The Invitation (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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The conclusion feels rushed and not as well thoughtout and executed as the buildup
kevin_robbins26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Invitation (2022) is a movie my wife and I saw in theatres last night. The storyline follows a young lady who lost both parents and doesn't know her family beyond them well. One day she takes a DNA test and her second cousin is identified. Her second cousins contacts her, they meet for lunch and he invites her to an upcoming family wedding in England. When she gets there she meets a handsome gentleman, starts falling for him and enjoys her family's wealth and charm. As the wedding get closer to taking place she starts noticing weird things in the house and jealousy from some family members...but why?

This movie is directed by Jessica M. Thompson (The End) and stars Nathalie Emmanuel (Game of Thrones), Thomas Doherty (High Fidelity), Stephanie Corneliussen (DC's Legend of Tomorrow), Sean Pertwee (Gotham) and Alana Boden (Ride).

This movie had a fantastic setup with great settings, unpredictable characters and intriguing circumstances. There's some great jump scenes throughout this movies and well done horror elements. The library opening, bedroom scene, dinner table discovery and wine cellar sequences were all pretty good. The love story had the perfect blend of intensity mixed with "somethings off." Unfortunately the movie takes a turn the wrong way during the wedding and the conclusion feels rushed and not as well thoughtout and executed as the buildup leading you to feel unfulfilled as the movie concludes. The very end just before the credits wasn't as clever and smart as the director hoped.

Overall this had the potential to be a worthwhile addition to the horror genre but falls short of what it could have been. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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I love the American view of England...
lord_orsum1 November 2022
According to Hollywood, everyone in England is either insanely rich and lives in manor house, or is a servant for someone who is insanely rich and lives in a manor house.

Or possibly they may be a farmer. Or Sherlock Holmes.

This is a fun, yet gigantically predictable tale about poor, orphaned American girl who is swept of her feet when she discovers that she is related to a rich English family. Then bad stuff happens, but the bad people don't realise that their target has more fight than they bargained for.

If you can get past the avalanche of cliches, then there is some entertainment to be had here. We've all seen this story (in one form or another) a thousand times before. Just go with it...
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Just don't watch the trailer
Benslie28 August 2022
One of the biggest faults of this movie, funny enough, isn't anything to do with the movie itself but the promotions for it. If you have seen the trailer for this movie then you've pretty much seen the entire movie, including the big twist reveal, which sucks as the story has so much potential. In the right capable hands, a story of someone trying to find their long-lost family and then ending up in a horror situation can be pretty good but here, it falls flat. The story takes forever to get going and once it does start to pick up the pace the movie was almost over. I know that horror movies need time to set up the setting and dynamics but this movie just did WAY too much of that. I've heard a lot of people say this and honestly, I agree with them that this story would be better as a RomCom. The two leads, more on them later, have chemistry between the two of them that just gets wasted because of the story of this movie. If it had been a RomCom movie it might've been one I actually enjoyed as it would've been a unique movie. I quickly touched on this earlier but my biggest issue with this movie wasn't the story for this movie, I already figured the trailer spoiled the whole movie, but the pacing of the movie. This movie is a horror thriller movie and the pacing for this movie didn't match that one bit. It had slower pacing to it which can be effective in the right kind of horror movie but definitely not here. I guess the slow pacing of this movie was supposed to help keep the suspense of wondering what's really happening in the manor but like I said the trailer already ruined that mystery so it wasn't effective. Also due to the slow pacing of the movie the ending for this movie gets severely rushed.

The ending for this movie just isn't satisfactory and just leaves the audience scratching their heads wondering what just happened. The ending also leaves on kind of a cliffhanger that doesn't need to be a cliffhanger and I wish it had ended earlier. While watching this movie I was preparing myself to say other than the acting in this movie the cinematography for this movie was great and then the more I thought about it the less I enjoyed it. The part I enjoyed of the cinematography was the set design for the manor. The manor itself was gorgeous and had this unease about it right from the get-go. I feel like I would rewatch this movie just to try and pick up the subtle details in the design work for this manor as I feel like I missed a bunch. Another element that works but only to a certain extent is the lighting for this movie. The lighting for this movie creates a great atmosphere and adds to the gothic nature of the manor but it also has a downside as I said that's because this is a horror movie and horror movies are supposed to have scares in them and due to the darkened lighting it's hard to see them. You can kind of tell based on the shadows if something scary is going to happen but for the most part, you can't see them and it just seems like something in the background. Now, these kinds of scares can work but they need to be directed properly and unfortunately for this movie that didn't happen. Now, I know that Jessica M. Thompson did her best with this movie especially with this being her first feature film but unfortunately there were some questionable directing choices. As I said most of them just surround the scares in this movie but also with death scenes in this movie. I won't fully go into detail about the death scenes for this movie but all I'll say is they don't match the 14A rating at all. I already mentioned this but really the only fully good element of this movie is the acting in it. The acting for this movie both worked for whichever story you decide to watch this movie as. If you decide to watch this story like it's a Vampire romance or a horror movie it is the acting works for both versions.

