V (TV Series 2009–2011) Poster


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Series 3 Needs Visiting.
What a shame this was cancelled before series 3 as its clear by the end of series 2 that this wasn't finished.

The good - Anna. Wonderful actress. Played the part beautifully and a joy on screen. Her expressions. Her emotion and at times lack of it. Every scene with her is worthwhile.

The story and writing throughout was great even though it was very much American action formulated each episode. Acting throughout was pretty much spot on too.

Cameo from Donavan at the end of the series was great to see. Diana a welcome addition to season two.

The bad - that son, Tyler. Typical annoying American boy teen who makes all the wrong immature choices. Way too cliche. Annoyed me on screen. Maybe that made him a good actor? Was surprised he lasted the entire two series.

The ugly - the special effects at times were bad. What a shame.

Overall worthwhile series but let down by the fact it wasn't finished.
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Great show canned to soon
aaron-706587 October 2017
So after deciding I'd had enough of the "reality TV" garbage on offer I was going through a friends DVD collection to see what he had worth watching and found this Yes OK it wasn't as good as the original but it beat what was on offer otherwise by season 2 I was getting into it and had gotten to ep10 yay cliffhanger just as well I had the DVD's and din't need to wait But NO to surprise that was it WTF where the hell is season 3 completely peeved off now was looking forward to a big battle and humans finally overcoming the V I SO FRICKEN HATE when they can a show and leave us hanging thanks for nothing and F U
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Great Show Gone Too Soon
afiazuddin-0040019 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a preteen when the original "V" tv show aired. It was awesome (in that early 80s kinda' way). The 2009 reboot here was equally awesome. Slick, stylish, well written, well acted, and with consistent action, the show sucked in sci-fi viewers. Granted perhaps the cast was a little too good-looking, but hey, that's Hollywood. I was shocked at the abrupt ending however - which was clearly not intended to be an ending. It turned out - unknown to me watching on TUBI - that the show was canceled at the end of 2nd season due to severe budget overruns. Too bad. Now I'll never know if Earth beat the lizards.
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Wasted opportunity
markkupost27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Original V-miniseries from 1983 was a social commentary of first contact with an alien species that initially appears benevolent, but quickly establishes a propaganda-ridden fascists regime on Earth where non-conformists get persecuted.

ABC took a bold move by trying to reboot V into the 2010s. The underlying patterns from the original instalments are still there, but new issues (like mass surveillance, extremist movements, etc.) are also present. The series was cancelled after only two seasons and - like "two outta three" V that came before it - managed to end the series with an unsolved cliffhanger.

The plot and execution is way better than in the weekly series, but I still don't rate this as high as the original two-part miniseries. Also, it must be noted that for many inside shots, the creators of this series chose to use a lot of CGI sets and ... unfortunately at the time, the technology to do that convincingly on a TV-budget ... wasn't there just yet.

All in all, a bold move from the studio - and a wasted opportunity due to cancelling it too soon. Money talks :(
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Worth watching
Joshmcswain16 February 2022
Overall good story, but toward the end it got out of control. There were so many hidden agendas, backstabbing, etc. That got really tiresome. Also they made numerous plot holes that they would patch up by creating another one. Still fun to watch if you can ignore those two things. The actress who played Anna was do good, best part of the show.
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penttis2 April 2022
I re-watched this 11 years later and compared to 99% of whats made today it is very watchable. It is from the time when story was important, not like today when it is all about not offending someone on twitter.
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Terrible script, miniscule cast
Dyellyc31 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The creators of this contemporary cut of V seem to have missed the critical elements of the 1983 original, that being character development, a large cast portraying many interesting interleaved plot threads (think any 1970s disaster flic – Airport, Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure et al), likable characters (who could ever forget Jane Badler as Diana? or the highly charismatic Willie played by Robert Englund ?)

Morena Baccarin as Anna seems to be be doing a soap commercial in every scene we see of her. I swear she has the same expression in every scene. Also, why does she walk like a Kaminoan?

The script is the worst part, talk about inconstant writing style that even manages to surpass Star Trek Next Generation in this department.

Though it may look prettier, special effect fans will be disappointed because even though the 1983 original may look a bit dated, it still possesses vastly more special effect shots of shuttle crafts and motherships.

