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Kill The Messenger
Palidan4004 October 2014
"National security and crack cocaine in the same sentence. Does that not sound strange to you?" Kill The Messenger dives into an intense and important, often forgotten, segment of history. That being said, as the title implies, the film ultimately centralizes around reporter Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) and what happens to him when he comes across this shocking discovery. With strong performances by the cast and a clear focus by the director, the film comes out shaky in a few parts but overall provides a riveting and respectful look at this man's life.

Jeremy Renner is the star of this story, and he performs excellently. Renner fully commits into becoming Webb. Besides decently looking like the real Webb physically, he captures a wide range of emotions that the man would have faced - from being a cool reporter to a struggling and scared husband and father. Some characters do not impress as much in their performances, but Renner is able to carry the lead role well enough to support the film.

The cinematography and visuals fit the tone of the film very well. Stylized heavily with its colors and the other external footage it uses, the film gives off an aged and exciting feel, similar to other movies from past decades. What ties it all together though is its clear focus. Director Michael Cuesta has a clear goal of what he wants the film to be about - Gary Webb. While not all the scenes succeed in contributing to that, the majority of it is cohesive enough to let audiences understand the characters without losing the intensity and action of the larger picture - the cocaine smuggling.

With its commendable technical aspects and the important subject it deals with, Kill The Messenger is definitely a film worth seeing. Jeremy Renner and the director together bring a lot to the film, and while it's not entirely superb, it gives a good two hours of entertainment that means something, especially today. RATING: [8/10]
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Politically explosive film about President Reagan's support of Nicaraguan Contras with drug money
graupepillard24 October 2014
I try to see every one of Jeremy Renner's films after his great performance in Kathryn Bigelow's THE HURT LOCKER where he played a Sergeant in Iraq dismantling IED's (improvised explosive devices) in the dusty, tension filled streets of Baghdad. I will never forget a scene in the shower, water pouring over his bloodied body slowly slumping down to the ground, tears mixing in with the wet spray that was bathing his body; an attempt to cleanse his psyche of the horrors of warfare. In KILL THE MESSENGER directed by Michael Cuesta, based on a true story, Renner is in another descent - one that is politically driven - in an intense performance as Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb, an investigative journalist for the San Jose Mercury News writing a series entitled "Dark Alliance" on the CIA's drug dealing connection to the "Contras" in the war in Nicaragua in the 1980's. "…Webb investigated Nicaraguans linked to the CIA-backed Contras who had smuggled cocaine into the U.S. Their smuggled cocaine was distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles, with the profits funneled back to the Contras. Webb also alleged that this influx of Nicaraguan-supplied cocaine sparked, and significantly fueled, the widespread crack cocaine epidemic that swept through many U.S. cities during the 1980s. According to Webb, the CIA was aware of the cocaine transactions and the large shipments of drugs into the U.S. by Contra personnel. Webb charged that the Reagan administration shielded inner-city drug dealers from prosecution in order to raise money for the Contras, especially after Congress passed the Boland Amendment, which prohibited direct Contra funding…" (Wikipedia)

In this film we see the backlash to Webb's reporting including correspondents from the mighty NY Times, The LA Times and The Washington Post who had glazed over the story in their own papers; the tragic manipulation of facts in order to destroy the veracity of Webb's coverage of events. We view the absence of San Jose Mercury News' editorial support at critical moments in Webb's heroic scrutiny of the research; the Reagan Administration's financing of a war through drug trafficking pitting "truth vs. power"; the perversion of principle to the needs of "security" on the backs of the South Central Los Angeles community. One does not need to "kill the messenger" with bullets - one can do so through the media attacking the person not the story under the potent pressure of the government.

KILL THE MESSENGER attempts to portray Gary Webb in his domestic, familial role as a loving though humanly "flawed" father of 3 children, with a supportive loving wife (the beautiful actor Rosemarie De Witt) all in danger and threatened by Webb's probing into the murkiness of political sludge - the undisclosed secrets of the inner workings of government aired out inviting dirty revenge. This is also a David vs. Goliath tale - a lone person who in his "innocence" believes in the unveiling of the machinations of authority through the pen and the judiciousness of our legal system.

The portrait of Gary Webb is a tenacious and vivid study of idealism in the fight for the unearthing of corruption. I left the theater saddened and disheartened, but at the same time hopeful for those rare individuals who are fearless enough to stand up for what they believe when their support system has been paralyzed. Hard to do! They merit my deepest respect and admiration.
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Really liked the whole thing. A great drama.
bbickley13-921-5866414 October 2014
It was a movie that made me think, as it involved a different angle to a subject that I knew something about.

