MacGruber (2010) Poster


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You may never eat celery again
bowmanblue9 July 2014
Okay, I hate to start by blatantly stealing someone else's quote, but, when reading other reviews of MacGruber, someone else described it as 'Team America, but without the puppets.' Yes, I'd say that's a fair definition - only Team America was very funny and clever. MacGruber has a lot to live up to.

When I started watching MacGruber, I hated it. I was totally with those many 1/5 star reviews I'd seen describing it. My main gripes were that it simply wasn't funny and that the main character (MacGruber, believe it or not) was completely annoying. I was practically on the brink of turning it off after about half an hour, when, to my amazement, I actually laughed.

It's possible that by watching half an hour of this film lowered by IQ enough to watch - and enjoy - the rest of it. Okay, so the second half wasn't comedy gold, but I seemed to have a better idea as to what this film was trying to be and I laughed enough not to qualify this as a complete flop. However, it's worth noting that this film bombed at the box office, so perhaps I'm in a minority here.

It's a (loose) satire on action films where the 'burned out hero' is plucked from retirement for 'one last mission.' It has been done a fair few times before - Hotshots Part Deux was done nearly twenty years ago (and it's probably consistently funnier), but it has enough moments (in the second half) to make it just about worth watching.

And - seriously - don't eat the celery.
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First Good SNL Film in Almost 20 Years
brando64720 September 2010
Movies based on Saturday Night Live sketches have a rough history with very few of them being anything but awful. The last good SNL film was almost 20 years ago with WAYNE'S WORLD and it's sequel in 1992/1993. I have been a fan of the show for a while but I understand how hard it can be to stretch an idea from 3 minutes to 90 or more. I'm glad Will Forte and director Jorma Taccone have come along to revive the hope for decent comedies based on SNL material. Based on Forte's sketch, MacGruber is an American war hero and MacGyver parody known for failing to disarm bombs in the nick of time. Here, he is brought out of retirement to bring down his arch-nemesis, Dieter Von Cunth. Von Cunth is the man who murdered MacGruber's bride on their wedding day and he's just stolen a nuclear warhead.

I hadn't seen much of the original sketches until a friend of mine heard about the MACGRUBER movie and sat me down to watch the sketches on YouTube. Frankly, I wasn't all that impressed with the sketches. Each one felt the exact same and it got less and less funny with each one I watched. I didn't hold out much hope for the film but I gave it a chance after seeing some positive reviews. I am so glad my initial expectations were wrong. This movie was funny and it got more hilarious each time I watched it. A lot of the humor in the film is downright juvenile ("Time to go pound some Cunth") but it works. MacGruber (Will Forte) is completely deadpan with his delivery and truly believes he is a genius hero while those around him, friend Vicki St. Elmo (Kristin Wiig) and Lieutenant Dixon Piper (Ryan Phillipe), are just as vexed as the audience as to MacGruber's insane methods.

The movie reeks of old school 80's action films and does a decent job of balancing the oddball humor with decent action sequences. Granted there's nothing too over-the-top about the action in the movie, limited to your basic gunfights. This movie is a comedy first and foremost. From the little bit I'd seen of Will Forte previously, I was never a fan but MacGruber seems to be the character he was born to play. His wannabe machismo, overconfidence in his eccentric methods, and dedication to his Blaupunkt car stereo are hilarious and his love scenes are some of the funniest I've ever seen. I love Kristin Wiig's quiet awkwardness that she brings to her characters and Ryan Phillipe did a goo job as the film's straight man, the voice of reason against MacGruber's idiocy. Val Kilmer must have had a great time playing baddie Von Cunth because he's hamming it up in every scene. Kilmer was probably my favorite part of the film and I'd love to see him do some more comedies.