This fully steams to the main two actors Nathalie Emmanuel and Thomas Doherty, who plays Walter. The two of them surprisingly had decent chemistry together and made this movie slightly enjoyable. I really enjoyed Nathalie Emmanuel's performance as Evie that even without the romance element she would've stood out the most. She plays Evie in such a modern final girl way and even though she might not be the best final girl out there she still proved how smart she is even with the story does have her making some dumb decisions. But for me personally, the standout performance of the movie is Thomas Doherty. He plays Walter in such a manipulative and conniving way that if you were in this situation you would trust him. When you first meet Walter you can easily tell there's something off about him and if you didn't watch the trailer you're wondering what's fully up with him. Even the side actors were really good in this movie even if you don't get to see them as much. In the end, The Invitation had the potential to be a really good movie but because of the trailer it just falls short. If you go see this movie just play the fun game of switching the genre depending on what's happening in the scene.
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I sure did watch this
nolanroshto25 August 2022
That's about the most I can say about this. It was in fact something I watched.

It fails at being a horror It fails at being a romance It could've been a passable mystery, but the trailer spoiled it.

It wasn't bombastic enough to be fun, but it wasn't well-written enough to justify its dullness.

At best it's a way to spend an evening. Although, personally, if it wasn't for the fact that I got to watch it for free (I work at a movie theater), then I would've been dissatisfied with my purchase.
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Should have been better, but it's not bad
AfricanBro25 August 2022
I was excited to see this because I knew the lead actors for playing support roles only like Nathalie Emmanuel in GOT and fast and furious or Thomas Doherty in high fidelity and legacies. I love how it starts off dark, it's not uncommon for recent horrors to ease you in by starting out like any regular movie before throwing you into the dark. It maintains it's gloomy nature despite the characters having a more cheery aura, but you feel something's off. It's like a blend of midsommer, Ready or Not and Get Out, with a fantasy element to it. Midsommer and Ready Or Not were more bloody thrillers than actual horrors in my opinion while this was actively trying to scare you. It has a more old fashioned horror feel compared to recent 'blockbuster horrors' (I don't know if that's a thing); everything happens in the dark, there's a lot of build up and I loved how 3AM was made the hour the devil comes out to play. It also leaned on it's gloomy atmosphere and jump scares for the horror element.

There's a lot of build up to most scenes so it was slow paced, I felt some silences were literally just 2s too long. Second twist in the third act of the movie wasn't pretty underwhelming, and this was meant to be the big closer. I also try to avoid trailers but i saw a teaser that ruined the suspense and thrill of one of the scenes, so I suggest doing a better job at avoiding them than I did. For that same reason, when everything unveiled I was pleasantly surprised it's not the genre of horror I thought this was going to be, won't say 'cause I don't wanna spoil it for you but I haven't seen a horror in this fantasy genre in a while so I loved it.

All in all, I think it's a good movie that was supposed to be better than it is because the climax scenes don't hit as high as they're meant to, with a rushed finale to top that. Otherwise the movie doesn't do much wrong and is worth a watch for me. Somebody said it's a feminist movie, I see where they're coming from but that's such a reach man.
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Endearingly hot garbage
benjaminskylerhill26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Invitation is a horror film made for people who like Hallmark movies.

Just about the entire first hour of the movie plays out like a generic Hallmark romance between a suave English gentleman and an ordinary American girl. Generic charming dialogue, a will-they-won't-they sequence, the lonely wealthy man in need of companionship, it's all there.

The only difference is that the occasional lifeless, predictable jump scare sequence is peppered in throughout to serve as a reminder that not all is well with this picture-perfect romance-that something sinister is being hidden.