The trailer suggest that the movie is about the true story of Gary Webb's article that suggest the CIA were evolved with drug dealing as a way to fund a war in the 1980's, but as the title of the movie described the people read the article and ran with their own conspiracies which lead to a CIA cover up that lead to Webb's downward spiral.

It is an Intriguing tell of a journalist trying to keep his integrity while forces were trying to ruin it to keep their own.

Jeremy Renner drove his acting vehicle well, not well enough in my opinion to win an Oscar or anything, but it proves that he can headline anything.

Definitely a good movie to sit through.
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Journalism history forcefully told: This really happened.
JohnDeSando9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Winston Churchill

Gary Webb suffered greatly for writing about the CIA's enabling drug selling on US streets to fund the Nicaraguan contras in the '90's. As a sincere but flawed muckraker, he pursued the truth writing for the San Jose Mercury News and, naturally, incurred the wrath of the feds.

While nothing is surprising given the fame of the incident, director Michael Cuesta approaches this "inspired-by" biopic also as a thriller with dramatic underpinnings. The film allows us to be caught up in the drama of a reporter catching a big one, only to have the fish the size of Moby Dick. As Webb tries to hold on to his family, despite warnings they are vulnerable, we go deeper with him into the frustrations of cowardly colleagues and questionable contacts, who stand ready to compromise the integrity of his series called Dark Alliance.

The specter of All the President's Men haunts most stories about idealistic journalists, and it is no different here. Webb is a dedicated, overzealous journalist who seeks the truth while fulfilling his natural-born inclination to cause trouble. As such, his publisher, Jerry Ceppos (Oliver Platt), must deal with the CIA's and prominent news organizations' allegations about Webb's uneven reporting, which jeopardizes the reputation of his newspaper because of his sometimes questionable conclusions from dicey sources and the incendiary nature of the allegations, including how much money actually made it to the contras or how large the drug operations were.

After all Webb's investigations, nothing is more explosive than his allegations that this cocaine trafficking was responsible for the crack crisis in large cities like Los Angeles. Major newspapers like The New York Times went after Webb and his imperfect reporting. His editor said, "We couldn't support some of the statements that had been made."

Eventually Webb committed suicide even though the CIA had admitted involvement or at least knowledge of the trafficking. The pursuit of truth for reporters is not easy, nor has the well-known adage of killing the messenger abated in the least. This film is as exciting as any thriller, and just as depressing.
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National Security and Crack Cocaine
ferguson-612 October 2014
Greetings again from the darkness. This is one of those true stories that probably works better as a drama than as a documentary. Jeremy Renner brings passion and believability to his role as infamous journalist Gary Webb. This allows us to gain insight into Mr. Webb as a father, husband and man, rather than only as a fiery investigative reporter.

You likely recall Webb's published story from 1996, when his research uncovered the likelihood that cocaine imported into the US was being sold as crack cocaine and the profits were going towards funding arms for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. The kicker being that the CIA was well aware of these activities.

The film presents Webb as an idealist, too naive to comprehend that the story would have ramifications to his employer, his family and his self. The use of actual news footage adds a dose of reality, as does the mention of Ronald Reagan, Oliver North, John Kerry ... and even the role Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky played in outshining the ultimate acknowledgment of Webb's work.

The underlying message here ... beyond the governmental cover-up ... is the lack of a true free press. Of course, this issue remains front and center today, but in this particular instance, it's surprising to see the influence and pressure applied by outside forces. It's further proof that any hope for checks and balances from our news outlets was snuffed out many years ago.

The movie is based on two books: Gary Webb's own "Dark Alliance" and Nick Shou's "Kill the Messenger". The frustration as a viewer is derived from the fragmented presentation brought on by steady stream of new characters who mostly only appear in one or maybe two scenes. The list of known actors is impressive: Rosemary DeWitt, Oliver Platt, Robert Patrick, Tim Blake Nelson, Michael Sheen, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Paz Vega, Barry Pepper, Michael Kenneth Williams, Andy Garcia, Gil Bellows, Lucas Hedges, Richard Schiff, and Ray Liotta. That should help explain what I mean by fragmented.