I can only urge people to give the film a chance. I know the negative stigma associated with SNL movies but I'm hoping this film is more than a fluke and that we can expect some more decent films from their label. Another friend of mine fought against seeing the film but when I finally got him to sit down and watch it, his mind had changed and now we're constantly quoting it. Don't misconstrue my positive remarks as complete love for the film, as it still has it's flaws, but it's still a fun time and deserves credit for that.
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"Macgrubie don't play like homie, and homie don't play like that."
drewnes30 May 2021
Everything about this should not be funny, yet why am I laughing so much? Because Will Forte is hilarious, that's why. I remember thinking it was such a dumb idea to make this SNL skit into a movie, but they did good. Real good.
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MACGRUBER shows why SNL is not past all hope
thorneer3 March 2010
A full-length film version of a recurring Saturday Night Live sketch may seem anachronistic these days; after all, it seemed the SNL movie finally died out way back in 1999/2000 with the one-two TKO of SUPERSTAR and THE LADIES MAN. The problems were obvious: even a talented cast and crew can rarely stretch out a three or four minute skit that hinged on the personality of the performer as he or she ran through the same joke again and again. I can think of only two times it did - THE BLUES BROTHERS and WAYNE'S WORLD. These films worked because their subject matter allowed for a larger story to unfold.

Lorne Michael's subsequent production efforts have taken the smarter tack. They build new stories around established talents, with the result that we go into the film with familiarity, to be sure, but also a sense of fun and surprise at what our favorite comedians might cook up. Tina Fey has really taken the ball and run with it in her backstage-at- SNL-show "30 Rock", realizing that after a while, all comedy sketches seem the same and the audience wants a different perspective. Meanwhile MACGRUBER co-writer and director Jorma Taccone, Andy Samberg and Akiva Goldsman (together The Lonely Island), have become the most popular act on SNL by largely ignoring its conventions and doing what they want. Samberg's on-air sketches are mostly forgettable, but he shines in LI's genre-skewing short videos.

Taccone and company know how to tap cultural cliché like no one else working today. They represent a new type of humor at work in American comedy - one that lovingly wallows in cultural familiarity and the ironic potential therein. In an age of YouTube and instant dissemination of, well, everything, they know that the best way to reach the widest audience at a level that truly connects is through their pop umbilical cords.

Will Forte's "MacGruber" sketches follow an identical formula: MacGruber, a hyper skilled MacGyver parody (we learn in the opening of the film that he has something like 16 Purple Hearts and four Medals of Honor, and has somehow served multiple tours of duty as a member of every branch of the armed forces) is trapped in a control room of some bad guy's lair with his assistant, Vicki St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig) and a third person played by that week's guest star. Plus a bomb with a 20 second timer. MacGruber sets to work using household items to defuse the bomb, but invariably becomes distracted, largely due to his own hubris and general cluelessness, and the bomb explodes. Forte and Taccone wisely dispense with this template until very late in the game, instead constructing a plot in which MacGruber is free to run wild. Thus: rich evil guy Dieter Von Cunth (Kilmer, having a ball) steals a nuclear missile which he intends to use on Washington, D.C. His motives are unimportant. What is important is that there's only one guy who can stop him: MacGruber. In an opening scene recalling RAMBO III (tellingly, the stupidest one), MacGruber's former commanding officer (Powers Boothe) tracks down the titular hero at a monastery in Ecuador, where he's spent the last ten years in seclusion following the death of his bride at the altar. She was blown up by Cunth. It was messy. It takes some convincing, and a team-assembling montage gone horribly, horribly wrong, but pretty soon MacGruber's back in action and taking the fight to the enemy.

Support is provided by Kristen Wiig as Vicki St. Elmo, a woman as strangely trapped in 1989-era style as MacGruber, as well as Ryan Phillippe as Lt. Dixon Piper, who actually seems to know what he's doing, if he can ever get through to MacGruber, whose home-made tactics not only generally fail to work, but often make things worse. Phillippe, Booth, and even Kilmer stand in for the audience as straight men, scratching their heads at MacGruber's insanity. Taccone and Forte give them lines that echo almost exactly what the average audience member might be thinking when MacGruber distracts some baddies by stripping down and utilizing a piece of celery in an interesting way. And yet it works. It makes sense. What's surprising is the rawness of the film: freed from the limitations of live network television, Taccone and Forte work to earn their R-rating. Boy, do they. MacGruber is a foul-mouthed near-deviant whose dedication to his country is matched only by his penchant for public nudity.

Forte is a dynamo on screen, showing that he, like Will Ferrell and others before him, will do absolutely anything to get a laugh, no matter how potentially embarrassing. While some of these gags might push the bounds of taste – MacGruber has a thing for "throat rips" and the less said about his methods in the bedroom, the better – Forte's exuberance for the character shines through. It's this commitment to the bit that helps MACGRUBER immensely. It's all absurd, parodic, and ultimately pointless, but it's a very entertaining 90 minutes. Taccone and Forte have great fun messing with the conventions of action movies in general – and "MacGyver" in particular, though I doubt MacGyver ever offered to fellate a man to accomplish the mission. The film looks and sounds fine, and Taccone has made a smooth transition from short form music video parodies to action cinema; he's still got some things to learn, but he's definitely got chops. The best thing that can be said of MACGRUBER is that in the end, the intelligence and cleverness of its creators situate this film happily much closer to the work of Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg than to the Butabi Brothers.

