all of these toons, so I might have missed a plot point or two. I am like Homer Simpson on this Justice League, why can't Superman handle everything, why do we need all these other guys? My feelings aside, the writers do a good job in at least feigning a need for multiple heroes. I want to point out that people on submarines do not carry sidearms. Seriously? Who are they going to shoot 400 feet below the surface? There were numerous misconceptions about subs the film incorporates, too many to mention. This appears to be a filler film in the series.

Mildly entertaining.
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Pointing in right direction
Pachilles2 February 2015
General Storyline: Not bad at all. Good fun. Not too serious, not too funny.

Fighting: Good fun. I have 1 problem; an Atlantean with a trident, not Aquaman, basically single-handedly defeating the rest of the individual Justice League members so quickly (their first attack anyway). I can see the intentions of making the bad guy so tough, in order to make Aquaman look better, but seriously... not very realistic (ok, in the comic book sense anyway). Fishy bad guy, on dry land and unfamiliar territory, with zero plans for defeating the world's greatest heroes... uh, no.

Shazam (I still have issues with his name NOT being Captain Marvel, but whatever): A little childish in personality. The fact that he is actually a child, this kinda makes sense, but not his usual personality, and not a great lead-in for the upcoming live-action movie(s).

Overall: A good and watchable movie.
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the best on-screen version of Atlantis in the history of small-screen cinema.
allan_kear29 May 2016
Without any question or doubt, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis is the definitive telling of Aquaman's origins. as the bastard son of Queen Atlanta, he has a difficult hero's journey ahead. the twist of Manta coaxing Orm into war is brilliant, and well executed. were there problems? sure. but who cares? the idea of an already engaged Atlantean Princess having been impregnated by a human and having to leave soon after giving birth to her son ups the ante on the whole Hero's Journey that we've been seeing throughout mythology. the one thing about this i don't like is they replaced Martian Manhunter with Shazam, who's not one of the founding members in the comics. but, it's the New 52 version, so what the hell?
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Resoundingly ordinary
neil-47625 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A power struggle and a couple of assassinations in Atlantis result in Arthur Curry, long lost heir to the throne, being called upon to take up his birthright. This does not go down well with his half-brother (and usurping assassin) Orm, who is looking to wage war on the surface dwellers. Fortunately, the Justice League decides to get involved.

The comic on which this story was based was an OK story blessed with stellar art. Well, the visuals in this animated movie are OK. The story is fine, albeit the New 52 characterisation of various of the characters still jars. And it's this last point which takes the edge of what would otherwise be a really good movie. As it is, it's just OK.
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Began well, but then nuh
maximamerica27 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Contains SPOILERS!

Was very excited for another Justice League, finally movie that would make Aqua man look bad butt. It all began good. Had interesting approach of everyone doing their thing in life, until a new threat united them.

All went pretty well, had some investigation elements for Batman to solve, Cyborg to do his computer scanning. But everyone else almost looked unnecessary. Superman gets his butt kicked again! OK I understand he can't stand magic, but not to make him look so weak. Princess Diana looked very weak as well. Its like no one can stand against metaphysical guy from Atlantis. I am not even talking about Shazam, he got beat the crap out in first attempt of attack. Magic fork, sure its powerful but not to make all the most powerful superheros look like a bunch of kids. And all for what? Oh yeah so that Aqua man show how powerful he is...please...Even against Darkseid in War everyone seemed strong to keep the fight going but not here...C'mon Orm is NOT stronger than Darkseid, even with the fork!
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One of my favorite animated offerings from DC Comics
ersinkdotcom9 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's about time Aquaman got the limelight he deserves. Anyone who's kept up with his New 52 title knows the King of the Sea was resurrected with more powers than ever before when DC rebooted its universe. "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is the latest explosive animated offering from the comic book giant and Warner Home Video and proves to naysayers our fishy friend has what it takes to be a contender.

Atlantian troops assault Metropolis as revenge for the death of their King. But the Queen of Atlantis has different plans and requires the Justice League to find her lost son, Arthur. While they search for him, the Atlantian soldiers, led by Ocean Master, continue their assault.

"Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is all the proof one needs to justify Aquaman's place on the greatest super hero team of all time. Whether on land or at sea, he can use his liquid-centric powers to bring down the law on all who oppose him or his friends.

I love the style for the New 52 animated movies and think the change that started even before "Justice League: War" was needed. The voice actors all fit quite well, too. Of course it's still hard to hear someone else besides Kevin Conroy voice Batman, but change occurs whether we like it or not.

"Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and action throughout. There's some profanity to be found as well. It was very unnecessary and really could've been avoided. The use of adult language is something that will cause some parents not to let their children watch the movie. However, I'm pretty sure no one would've avoided watching it if there weren't any curse words.

"Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is one of my favorite animated offerings from DC Comics. I'm a big fan of Aquaman and it's nice to see him get his due finally. The movie never lets up in the action and adventure departments and moves forward at a breakneck speed. There's never a dull moment and it will leave you wanting more as the credits roll.
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Could have been thicker
TheLittleSongbird6 January 2018
Love animation and have really enjoyed to loved many superhero films, animated and live-action. Justice League has always interested me too. 'Justice League: Throne of Atlantis' deserves a lot of plaudits for making Aquaman more fleshed out and is an enjoyable film in its own right.

Is 'Justice League: Throne of Atlantis' better than 'Justice League: War'? Yes, it is a vast improvement, was underwhelmed by that film in a very mixed bag sort of way although not finding it that bad. Is it one of the best animated DC films? No, there are others that are a lot better. Is it one of the worst? Nowhere near. Is it perfect? No, it had the potential to be great but is only good, many fine things but falls short in other areas.

'Justice League: Throne of Atlantis' would have fared better with a longer length, an hour and a quarter or so is far too short. That way it would have felt less rushed and characters and subplots would have been much more developed than they were and made sense more.

Superman and Wonder Woman are particularly wronged of the Justice League, with Superman continuing to be out of character, and their pairing was forced and didn't make sense. Orm had some menace but felt underwritten to me.

However, the animation is great. There are some very nice detailed backgrounds, the characters are designed well and the colours are dynamic and atmospheric.

The music is both haunting and rousing, a good fit for the film's mood. The action is nicely animated and has a good amount of thrills. The story is compelling enough and making Aquaman interesting and relatable was a good move and came off well.

Voice acting is good. Cyborg, Flash, Batman and Aquaman are spot on, while Sam Witwer is credible as Orm. The voices for Green Lantern, Woman Woman and Superman are much improved over 'Justice League: War', and better suited. Green Lantern especially.

Concluding, good if not great. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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WB needs to step it up
rdamian196328 March 2021
Another DC movie that has a decent story line and its expected dark side of characters. However, it sort of fails to truly hit the mark with marginal voice acting and animation that just isn't very good.
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8 stars for most of the first half, 2 stars for the last
WisdomsHammer25 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what happened at DC to get this story started so well and then botch up the ending, but it's a shame. And what's with the writers not seeming to know the power levels of their characters? Just because this is an Aquaman movie he becomes as strong or stronger than Superman? And the villain takes out the whole Justice League like they're nothing? Argh. Whatever.

I did enjoy the origin story in general, and the conflicted Arthur tryng to figure out who he is and see just how strong he is, but it's pretty rushed. Batman's detective abilities are nice to see showcased and treated seriously, as are Cyborg's abilities. For some reason they throw in a love triangle subplot between Superman, Wonder Woman, and Lois that wasn't needed here. Green Lantern, Flash, and Shazam might as well be decorations. They add some light hearted banter, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it comedy relief, because none of it is funny enough. Although I do like when Green Lantern calls Batman "Spooky."

Overall, if you're a fan, I think it will be worth your time, even if parts of it will have you shaking your head.
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Nice origin story of Aquaman.
Animany9410 September 2019
I enjoyed Justice League: Throne of Atlantis with its beautiful animation and often intense action, but the best thing was the origin of Aquaman.

He is half human and half Atlantian and must reconquer the throne and free his people of the strains of being hidden under the sea. But his evil half-brother Orm is all about destroying the surface world and goes to great lengths to make it. The Justice League must investigate the mysterious happenings in the Atlantic Ocean only to discover Atlantis and the threat Orm's vengeful mindset is to peace between worlds.

Even though an improvement over Justice League: War with credit to the writers making better characterizations of the league members its short running time of only 72 minutes makes the feel convoluted and at times rushed.
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The movie is quite good, but...
josipt19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the movie is not bad, but it is little annoying that justice league have been weakest underwater and on surface too, especially the Superman, that doesn't make seanse.
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Suprising Good
zwjonas19 January 2022
Great animation. No problems with voice acting. Plot wasnt super interesting but good. Not really any plot holes. Nathan Fillion is awesome. Good ending.
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Save The Lobster!!!
zardoz-1327 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Son of Batman" & "Batman: Assault on Arkham" director Ethan Spaulding stages plenty of action in this Aquaman origin opus. Mysterious forces sink a U.S.Naval nuclear sub and remove its devastating missile payload. Naturally, the Justice League receives a summons, and Cyborg hikes into the Marianas Trench to investigate the damage done to the sub. Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam all show up. Apparently, the villainous Orm/Ocean Master, Queen Atlanna's rebellious son, advocates war against the surface dwellers despite Queen Atlanna's wishes to the contrary. You know, it's the old Cavalry versus the Indians western with an unhappy upstart fomenting war despite the council of the wise Indian chieftain. Arthur discovers that his mother is Queen Atlanna after she dispatches a resourceful envoy named Mera who saves his bacon. What this lady can do with water is pretty amazing.