The story is an important one and the film is worth seeing. It's impossible to not think of All the President's Men while watching. The Grandaddy of crusading journalism continues to produce heirs ... even those that are a black eye for the newspaper industry and our government.
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Renner kills it
Mr-Fusion27 August 2022
"Kill the Messenger" details the tragic story of Gary Webb, the local newsman who blew the CIA/crack-in-L. A. story wide open. The scandal itself is heavy stuff, but the mini-biopic squeezed in there is also a downer. I enjoyed watching this film, but I think when the script gets distracted by family drama, things get muddled.

It is a well-made film and the cast is remarkable, top to bottom. But this is a Jeremy Renner operation without question. He's completely invested in the role, Webb's integrity comes through; it's a performance that demands attention. Sure, I'd watch this again, and mostly for him.
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"My friend, some stories are just too true to tell."
classicsoncall3 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have an object lesson on what it means to take on the government, and it's not pretty. Journalist Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) accidentally discovers a major story about the CIA's involvement in aiding and abetting drug trafficking into the country, and while it becomes a major scoop for a relatively small, home town newspaper, it very quickly becomes a taboo subject when the CIA pressures major newspapers to go after Webb for using 'unreliable' sources. The backdrop is the Contra scandal of the 1980's, with the illicit money gained from the drug deals going toward the supply of arms and ammunition to the freedom fighting rebels of Nicaragua. It's one of those 'ends justifies the means' examples often cited to attain a worthwhile outcome using dubious, if not outright illegal and immoral methods. One can admire Webb's courage and integrity in pursuing the story, while questioning the very manner in which he put the lives of himself and his family in danger. For some, what remains an easy choice can often end in tragedy, as the real life Gary Webb resigned from his job and wound up a suicide victim seven years later. This is one of those films that almost forces you to consider what you would do under similar circumstances, with not many willing to stomach the harassment and lies that come with the territory.
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Superb acting,writing & three interwoven themes: government corruption, whistle blower retaliation, rare integrity
Kansas-513 October 2014
I drove 140 miles, round trip, in foreboding weather, to attend the nearest U.S. opening.

It was well worth it.

First some context.

I've freelanced for decades, including during a war, successfully exposed major governmental corruption, weathered concerted retaliation and have been regularly appalled at the weakness of corporate, bureaucratic and political weasels who abandoned ideals, professionalism and integrity, "going along to get along." I was aware of Webb's writing and vilification at the time they occurred, in the late '90s, but for over 50 years I had a front row seat for even pre-Nixonian "drug wars" through the "crack epidemic," genocidal American imperialism, and the treatment of many other reporters who dared challenge the status quo, who had the courage to painfully examine the quaint and naive notion of collective national decency.

Webb's story, so artfully recounted and performed, was unfortunately true. He was accused of distorting the actuality of Reagan-era hypocrisy, but his reporting was accurate. He never accused the CIA of intentionally destroying the social fabric of minority communities, but made it clear that Harlem and Watts and Chicago's South Side were victims of "collateral damage," the inevitable consequences of the abandonment of any pretense of morality ostensibly possessed by the Reagan administration.

Indeed, spurred by new information about the practice of questionable property seizures, Webb had once again picked at the scab covering the decade-old, gangrenous infestation of our government, later well described by Robert Parry in his October 2004 Salon piece, "How Kerry exposed the Contra-cocaine scandal." To get the story, Webb had exposed himself to blood curdling danger, both at his own home in the U.S. and on the scene, in Central America.

Perhaps the worst betrayal of public trust by this film is depicted in recapitulation of the collective response of the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, after being pressured by the CIA and the State Department. The papers' responded with hyperactive involvement in the personal destruction of Webb's reporting, reputation and life. Previously. the same papers, pressured by Reagan administration officials, buried Senator John Kerry's investigation, and shared subsequent malfeasance in their facilitating the Bush/Cheney administration's illegal and genocidal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The NY Times and Post had some odious history themselves. Reporters Ray Bonner and Alma Guillermoprieto were reassigned to boring beats after their courageous exposure of the incredibly savage El Mozote Massacre in El Salvador.

There, the U.S. trained, funded and armed Atlacatl Battalion murdered almost a thousand peasants, largely neutral evangelical Protestants, and mostly women and children, on December 11, 1981. Stanley Miesler's El Mozote Case Study, published in the Columbia Journalism Review, exhaustively documented their fates.

This film captured all those similar disgraceful elements. It needs to be seen by a wider audience just as it would be wise to make "Dr. Strangelove" part of a core curriculum in the formal education of American adolescents.
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Fascinating story, crippled by a boring direction.
imseeg17 April 2020
This story is wild and out of control, yet this movie about it is so tame and feel good and predictable and even a bit boring. I really think the director has missed an opportunity to make a great, suspenseful movie.