So if a sci-fi show has neither a good story or decent special effects, what good is it?


* Father Jack Landry is so terrified in the first two episodes as a priest when he witnesses something dreadful, but then I believe in episode 4 when he just happens to know how to remove a bullet from a wound that we learn that he served twice during the Iraq war. What? So he never saw anything violent during his two tours of duty? come on!

* Tyler Evans the teenager who defies and lies to his mother about staying away from the V's, gets the guilt's and tries ONCE to talk to his mum but because she's busy he in a huff, goes to see a therapist saying "…I can't talk to my mother anymore…". What a hypocrite, and since when would a rebel archetype such as Tyler go all touchy feely and decide to lookup a shrink? I think not.

* The V's have superior technology and fly into and invade the US airspace unhindered but laughing still require a Travel Visa to move around the USA! What arrogance.

* V's superior medical technology can supposedly make people see again, cure cancel, cure scars, can reverse engineer your entire medical history and yet fail to determine that a human is pregnant with a V and is allowed to return to home after the scan. I think not.
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Finally, an ABC show worth watching....
Zen41611 November 2009
...and that's saying a lot considering the usual angst-y, inexpensive-to-make-therefore-let's-clone-it-family-drama shows the network seems to keep adding on or re-newing. "V" was exciting right from the start and the second episode was a good follow-up to the premiere, fleshing out the main characters a bit more and what drives them. Elizabeth Mitchell is well cast as straight-shooter, no-BS FBI agent Erica and it's great to see her back on the tube after "Lost". Another great bit of casting is Joel Gretsch as Father Jack, a priest torn between doing what he thinks he's supposed to be doing and what he knows in his heart is actually the right thing to do. Gretsch was great as the power-hungry military man in the sci-fi mini "Taken" so seeing him here playing the clerical good guy with heart shows the man's got talent. Morena Baccarin and Scott Wolf are also excellently cast as Anna the high commander of the Visitors and as Chad, the button-pushing journalist. Though I enjoyed the original series as a kid, this one is a worthy update for the twenty-first century. Some stuff has changed (names of characters; how long they've actually been here before the arrival of the ships, etc.) but the premise is similar enough: aliens arrive on Earth...are they good or bad? It took courage for ABC to air a unique series like this (i.e. "sci-fi") when pretty much all of the other mainstream, non-cable networks are sticking with the usual safe stuff (family dramas, medical dramas, cop dramas, 30 minute sitcoms) so I hope they truly give it a chance to grow and catch on. It's that good.
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Unexpectedly good
Nyx_Selene4 November 2009
I was worried that this, as a remake of a cult series, would be either bad or silly, but I really liked the pilot episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next one.

It's faster paced than the original "V", but as I found the original sometimes frustratingly slow, I wasn't bothered by this. The aliens are made to seem a lot more human - all except for their leader Anna (played by Morena Baccarin), who made my skin crawl. She has some facial expressions that would make me back up and start looking for something to use as a weapon. She really builds up a certain feeling of paranoia, and a definite feeling of not knowing what she's planning. Both fit this story well, I think.

Thankfully, there's a lot less characters in this version than the old one. I always found them hard to keep track of, and here it seems they've chosen to concentrate on a fewer number of people.

It wouldn't surprise me if I come to like this new version of "V" better than the old one. The old one was very much about people; how they reacted, felt and interacted. The new one seems to be a bit more about the action and thriller elements.
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Its an "ok" show but a total mess
pool133 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both seasons, and while i liked the idea of a remake, the show is a bit of a letdown.

The shows suffers from a great number of flaws.

First, the acting. While Morena Baccarin is very well cast, and very creepy at times, the rest of the cast is mediocre at best. Logan Huffman is awful as Tyler. Unlikable, stupid and equipped with one expression only. The same goes for Morris Chestnut, playing Ryan, the V who developed feelings. His only 2 expressions are: "Bored" and "?".

Another big letdown is the story. Why would an alien race need humans to procreate? I know, it's "explained" later, but it still doesn't make any sense. Why would a reptilian species be able to fall in love with a mammalian species? How is it possible, that a reptile can father a child with a human? Why are they building a resistance 30minutes into the story, while the aliens are bearing gifts to humanity? The get their hands on a V and could record what they look like under the human disguise, but the doesn't do that, for 2 whole seasons! They are fighting a loosing battle without any outside support for no reason! Upload that to "youtube" for gods sake, or inform the 50 largest news-stations! They carry around tons of evidence and leads, and they don't show it to anyone! And: Why are the visitors greeted by the press, not by military leaders, diplomats or other officials? This is insulting at its best, and bullshit at its worst.