Sure enough, a twist does come, and it comes as a surprised to no one with more than two functioning brain cells.

Then, the cherry on top of this poorly executed tale is a finale that consists of low-energy, choppily edited fight scenes where the villains do every stupid thing that they possibly can to allow our heroine to win the day. Not to mention the inexcusably bad CGI fire pervading the ending.

Now, this movie is bad. Really bad. But it's not without its merit. I found a great deal of the film absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed myself greatly. Not for any of the reasons that the filmmakers wanted me to, but still, enjoyment was found. There is a place for cheese, and there is an abundance of it to be found here.

If you're a Hallmark movie fan looking for a darker twist on your cheesy entertainment, this is definitely the movie for you.
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A romance story sprinkled with some kills to remind you it is a horror movie
sophaljonesy5 May 2023
At first I thought it was a movie about a random woman who, by chance, is invited to a party full of vampires, and she resourcefully kills them all using her wits. So I was not really that interested when it first came out because I was tired of seeing all powerful vampires being easily killed just because our characters know they were vampires. However, the interesting thing about this movie, is that it plays like a romance movie mixed with vampire horror. There are a few kills sprinkled to remind you this is a horror movie, but a majority of the time is Nathalie Emmanuel romancing with Thomas Doherty in an aristocratic setting until the vampire horror stuff starts. This is where Emmanuel believably plays victim to circumstances, and she is not become an all powerful heroine who easily kills the villain in the end. She struggles in every thing. Another interesting is how the movie drops hints throughout the story, and you would see how it all fits. But I think the ending was too rushed and not impactful enough. The build up was slow and when it reached the part where the conspiracy unfolds, and everything is revealed, some characters change so inorganically to look menacing but it does not work. Fortunately, Nathalie Emmanuel's character seemed consistent, and many others too. So you even after the reveal, you could understand why they are acting that way. I also like the after credit scene. I don't know if it hints a sequel, or just an epilogue but it is interesting.
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You might want to decline this invitation until home release
rgkarim27 August 2022

The Pace: It's fast, it doesn't get stuck too much in trivial world building, and it gets to the antics very quickly to start getting into the thrills. The Invitation has a lot of things to decipher in the short run time, but it's always moving and seldom slowing down to get bogged in higher order thinking. For those looking for just a way to turn off the mind, this can be a giant plus alongside the appeal of one component of the story.

The Setting: It's a beautiful world they have shot/created, in this movie. A European centered mansion and castle that is sort of the dark version of Downton Abbey. The rooms they play in are immaculate, both high society, but several holding darker undertones that tell a story almost better than the actual words and story itself. I highly enjoyed the realistic manor and sort of felt like a board game or mystery room feel that could have been used so well.

The Potential Story: The story is not the worst I've seen, and holds some elements of an engaging character. This film is a neo-gothic style drama with elements of horror and romance sprinkled in to try and live up to the stories of the classic horror films. Paying homage to the tales it references were nice, and there was a lot of quality points they could have used to help guide this to be one of the better tales. Throw in some darker comedy like Ready or Not, and the overall feel of the movie showed there was potential.

The Lighting Effects: A small and subtle nod to the elements, the lighting really tells much of the story and brings much of the emotion in this film. From the opening scene, every moment has an area of lighting that sets the tone of the moment and suggest the element of the scene. Foreboding dark rooms make the moment obvious, but other elements that blend dark and light each offer a level of safety to dive into.

The Costumes: Now my second favorite component, the costumes and makeup of the movie are fantastic for me given what I guess was "lower" budget production. The Invitation may not be dressing up the groups in superhero underwear, or the most amazing warrior costumes, but the costumes chosen really do blend the modern and traditional well. Fantastic dresses are my favorite, the material holding a lot of design qualities that tell their own story while also really accomplishing the attitudes of the characters who wear them. Male characters often have the shirts found in many English tales, part class and debonair mixed with something more as the story progresses. Throw in the more "romantic" moments and the modern blend comes in to help reestablish the timelines. And when makeup is needed for the various events that occurred, once more the effects of mimicking blood, paleness, and injuries continuing to be realistic and incredible.

The Effects: I can't say much about this without giving away an obvious point. The Invitation has moments that really require certain computer animation effects, editing, and prosthetics to help accomplish the tasks at hand. I loved it, and the sneaking subtle moments give you a taste of the big moments at the end of the movie to come. That blend of using prosthetics and the computer met the balance so many movies fail to achieve and I only wish we had more time with it.