I would rather watch any classic paranoia thriller from the seventies like "All The President's Men", " The Parallax View" or "Three Days of the Condor". Those movie are about government conspiracies as well, but those seventies classics are full on suspenseful and riveting from the beginning till the very end, while "Kill The Messenger" consists of a lot of husband and wife talks, which simply deflates any thrill.

Conclusion: tedious execution of a fascinating story.
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Gripping and Important
clg23813 October 2014
"Kill the Messenger" is both a very gripping film and an important film. Even though I know what our government was up to in those days (as if things have changed), I could hardly breathe, anticipating what would come next in the movie. My only concern about the film is the speculation that those who are ignorant of what occurred in those days would grasp that the money from drug sales went to buy weapons (it was almost glossed over). The acting in this film is superb, with one exception (the person who played Coral Baca--way overdone and not convincing). Knowing that the film is based on true events gives it amazing heft. I think it's an unforgettable portrayal of how our government can go astray--it's history but also a warning for those of us who have been demoralized by the current state of politics and who tend to trust certain names in the media. The film should be required viewing by every member of Congress, by every high school student, by those who call themselves journalists.
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Some movies just make you mad....
awvknj6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The subject of this movie (based on a true story) is definitely a story that deserves to be told ...but what happened in real life was glossed over and explained away. So this movie doesn't end well, because telling the story didn't end well fir Gary.

He couldn't get any official sources on the record because they didn't want to die and he ended up dead. I can't believe his family actually believed it was a suicide. Well maybe they didn't want to die either. So nobody will tell the truth on the record. But Gary wrote a book about it after he left the paper and before his "suicide " And somebody felt it deserved to be told in this movie. The acting was great and the storyline intense but it didn't manage to fulfill its potential the way the film ended up being presented not sure if that is due to direction? Screenplay? Editing? Not the acting or the subject matter.

It seems the days of investigative journalism (such as in time of Watergate) are long gone-sold out long ago to special interests. Media and dirty politics successfully hijack the real news to distract from the truth; The CIA releasing the 400 page report should've exonerated Gary instead he ends up dead by suicide it does not compute and he deserves the real story to be told least this movie is a step in the right direction.
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This Journalist Happy To See This Get Into The Light
Theterritorial12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Partial spoiler alert.

See this film. As an investigative reporter that worked on a connected aspect of this entire saga (we exposed one of the CIA drug/arms pilots and how he was indicted in San Diego, only to get off scott-free living in New Zealand), I saw this unfold in real time when Gary Webb's own editor Jerry Ceppos (spoiler here) reversed course and betrayed him at the San Jose Mercury News.

This film will anger and depress even the most casual viewer. However, for an investigative reporter who has never gotten over what happened to Webb, the only positive takeaway - besides the fact that Webb was right and he could have gone further - is that the world can now see Ceppos for what he is.

The worm went into academia and is out there still lecturing on "journalistic ethics" - which, as the term applies to him, is the ultimate oxymoron.

Considering how convoluted the entire saga was and remains to this day - this film is done in an extraordinary fashion. Renner is Oscar worthy here. The cast is outstanding.
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this one came first
ksf-225 April 2021
When a random reader brings a hot tip to reporter Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) in the 1990s, he starts to dig deeper. These days, we're much more skeptical of documents and sources, but of course, this describes the events from the mid 1980s, when they weren't so careful, and it wasn't so easy to forge documents. The more Webb digs, the more he uncovers. Were the gov big wigs were involved with bringing drugs into the U. S. to raise money for their own personal causes? Causes which congress was not interested in funding. When word gets out that Webb is investigating this, the threats and intimidation begin. And not just from the government. This film has some overlap with American Made.. the story of Barry Seal, who flew drugs, photos, and soldiers for the CIA. Kill the Messenger came first, and shows the work the authors did to uncover what occurred. Directed by michael cuesta. Has done television and film. Based on original material by Gary Webb and Nick Schou. Great stuff.
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Interesting story at its core but movie wasn't well done.
mariamakesmusic5 November 2019
Only reason I kept watching was the fact this had a real life component. After that I was underwhelmed by the movie's fabricated characters. None of the actors came across like they really understood the true people they were portraying - many roles - the news media outlet - the shady CIA agents came across as one dimensional. Made for TV vibe throughout.
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A captivating and thought-provoking film
akcenat22 October 2023
Kill the Messenger (2014) is a captivating and thought-provoking film that chronicles the real-life story of Gary Webb, a journalist who uncovered a CIA plot to fund the Contras in Nicaragua by selling cocaine in the inner cities of America.