The protagonists motivations and story lines are stupid too. First Ryan has a family and feelings. These feelings seem to dry out as soon as his wife has gone into hiding. Then his daughter is born, as a rep/human hybrid. So the writers "invented" stupid things to give Anna(the leader of the Vs) leverage over Ryan, so that he betrays his comrades in the resistance. Later he tries to redeem himself, and then he just dies by the hand of his hybrid 8 year old daughter.

V (2009) is a prime example what happens when a series is made with a 5-episode story-arc. As more and more episodes are ordered, more and more plot holes, stupid story-arcs and unbelievable character developments are introduced into the series to fill episodes, they have no planned content for. The first season is interesting, but you really notice at the beginning of the second season, that they are just filling the space around the predictable story with unnecessary dialog and "developments" who don't add anything important or interesting to the story.

Another big problem is the pacing. There are a lot of very slow episodes where nothing is accomplished or developed. A lot of episodes are 5min development, 95% stuffing.

At the middle of the second season i had enough. The pacing was so slow and critical people and developments became meaningless so quickly because they had to invent more unbelievable twists to fill more episodes. A good example is the story about the importance of Tyler to the future of the V-species. They build up this importance over the whole first season, and in season 2 it becomes meaningless within 2 minutes.

The second season finale shows what a mess this series is. A lot of people die, a lot happens, enough no fill 4 episodes with decent developments, but they pressed all of it into one episode to increase the interest for a third season.

The only things keeping this series from being a total crash are the decent effects, some interesting episodes and Morenas acting portraying a creepy and arrogant alien queen. The rest is slow, full of plot holes, unbelievable twists, insulting explanations and stupid character-reactions.
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Riveting!!! Best premiere I've ever seen!!
johnnymacbest3 November 2009
Having not been familiar with the original "V" the series by creator Kenneth Johnson, and upon first glance at the previews and TV spots, I gotta say that what I just witnessed was the best pilot episode I've ever seen. With it's many parallels to our social climate in the world today, the new series plays on our fears and perceptions of those who are strangers to us who at first are well-meaning and docile but their ulterior motives are hidden underneath. That gives "V" verisimilitude while still retaining a Sci-Fi setting. I was tense and on the edge of my seat throughout the proceedings of what the characters are experiencing as the "visitors" announce their presence to the world. I suppose some will say that the new "V" is not as good as the original, but I for one, enjoy this new version and will be tuning in to see how the events unfold and how profoundly their effects will have on those embroiled in this event that may change the face of mankind forever.
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george-7448 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Warning - Spoiler alert.

Is it just me or does the whole 'V' thing feel like a Scientology takeover? The idea of beautiful spokespeople for the aliens demand complete devotion and who will simply not tolerate negative commentary of any kind smacks of scientology.

The distinction is clearly drawn between the minister who's God does not demand devotion but seeks faith that salvation will one day come, and between the V's who promise immediately healing and grace via knowledge and technology, the price of which is that complete devotion is demanded where body and soul is immediately turned over to the visitors.

There is something palpably paranoia inducing about the V's - in particular Anna. I think she does a superb job, particularly in the interview, one poster here aptly commenting, and I'll paraphrase, "Her smile never touches her eyes." Well put. Her body language is outstanding throughout, particularly when she is standing. (When seated for the interview her legs crossed remind one a bit of the Sharon Stone scene from 'Basic Instinct'. Moreover, the sexuality of Anna, as well as Lisa, only heighten the seductive paranoia.

The show is visually stunning, in particular the backing landscape inside the mother-ship. Beautifully rendered. The V's wardrobe works very nicely as well. The lighting is superb.

But aside from the seductive paranoia inducing lead V's, the theological dilemma and the visual supremacy the rest of the characters just feel thinly directed, or as thinly directed as time will allow - because everything just feel very rushed. The lead female FBI agent has great acting skills, but her supporting cast just phones it in. They can't hold a scene together around her. But it's also about the script. The dialog feels phoned in from Middle School as well.