Let's hope this is the next step in a journey back for Lorne Michaels to producing quality comedy. Somewhere, John Belushi is smiling.
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The Gum Holds
gnr008-321 May 2010
In 1985, a show began about a man who refused to use weapons but instead used his mind (and everyday household items, of course) to outwit the bad guys. Fast forward to the beginning of the 21st century, Will forte created a character on Saturday Night Live that would have been hilarious and relevant, in the 80's. His character MacGruber stars in a one-note riff parodying the TV icon Macgeyver. Naturally Lorne Michaels thought this 90-second sketch should be made into a feature length movie.

Along with Forte, fellow SNL cast member Kristen Wiig is thrown into the mix as MacGruber's daft gal Friday, Vicki St. Elmo. A nuclear warhead is stolen and of course the only man for the job is a stale 80's parody. In this film it actually works. Stuck together like makeshift crossbow made out of Bubble Yum and a paper clip, Macgruber mixes realistic action with over the top crude, childish and witty comedy. The movies gags are a lot like Macgruber himself. When he wins, he wins big but when he fails he falls flat on his face. The hit and miss comedy will leave you cackling and rolling your eyes. The movie's strength is its repetition of jokes, which surprisingly, make you laugh harder the second time.

Forte plays Macgruber with the same weak acting as that of MacGyver. Some of his nonsense rings true and some of it makes you wish he'd shut up. Val Kilmer is given surprisingly little to do as the movies villain. The funniest thing about him is his name. All together it leaves us with a mish mash of epic proportions. Though uneven the film does reward its audience with laughs. MacGruber has parts that shouldn't fit but by some miracle the Bubble Yum holds.
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Consistently mediocre
PWNYCNY31 May 2010
Those who choose to parody a genre should know what they are doing before they proceed. The producers of this movie did not know what they were doing. Proof of that is this movie. The humor is flat, the lead actor not funny, the supporting cast unimpressive and it's not even campy. But at least the movie is consistent - consistently mediocre. It's never quite bad enough to write it off as a total loss but it never rises to the occasion either as a funny movie. The movie attempts to be silly but instead it's boring. It tries to borrow from other action-adventure movies but succeeds in being a travesty. This movie fails where a movie like Tropic Thunder succeeds. Why this is the case is a matter for speculation. But one thing is for certain - this movie is destined for a quick trip to DVD land, the place where even a bomb like this can finally have its chance to explode.
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Laughed myself silly
donnedb23 June 2010
I went to see this film with absolutely no knowledge of what it was about. I was more then pleasantly surprised.

The set pieces were obvious and you could see what was going to happen ages before it actually happened but that didn't stop this film being funny.

I laughed myself silly on numerous occasions.

THe premise is fairly self explanatory, they tell you whats going on in the first 5 minutes. The characters are a bit one dimensional but MacGruber, his side kicks played by the brilliant Kristen Wiig and the ever handsome Ryan Phillipe were very funny and a great foil for the stupidness that was MacGruber.

This film is definitely not going to win any Oscars or be lasting in your memory but for the duration of the film you will be entertained.

Only go and see if you like this type of Superbad or Role Model-esquire type of films.

Leave your brain at the door and you'll be sorted.
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If it didn't insist on sending everything up this might have been a great film
dbborroughs13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Expanded version of an SNL skit that was a take off on TV semi-classic MacGuyver shifts from pillar to post as the film tries to do more than be an expanded sketch and remain true to its spoof origins.

The plot of the film has a MacGruber being called out of retirement in a monastery(ala Rambo) in order to take on a super villain with super weapons.