The first half of the film is electrifying, as Webb meticulously pieces together the evidence of this clandestine operation. Jeremy Renner delivers a powerful performance as Webb, conveying his unwavering determination to expose the truth. But, the film's second half takes a more somber turn as Webb faces the consequences of his reporting. He is ostracized by his colleagues, vilified by the CIA, and subjected to a relentless smear campaign. The film does a powerful job of portraying the toll that this takes on Webb and his family.

While the film's two halves have different tones, they are both equally compelling. The first half is a gripping thriller, while the second half is a moving exploration drama of the power of truth.

Overall, Kill the Messenger is a powerful film that deserves to be seen. It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of speaking out against those in power, but it is also a testament to the importance of fighting for what is right.

Rating: 7 out of 10.
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Finding the Truth has its Ugly Consequences..
saikatsamanta7 July 2021
A true story about the reporter Gary Webb who uncovered the CIA's alliance with Druglords to fund the Nicaraguan War, which resulted in American Cities getting flooded with Cocaine and the subsequent backlash that he received which destroyed his personal & professional life. A very taut & sleek crime drama directed by Michael Cuesta, with Jeremy Renner as the magnificent lead, portraying a resilient truth seeker & a loving family man equally well. It showed how far & deep the Government Machinery will go to hide its dirty secrets as even the crew of the film received pressure from the Government to not proceed with making this.
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Great until the last second...
susanrusciano196012 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this is an excellent film with fine performances, particularly Mr. Renner's. It's also an important film because it's committed to telling the truth; however, this is also where it falls down literally in the last few seconds, right before the credits roll.

I saw this a little before its release at a film series where we had an interview/Q&A with the director afterwards. He did exhaustive research in creating this film, and it was only from a question that an audience member asked that I realized that I had been misled by the film. Now, this film is about the truth, and one of the ways that the journalist's original story is undermined in the film is the way that the story was packaged, particularly the sensationalistic image that accompanied the story--the CIA logo on a crack-pipe. It overstates and sensationalizes the story's point. Then director Michael Cuesta turns around and does the same thing at the end of his movie.

The story that Michael Cuesta tells is tragic--the journalist is killed not literally by the CIA or angry drug lords, but professionally by his own colleagues. The loss of his career exacerbates his depression, and eventually he is found dead "with two gunshots to the head." Then the last line states that it was ruled by the police as a suicide.

Now, everyone in the theater had the same reaction--"TWO gunshots to the head? So, he was killed and it was covered up, I guess." It wasn't until someone asked what seemed like an obvious question and inquired about the two gunshots and the ruling of suicide that Mr. Cuesta explained that there had never been any doubt that the shots were self-inflicted (one slight miss, one fatal), and that the journalist had left notes, etc.

Without the explanation, including the detail about the two gunshots is entirely disingenuous. Sort of like a CIA logo on a crack-pipe--deliberately misleading and manipulative behavior in a film about the truth.
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Well done keeps the can of worms open
phd_travel18 November 2014
This is a true story about a San Jose Mercury News journalist who wrote articles about the CIA and cocaine being brought into California in order to fund contras in Nicaragua. Good to see the journalist's difficulties in exposing big issues. In the light of all the whistle blowing of recent days it's interesting to see the earlier cases that didn't have the media explosion of today.

It's told in a matter of fact way. There is a familiar cast who don't have too big personalities so they are believable. Jeremy Renner suits the role well your typical everyman against the establishment. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is good too - not to glamorous but watchable.

After watching this movie it makes one want to read up further into all sides of the story like did the Washington Post attack the journalist rather than further investigate the issue and how much of the CIA's involvement is fact vs fiction.
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GREAT! Timely, accurate and gripping.
caiorearte19 December 2014
I must say this is coming from someone who studied the case for many days and nights.

Kill the Messenger is based on a book I didn't read. I read "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion".

I think that Dark Alliance needs to be filmed, too. Although the movie draws from Dark Alliance too, it didn't dedicate a lot of time to explaining the geopolitical intricacies into which Gary got in his book. In fact, it doesn't cover the writing of the book Dark Alliance very much. It gets very much into the writing of the newspaper series and its aftermath.

That said, it's a hell of a story and it's a very well constructed movie.