And who couldn't see that the lead agent's partner wasn't a rat? I think my 12 year old would have thought that way too obvious.
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To the Sci-Fi geek, you will enjoy the effort
MadameGia4 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was eleven years old in 1983. Like most people my age, parents everywhere tuned into the original. Sure, I watched it at 11 years old. I wonder looking back now, years later, how much did I miss as a child? Being a closet Sci-Fi geek I decided to give this a try. I enjoyed the graphics, the acting, the music, and the writing to the 2009 remake. The downside for me was two fold. I do not think 46 minutes is enough for true character development. I felt no real loss when Elizabeth's character ended up an alien. I was starting to like him, and episode two or three could have spilled the beans for me. Because of the time restraint, the feeling of being rushed is an understatement. Series now a days leave more for the imagination. Fans don't mind watching and waiting another week for another clue. And based on the reviews I have seen, many didn't see the 1983 series, so it's not like they are knowing what to expect!
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Unexpectedly Dire
michael-hanlon14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the pilot. Watchable, just, but a big disappointment. Certainly no match for the original which was (for its time) a riveting piece of sci-fi. The plot itself is OK, it is just so clunking and obvious. Big alien spacecraft hovering over our cities is a good trope, but an old one, and it would be nice to see a new take on it by now (District 9 managed it nicely). Ominous rattling crockery? Check. Big reflections in skyscrapers? Check. Troubled priest? Check. So many unbelievable things - why does no one- NO ONE! - ask the aliens where they are from or what, exactly, they want? Surely the TV guy, on being told not to ask any awkward questions in his interview with Anna, would realise he had the scoop of the century (hey everyone, the aliens are evil! Run for the hills!)? How come that just a few days after these things turn up life seems to be continuing as normal? And why is 'Universal Healthcare' a concept so strange to American ears that it could only come from another planet?
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Not Impressed
dpuczek4 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up watching the original "V" show and remember it being scary and cool - I was like 8 years old though. For last night's premiere, I raced home to watch it and was disappointed at how slow the pacing was. The acting was cardboard and there weren't any twist deviations from the original that I noted. The special effects were borderline at best. The whole luster of the show wears off when the audience already knows A) the aliens are bad guys and B) the "aliens" are reptilians under human-like skin. What's the point of re-making a show like this??? Even the "cut to commercial" sounds are too much like LOST. Maybe this show will be cool to 8-year olds out there but everyone else can move along.
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Slow start but the plot is thickening
jamie-moroney25 November 2009
Before I even read the comments on IMDb my opinion on the first episode was also that the 45 minute pilot episode seemed rushed and compressed with too much happening. It should have definitely been at least a 90 minute intro episode. However, I stuck with it and the story is now starting to take shape. I really do hope they continue for at least a couple of seasons (like the original) otherwise it will be a severe anti climax to the build up currently developing in the story.

The pilot episode was no match to the original but as the plot has begun to develop (in the more modern era) It has become much more entertaining. It seems to be the opposite to the original (which had a great opening mini series which then faded) This new series had, for me, a dire opening episode but is gaining my interest with each new episode.
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Good show, but ended too soon!
danieldwilkinson29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why can't Network Executives producers directors writers etc ever just show ONE LAST EPISODE of a cancelled show with a cliffhanger...

Other than that the show was intriguing! I enjoyed seeing resistance V's hidden amongst the other Vs plotting with the fifth column and waiting to strike against Anna! Some of my favorite characters include.....

Lisa: im glad she developed emotion and that she was the inside woman and ally to the fifth column, I didnt care for her up until that point. But when she didn't kill her mom it was disappointing, I expected hesitation, but not complete forgiveness towards her mother. THATS what drew the line, when loss actually believed her mother had developed emotion.

Josh: the resistance head medical guy, the V that wanted Anna gone from the beginning!. Although he could have had better facial expressions instead of a serious face 97% of the time im unnecessary moments. Im also glad lida didn't buy it when he tried to fool her(badly i might add) into thinking he got his memory back.

Ryan: one of the original resistance Vs, I instantly liked him when I learned that. And although it was disappointing he betrayed fifth column, I understood why.

Erica: she was a bad ass at the start, but that fight with maliek was horrible, I thought Erica would knock the lights out of maliek.