For me, who was never a fan of the sketch this comes from to begin with, its both more and less of the same. The acting is very arch and knowing and over the top and while that may work in an occasional late night sketch it gets really wearing real fast. The jokes are there but too many miss or are painfully obvious. Some of the film shows signs that they wanted to do more (Val Kilmer's bad guy) but mostly the film never seems to know what it wants to be and while I did enjoy some of it I can't believe I paid Manhattan movie prices to see this. I should have waited for cable. I suggest you do too since it will pay better than at 12 bucks a head.
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I laughed my ars off. Again.
ThomDerd13 October 2020
Why does this film get such a low-rating? Well, just because it's super raunchy and not family-friendly or Oscar-worthy. If there was a rating for hilarious-ness, then this would be 11! Rewatching is a must; there are so many great jokes written and they are delivered so well by Will Forte and the rest of the cast. They will make you laugh again and again and have a fun evening. SNL short Macgruber was one of the best of Will forte and of the writing team, delivering great jokes within 30 seconds, mocking in a sweet and respectful way the old classic series of Mcgyver and his adventures. Maybe have a look in YouTube for these SNL shorts if you are not familiar with Mcgruber and this comedy style and you see right away what's this all about. It will make you understand some references but even as a stand-alone film, it delivers. If you like (or liked) SNL and if you are a fun of comedies with Will Ferrell, Andy Samberg or Seth Rogen/James Franco, then you will appreciate the humor and the hilarity of this film.11/10 hilarious.
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Great fun for those who love parodies, 80's action flicks, and MacGuyver
cadillac2021 May 2010
I was somewhat skeptical going into this film. Although it had gotten good reviews, SNL-based films are hit and miss and Will Forte is not a terribly great comedian in my opinion. But, I found MacGruber to be pleasant, actually. Not in the kind of way that I would take my family to see it, but in the kind of way that it wasn't a serious film and knew exactly what it was doing. And for the most part, it succeeded.

MacGruber's actual plot doesn't matter a whole lot. It's pretty much a string of clichéd plot points leading from one joke to another. But the jokes actually work most of the time. Forte does a pretty decent job of playing the titular character, as he is crass, rude, vulgar, and selfish. He's not the kind of guy you would really root for, and it work in his favor when he makes an ass of himself or screws up. Actually, the majority of the cast works well. Kristen Wiig was my personal favorite, as her comedic timing was great. One of my favorite moments comes between her and Val Kilmer's character towards the end. It had me rolling.

Most of all, the film is a perfect mock up of action films of the 80's. There are some recognizable clichés that are torn apart by MacGruber and his hilarious lack of charm, reminiscent of Austin Powers. One of the funniest parts of the film were the two sex scenes which play out like the sex scene out of Top Gun. The MacGuyver parodies are also easily noticed. Being a big MacGuyver fan, I found them hilarious. From the hair to the gadgets, if you enjoyed MacGuyver, then MacGruber should tickle your funny bone.

It is surprising to see this parody work. It's not a perfect film. I don't know that I could watch it a second time and find it as funny. But I was consistently laughing throughout the film. And, I suppose that's all I can really ask for in a comedy.
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Sick and Disgusting Do not waste time
rem101022 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you like butts with celery stuck up them, then you would love this movie, otherwise it lakes any redeeming humor whatsoever. I stayed through it to make sure I did not miss anything that would redeem this movie and nothing ever appeared. The attempted humor is very lacking and nothing does seem very funny at all. There are a few stars in this movie that really makes me wonder why they are so hard up as to have taking a role in this garbage. Sure there are those that say disregard the HATERS!, I do not hate this movie, I just see no reason to waste one's time watching it. The previews show only excerpts that appear to make the movie funny, but they are so off base, it is a total waste of time and movie. Do not take any kids to see this, as you will be embarrassed and would have to walk out at the disgusting topics --- Like the "Upper Decker" they refer to and think is funny --- crapping in the toilet water reserve rather than the toilet bowl --- how funny is that??? Also, killing all his team and then making another funny moment about that? MacGruber's only apparent skill is ripping out a person's throat and they show several of him doing so. Of course there are those of you that have nothing better to do and will enjoy this movie. For those of you that do, I feel sorry for you, as there is much more to life than this crap. Bob
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One of the most underrated comedies of the past ten years.
rexxmantooth27 June 2014
I have watched this movie more times than I can count. It is a little rough around the edges and unappealing from first glance but when given a real chance will not let down. This movie really grows on you with multiple viewings and is sure to do the same to anyone with an open mind. The first term that comes to mind when describing this movie is "cult classic." This movie is raunchy in all the right ways but balances itself out with silly humor as well. Will Forte does a great job with this movie by giving it a facade of half-wit humor and making fun of itself in subtle and also obvious ways. In short this movie is has a deeper humor than people give it credit for.
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Dumb, yet hilarious.
obsessedmovies21 May 2010
This was a very funny movie. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments, and some funny one-liners. The effects were TERRIBLE. Even for a movie that's meant to have terrible effects. Just....bad. The references to the skits were well done and funny. Overall, very funny with great lines and very funny scenes yet just terrible effects. I'd recommend it for a lot of great laughs. And before you go see this movie, don't expect a plot, because it's based off an SNL skit. Also I advise you that you don't eat celery before or after seeing this movie......... Anyways definitely give it a go.