Jeremy Renner must have put his heart into it. I hope he doesn't forget the story and comes back to it later. Plus, I'm very eager to buy the DVD with extras, commentary and, especially, a Director's Cut. Something like Oliver's Stone Director's Cut of JFK - a different movie, targeted at a different audience, longer and more detailed on the whole.

I liked the movie. Unfortunately, this didn't get the publicity treatment it deserved. Hopefully, it will not be forgotten and create some follow-up.
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Good movie.....lousy history.
ryan-anderson27 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
To start off with, I really enjoyed Renner's performance......and I think it's a story worth telling. But what I noticed most of all is the almost endless inaccuracies, omissions, and misleading info while watching it. Setting the record straight:

-Blandon did NOT testify that the CIA came to him and asked them to run drugs. He testified that it was either Meneses or Enrique Bermudez (in the grand jury transcript called "Enrique Ramunez"), it's not clear which one (Blandon's English wasn't clear at times), is who asked him. In either case, neither person amounts to representing the CIA: Meneses definitely was not, and Bermudez wasn't either. And Blandon himself later specifically denied that Bermudez asked him to raise money through drug smuggling. Meneses said the same thing. The SJMN quoted Bermudez (via Blandon) as saying the "ends justify the means". But Blandon himself said he didn't take that as meaning they should traffic in drugs.

-The drug cartels had set up routes and were mass importing the drugs into California and Florida (and elsewhere) before the Contras were even in business. (Ergo the Contras sparking any crack epidemic (as Webb claimed) in LA or elsewhere is preposterous.)

-It's also worth pointing out the crack epidemic did not end when the Contras shut down in 1990. Ergo, the trade obviously didn't hinge on their (or their supporters) involvement.

-To illustrate the previous point: according to 'The War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia', by the late 1980's: "an estimated 300 Colombian trafficking groups and 20,000 Colombians were involved in the cocaine trade in the United States. At least 5,000 of the Colombians who worked for the cartels lived in the Miami area and another 6,000 in the Los Angeles area." In other words: the cartels had about as much manpower in the United States alone than were in the entire Contra movement. (The Medellin cartel employed 750,000 people in Medellin.)

-Ross had other (non-Contra) suppliers besides Blandon and he was mixed up in drugs before he ever met him. Other LA dealers (like "Tootie" Reese) had established links with the South American cartels before Blandon met Ross.

-Webb gives the number (in 'Dark Alliance'; the book not the series) Blandon sold to Ross at around 5 tons. By DEA estimates, more cocaine went to Los Angeles in a *single* year (i.e. 1980; before Blandon was selling to Ross) than Ross sold over 8-10 years.

-Ross's suppliers were not Contras who went into dealing to support them.....they were dealers sympathetic to their cause who kept most of the money they made. That's an important distinction. Most provable estimates of what they gave the Contras was around 50-100 thousand dollars.

-Ross and Blandon had more money than the United States gave the Contras total (we are talking in the hundreds of millions). So if the Contras were running on drug money, why did the war grind to a halt once the USA cut off aid? Furthermore, why even bother with the Contra aspect of Iran-Contra (which got them maybe 2 million from the diversions of the arms sales to Iran) when all that coke money was supposedly out there?

-The movie also depicts (some would say "fabricates" is a more accurate term) a number instances of personal harassment (and contact) of Webb by the government and its agencies. Before he even writes the story, some "agents"/"a few guys from D.C." meet with him and try to warn him off and also make a implied threat against his family. Ray Liota plays a CIA agent who sneaks into Webb's hotel room in the middle of the night to tell him he is right. And finally, Webb fires a warning shot at a guy hanging around his car at night. Following that, some unidentified people start going through Webb's files while he is talking to the police. To my knowledge, even Webb didn't claim ANY of these events happened. I think the closest thing to this was the fact Webb once shot a would-be car thief who came at him. But this was in Kentucky and years before he came across the Dark Alliance story.

-Webb did not endorse the wild conspiracy theories put forth by a lot of people like Maxine Waters. But he didn't distance himself from these people either. So that didn't help his cause.