Now for the unanswered questions: is Ryan, Tyler, and Diana dead? Where's hobbes? Will he pay for killing joe(Erica's ex husband)?, where did lars and this project ares come from suddenly?
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Pleasantly Skin-crawling
acts21204 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the mini-series "V" back in the wayback - though I thought the series itself fell apart by the end of the first season - so I wasn't sure how they were going to pull this one together.

so, far, the pilot shows great promise, if they stay on this path, and don't pull a "Heroes"-style implosion, it'll be worth a weekly investment.

Morena Baccarin (who I just love in general) does another notable characterization. How can someone so pretty come across as so serpent-like??? I sincerely kept expecting her to strike, like a rattler; her body language, and that smile that never touched her eyes were absolutely unnerving. The interview was especially disturbing because she was SOOOOOOOOO nice... after having shown us a different attitude only moments before.

I was especially impressed by the sub-text and the "current events" themes in the writing; equating the V's to terrorists was a brilliant touch. I did however have a problem with the idea that so many of them somehow managed to infiltrate society without much challenge:with the high level of technology that we have today, interstellar scout ships bringing a number of aliens that are completely undetected by the military seems unlikely, as does the "upkeep" for these creatures to be living on earth. For example, they didn't go into any detail regarding how they maintained their human-like appearance, and that was a gaping hole for me. Perhaps it will be addressed in future episodes.

I was greatly appreciative that the singular "religious" element (Father Jack) wasn't a blithering, bumbling idiot - thank you!!! Usually, Christians of any denomination are passed off in such environments as doofuses, so it was nice to see that one of the good guys (I assume) wasn't played as a stereotypical jerk.

I agree with the comments of others that this has a high "paranoia" factor - the idea that the V's had been infiltrating our societies for so long prior to their "arrival", and that ANY one could be one... yeah, you'd be seriously wanting special glasses to see them (anyone get that reference to another evil-alien movie?*) I thought the costuming deserved special note: the V's clothing (I thought) utilized very subtly the subconscious impressions made by clothing. Erica Evans and Dale Maddox, the FBI agents, wore shlupy,"working" clothes, whereas Anna was super-polished, as were many of the other high ranking V's. The lesser ranks had pseudo-uniforms - not militaristic enough to create concern, but they had a degree of "authority," that made them seem so much "better" than boring humans, and implied a degree of trustworthiness and orderliness that people seem to think means "good".

Overall, well done, looking forward to more, good acting, good scenery, good storytelling, and once it had created the foundation, good pacing and character development.

*movie reference, in case you're DYING to know: "They Live". IMDb it: you're already here anyway!!
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Very well done but lacking in some parts.
alex-fischer-573-7774104 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying I was a huge fan of the original V and as such was greatly looking forward to the re-imagining of the new series. But I think I got caught up in the hype and my expectations might have been a little too high.

The choices for the characters where dead on, all the main actors played their roles with exceptional quality for a TV series and the production values where superb. The concept held up very well in our modern setting and the opening sequence (with one exception) with the appearance of the giant ships over the cities of the world was just as breath taking and awe inspiring as the original (if not more so!). The 'reveal' was very well done but the introduction of the inside element came out a bit too soon. I very much liked the conversation between the 2 teenagers on the news report comparing this moment to a well known movie… it was identical to a conversation me and my wife had moments before the show began!

Now with that being said… what I didn't like about it was the pacing. The editing was so jumpy for me that I was having a hard time keeping pace. It felt like the original concept was being created with a 2 hour time slot in mind and then suddenly had to be cut down to less then an hour so everything they wanted to say was crammed into a spot too small to fit. The greatest acting, best special affects, and most intense action lose a lot of affect if your audience has to run to keep up with you. I am not saying it wasn't good, but the pacing took a lot away from it for me. I wonder what was left on the cutting room floor.

What I hated… the 9-11 reference in the beginning. I know why it was put in, but I felt like it wasn't needed. I know it was supposed to compare that moment to the moment the visitors came to earth as historic in human history, but it didn't work. Also, V's? Call them visitors, call them aliens, call them Sally, but V's doesn't work. Every time I heard it being used, especially by the visitors themselves I let out a chuckle… it took away from the feel of the show.