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I took the risk of seeing this... hoping it was funny.
A friend and I took the risk of seeing this movie... and lived to regret it. I really wanted to like this movie. I was hoping it would be witty or at least "stupid funny". I found myself checking my phone several times, in the theater filled with 9 people, for the time hoping that it was nearing the end of the movie. I literally was hoping the end was dear for the chance that the movie would pick-up, but man... it was bad.

I left saying that this may be the worst movie I've seen in the past 5 years, which is saying a lot considering I go to 2 movies a week (literally).
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I'm somewhat at a loss for words
dtucker8621 May 2010
Movies that are based on Saturday Night Live sketches usually fall flat at the box office. Its hard to stretch one little sketch into a full length film obviously. Magruber is not a film for the sensitive. It is very vulgar and its hero is more annoying then anything else. Will Forte just doesn't chew the scenery, he grinds it into baby food! Val Kilmer pretty much does the same as the bad guy. What made me like this film isn't its star, but Kristen Wiig as Vicki and Ryan Phillippe as Lt. Piper. They both give great comic performances. Wiig has a howlingly funny moment in the coffee shop while shes wearing a wire. Actually the real hero of the film is Piper, if it hadn't been for him Magruber would have been dead several times over. In addition, Powers Boothe gives a great performance as Magruber's frustrated commanding officer. I wanted to mention that I learned something watching this film, I didn't know what a double decker was, now I do.
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Laugh out loud funny
kobrakommand4 September 2010
It's a decent movie, it's not constantly hilarious throughout, but there are many times spread out that I laughed out loud, and I watched it alone, usually you don't laugh very much unless there's someone else around. There are some parts that will just make you laugh hard, and some little parts that will make you laugh a little. It's a parodied action flick and so you get one of these movies that tries to balance good action with comedy, and many of them fail because they forget to be funny. This one like "Get Smart" is funny and action packed through the whole film. While it's not laugh after laugh it's still a good amount of funny and the action scenes are well done.

The thing is, it's not the kind of movie with a lot of replay value, though I think I would watch it again, it will be a long time before I do. From start to finish you won't be bored, and you'll definitely laugh your ass off, but it's nothing special.
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MacGruber: Throw Your Money Out Instead
missmascotto24 May 2010
I find it unfortunate that this site does not allow you to give a vote of no stars. This movie certainly didn't earn any. From the offensive naming of the characters to its overuse of bathroom humour (which, let's face it, was never really genuinely funny to begin with), MacGruber was the worst movie that I can recall seeing since the days of Leonard Part 6 and Howard the Duck. It was obvious from the beginning that the only types of humour that would be used throughout the film would be unoriginal, offensive and desperate. Never before have I had such an overwhelming desire to get up and walk out of a movie theatre and demand my money back. A friend and I sat and exchanged disgusted looks as we prayed for the movie to end. Genuinely horrible.
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One Big SNL Sketch
bkoganbing22 May 2010
Will Forte of the Saturday Night Live troupe of strolling comic players gets his chance to star in MacGruber a satire on those action heroes who accomplished impossible feats. For some reason this film propagates the notion that this started during the Reagan presidency. Personally I think this could have been set in any age when film was an entertainment medium.

Val Kilmer who played in a few such films back in the day is the evil villain who has a stolen nuclear missile planned for Washington, DC. He also is a personal enemy of MacGruber so when General Powers Boothe summons him for the mission, Forte has a lot to make Kilmer answer for.

MacGruber is not much more than a lengthy Saturday Night Live sketch given a big budget. Still that's not bad and Forte does go way over the top in this part. The kind of role where it is impossible to overact, the kind you generally find in horror films.