-At the end of the film, a number of misleading statements appear on the screen. For one, it mentions the the Director of the CIA's appearance in a "town hall" type meeting with the citizens of south central Los Angeles, and that the director left the CIA a month later. That leaves the impression Deutch left the CIA because of the Dark Alliance series. Deutch was actually forced out because the Clinton administration was upset with his testimony to Congress on Iraq. A statement is also made that the CIA released a report that acknowledged the fact they "...associated with members of the Contra movement who engaged in drug trafficking." True. But just not the ones Webb wrote about. The mentioned report specifically denies that the agency ever had any contact with Ross, Blandon, or Meneses. Furthermore, that report (and the unmentioned DOJ report), far from being a vindication for the Dark Alliance series, blew a great many holes in the story. And finally, Webb's two shot suicide is mentioned. The movie states it was "ruled" a suicide. But there is little doubt. Webb had made arrangements for his cremation (as well as other things), and even his own family does not doubt it was a suicide based on his actions before hand. (Nick Schou covers this in 'Kill The Messenger'. In a way, it was kind of good this aspect of Webb's life was omitted from the film because it made for some depressing reading.)

So a good movie.....but pretty flimsy history.
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An Explosive Exposé Important Enough To Suppress
theSachaHall17 November 2014
The longer I cogitate on Michael Cuesta's KILL THE MESSENGER, the more I realise just how unobtrusively compelling this film truly is.

Inspired by the life of Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) and his 'Dark Alliance' exposé on the explosion of crack cocaine in the United States (which inevitably ruined his career), the film draws attention to the power and reach of fourth and fifth estate journalism and to the subjective objectivism of its gatekeepers.

Having said all that, if you take the time to reach beyond this controversial surface story and embrace Sean Bobbitt's intimate framing and selective foci, you'll discover Gary; a doggedly passionate and humanly flawed individual whose good intention to report a story 'just too true to tell' results in an overwhelmingly biased and unfair challenge on his credibility and integrity with devastating consequences.

Renner's (THE HURT LOCK, THE BOURNE LEGACY) performance is captivating in its subtlety; allowing momentary characters including Norwin Meneses (Andy Garcia), Fred Weil (Michael Sheen) and Jerry Ceppos (Oliver Platt) to drive the story's factual elements in a similar manner experienced by Webb. The use of medium and close-up shots and oscillating lighting gives you a bird's eye view to Renner's struggles as the voraciously shocking professional and personal smear campaign takes its toll. Renner becomes more unashamedly haggard with dwindling moments of indignation on screen at each roadblock. It may also explain why Cuesta opted to gloss over the pivotal points of this sad story and tie it up in Webb's panegyric acceptance speech and closing title card.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this film and would recommend that you take some time out to see it. Sure it has its flaws –but so does Gary Webb and the story itself - but that's why it works. As Webb said on reflection 'The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job. The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough to suppress'.

You can catch me at my handle and at The Hollywood News.
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A Man Vilified for what he believed and proved to be right too late- May contain a spoiler
joe16vind11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Much criticism has been leveled against KTM; while true are not entirely accurate.

the script does have inconsistencies- holes as it were and the dialogue is typically screen writing 101 and if you didn't know Sue Webb left him, the film certainly would have her do so to drive plot points. The direction ineffective at best. Much is oversimplified with multiple character actors appearing in cameos to represent various viewpoints or to push the plot forward. It's as if the subject matter was too much for Cuesta to handle. While he's reverential toward Webb, he does the man a disservice by creating instances that never occurred. Scenes with his family life seemed contrived and uncomfortable for all involved. Loud groans were heard amongst the audience I saw it with- It appears the film will find its footing on Showtime/HBO/Cinemax.

At the beginning "this is based on true events" was the flag that said we made up stuff. However, the film does hit/cover all the salient points of Webb's life.

A few scenes echoed The Insider/Shattered Glass failing to resonate. I kept thinking how different this would have been in the hands of another director. Better dialogue would have sharpened intent/effect.

What Kill the Messenger strives to be is this millenia's The Insider and falls short. Renner in a few scenes shows us a man defeated by the very thing that made him so good at what he does. When he realizes he is alone without even those he loved to love him through it, Renner was heartbreaking. It is a commendable first effort by Renner's production company.

For myself, the film in the end is average with Renner's performance elevating Kill the Messenger to watchablity.
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Risking for the Truth
billygoat107115 October 2014
To be exact, Kill the Messenger isn't mainly about the CIA conspiracy which was exposed in 1996. This is more of Gary Webb's journey of unraveling some secrets behind the story and facing the consequences of revealing too much classified information to the public. The film shifts from conspiracy thriller to familial drama to give a clear statement of what struggles do honest journalists usually get. The direction seems to have higher interests when it comes to the conspiracy thriller mode, but when it eases down, it doesn't have the same enthusiasm. Thankfully, the star of the film, Jeremy Renner, carries the whole thing, making the overall experience absolutely engrossing.