Indeed, the plot is as predictable as a 1960's Italian sword and sandal saga with malice in the palace. Nevertheless, the confrontations are good, particularly Arthur's introduction. He is sitting in a bar getting himself sloshed and carrying on a conversation with a lobster in a tank. Ultimately, Arthur saves a lobster from being cooked and beats the snot out a group of unruly thugs over the creature. Of course, Arthur leaves all of them sprawled on their faces. When a lone thug tries to stab him with a knife, this incredulous villain watches as his knife crumbles to pieces as his blade strikes his flesh. The animation is Filmation meets Anime. Everybody needs a haircut as my dad would say. Aquaman sets out to thwart his evil half-brother. Superman dates Wonder Woman and buys her a meal at a little cozy restaurant. Lois Lane stumbles onto them. They look like they modeled Mera on Jennifer Aniston. At 72 minutes, "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is worth a look-see. This represents the second time that writer Heath Corson and Spaulding have worked together on a DC Comics project.
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A sequel better than its predecessor!
MessMaker21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We have a sequel to Justice League: War ... and it is very good!

So, this is a story focused on Arthur Curry, or as he comes to be known as towards the end of this flick: Aquaman. There is already an existing Justice League at the point of time consisting of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg and Shazam. Here, Queen Atlanna's son Orm/Ocean Master (along with Black Manta) is the one is set upon waging a war against the surface and she is looking to find her other son Arthur, the unknowing half-Human & half- Atlantean, to take the throne as he'd be the perfect person to bridge the two worlds in peace.

First off, I was really stoked we're getting a movie, especially a JL one, where the emphasis is on Aquaman. I mean, the character is very badly underrated - even Hawkeye in the Avengers, who is joked upon quite a bit, isn't ridiculed & unappreciated this much! And, add to the fact that not only we get a movie about him, but they have made him a real badass? AWESOME. The depiction of Aquaman in this movie was great - strong, noble and badass - a true King of Atlantis.

These new 52 movies are not really that amazing. The characteristics of our beloved heroes are not upto the mark and are quite lacking in some moments. Especially in War but we got a bit of development this time and they rectified mistakes from it. All in all, this movie was a big improvement over its predecessor and hopefully the movies to come keep getting better.

The story was well told. The first part movie is what really impressed me and hooked me to it! I was enjoying it. And, to be honest, most of this was because I really was into finally watching Aquaman on screen, even if it's an animated movie. The second part of this movie just dropped in terms of quality - it was very rushed, predictable/cliché and had illogical parts. But, again, cannot ignore the fact that it started off real well and the story was very satisfying. I quite liked the movie.

Again, if you like the fact that Aquaman is at the centre of this film and are quite pleased about that, you will enjoy it.
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Is it just me or is DC going downhill recently
WeAreLive13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Justice League War was a whole lot of fun to watch . But this movie on the other hand is just urgh! However this movie isn't Justice League VS. Teen Titans bad but still bad. Aquaman is a week character in the movie and his voice sounds too much like Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars TCW. Superman and Wonder Women are dating and an official couple? Which just makes my disgust meter go up. Green Lantern is flirting with a lab technical? (Where is Carol?)

The ending was just bad.

However the voice acting was good.
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What does a Mythical, Mystical Undersea World need with a Missile? And I so Dare you to Say that Five Times Fast.
CowherPowerForever27 January 2015
The animated movie division of DC Comics under Warner Brothers is back with another great outing in their Justice League series. In this film Aquaman is the center point of the story as we see this new take on Aquaman's rise and becoming a member of The Justice League. The film is fun and just as good as the recent Justice League animated films. After watching this film, I still say The Flashpoint Paradox is better overall, but this is a great addition to the series. This review will not only go over my thoughts on the film, but my breakdown of the special features on the Blu-Ray version of the film. The following is my review for Justice League: Throne of Atlantis.