Fans of Forte's work on Saturday Night Live should enjoy this and others shouldn't take it too seriously.
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The Agent that does not Use Weapons
claudio_carvalho23 October 2010
In the Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Eastern Siberia, the criminal Dieter Von Cunth (Val Kilmer) robs a Russian X5 nuclear warhead. Colonel James Faith (Powers Boothe) travels to Rio Bamba, Ecuador, with the efficient Lieutenant Dixon Piper (Ryan Phillippe) to summon the retired special operative MacGruber (Will Forte) to retrieve the X5. MacGruber is considered deceased after the death of his beloved wife Casey (Maya Rudolph) by his archenemy Cunth in their wedding. MacGruber teams up with Piper and Vicki St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig) and they learn that the evil Cunth intends to use the warhead to destroy Washington D.C.

"MacGruber" is a parody of the "MaCGyver", a successful TV series of the 80's. The plot is silly but also funny; the fans of "MacGyver" may enjoy this film and the stupidities of MacGruber, the agent that does not use weapons, more than I did. Anyway it is and entertainment for a Saturday afternoon without soccer on TV. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Corram Que o Agente Voltou" ("Run Because the Agent is Back")
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"Never ever say never ever"
glen-wright8 August 2021
", this time I can"

Your girlfriend will roll her eyes at how lame Macgruber is - but she's wrong.

Near enough ever line in this movie is hilarious.
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classic MacGruber....
FlashCallahan29 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dieter Von Cunth robs a Russian X5 nuclear warhead. Colonel James Faith travels to Rio Bamba, Ecuador, with Lieutenant Dixon Piper to summon retired special operative MacGruber to retrieve the X5.

MacGruber is considered deceased after the death of his beloved wife Casey by his archenemy Cunth during their wedding.

MacGruber teams up with Piper and Vicki St. Elmo and they learn that the evil Cunth intends to use the warhead to destroy Washington D.C....

I wasn't expecting nothing from this movie, after all the last decent movie from the SNL barn was way back in 1992, and things have gone from bad to worse with the SNL/big screen translation.

But this looked like fun, it looked a lot like the straight to video action films of the 1980s that me a nd my father used to watch every Friday night, and it delivered it in droves.

If you can bear the (quite funny) smutty humour and and the human scene vacuum that is Will Forte, you will have a lot of fun with this movie. Kilmer has not been this good in years as the villain, and seems to be having a ball delivering line after line of pure ham.

Phillipe fits into his role with ease, and does self deprecating very well.

The comedy as i said before is smutty and very childish, so many self certified movie snobs will balk at the idea of this, but the script is funny, the action scenes surprisingly good and violent and this film has one of the most funniest soundtracks that has been released in a while.

It's all predictable stuff, just like the TV show it was based on, but the most important thing is, it'll keep you entertained for 80 odd minutes.
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Strictly average SNL Skit, that's stretched out into an unnecessary 90 minutes or so.
callanvass17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Credit IMDb) In the Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Eastern Siberia, the criminal Dieter Von Cunth robs a Russian X5 nuclear warhead. Colonel James Faith travels to Rio Bamba, Ecuador, with the efficient Lieutenant Dixon Piper to summon the retired special operative MacGruber to retrieve the X5. MacGruber is considered deceased after the death of his beloved wife Casey by his archenemy Cunth in their wedding. MacGruber teams up with Piper and Vicki St. Elmo and they learn that the evil Cunth intends to use the warhead to destroy Washington D.C.

I didn't really laugh all that much, I didn't find much of the material funny, but I certainly didn't hate MacGruber either. It just felt like it was their, and that was that. In all honesty I felt MacGruber's character was a wee bit OTT, and rather grating to the mind with his actions. I'm certainly not going to bash people who find his skits to be hilarious, but I really don't get the strong following he has. It's filled with potty humor, situations that would entertain teenagers, but it really didn't do anything for me. The cameos by WWE wrestlers, especially by Chris Jericho were a hoot though.

Performances. Will Forte is a funny individual, but his MacGruber character doesn't exactly endear me. He's funny on occasions with it, but most of the time he came across as an annoying buffoon. Favorite routine had to be the 3 turkey bit, which I won't spoil. Kristen Wiig is OK but not anything special. She has yet to do anything for me that have stood out in a movie. Ryan Phillippe is actually pretty good as the straight man. Always found him to be an underrated talent, and here he proves why. Val Kilmer shows up to cash a check as the villain, and nothing more. Powers Boothe is amusing in his role as the gruff Col.