Predictable: I got it from the trailer even though the clips did not reveal what the twist was. The movie should not be too hard to decipher what will happen as the dialogue plays out. The clues are handed a little too easily, the hints too obvious and of course the subtle things sneaking out a bit to reveal the big twist. Had the other elements not taken a hit because of this, or there had been more story element, this would not have been an issue, but something was just askew that led to predictability being too much.

Not Scary/Suspenseful: They dock it up it as a horror film of the century, but it lacked scares for me in this film despite their best attempts. Much of this has to do with how desensitized I am to the trailer, but the elements don't quite mix well for me to execute the full effect of the horror to be really scary. It lacks a creepy atmosphere, the intensity of the horror is blunted by quick finishes, and the direction eventually takes it to neo-gothic style drama over anything else. Thus, with such changes in style and several other factors, the movie's horror element is dull.

Rushed Story: That pace might be good for getting in and out of the theater, and also trying to get to all the parts they want to talk about. However, the story that held a lot of potential also got sideswiped a bit in the process, resulting in of course missing pieces. The Invitation has so many components that a book form would do well to elaborate, build, and expand upon that a movie seemed to have suffered with time limits. The main character Evie, has a lot of potential for uncovering her past, facing her hardships, and fostering bonds, but it's all lost to the fleeting time. Then the mystery of the manor and trying to figure out the truth was robbed even more of the quality, each act feeling like a set up to something big and then just fizzling out. Again so much potential, but lost.

Forced Performances: I can't deny this, the acting does at times get too force and lose the presentation that they were doing. Primarily at the end, many actors have to transition into a different kind of acting, one that either did not get rehearsed as well as they could, or was just planned to be this extravagant in the forced gestures, acting, and screaming that comes. It lost the class I was seeing, and the whole conclusion seemed very dropped in a mad rush to get to the end. Some people suffered through the movie itself, Corneliussen playing her arrogance a might too strong, but it's that ending where the cheese factor oozes out.

An Attempt At Action: I said earlier that the movie tries to incorporate a lot of genre elements into the mix. Well, the ending makes a break for trying add a little excitement by converting it into an action film moment to bring about the full end. The fight is, well it's mediocre at best for me, fitting with the setting, but give the buildup did little to match what other movies of this genre could do. The choreography was extremely limited, the acting forced and awkward, and the time with it was again very limited, meaning it felt like the action in a Soap Opera with slaps and screams, than actual merit. And when the story elements drag in and the dialogue creeps in, this moment just fails outside of a some sweet finishes to heighten the drama component. It wasn't needed to this caliber, and I would have liked to see more strategy or rehearsal come in for it to be included.

The Lack Of Focused Direction: My buddy said it best, the heart of The Invitation's problems arises in the lack of focused direction for the film and trying to do too much in such a short time. All these elements do give nods to the tropes of the horror theme they were going for, but none of them fully deliver to tie them all well. This comes with time, focus, and in all honesty a mini-series or book to flesh it all out in the proper details and tie ins. Because of that, all the moments are okay and will fill the time with something, but the promise again was sullied by too much at once and becoming more a mess that is just okay.

The VERDICT: The Invitation shows how ideas have an immense promise and the modern edge of retelling and combination could work if planned out right. There are so many homages and snippets of scenes that work and had me intrigued, but then get ripped away to mediocre finishes and hasty tie ups. What results is an average movie that is more neo-gothic drama with some thriller twists, that should be good for a teenager based audience. Note, there are some moments that might be harder for people to see in the form of boundary violation, torture, confinement, and some rather occult appetites that sensitive people will the. Past that though, the chill and scare factor are minimal and in all honesty quite boring to watch given what the trailers promised. Predictable plots, messy editing, rushed story elements, and other hasty decisions just robbed the full splendor this movie could have been. I can't say this one is a theater visit outside the aesthetics, and would rather watch it at home instead. Thus, this films scores come at:

Horror/Thriller: 5.0 Movie Overall: 5.5.
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Entertaining enough (don't watch trailer)
ThereelscoopwithKK29 August 2022
The majority of the movie is suspenseful enough to be enjoyable. The acting isn't spectacular but not poor enough to distract. Unfortunately the trailer ruined the twist that might have been pretty cool had I not known it was coming. It almost felt like watching a movie the second time around when you know what's coming.