The film isn't really that straightforward when it comes to its historical side, though the first half does have a keen focus on picking up huge details from one source to another. The film triumphs when it only stays to that root, taking us to a process of how journalism works. But that point didn't get much of the flow, because again the whole message of this film is the danger of getting into this situation. The other half of the movie concerns Webb's protection with his family, while it is important to get to know about his personal life, it sort of feels like a stretched intrusion to what else interesting happening. The rest of the story, specifically the effects of the exposé to the public, remains to be a series of real life footage of mobs and interviews. The film comes to life once again when they face the actual consequences instead of verbalizing their paranoia.

It could have been clunky, but the film totally benefits having Jeremy Renner. Even at its weakest scenes, the actor tend to bring real depth and tension, joining the audience to what his role is going through. This performance alone can be an instant recommendation to its entirety. The direction, as said, seems to spare its energy more on the investigation and suspense, which could have been straightforward in reporting the facts and putting the melodrama to the sidelines. The craft is solid as well, there are some strong production and stunning shots to be found.

Kill the Messenger is more ambitious in its sentiments of valuing the truth and going against political corruption, but it doesn't satisfy enough to reporting its history, especially when the movie is really good at depicting it. It just eventually becomes a cautionary film for journalists about exposing a vulnerable truth, showing us the main character and his family possibly at risk after what he has done. It works when it finally acknowledges that the government is now their enemy and building suspense behind Webb's back, but when it focuses to the drama of his personal life, it doesn't seem to fit on the pieces, however whatever made it still thoroughly watchable, again, is the acting of Renner. This is the type of merit that steals much of the value of the film, even if it's flawed in storytelling, the appeal just keeps on going.
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Kill the Messenger Review
Allen_The-Shep_Shepherd9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My Thoughts:

When I first saw the trailer I thought this would be a good movie. I couldn't remember some of the things that were happening in it but once I sat down and started watching this movie I was like "Man I remember seeing something like that on TV". I never knew the full story of it though.

We really kind of get two stories in this movie the first is we are given Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) investigative report for the San Jose Mercury News who just broke a story involving the US Government seizing alleged drug dealers property before they had even been convicted. This leads to him getting a tip that the US Government was involved in something much bigger than that and with the blessing of his editor he sets off tracking down the story. And the end of this part of the story is him turning it in and watching the world explode with the story.

The second part comes really right before Gary Webb turns in the story he is invited to sit down with the CIA and supposedly talk to them about what he was investigating. Instead they just want to intimidate him into giving up the story and move onto something else. Well needless to say that doesn't work so they begin with the smear campaign to ruin his reputation and have people doubt him.

I have to say this was a movie that kept me trying to think ahead and figure out what was going to happen. Like I said I don't remember this story in detail so I am sure there are those of you out there that know more about this than I do and really probably more than the current generation will ever really know or care. This was in a time when people still believed that their Government was trying to fight the good fight. This was the time that Ronald and Nancy Reagan were on their "Just say No to Drugs" campaign when all this was going down. I think nowadays we see a story about the Government doing something shady and we all sigh and go really again?!

This is one of those movies that show us that the Government is not always the kind benevolent benefactor we thought. The crap that they put Gary Webb through just so they could say they didn't do something that they really did is despicable. They ruined a journalists life who just wanted to make sure the public knew the truth and no one stood up or believed in him once the CIA started in.

On a side note I really find it funny when you get done watching a based on a true story and seeing the actors portray a real life character they then show you what the real people look like and you go wow and they picked so and so to play him. Just my little side note and humor.

My Recommendation:

Go see it. I know these based on true stories don't always tell the full story but I think it is an interesting story and if it engages your mind to want to learn more about what really went down than that is never a bad thing in my mind.
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Great subject, average movie
dmann13516 February 2015
Even though I'd never heard of Gary Webb, I wanted to see the movie because the story sounded interesting and I enjoy movies based on true events. I'm wiser for having watched it, but to call it a movie might be a stretch. It's almost like the director didn't want to use creative license, so he just left stuff out. There's a focus on Webb the family man, but hardly enough to endear the viewer to him or his family. There's a focus on his investigative reporting, but its not like the movie followed the events step-by-step, which would have been great. Then, to top it all off, they plug Ray Liotta and Andy Garcia in as pivotal figures to Webb's investigation, but they only get like 5 minutes of screen time. You expect to see them again at some point but never do. Again, the decision to make a film on this subject was great, the vision for the movie, however, doesn't do the subject matter justice. Great subject, average movie.
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