This new DC animated film was directed by Ethan Spaulding who recently directed two DC animated films in 2014(Son of Batman and Batman: Assault on Arkham). The film was written by Heath Corson(Justice League: War and Batman: Assault on Arkham) and Geoff Johns(Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox and Justice League: War). So Corson and Spaulding have made a great film in the past and their experience together shows off in the final product. The story works amazingly and the rise of Aquaman is a nice story to see here. Since I'm not big into the comics side of things, I cannot comment of previous version of Aquaman's story. Though I really enjoyed what the creators did on this film. They take a great approach and the story should connect well with everyone. The directing is another great area, and an area Spaulding has shown great work in the past. There are several big actions scenes and the animation looks great. The animation is the same as the previous DC animated films, a look I really enjoy. With a great director and great writers this is one fine animated film and one most DC animated movie fans should enjoy.

The lead voice actors are Matt Lanter(Aquaman), Jerry O'Connell(Superman), Jason O'Mara(Batman), Christopher Gorham(The Flash), Shemar Moore(Cyborg), Rosario Dawson(Wonder Woman), Nathan Fillion(Green Lantern), and many other great voice actors like Harry Lennix for example. In my opinion Nathan Fillion steals the show with Green Lantern with some great lines and fun action in the film. Most of these actors have worked previously in a DC animated film, so don't expect any wild changes. Lanter does a great job playing the popular Aquaman and hopefully they bring him back for future Justice League films.

Frederik Wiedmann is the composer of the film and previously scored Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox and Son of Batman, as well as the animated TV show from 2013 called Beware the Batman. Wiedmann delivers a fabulous score on this film. These animated films tend to deliver a great score for most of the films, but after watching this film I really enjoyed it more than recent efforts. His score is deep and leaves a great impression of the viewers after viewing the film, so overall Wiedmann did a fabulous job composing this film.

Now onto the Blu-Ray special features. The Blu-Ray edition offers up four featurettes, one of them being a look at the next DC animated film. Villains of the Deep is the first featurette and runs just over 11 minutes. The second featurette is a behind the scenes look at the process of scoring the film, and it runs at 30 minutes long. The third featurette is the 2014 NY-Comic Con panel about this film, and it runs at just over 26 minutes. The final featurette is the sneak peak of the next DC animated film, Batman vs Robin, and this runs at 10 minutes. The other special features are a look at a bonus scene that was deleted, and this runs at 4 minutes. Finally there are some filler episode from DC animated shows, for example Justice League: Unlimited. These four episodes run at 84 minutes. So in total we are left with more than 4 hours of special features. Even with all that content I'm still disappointment because there was no audio commentary, which is my favorite feature. Even without it some of the featurettes are exciting to watch and gives a good background on the film and its process.

In closing, the film itself is very much a fun film that most DC animated fans should enjoy. The Blu-Ray special features aren't as good as they have been in the past, but it still delivers some interesting looks at the film process.

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Aquaman deserves better...
RevRonster29 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, we all tease Aquaman and a lot of casual comic fans don't hold him on high of a pedestal as they do Batman but Aquaman can be quite the badass. I was hoping that "Throne of Atlantis" was going to show the wider audiences how cool the king of Atlantis can be but, honestly, I was a little disappointed with this one.

While the film isn't terrible, the story and plot gets very messy, some of the voice acting—like Matt Lanter as Aquaman himself—weren't the best choices and didn't really capture the character or the power they hold, and the film is very sadly light on the action. The film also doesn't develop Aquaman (or even focus on him enough) as well as they should be. I understand they need to appeal to the audiences who only pay attention to Batman but this really should have been Aquaman's time to shine.

Even with my complaints, the film is still pretty entertaining. The animation is killer, Nathan Fillion returns to voice Green Lantern, and I like that DC is creating a massive, cohesive universe in their animated series rather than tell single, self-contained stories all the time. While I was disappointed with "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis," I still enjoyed it and hope that it leads to seeing more action from Aquaman.
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Watchable, better than the first one
zanedrx17 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The story is better than the first one, interesting but still unable to compare with old DC animations.

Batman is super cool, as in War; Superman and Green Lantern are still annoyingly arrogant; Wonder Woman is not as stupid as in War, but still dumb; Shazam and Flash are alright, but nothing better than expectation.

Aquaman: with a not so good history, Aquaman's return in DC animation is stronger than ever. The final battle proved Aquaman's ability to go toe-to-toe with Superman, Wonder Woman, or just practically the whole Justice League.
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Decent and worth seeing
mhorg201815 July 2018
An origin story for Aquaman, whose people invade the Surface world under the command of Ocean Master (his half brother). This leads to problems for the surface world as well as for Aquaman, whose always split his time between the surface and Altantis.
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Really fun but rushed
masonsaul24 January 2019
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis is a really fun animated movie. The animation is really good, the action is great and the voice acting from all the returning cast is once again really good. Matt Lanter and Sam Witwer are welcome additions and give great performances. However, the film's too fast paced and feels rushed.
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