The ending is a bit rushed and not as dazzling as one would hope given that the build up was actually decent. The last cut scene was a bit corny and could be cut out entirely, but didn't change my overall impression of the movie.

For an end of the summer movie it's not as bad as some of the other movies in theatres in a similar class of movie (bodies, bodies, bodies).
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sadly it is that bad
kaefab17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well needless to say this movie sadly brings absolutely nothing and i do mean nothing ditto to the gender of vampire movies. In fact its been done a zillion million times before and so so so much better.

From the trailer which does not show a lot this movie looked like it had potential, but sadly nothing happens the gore or horror is way too far between and at some point you lose intensest.

When we do finally find out what the whole plot is about vampire, having a wife power etc its like a bad vampire movie that we have seen all so many times before.

Its not the acting because it was pretty good and lots of good actors in this movie, its just the movie itself that is really bad.
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Another Gen Z Movie
skispeed6917 September 2022
Where has all the good writers? I think there was a Hollywood purge where all the good writers have been booted out and the only ones left are socially corrupt morons. I'm not sure that we will ever have a good industry ever again. Maybe one day people will wake up and get their act together Where has all the good writers? I think there was a Hollywood purge where all the good writers have been booted out and the only ones left are socially corrupt morons. I'm not sure that we will ever have a good industry ever again. Maybe one day people will wake up and get their act together. Good luck with this garbage.
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Mellovesspike3 November 2022
I am really glad I didn't read the reviews before I watched this movie. I found this movie highly entertaining, I really don't understand all the negative reviews. I found the actors to be great the plot was entertaining. Not scary but I've yet to find a movie that scares me so if you are reading this review you should keep that in mind if you are looking for a scary movie this might not be it unless you are easily scared. So on a final note definitely give it a watch and remember everyone's viewing pleasure is different so try it for yourself before just passing it by because of negative reviews.
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jp_919 September 2022
"The Invitation" is a movie with a simple script and nothing avant-garde but it manages to entertain, it also presents some well-written characters, it is worth noting the gothic romance story. The best thing is its cinematography that is outstanding and that together with the filming locations achieve a great gothic atmosphere, the cinematographer Autumn Eakin takes a fantasy nightmare to a spectacular level. The performances are well done and the director knows how to translate her ideas on the screen. Without being a masterpiece, "The Invitation" is a decent movie that deserves some attention!
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iainmcleod_80030 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How did this get made?

Actually the storyline was fine. But the script and direction was awful.

Of course a few mandatory comments about us Brits all being the big r word etc

Girl had a chip on her shoulder.

Cousins acting was awful.

It was cheesy and embarrassing.

Just so unbelievable...and im not talking about the vampire bit, that was the most believable thing about it. What wasnt was how she acted. Her behaviour was just ridiculous and lack of questioning anything...i mean, not asking where the bride was until day 3. Not even at the bridal shower.

Im not sure what else to say about it to be honest. The two female vamps were actually good but i cant give more than a 1 for the awfulness.
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Ready or Not knock off
blatherskitenoir28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's like a melodramatic highschool girl wrote a garbage vampire AU fanfic of "Ready or Not".

Which wouldn't be too bad. That could be campy good fun, gaping plot holes, convenient deus ex machina, zero-surprise bad writing, and all.

But our female lead, Nathalie Emmanuel, renders it almost too embarrassing to endure at times. Imagine a combination of the worst traits of every pompous American, oblivious liberal arts major, "eat the rich" self-righteously jealous poor, 5th wave feminist, "artist" rolled into a single person, who also enjoys pulling the race card. She's less a character, and more a collection of checklist items focus groups said will appeal to about 10 different (conflicting) demographics. You will cringe so hard you risk having a stroke.