Bottom line. This is the epitome of average in my books. Nothing horrible, nothing great. It was was erased from my mind about as soon as I finished viewing it. That about sums up my feelings for the film. Worth a watch on a slow moving day.

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tylermatthew-397429 September 2021
99% of comedies like this don't work. Normally I'd agree with the idea that movies are subjective, but not with MacGruber. If you watched the movie because you thought the SNL sketches were funny and somehow thought the movie was awful then you never got the idea in the first place. Of course it's a dumb ridiculous movie but I wasn't paying attention to the plot, I watched laughing my ass off the entire time. If you hated the movie but knew nothing about the characters beforehand, then fair enough, the humor isn't for you. But for me, judging movies by how many and often it made me LOL, it's up there with my favorite comedies of all time.
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Funny, albeit Lacking it's full Potential,
lesleyharris3029 January 2016
MacGruber is a decent movie with a reasonably well developed storyline and a terrific comedic cast. It's certainly very funny, there are many excellent moments and the chemistry between the cast members is great, Will Forte is certainly the highlight as he further expands his Saturday Night Live character, delivering a fun, exaggerated version of action heroes, he has a screen presence that is simply entertaining. However, it was certainly lacking as a comedy and I felt it didn't truly deliver the potential it had with its cast, it does not represent something that felt truly original, in fact it had many similar elements to Hot Rod, and it seemed to rely too much on parodying 80s action movies, rather than being its own comedy. I felt that Val Kilmer was very underused in this film, for the fact that he's the main antagonist and the biggest star in it, his screen time is limited, the last thing any movie should have, whether it be an action, drama or comedy, is to have its antagonist or protagonist feel underdeveloped. Though it has some great moments, MacGruber has many flaws and is pretty forgettable, it's worth the watch if you see it on television or Netflix, but don't go out of your way to watch it.

A bombing special ops is given a mission to thwart a nuclear armed terrorist.

Best Performance: Will Forte
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Exactly what you'd expect from an SNL film, except that it's kind of funny
Critomaton23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
MacGruber has all of the faults you'd expect from a film based on a Saturday Night Live sketch:

1) Squandered talent and wasted comedic opportunities. Kristen Wiig plays a very understated role in this movie. Her character doesn't have any of the rapid-fire or goofy speech patterns she's known for on SNL, or anything very funny to say for that matter.

Also, an important plot point about MacGruber's hand-picked team is drawn out way too long in a scene that was totally spoiled by the trailers anyway.

There aren't really any cameos or supporting roles by anyone else with comedic talent either.

2) Sloppy, lazy writing with an underdeveloped plot. Not much happens in this movie. There are no really big action/chase scenes, just some stock warehouse/factory shootouts. All of the special effects budget seems to have been spent on throat-ripping and bullet-wound effects.

There are also a bunch of jokes about how MacGruber only uses household items, not guns, but since he doesn't really use the gadgets to get out of sticky situations - except a celery stalk and a mop - these jokes fall mostly flat.

So, it's definitely not Beverly Hills Cop - it's barely even Beverly Hills Ninja.

3) Lowbrow humor. There are way too many repetitive, juvenile scatological gags in this movie, such as MacGruber's fixation with promising to give or receive sexual favors in order to keep his mission going or his threatened mode of revenge against the villain.

Even the villain's name is used ad nauseum throughout the whole movie in order to justify exactly one funny double entendre that occurs in the first few minutes (think Alec Baldwin's "Pete Schwedde" character on SNL - this movie probably had the same writer).

Despite all this, I was laughing pretty hard throughout most of the movie, because the MacGruber character is just so stupid and over the top. Kind of like Ace Ventura meets Dumb and Dumber without the limits of a PG-13 rating.

Also, Ryan Phillippe did a good job as the straight man.

The TV ads are saying this is the funniest SNL movie since Wayne's World. That's a pretty apt description even though it doesn't mean much, since Wayne's World was also disappointing.

Anybody who watches SNL (or used to) knows what to expect. You sit (or fast forward) through 90 minutes of mostly crap hoping for a few good laughs. When MacGruber is over, you realize that this movie is also mostly crap, but since it provides more than a few good laughs I guess that makes it a qualified success.
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