But even with the frantic editing and or pacing, I would still recommend it, and I can't wait for the next episode.
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Its not the original, so don't look for that.
ZenShark29 April 2010
This is a remake of the original series V where aliens invade earth. However this is not the original series, so don't compare it to it. It reflects the new changed world political scenario. Unlike the original, in this the resistance is labeled 'terrorist', and there are many shades of gray. The show has a lot of potential, and so far in (9 episodes) it is headed in the right direction. The show does tackle some interesting issues, and handles then reasonably well. To say it is simply an action series is untrue. In fact it does make one realize that if a real alien invasion took place what it may be like. Of course a lot of hypotheses have to be made to come up with such a scenario, but you cant hold the assumptions the show makes against it. The most interesting aspect is how the humans react to the V, as initially they come as saviors. This leads to certain social implications, and even religious implications, and show does not shy away from delving into them. This is show is politically savvy, and that makes it really interesting to watch, because despite the obviously science fiction set- up, there are underlying truths in it about are social make-up.
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Still early days but not too promising
Norm_uk11 January 2010
I'm old enough to remember the original series and had hopes a remake would bring new ideas and fresh approaches to the concept. So far I've found the plot not particularly believable within it's context and I didn't really connect too much with most of the characters.

It seems they have gone for special effects and pretty people rather than characters, concepts like loyalty and statements about totalitarian government which the original series did rather well despite it's flaws.

I still have hopes the series will improve...generally it's getting more watchable compared to the Independence Day style pilot which didn't answer any important questions or build up the pace very well.

Let's see how it progresses - some great TV shows started out poor - this is just average and improving very very slightly.
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Horrid, unimaginative, lackluster copy of the shining original!
kappleviolet10 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Could not believe how rushed this first episode was as well as the stupidity of it all. The original series was phenomenal...it took time to reveal secrets, build suspense, the music was awesome (eerie them to V the Final Battle). It was believable. This new "V" is CRAP! The storyline redundant and impractical (visitors greeted by press and no UN government or dignitaries??) Impractical or realistic (All the visitors look like Models??) too fake and shallow and unbelievable..I could not relate or find attachments to any characters... This whole production lacks depth, emotional pull, and the overall feel of banding together that the original had.....this feels forced, redundant, and seems to be made to appeal to an unsophisticated young audience of young teens....SUCKS!!
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beautifultragedy-1294914 March 2022
Ok how and why I didn't know about this in 2009 is beyond me and we're in 2022. This show is good and it kinda plays out about how people are gullible, will fall for anything, and will latch on the things that will easily trick the mind.
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So far so good
grlady29084 November 2009
Just saw the premiere last night and it is pretty good so far. I never saw the first V but plan to watch this one forever long it lasts. I know the first V was a one season wonder but on TV commercials for this new V they say things like "on this season of V..." which would lead one to believe there will be more to come. The premier did start a little fast. It covered a lot of ground in a short hour span of time but not so quickly that you lose focus of things that are going on in the different lives you must follow to comprehend the entire show. Not really a bad think considering I HATE TV shows that drag through the plot and never hit a climax (Flash Forward). The CGI stuff looks pretty good. The acting is sincere and not cheesy. I will definitely keep watching.
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This makes my head hurt
purplesocks277 November 2009
Can Hollywood put anything more lame on TV? Have the writers forgotten the art of storytelling and character development? What did the writers think, we'll have a religious priest, an FBI agent, etc etc. The writer's tried to have stereo typical ingredients to make the show good but this was extremely commercial.

With what was shown in the pilot episode, too much was crammed in and now are the episodes going to fall flat after too much was revealed. Here's a hint, story arcs for having a full season and not revealing all at once.

When I saw the commercials for V with the main V character, it looks like a Shoppers Drugmart commercial. The inside of the mother ship looked like a shopping mall and part of it looked like Sydney, Austrailia. When some of the characters were transported and before they were strapped in, that looks like something that would be used at a ride at an amusement park. When the characters were in the mother ship and excited over the floating apples, maybe the director and writers should have had something exciting. With science fiction, something impressive should have been done.

Here's a hint for the people who made V, the audience is intelligent, don't insult the viewer's intelligence. Instead of relying on the name V, more should have been put in to make the show a success, not just the name V and special effects.
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