Unless you're an angry teen girl, (or want something extremely predictable and find cringe hilarious instead of mortifying), you should pass.
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I don't understand the bad reviews.
itsjustme-9943725 March 2023
Although it's not the best horror movie in the world, I enjoyed it and I don't understand why it's getting so much hate. I will agree that the spent a lot of time on the build up and that the ending happened fairly quickly but I honestly didn't mind that. I don't give away any spoilers but sufficed to say, it's a satisfying ending. It's not one of those horror movies with an ending that feels incomplete or hangs in the air. I thought the acting was good and the sets were absolutely beautiful. I also appreciated that it was an hour and 40 mins. So many filmmakers think all movies have to be 2 hours now and this was clearly an example of a movie that did not. I won't be rewatching it, but I still felt like it was a good use of my time.
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Good build up, but not enough bite with its horror
sbweightman3 September 2022
It has an enjoyable build up thanks to the likeable leads, but it took far too long and after the big reveal, it was over all too quickly. There wasn't really any horror or mystery, just a few jump scares and glimpses of the monster, although the awkward social engagements might tap into modern horror. The action packed finale was ridiculous and along with the lack of originality, completely spoiled the whole film. The Lord performed his role admirably and the setting and costumes were good, but overall it was far too tame to really get your teeth into.

  • - - - - - - - - -
Overall, I'd score it as 3 out of 10.
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Gothic Horror Romance
Pairic1 September 2022
The Invitation: Evie is a struggling New York ceramicist, unable to survive on an artist's income she caters at events as she tries to finish her MFA. At one event she gets a goodie bag with a free DNA Test. The results show that she has English relatives who are well off. A cousin pays for her to come to England to attend a family reunion in Whitby where they are all attending the wedding of their aristocratic acquaintance and patron, Walter DeVille. If we hadn't been forewarned by the prequel we would still reckon there was something creepy about DeVilles stately manor, given the paintings and sculptures, the way the internal gloom counterpoised the gleaming stone exterior. A creepy butler appears to play a part in the disappearance of waitresses hired to cater for the wedding. Wonder eerie cobweb encrusted wine cellars and a dark library room provide the perfect locations for attacks where we can't quite make out the assailant. As the narrative unfolds the nature of the attacker becomes clearer and the horror scenes are more explicit, Some gore is spilled but more is saved. While yiu might guess as to what's going on from an early stage I'll refrain from spoilers here. The mansion itself is virtually a character as are it's environs with some vivid overhead shots of dancing. Not really original but it does try a new angle on an old trope, a romance as well as a horror story, it's well worth a viewing. Directed by Jessica M. Thompson, written by Blair Butler. 7/10.
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Just another badpire movie
Rafriki12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so stupid, irrational, predictable and full of clichés that it could easily have been made by Netflix.

Let's get it from the beginning: we see a lady with what seems to be a horrible situation but there's only one way to solve it. Why would anyone grab a bust just to hang herself? Isn't the body weight enough yet? The bust falls and obviously breaks but it is only the first of many breakable things to come.

After that, the main character is introduced and given an unusual gift: a DNA test with a full access to the family tree. Aren't those tests supposed to be confidential? Why would anyone travel to another country to meet strange people -against the foolish advice from her friend- even though they claim to be relatives? If the acting is bad, the characters and the script are dreadful.

Then she arrives at a Lego-like mansion and bumps -yep, another broken item- into one of some numbered (?) maids who are brought in to the mansion, more to be served than to serve. There is also a foyer with a big statue of a dragon and a soldier with a dangerously protruding spear -you nasty sculptor-. It will have a very important part later and some other things also ring a bell about what the plot is going on all about (New Carfax, no mirrors, Lucy, and later on, Jonathan and Mina Harker).

The girl goes jogging alone at night in a strange land but only later asks if there are any wolves in England.

The wedding preparations continue without any hints of the bride or the groom but there comes the predictable host-guest flirting. By the way, we are now halfway into the movie with no really scary scenes.

The spa scene is full of dull dialogue overshadowed by the enervating nail trimming and polishing sounds -isn't that a saw? Terrible sound editing and soundtrack as well-. Then the long expected finger bleeding and sucking (another vampiric cliché).

Time for the main character scary scene. Why would anyone hide under the bed? The hero host comes in to save the day, blah blah blah.

More romance time onscreen, wedding proposal and the breaking point -for even worse-, the family dinner. Some cringy closeups of munching guests and all the plot is revealed: they are vampires (wow, I didn't see it coming). She asks for help but of course, they're all vampires. Guards block her way and seconds later she breaks out past them (!). She is imprisoned in a coffin and freed afterwards, then chasing, typical hide-and-seek scene in the shed and more chasing. At this point I was really wishing the movie to end.

The girl flees to a town where she meets an old couple. No, please don't, enough of chamomile tea!

She gets caught again, wed and initiated into vampirism -that's a really fast transformation! She burns up the whole Lego mansion in just a few seconds -everything seems to be varnished with fuel.

Then she is entangled in a final fight where the evil woman gets impaled (by the way, the spear appears and disappears between shots all along the movie). That statue wins for best supporting role and sidekick ever.

Once the vampires are dead, the curse on the girl rolls back (!!!). She escapes, comes for an ultimate revenge and finally the best part: the ending.

I saw this movie at the theatre and the only good thing is that there was a young couple seated behind me and I made them laugh with my comments.

Make yourself a favour and don't waste your time nor money on this crap.
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More Nathalie Emmanuel please
FeastMode26 August 2022
The Invitation is a surprising and enjoyable horror flick. I went into it knowing nothing but "horror." Finding out what it's about as the story unfolds is part of the reason I had so much fun. I feel bad for anyone who watched the trailer which ruins EVERYTHING. This is why I don't watch trailers.

This movie feels like an odd mashup of a bunch of other movies. It results in something that oddly feels different. Nathalie Emmanuel continues to prove she belongs. I feel like she's a star in the making. The rest of the cast plays their roles well. The movie has a certain charm about it, and has a good amount of comedic moments. I found myself smiling for most of the runtime. And I jumped more than once.

A few things held it back for me. There are some flaws and typical horror tropes like a couple jump scares that make no logical sense. It didn't finish as strongly as I would've liked. And I wish it was rated R so it wasn't restrained. But in the end, I had a great time with The Invitation. (1 viewing, opening Thursday UltraScreen 8/25/2022)
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Don't 'Count' on it(!)
Go_For_The_Jugular18 September 2022
The only invitation needed, is an invitation to film-making school, because this was horrendous!

It's an absolute slog to get through the first 80 which barely anything happens...and when something does happen, it's so dark, it might as well not have happened.

Almost totally void of any real 'horror', a rushed and confusing storyline, full of unnecessary and unlikeable characters.

Some really pitiful CGI and some totally mismatched music.

The whole thing is a mess from top to bottom. I'm starting to think that there's NEVER going to be another good film released...especially if Netflopz...I mean Netflix, has anything to do with it!
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6/10 good acting and good build-up at times slow but still good
Hellooo12343217 May 2023
The 2 leading actors are good actors and convincing. Liked the story and you want to keep on watching. It's not your typical horror movie if you like a lot of scares then this is not your movie. Not to spoil anything but the horror characters are a must-watch for people who love a certain type of fantasy genre, I won't spoil anything but if you are into fantasy this is for you! And this movie could be turned into a tv series of some sort. So if you like your typical horror don't watch this it probably would bore you, but if you like movies with an actual story involved then watch this. It's a 6/10 because the movie kept me wondering and the story as well and the actors did a great job. 👏👏👏
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Not Sure What Other People Are Watching...
hellsing21826 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't have much in the way of expectations but came away pleasantly surprised. It's not the top movie of the year, but it was well acted and didn't fall back on too much cgi or gore. The Dracula twist was also pretty good.
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Fun thrilling concept but film offers nothing else.
cruise0128 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
3 out of 5 stars.

Fair supernatural horror film that plays with a concept with vampires. Nathalie Emmanuel did a fantastic job. The first hour of the film is boring with its cringy bad script. The film picks up and the concept is promising. It has its fair share of thrills. The acting is decent. The love story was annoying. But once all that passes it picks up. And doesnt slow down. It is predictable. The lead is great. But the film never offers anything new to the genre. It could have been better and memorable. The script tried to go with a concept similiar or modern take to Dracula kind of concept. But fails.
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Ready Or Not, Minus Everything That Made Ready Or Not good.
jamericanbeauty27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Invitation is Ready or Not, the vampire version, minus a strong lead in Samantha Weaving, a good supporting cast, the quality acting and unpredictable, bloodly, fun script. The Invitation's Thomas Doherty has a darkly sensual and charming presence. Everything else and everyone else is forgettable. Daenerys Targaryen's best friend is very pretty and very boring. I always forget her name. She is not a strong lead and cannot carry a film. Her friend was awful. When is Hollywood going to end the stereotypical obnoxious sassy sidekick of the lead? Her dialogue was forced, unfunny and existed to deliver certain talking points. The script was elementary, predictable and insulting. How did this make it to the big screen? The CW will probably turn it into a series one day.
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